airizona college of nursing Islamic civilizations questions


first part. 200 words for each question. For this discussion, choose 3 of the following options:

  • Explain the importance of history to the study of intercultural communication
  • Explain why stereotypes interfere with intercultural communication. How can we avoid stereotyping?
  • What is the doctrine of “Manifest Destiny” and what was its impact?
  • Explain the four functions that prejudice may serve and give an example for each one.
  • Identify and explain the major social issues facing modern Japan.
  • What social issues are faced in modern India?
  • Explain the major social issues facing Islamic civilizations today?
  • 2nd part , 200 words each For this discussion, choose 3 of the following options:
    • What is perception? Explain the characteristics of perception.
    • Define values and provide at least two intercultural examples.
    • List and explain six of the thirteen values identified by Kohls as “the values Americans live by.”
    • Identify and explain three common U.S. phrases that reflect the American value of directness, openness, and honesty.
    • What do the terms high-context and low-context mean? Provide cultural examples of each.



Select one option below for this week’s Discussion.


Scholars continue to debate the academic nature of Buddhism as to whether it should be identified as a religion or a philosophy. Based upon your studies and research this week, compare and contrast these two positions and then academically defend ONE SIDE of this debate by clearly demonstrating your position as to why you believe the practice of Buddhism is best identified as a religion OR a philosophy.


The Four Noble Truths serve as the foundational teachings of Buddhism as they seek to address the issues of human suffering in the world. Given the major premise found within the Four Noble Truths, what relationship do you find in Buddhism for offering a response to the practice of gaining self-identity through the practice of Consumerism found in our society today and illustrate the prospect for the growth of Buddhism in America as it relates to your research? In addressing this issue, you will need to identify, define, and apply the Four Noble Truths from which you will academically defend your position.

Student Case Study


Develop your own case study based on an ethical situation you have encountered. This may be a situation you experienced with a past or current employer, as part of a volunteer experience, or within a community group. In this situation describe the role played by any of the key areas discussed previously in this course, including:


goals and expectations;

  • organizational culture; and
  • training and communication.
  • Prepare a 2-3 page paper on this ethical situation you faced in your workplace (corporate, small business, non-profit, government agency, etc.). Identify the ethical issue clearly and discuss a DETAILED plan to best correct the ethical issue.
  • Writing a Case

A well-written case provides an opportunity for others to learn from your experiences. The focus of the case is on the challenge faced at the critical decision point. Organize your paper into the following sections:

Describe the situation (the key is to include all relevant details and avoid irrelevant information).

Explain the challenge.

Describe the outcome.

Propose an alternate solution(s).

It is important, in your analysis, to describe the outcomes potential solutions will have for each of the relevant stakeholders.

Social Pathology, Degeneracy, and Medicalization


Reading Assignment 4

Social Pathology, Degeneracy and Medicalization

Introduction, Tammy L. Anderson /

Social Pathology: A Systematic Approach to the Theory of Sociopathic Behavior, Edwin Lemert /

Whatever Happened to Social Pathology? Conceptual Fashions and the Sociology of Deviance, Joel Best /

The Shifting Engines of Medicalization, Peter Conrad / 17. Connections: Mental Illness as Degeneracy and Disease, Victor Perez, Critical Thinking Questions /

Points Possible: 20

Deliverable Length: 2-3 pages

Answer two questions:

  1. 1.  Define and differentiate between Anderson’s use of the concepts degeneracy and medicalization (pp. 170-171). Do you agree with Anderson that social pathology has limited use in the study of society and deviance?  Why or why not?

2.   Summarize Lemert’s treatment of psychological/psychiatric and sociological approaches to the study of sociopathic behavior (pp.176-177).

  1. 3.    Best claims that social pathology as a viable concept “gradually fell out of style” by the 1960s, replaced by a more relativistic emphasis on deviance. Then he makes a similar argument for the “death” of the concept of deviance in the present day.  Summarize his three principles of deviance definition (pp. 181-182) which are now debated as inadequate to the task. 

NA – Mahender- Cloud computing week 4


Week Four-Discussion

Week Four-Discussion

What is one example where bare metal hosting makes sense?

write in 250 words with citations and references ==•••=========••••••••

Week Four-Special Project

This week you will be using virtural box to install a Ubuntu operating system.

1. Watch the videos below

2. Download  VirturalBox and install on your computer

3. Download Ubuntu use as the OS in your VirturalBox

4. After the Ubuntu system is installed and boots- Using the Unity Launcher install GIMP (GNU Image manipulation)

5. Create this text in GIMP- “CT5230 Cloud Computing+Your Initials”

6. Take a screen shot which includes the Text, GIMP program and Virtural Box.

7. Submit the screen shot with your name and CT5230

{Animation} How to Use Virtualbox

IMAGE virtual box

VirtualBox Application

{Animation} How to Use Ubuntu (Beginners Guide)

ub logo


How to Add Text Using GIMP

{Animation} GIMP Basics:Tect Tool In-Depth Tutorial

The Quick Guide to Adding Text in GIMP 

Step 1: Select the Text tool from the toolbox.

Step 2: Click and drag on your image to create a text area.

Step 3: Choose your font settings, and enter your text.

mrk 3600 db


Brand Archetype Exercise
For your post: 

Pick one of the Archetypes/Brands from the Archetype Wheel (figure 8.3) in the textbook- Don’t Use M&Ms or Nike

Look up the brand’s website, social media accounts, and TV ads on the brand’s YouTube channel or 

Evaluate the following:
1.    Do you think the motivation of the archetype is accurately categorized? Why or why not?
2.    Does the content created by the brand fit the personality traits? Why or why not? Give at least two examples.
3.    Do you think the archetype and the content created help’s the Hero on the consumer journey? Explain.

Your initial post should include these questions AND your response:

Company name

  1. Link to brand website

Link to the social channels you reviewed

  1. Link to the firm’s YouTube channel; Specific link(s) to any video you will reference

Do you think the motivation of the archetype is accurately categorized? Why or why not?

Does the content created by the brand fit the personality traits? Why or why not? Give at least two examples.

  1. Do you think the archetype and the content created help’s the Hero on the consumer journey? Explain.

Business Ethics: MGT/PHL 248-205


Please follow all the instructions. and do not plagiarize anything.

book: Joseph Desjardins, An Introduction to Business Ethics, 7th edition (McGraw Hill, 2024)

– Read comments on the proposal document.

Additional explanation: ?In this step of the project, you will include your proposal/case QUESTION as the first section (see sections listed under “formatting” on the prompt).

??Your next 2 sections will be case studies applying two different ethical theories. The prompt tells you what to include in these and I have added an example of one in the link of examples above. Essentially, you will explain what kind of problem each theory would find with your situation and what kind of solution each theory might recommend. Do not use internet sources to define your ethical theories. You do not need to cite a source if you are drawing on your knowledge from the course and are not quoting. If you do want to quote a definition, used the assigned readings.

??You will then add an analysis section (explained on the prompt) that gives your own opinion about the results of the case studies.

HCAD510 AMU CEO Transition Navigating Past Operations and Future Management Discussion


HCAD 510: Case 13.1 Lakshmi Patel is the new CEO at a medical center. The agenda for her first meeting with the senior management team includes the following questions:

-What has been the primary purpose of the senior management meetings in the past? What was discussed? What was accomplished? What do you want to be the primary purpose of these meetings moving forward? What should we discuss? What should we accomplish?

– What meeting format do you prefer? Do you think that format will enable us to better meet our goals? Do each of you have a clear understanding of your roles? Do each of you help one another? How much cooperation and sharing should we expect from this team? 

Case 13.1 Questions (to answer)  1. You are one of Lakshmi’s vice presidents. How would you answer these questions? 2. Should Lakshmi discuss these questions privately with each senior management member before raising them in the full group meeting (and therefore getting more open feedback than in an open meeting)? If so, how should she proceed after these private meetings? 



Participate in a discussion with your classmates exploring the globalization of production.  Recall that different global markets have unique access to raw materials, specialized labor, and of course, labor costs. Therefore, based on the Discussion Rubric requirements, and your research and analysis, post your discussion exploring why the influential technology firm, Apple, might seek international production options, and the implication associated with such a decision.  Specifically, answer the following questions in your discussion:

What are the benefits to Apple of outsourcing the assembly of the iPhone to foreign countries, and particularly China?

In addition to Apple, who else benefits from Apple’s decision to outsource assembly to China? Who are the potential losers here?

  1. What are the potential ethical problems associated with outsourcing assembly jobs to Foxconn in China?
  2. On balance, do you think that the kind of outsourcing undertaken by Apple is a good thing or a bad thing for the American economy?
  3. The research material for this discussion includes the following sources (you are encouraged to research others on your own):
  4. The discussion of Apple in this week’s Review Lab textbook reading.

Data sets


2. Start your report!

(a)  Introduce your data set including a reference to where it can be found.

(b)  Describe all relevant variables that you will use in your analysis.  Be sure to say which are categorical or quantitative.

(c)  Is your data a population or a sample? If it is a sample how was the data selected so as not to introduce bias.

(d)  What is the sample size? Discuss how the sample size may effect your ability to draw conclusions based on this data.

(e)  Include a small portion of your data that highlights why you are interested in this data.

(f)  Write a brief conclusion including something you hope to find using your data.

(g) For at least one of the categorical variables, include a frequency and relative frequency table. You may choose not to include all categories if there are more than five.

(h) Include a two-way table for two of the categorical variables and discuss any relevant proportions. Describe any possible relationship between the two variables. You may choose not to include all categories if there are more than five.