Community and public health program analysis


The Leading Health Indicators (LHI) addresses such issues as: food insecurities, suicide, substance abuse, health care, health insurance, underaged drinking, HIV, underaged drinking, obesity, maternal/child health issues.

Use “Who’s Leading the Leading Health Indicators?” to the following list of programs/research initiatives from the Topic Resource, Healthy People 2020 Leading Heath Indicators (LHI’s), that were designed to address various disparities in health care, choose one that you would like to expound upon. The article “Who’s Leading the Leading Health Indicators?” can be found in the Topic Resources.

Write a 1,000-1,250 -word essay, using APA style formatting, that provides the following:

Name of the Program/Study

Describe the Program/Study.

  1. Demographics: Location, Targeted Issue and Group.
  2. Is there a racial or ethnic group targeted for the program/study? If yes, describe the specific racial or ethnic group and discuss the health issue/disparity with regards to what is statically reported.
  3. What were the programmatic outcomes?
  4. What is your Assessment of the Program or Study. How are the Eight Dimensions of Wellness integrated in the program? How successful was the program at meeting its objectives? Explain your response.
  5. What are your recommendations for improving the program?

181 activity 1


Module 9 Interactive Activity

Grieving is a highly individual experience; there’s no right or wrong way to grieve. But by understanding the stages and types of grief, you can find healthier ways to cope.

In light of this statement, explain the Elisabeth Kübler-Ross model of grief and its stages.

This is a link to an article named: Coping with Grief and Loss

You can use it in your discussion response

Instructions for Completing the Discussion Questions:

Please post your original response by Wednesday at 11:59 p.m. Your response should be a minimum of 5 sentences but should not exceed 250 words. Appropriately cite any of the references that you use to fully answer the questions.

Respond to at least 1 of your classmates by Saturday at 11:59 pm. Your response to your classmate should be substantive in nature and may do one of the following, for example:

State agreements and provide additional supportive evidence or examples.

Ask additional questions for clarification or provide additional ideas or perspectives on the answer.

Advance the participant’s ideas further by providing additional references or support and providing feedback on the participant’s experience or perspectives.

peer reviews


Peer Review Responses  the following

What is the paper’s thesis?

Do you agree with the paper’s main points? Are there some sources the author could have used to support his or her points more?

  • Do you disagree with any part of the paper? Could you play devil’s advocate? If so, what sources would you quote to counter the paper’s argument?
  • Do you feel like the paper was misreading the points of any of the authors or taking them too much out of context?
  • Did the author adequately set up the debate? Did the author leave out any voices he or she might want to address?
  • Did you feel lost in the paper at any time? If so, what did you find confusing?
  • Are there any questions about the paper’s argument that popped into your mind that you thought the paper could address?
  • Did the paper feel organized? Did you feel guided through the paper or like you had to figure out where it was going?
  • What parts of the argument did you feel were the strongest?
  • Do the introduction and conclusion do the job they are supposed to do?

Hodges University CIE- Interprofessional Collaborative Project for Online Students- Case Study


CIE- Interprofessional Collaborative Project for Online Students- Case Study assignment: 

The following assignment will be utilized in several courses throughout your RN-BSN program at UWF. For this course, the purpose of the study is to discuss pharmacological interventions  as they relate to the provided sample case scenario. This sample case is on a maternal health patient. You will review the following TWO items (video case scenario and written case scenario) for this assignment and then answer the two questions provided at the end of the written case scenario (Pharmacology question and Reflection question). Be sure to address all questions asked of you. Be sure your information is original. If you have already completed this case study in another course, you CANNOT copy and paste information. The reflection question must be specific to this course. You can just download the written case study and answer the questions directly onto the document and then submit to Canvas for grading.

Read about importance of interprofessional collaborationLinks to an external site.

Sample case scenario- video 

2. Written case scenario

Finding your way



In preparation for being an advocate for issues in the field, it is important to know and understand that you have a story to tell. Your story is one of the most effective ways to begin the advocacy journey. Think about why you do what you do. What is your passion – the thing that keeps you here?

Initial Post
  • For your initial post, select two of the topics below. Share your thoughts in your post by using only six words to describe your selected prompts.
  • What was your first experience working in the field or what made you decide to pursue early childhood as a profession?
  • What is your “why”?
  • What have been the highlights of your experiences thus far?
  • What have been your key take-aways thus far?
  • What do you see as your future contributions to the field?
Reply Post

In your reply post, write a reflection on at least two other student’s initial posts and address the following:

  • Read your peers’ six word thoughts.
  • Make a statement about your peer’s stories from their six words. What qualities or characteristics can you identify? Can you identify their why?

Asian Studies Question



For every module, you will write an analysis paper evaluating the reading materials, documents, and the film/s assigned for the previous and current week. You should not try to cover all the material; rather select one or two elements you find particularly interesting and analyze them.
Choosing a clear focus will help you write an effective response because you must do more than merely summarize.

Please make sure to look up secondary sources such as the films/documentaries, the bio and other works from the director, and any other information that will enhance your analysis.

This assignment is designed to help you evaluate and understand Japan through the analysis and evaluation of primary and secondary historic sources. Moreover, it will help prepare and decide which topics you want to select for your final projects.

You are writing your analysis papers to show your Professor and classmates your analysis skills by focusing on a specific Japanese history topic shaped by your understanding of class-related material. You must maintain an academic tone and your paper must be thoroughly and cohesively organized.

Week 2 Discussion Board


Background: The company you chose in Week 1 has decided to offer a new product/service line that takes advantage of the internet of things (IoT). The IoT can transform the products/services of a company by embedding products with sensors, software, and internet connections to collect and exchange data with other devices and systems.

Discussion: This discussion aims to identify how the internet of things (IoT) could be used to create a new product line and influence the business strategy. 

Using the company you selected in Week 1, research any IoT products/services already offered by your company. Determine whether any major competitors are offering products/services that take advantage of the IoT. 

Identify a new IoT product/service line that is different from any IoT products/services that your company may already offer. Describe the details of the new products/services and any similarities or differences with IoT products/services offered by competitors. 

Determine the data security and privacy requirements for the new IoT product/service line. Examine any risks and how your company can mitigate those risks. 

Specify how the new IoT product/service line might influence your company’s business strategy.

Powerpoint Question


Architect: Sophia Hayden

Writing an original research paper is challenging; it requires the interest, ideas, and capacity to do independent research. An architecture theory research paper poses an original topic and idea related to architecture. Your research paper should be about an architect, a building, or an urban environment. It should take as a point of departure either the study of a renowned architect and architectural thinker or a site and the architectural ideas that influenced it and propose an investigation of ideas and works related to this architect or site. The choice to study an architect and their work will focus the ideas surrounding your investigation. Choose an architect, work, or site most related to something of interest and value to you. You may also choose to study an event surrounding an architect or architectural thinker that leads to a discussion and analysis of their work. A built work can be an urban site, sculpture, or multi-media project and does not have to be a building if it can be shown to relate to the field of architecture.

Music Theory Question


this discursive essay should talk about music and youth. then find a theorist that has a similar idea to how music affects the youth and mention how it was affecting the youth in the early decades and how it is affecting the youth in recent decades as well. word count is 1500 and i have already provided some sources but i need around 15 sources if possible. please try to include these sources:

Miranda. D. (2013). The role of Music in Adolescent Development: Much more than the same old song. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth. 18(1), pp. 5–22.

PEDIATRICS (2009). Impact of Music, Music Lyrics, and Music Videos on Children and Youth. 124(5), 1488–1494. Published: November 1, 2009. Available at:

Bennett. A (2002). Researching youth culture and popular music: a methodological critique. British Journal of Sociology. 53(3). 451–466. First published on: December 15, 2003. Available at:

Shildrick. T and MacDonald. P (2004). In Defense of Sub-culture: Young People, Leisure and Social Divisions. Available at:…

Discussion Topic #2 : Explanation


I would suggest that most (if not all) of our knowledge is theoretical. That is, there is very little that we take ourselves to know, which is wholly based on simple “direct observation.”

What I would like each of you to do is to explicitly articulate a theory that you have come to accept as a result of your studies (college, high school, independent reading, whatever). This can be a theory in the sciences or the humanities. It does not matter. It need only be an account that you have come to accept for its seeming ability to provide the “best explanation” for a phenomenon that you take to be observable or well-confirmed.

I then want you to evaluate this theory using the criteria of theory choice in lecture #3 (and the Schick and Vaughn material it concerns). Your answer should be several well-chosen paragraphs long.

To repeat, do the following:

(1) Clearly articulate a theory you have come to accept as a result of your studies.

(2) Evaluate this theory using the criteria of theory choice discussed in lecture #3.