Defining Business Purpose and Mission


Who is the customer?” is the first and the crucial question in defining business purpose and business mission. It is not an easy, let alone an obvious question. How it is being answered determines, in large measure, how the business defines itself. The consumer—that is, the ultimate user of a product or a service—is always a customer.

Most businesses have at least two customers. Both have to buy if there is to be a sale. The manufacturers of branded consumer goods always have two customers at the very least: the housewife and the grocer. It does not do much good to have the housewife eager to buy if the grocer does not stock the brand. Conversely, it does not do much good to have the grocer display merchandise advantageously and give it shelf space if the housewife does not buy. To satisfy only one of these customers without satisfying the other means that there is no performance.


After watching “How P&G has been scoring number ones for 180 years” video (Link below) please identify how organizations can use similar P&G marketing approaches to increase their sales.


Researching Forensics Best Practices and Creating Procedures



D&B has been engaged by a state crime forensics lab to assist them in refreshing their procedures manual and bringing it up to date. Part of the project will include researching best practices for performing investigations and collecting digital evidence, which will be incorporated into the procedures manual.

You have been asked to be a part of the small team that is regularly meeting with the client to review the procedures manual provide revised and new information.


For this part of the project, perform the following tasks:

Perform research and write a report that includes sections on the following: (At a minimum, address 4 items out of the 7)

A procedure for capturing video of a crime scene

What to take screenshots of during an investigation

  1. The significance of recording a computer’s time offset
  2. Three best practices in collecting digital evidence from a computer’s memory and hard drive
  3. Three high-level requirements for ediscovery
  4. Three best practices to follow when interviewing witnesses
  5. Three best practices to follow when testifying as an expert witness
  6. Cite sources, where appropriate.
  7. Required Resources

I have provided external resources throught the weeks, you need to use those and any additional resources you may find.

Powerpoient (157)


Implementing Lean Management System and Lean Six Sigma in Healthcare Settings 

You are the chairperson of the hospital’s quality improvement committee.  The committee is planning to introduce Lean Management Systems (LMS) and Lean Six Sigma (LSS) to the organization as a newly adopted framework to increase the quality and efficiencies of healthcare delivery, as outlined in the health sector transformation program of Saudi Vision 2030.

For this assignment, you will create a presentation for staff that achieves the following:

Provide a brief history of CQI in healthcare and an introduction to LMS and LSS.  Include how this aligns with the aims of the Saudi Vision 2030 health sector transformation program. 

Analyze the benefits of using LMS and LSS as it applies to improving patient outcomes.

Describe the application of LMS and LSS to healthcare.  Include examples of recent achievements of healthcare systems in Saudi Arabia that have implemented LMS and LSS.  

  • Select a department to pilot the implementation of LMS and LSS.  Determine what information you need from the staff to make the implementation of LMS and LSS successful.  Provide two examples of a strategy to collect this information.  

Csn Questions on Public Speaking


1- What are the three changes in credibility; that have been labeled as?

2-What is Ethics in Public Speaking?

3-What is the difference between Heterogeneous and Homogeneous?

4- What is Psychographic Characteristics?

5-Name seven types of listening?

6-All human communication is a process composed of certain necessary elements. What are these elements?

7- Provide an example of a Specific Purpose Statement on Higher Education? (One paragraph 300 words no double spacing). (essay)

8-What is the Importance of Audience Analysis? (Write a brief definition in your own words)

9- Write a preparation outline for a speech on any country you choose. Refer to chapter 6 for guidance. A Maximum of four paragraphs; a minimum of three. As a speaker, you must know how to arrange your speech with quantify information as short as possible. Please follow the instructions. (essay)

10-What are three inputs to use when writing your Specific Purpose Statement?

11-Describe in your own words the General Purpose when researching your topic?

12-What sources are used to research a Topic?

13-How to address Public Speaking Anxiety? (Name Two)

14-What is Public Speaking? (Write a brief definition in your own words)

15-Give six examples of Plagiarism?

MKT 607 GCU Conscious Capitalism Review of Financial and Market Performance Discussion


This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

Your team will create the final report to the board which will be a written summary of performance. The report to the executive board should include the following components:

Review your financial and market performance during the second year. Highlight the key features of the business plan presented to the venture capitalists: brand strategy, pricing strategy, advertising strategy, and sales channel.

Assess your business strategy and performance during the second year.

  1. Explain actions taken in regard to the marketing plan.
  2. Discuss departures from the marketing plan, justification, and outcome.
  3. Review significant events that affected the company or market.
  4. Assess your current situation in the market, considering your firm’s strengths and weaknesses.
  5. Summarize how you have prepared your firm to overcome obstacles and compete in the future. How would incorporating services marketing help overcome any of these identified obstacles? 
  6. What were the lessons learned and recommendations?
  7. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
  8. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

post a discussion on informatics and knowledge


  • Reflect on the concepts of informatics and knowledge work as presented in the Resources.
  • Consider a hypothetical scenario based on your own healthcare practice or organization that would require or benefit from the access/collection and application of data. Your scenario may involve a patient, staff, or management problem or gap.
  • Post a QUESTION of the focus of your scenario. Describe the data that could be used and how the data might be collected and accessed. What knowledge might be derived from that data? How would a nurse leader use clinical reasoning and judgment in the formation of knowledge from this experience?
  • Nagle, L., Sermeus, W., & Junger, A. (2017). Evolving Role of the Nursing Informatics SpecialistLinks to an external site.. In J. Murphy, W. Goosen, & P. Weber (Eds.), Forecasting Competencies for Nurses in the Future of Connected Health (212-221). Clifton, VA: IMIA and IOS Press. Retrieved from…
  • Sweeney, J. (2017). Healthcare informaticsLinks to an external site.. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics, 21(1).

Nonverbal Communication & Empathy


Over the course of the week, write down observations you have about nonverbal communication during three different conversations in which you participate. For each conversation, include your observations about eye contact and movement, smiles, other facial expressions, nods, gestures, posture, and touch.

Then, conduct independent research about nonverbal communication, empathy, and rapport. The research should support the position you take on the questions below. For example, if you were unable to build rapport with one of the parties you conversed with, your research should support the reason why you think you were unable to.

With your notes and research as references, write a two to three-page APA formatted paper that includes both an introduction and conclusion paragraph and that answers the following questions:

Based on the nonverbal communication you observed, how would you name the emotions the other party(ies) were feeling during the three conversations? (Include details of each conversation to provide context for your response.)

Were you able to build rapport (a form of empathy) with the other party(ies) in all three conversations? If yes, what tactics did you use to do so? If not, why?   

Public Health Blackboard Discussion


Identify a public health concern that interests you. Examples of such a concern are tobacco, coronary disease, obesity, MERS, or COVID-19. Describe what data would be important to know about this concern and how studying public health would be beneficial in addressing it. What types of surveillance methods do you think would be most effective to help contain the situation and why?

Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories, which require supporting citations along with at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed reference in supporting your answer. These scholarly references can be found in the Saudi Digital Library by conducting an advanced search. Use APA 7th edition and Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards.

You are required to reply to at least two of your peers’ answer posts to this weekly discussion question and/or your instructor’s response to your posting. These post replies need to be substantial and constructive in nature. They should add to the content of the post and evaluate/analyze that post’s answer. Normal course dialogue doesn’t fulfill these two peer replies, but is expected throughout the course. Answering all course questions is also required.

Westward Expansion Movement to the Homestead Act Case study


Westward Expansion Movement to the Homestead Act

Describe how the Westward Expansion movement forged the American character and personality that led to the success and growth of the United States.  

Assess how the Homestead Act of 1864 aided the settling of the West.  

Evaluate how the railways aided Westward Expansion.  

  • Analyze how the Westward Expansion Movement was a cultural crossroad.
  • Required Resources
    In your American History course, you will utilize scholarly sources to address questions in the weekly assignments. Please be advised that, Wiki, Wikipedia, or websites such as,,, and the like are not deemed scholarly sources. Below is a list of resources you must choose from:
  • Textbook: Chapters 9, 10, 11, 13
  • Lesson

Minimum of 2 scholarly sources from the Chamberlain Library resources below:

The “Popular Data Bases” within the Library Guide for scholarly sources and videos via Search Popular History DatabasesLinks to an external site. or the History Library GuideLinks to an external site..

the process of preparing for a healthy baby can be overwhelming.


With the evolution of Google, accessible information, the study of genetics, prenatal tests, social media, and many other sources of information for new parents, the process of preparing for a healthy baby can be overwhelming.

For this first journal assignment, reflect on the substance and theoretical foundation of what you have learned this week about prenatal development. Then write a reflective essay that addresses the following:

  • Comment on how this week’s learning and materials compliment, oppose, and/or affect change in your positions and attitudes on the relevant subject matter.
  • From this reflection, formulate and articulate three pieces of advice to help expecting parents ensure healthy development of their baby.
  • Analyze how your recommendations are grounded in relevant theory.
  • Explain how a decision to ground your recommendations in a different theoretical framework might have affected your decisions and actions.
  • Based on your response to the previous question, describe what you see as the proper or optimal way to think about the relationship between theory and practice.
  • Explain how the recommendations you selected help to ensure healthy development.
  • Explain how ethical concerns might arise related to things such as prenatal tests and predictions.