Week 7: Writing Response – Booker T. Washington


Please respond using your own original writing voice and from your personal informed perspective (first person point of view).

Writing Response Reading:

From Slavery, Chapter I. A Slave Among Slaves, The Atlanta Exposition by Booker T. Washington in the African American Literature Anthology digital course textbook, pages 85-102. 

Step 1:

Carefully read the above pages. Take notes while reading; be sure to read the footnotes. After you have a firm understanding of the events of the story, write a one-page response ( 200 words).

Please respond using your own original writing voice and from your personal informed perspective (first person point of view).

Step 2:

If you were an African American living in the early twentieth century or advocate for Americans living in the early twentieth, based on the ideas you read in the above pages, do you think you would follow Washington’s leadership? Why or Why Not? Support your response with what you learn from the above reading.

Please respond using your own original writing voice and from your personal informed perspective (first person point of view).

You must start a thread and have it approved before you can read and reply to other threads

Schema development


In this module, you will explore the concept of mental schema development.

For your initial post, review Dismantling Hate and answer the following questions:

  • Where do the schemas we develop during our life span come from? What influences schema development in general?
  • How can events in our life-span development impact our perspectives on diversity, equity, and inclusion?
  • How can we use research in developmental psychology to understand an individual’s level of prejudice?
  • How have individuals in your life influenced your schema development?
  • How does the concept of mental schema development apply to any of the following programmatic themes? You may want to review the Programmatic Themes PDFdocument.
    • Self-care
    • Social justice
    • Emotional intelligence
    • Career connections
    • Ethics

Remember to respond to two peers while being respectful of and sensitive to their viewpoints. Consider advancing the discussion in the following ways:

PAH 310 Multilingual Cities



Visit or order take out at a restaurant where the use of multiple languages and other semiotic resources is common. Carefully observe and analyze staff, cashiers, cooks, and other restaurant workers, and pay particular attention to their language use. For this assignment, you are examining and analyzing the totality of the linguistic resources used by staff and cooks. In a linguistically rich and diverse setting like a restaurant, how do staff and cooks communicate? How does multilingualism work in this environment? What other semiotic resources (i.e., symbols, gestures, music, art, designs, etc.) are used? Be sure to include relevant concepts, ideas, and quotes from your readings and integrate them into your writing. Make sure to show evidence that you have patronized the restaurant by taking a selfie or taking a picture of the food you’ve ordered, along with the menu.

If you order take out, make sure to examine the establishment’s signs and menu. How do the signs and menu reflect a linguistic landscape? How does the use of multilingualism in this establishment reflect the people in your local context? How does it reflect migration patterns over time?

ethical concepts


Watch video links and read articles. Make sure to reference them in the your essay.

Using the scenario/plot depicted in the movie, “John Q” (2002), how would you apply the ethical concepts of beneficence and nonmaleficence, and the legal matter of emergency medical treatment – EMTALA

Please read and reference the articles: “Nursing Ethical Considerations”  and “EMTALA”



Answer all questions and organize your paper with three distinct subheadings:

1) Summary – What was the main idea?

Describe the scenario/plot in the movie as it pertains to the ethical concepts of  beneficence and nonmaleficence, and the legal issue contained within EMTALA

2) Analysis – Discuss what are the pros and cons?

Analyze the scenario in terms of what you see as the pros and cons.  Say what you agree or disagree with.  Also, look at things from other relevant people (for example, parents, hospital administrators, doctors, and law enforcement),

3) Discussion – Give specific scenarios/examples in healthcare setting. As nurse practitioner how does this apply to American Society? Why is this issue important to healthcare principles and practices?

Discuss the wider implications (socioeconomic status, legal, political, etc.) for a capitalist and multicultural American society.  

discussion 7 Homosexuality & Conversion Therapy


Imagine you have a time machine, and you go back to the late 1960s–the heyday of conversion therapy in the medical community and US. In at least 200 words discuss how you would convince a behavioral therapist, like Dr. Davison, to stop performing conversion therapies. In your answer, be sure to acknowledge the reasoning that the therapist holds for performing the therapy, and bring in points from modern culture (some of this is addressed in the lecture), to make your argument.

In at least 50 words each, comment on the responses by two of your peers and be sure to say what you agree or disagree with and why.

Note: Regardless of whether you personally agree or disagree with providing conversion therapy, you must argue against it in this activity.RadioLab (38:00): UnErased Podcast episode 3 “Dr. Davison and the Gay CureLinks to an external site.” 

The RadioLab website may have difficulty playing the podcast, in which case, it is available on Apple Podcast (search “UnErased”, find Season 1, Epidsode 3), or on the UnErased YouTube channelLinks to an external site..



Business and IT


LINK THE BOOK https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I47Oyl5ccti7FIiv3…

I went over the format for this assignment
-Introduction paragraph
-Respond to each question in the assignment each with an APA heading.
-Reference APA style
– with 4 references peer reviewed at least and book source

-an example

Module 09: Discussion

Impact of Ecommerce and Mobile Commerce

Choose an e-commerce or mobile commerce platform for a business with which you are familiar. 

Discuss the impact of e-commerce technology on the business that operates the platform you chose. Consider the following questions:

What strategies has the business used to leverage e-commerce technology to its advantage?

How has the platform affected the business’s revenue, customer base, or market share?

What risks or challenges has the business faced as a result of using e-commerce technology?

Discuss how mobile technology creates commerce opportunities for businesses. Consider the following questions:

What are some examples of businesses that have successfully leveraged mobile technology to create new commerce opportunities?

How does mobile technology enable businesses to reach new customers or offer new products or services?

What are some challenges or risks associated with using mobile technology for commerce?

Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate. 

African Studies Question


role of the APN in federal strategic planning


The purposes of this assignment are to understand the role of the APN in federal strategic planning and to identify actions the APN can take to attain plan goals within an individual practice. 

  1. View the video:A brief overview/summary of the ONC’s 2020 to 2025 Federal Health IT strategic planLinks to an external site..
  2. Review this infographic on the four goals for the 5-year period from the federal strategic plan (link to full document hereLinks to an external site.):Strategic Plan Framework Infographic
  3. Compose a 2-3 page paper to answer the following questions:
    1. What specific actions can you take as an APN to assist in attaining two or more of the four goals in the plan?   
    2. What aspects of health information technology will assist you, or will be an obstacle, in your endeavors? 
    3. What changes are required in the four domains of nursing practice to accomplish these two goals? The four domains of nursing practice in the CARE model: Federal Health IT Strategic Plan_2020_2025compressed.pdf Download Federal Health IT Strategic Plan_2020_2025compressed.pdfClinical, Administration, Research, and Education (of nurses). 

Kennesaw State University Sociology of Violence


Sociology of Violence

Issue 1–What Do We Really Know?

1. Examine Figures 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 in the textbook. ALSO, read the FBI Report on Violent Crime in the US (FBI UCR Violent Crime Data for 2019) and specifically refer to Table 1 in that report. What has been the general trend in terms of volume and rate of violent crime in the US from 1993 to 2014 (and 1998 to 2019) based on the data? Is it going up, going down, relatively stable, or mixed?

2. Given that violent crime rates have been relatively going down since 1993, how do you “rationalize” the difference between the declining rates and the increased perceived fear in the US about violent crime?

3. There is evidence that violent crime rates have gone up since 2019. Though still not at 1990’s levels, this rising violent crime rate raises concerns where it takes place. What structural forces (Structural Violence) may account for this rise in violent crimes over the past two years? Is this more of an Individual problem, or one that is Structural in nature?

federal government


A). Describe the three systems of government. Discuss the power distribution in each system. Why did the founders choose to create a federal system in 1787? Does the federal system work best for the United States or would we benefit from another system? 

B). The United States Constitution creates an institution that selects the president of the United States. We can say that Americans do not directly vote for the president, that is the job of the Electoral College. Describe the Electoral College process. Why do we use this system? Is there a better alternative for electing the president? 

C). Federalism is based on shared powers between a national government and the states, this can create conflict between the two levels. Discuss in detail the current debate in the United States regarding medical Marijuana. What does federal government law state about medical Marijuana? Discuss how states that allow for the use of medical Marijuana can do so with current federal laws in place. This discussion is not a debate nor shall this discussion be about personal opinions, we are only discussing medical Marijuana as it relates to federalism.