writing response


Writing Response: Antigone (lines 781-1350)
1. Choose one passage of 1-3 continuous lines from Antigone and quote it.
2. Explain its meaning in context: what are the different perspectives on
Antigone’s death and how is this represented OR what are the different
explanations of her act and what does this signify? You can also use your notes
from class to help with your response, but I want to see your thoughts come
through, not just what was included in lecture.
3. Raise 1-3 questions specifically related to this reading for discussion (this
can be a question(s) related to your quote, the reading as a whole, something you
were confused about, something that stood out to you, etc.).

This is an example of you preliminarily engaging with the reading. It benefits your class
engagement and gives you another chance to think things through. It will then improve
your papers because you will have practiced organizing your ideas and creating a
I will take note of questions people ask and themes they are interested in and try to bring
them up in class. That way, the course will more closely address your concerns.

Week 10 Discussion


  1. Select one of the versions of “Little Red Riding Hood” you’ve chosen to work with for this unit.
  2. Identify this version and, after reviewing “Conventions of Fairy Tales,” explain how the version you chose does or does not fit the fairy tale genre.
  3. Based on the materials explored so far in this unit (i.e., all the sources you’ve found for MA 3), what have you found the most interesting or surprising?


  1. Share the MLA citations and completed annotations for at least four sources from GA 6, one of which MUST be a peer reviewed journal (see Unit 3 Assignments sheet or the GA 6 dropbox for instructions).
  2. Each annotation should appear directly beneath the citation.
  3. Please copy and paste your work into the discussion post box so that your peers can easily read your work; don’t upload the document or link to a Google doc.)
  4. Then, type a question that you have about the assignment, OR discuss your plans for completing the assignment. You might also discuss how difficult/easy it was to find a journal article related to your source.

Health Info Technology and strategic planning


W2 Assignment 1: Health Information Technology & Preparing for Strategic Planning

Instructions: Imagine you are the CIO of a new healthcare system. You have been asked to create a strategic plan for HIT needs within the organization.  In order to create the plan, you have decided to do some pre-work to help you prepare and think about the planning process. Your pre-work involves reflecting on how you will align the HIT strategic plan with the organization’s own plan and what types of information you would like to include. 

Prepare a “pre-work” document by answering the following questions. Each answer should consist of at least 2-3 paragraphs. 

What factors should be considered when developing a consistent HIT strategy?

Should the HIT strategy be developed with the HIT department in mind and then aligned with the organizational strategy, or should the HIT strategy be developed with the organizational strategy in mind? Why?

What will be your approach to the strategic planning process? For example, will you assign committees? Should you bring in consultants?

What will be some of the key categories/sections in your strategic plan?

Chicago’s 2.0 Plan to end Homelessness Program Evaluation Bibliography


The end goal is to conduct a successful program evaluation of Chicago’s 2.0 Plan to end Homelessness. Before you do that you must compile peer- reviewed journal articles on the topic- or similar topic (perhaps the same program but in another state).

I am attaching an example of how your paper should look like below as well as Chicago’s 2.0 Plan to end Homeslessness

In this paper please do the following:

Conduct independent research to locate and review a number of peer-reviewed journal articles related to your Evaluation’s topic (The topic is Chicago’s 2.0 Plan to end Homelessness)

Select four (4) peer-reviewed journal articles that you feel should be included in a literature review for your paper. Pay particular attention to key scholars/researchers whose names are repeatedly mentioned in the Reference lists of the articles you find. You will want to carefully select articles published in the most prestigious journals in the field. Three must be 2020 or more recent.

Compose an annotation for each peer-reviewed article that follows the guidelines herein and clearly label each section with the headings below:

nsg612 Integrating Theory and Research for Evidence-Based Practice


Review and reflect on the knowledge you have gained from this course. Based on your review and reflection, write at least 3 paragraphs on the following:

  • As you reflect on the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing, what essentials did this course assist you in meeting?
  • How will you integrate your newly learned theory into current practice?
  • How will practice integration of these essentials improve patient outcomes?

The Main Post should include at least 2 references to research sources published within the past 5 years, and all sources should be cited using APA format.

Responses to Other Students: Respond to at least 2 of your fellow classmates with at least a 250-word reply about their Primary Task Response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions:

  • What did you learn from your classmate’s posting?
  • What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?
  • What clarification do you need regarding the posting?
  • What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmates’ postings?

Choosing your Focus


Prior to beginning this assignment, review all the required readings from the first three weeks. During this course, you have been developing your knowledge in the area of learning and cognition and in the final week of this course, you will develop a Final Project based on the topics we will explore throughout the course. This writing assignment supports your success on the final project. Prior to beginning this assignment, review the components of an annotated bibliography

For this this Annotated Bibliography, you will research at least five peer-reviewed articles published within the last ten years to support your analysis of one of the following topics:

Behavior Analysis (previously known as behaviorism)

The topic you choose should be based on the area in which you would most like to develop your knowledge. Your choice should also consider your current interests in psychology and support your future career or personal goals.There are 4 components to this assignment:

Introduction: Include your chosen focus area and your motivation for choosing this area to study further

  • The Annotated Bibliography itself
  • A Conclusion

Part of a group project. Gentrification


I have a group work project that is halfway done. I need you to add 100 words for each of the picture or a map. It should be the continuation of the writings that are already there. Half is written for each I will attach it. I will also attach the instructions for the project for you to understand what to add.

Instructions for the project:

Your presentations must engage with Boston’s critique of gentrification as a process of “racialized neglect” and “racialized reinvestment.” As you choose your images and create your maps, think about the history of your chosen neighborhood and city, as well as the social composition (race, class, ethnicity) of its residents. Your Story Map must consist of no less than four images.

Make sure to provide proper citations for all maps and images used, as well as a list of references at the end of your stories. You must use either a current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association or the summarized and abstracted version by Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab 

Finance 002 assignmet 1


Project #1:  Track Your Expenses 

In this assignment, you will:

Identify expenses incurred over the course of a 4-week period

If you spend money, save a receipt and write it down (this is cash out-flow)

At the end of the 4-week period, total your expenses on the “Project1-Track-Expense” Excel file. 

SAVE YOUR RECEIPTS: Only write down transactions for goods, services, bills, etc. 

Do not write down ATM cash withdrawals (that is not an expense). As you spend the cash you withdrew, record each transaction in your worksheet.

If you have difficulty remembering how much you have spent, use an envelope to keep track of receipts.

If you make a purchase that does not provide a receipt, use a scrap of paper to write it down and put it inside the envelope. Label your expenses.

Discussion Question?


This week’s focus is on the critical subject of data breaches, specifically focusing on the healthcare sector. As future nurses, it is imperative that we understand the magnitude of this issue, the implications for patient privacy, and the strategies we can employ to mitigate these risks.

For this discussion, I would like each of you to explore the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse website, particularly the sections related to data breaches. This resource provides extensive information on various types of breaches, including those that impact health information.

  1. Visit Privacy Rights Clearinghouse and familiarize yourself with the content related to
  2. breaches: http://www.privacyrights.orgLinks to an external site.
  3. Choose one recent health information breach to discuss. Provide details about the incident, including how it occurred, the type of data compromised, and the number of individuals affected.
  4. Identify one strategy that could be used to prevent such breaches and protect the privacy of Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Personal Health Information (PHI).
  5. Explain how this strategy could be applied in a real-world healthcare setting to improve data security and patient privacy.

Describe how sociocultural factors influence what are considered “normal” sexual behaviors.



Your assignment must:

Evaluate the behavior of the individual in each case.

Explain whether is sexual behavior is “normal” or abnormal and why.

  • If you were to give each person advice, what would you tell them?


  • Mr. Jones is a 72-year-old man. He lost his first wife four years ago, but recently began dating another woman. He is concerned because he is “only able to have sex twice a week” and is seeking an intervention that will enhance his sexual performance.
  • Kenny is a 14-year-old boy. Recently, he and his best friend Rob have begun mutually masturbating together after school.
  • Sarah is a 28-year-old female. She has been married for 5 years, but has never had an orgasm with her husband. She reports that she is not concerned about not having an orgasm because she finds the sexual contact with her husband pleasurable in other ways.
  • Pat and Jan have been in a monogamous relationship for 8 years. They usually have sex with each other once a week. During their sex, Pat enjoys slapping Jan in the face and Jan enjoys being slapped.