Journal — Analysis of Professional/Academic Writing


Provide the titles of these documents in a short introduction to this 2-page analysis.

You don’t need to post the samples.  

  1. The main assignment: please write a 2-page, double-spaced analysis of how these authors establish credibility as seen in the writing and use of language, syntax, and other features of academic/professional writing.  I want you to focus on the sentence-level writing (syntax, active voice, etc.) but identify and comment on other conventions authors use to establish their ethos or credibility with their audience.  
  2. Please refer to the documents I discuss in the weekly lecture: “Teaching the Conventions of Academic Discourse” and the website from Lumen Learning.  These two sources are found under our Writing Unit Readings.  
  3. This assignment you are writing is a 2-page analysis incorporating BOTH samples and BOTH sources.  You can provide a short introduction for the reader but then discuss the ethos and academic nature of the samples via the writing strategies used in these documents. 
  4. Include at least 4 specific references (note the reference, cite it in your writing) to the two sources (“Teaching the Conventions . . .” and Lumen Learning).

Florida SouthWestern College discussion


Melissa is a 15-year-old high school student. Over the last week, she had been feeling tired and found it difficult to stay awake in class. By the time the weekend had arrived, she developed a sore throat that made it difficult to eat and even drink. Melissa was too tired to get out of bed, and she said her head ached. On Monday morning, her mother took her to her doctor. Upon completing the physical exam, he told Melissa that the lymph nodes were enlarged in her neck, and she had a fever. He ordered blood tests and told Melissa he thought she had mononucleosis, a viral infection requiring much bed rest.

1. Innate and adaptive immune defenses work collectively in destroying invasive microorganisms. What is the interaction between macrophages and T lymphocytes during the presentation of antigen?

2.  Melissa’s illness is caused by a virus. Where are type I interferons produced, and why are they important in combating viral infections?

3.  Humoral immunity involves the activation of B lymphocytes and the production of antibodies. What are the general mechanisms of action that make antibodies a key component of immune response

educa Strayer Univeristy discussion phd


Instructions:You will complete four Discussions in this course. For each Discussion, you will post one thread of at least 500 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of the assigned Module: Week. You must then post two replies of at least 150 words on Sunday of the assigned Module: Week with the exception of Module 8: Week 8, which is due on Friday. For each thread, you must support your assertions with at least six different sources, one of which must be a biblical source. For each reply, you must cite at least two scholarly and/or biblical sources to support your claims. Any sources cited and referenced in threads or replies must be formatted in current APA format.the topic —-For your Discussion Thread, explain the three phases of the continuum of assessment essentials. Include your judgments of the extent to which various essentials of the continuum are adequate for addressing the different aspects of higher education assessment at the course, program, and institution levels. Evaluate how various essentials of each of the three phases of the continuum can be utilized to contribute to establishing a culture of assessment.

CSU Evaluating US Engagement with the UNHRC Discussion


Overview: In this module, we have examined the development since the end of WW2 of a UN-centric web of human rights treaties and institutions charged with furthering international humanitarian and human rights law.   The UNHRC is arguably the most well known of these institutions that emerged from the UN Charter itself.

Both the Trump and Biden Administrations have expressed concern about various aspects of the UN Human Rights Council, yet the two administrations have adopted markedly different approaches toward the UNHRC.

Instructions: Respond to the following prompt:

Submit an initial post to the Discussion Board in which you assess which Administration’s (Trump’s or Biden’s) approach to membership in the UNHRC better advances U.S. national interests and values, international human rights and humanitarian law, and the cause of human rights around the globe.  Please also include in your assessment reference to at least one recent (since 2018) real world example that illustrates how the U.S.’s presence in or absence from the UNHRC has impacted (or could impact) a human rights challenge abroad. 

Write at least one substantive response to your colleagues’ posts, agreeing or disagreeing with their positions and/or arguments. Justify your arguments.

Coefficient of Determination?


Coefficient of Determination

The purpose of this assignment is to learn about the coefficient of determination (R2) statistic as a measure of the fit of a regression line.

R2 is a statistical measure of how close the data are to a fitted regression line. In general, the higher the R2, the better the model fits your data. However, while R2 measures goodness of fit, it does not indicate whether a regression model is adequate. You can have a low R2 value for a good model or a high R2 value for a model that does not fit the data.

Using the University Online Library, the Internet, and your text readings, research about R2.

Based on your research and your involvement in public health functions, respond to the following:

  • Find and state a definition of R2 that you feel is easy to understand.
  • In your own words, provide a substantive explanation of what R2 represents.
  • Explain what the statistic R2 is used for in regression analysis.
  • Explain how R2 is affected by sample size.
  • Describe whether a large R2 value means that a regression is significant. Provide reasons for your answer.
  • Describe how you would substantively interpret R2                                                              

nur601 discussion 1



L.W. is a nurse practitioner in an urban community. Many of her clients recently immigrated to the United States from various countries. She is challenged by the many different cultures she encounters and the different values and beliefs they hold toward Western medicine.

She is determined to earn her clients’ trust. She does this by providing health care services that are respectful of each client’s health beliefs and practices and cultural needs. She knows she must set aside her own values and beliefs to focus on what is important to her clients in order for them to have successful outcomes.


Give at least two examples of emerging populations in the United States and describe their cultural characteristics that might interfere with their healthcare.

Once you received your case number; answer the specific question  above. Then, continue to discuss the 3 topics listed below for your case:

Identify the different roles and responsibilities of the nurse.

Please discuss the challenges you anticipate facing when fulfilling the various roles of a nurse practitioner. How would you work to improve your weaknesses? Identify your strengths.

Which patient population is most likely to experience health disparities and why?

Doctoral Writing


Topical Introduction Draft and Revisions
This assignment has three distinct parts. Carefully follow the instructions for all parts and submit each as separate documents.

Part I: Appealing to Readers First Draft
For part one, you will write the first draft of an introduction to a topic in your discipline/domain using one of the approaches described by Greene and Lidinsky (2021, pp. 364–373).

Part II: Second Draft Revisions and Annotations
Copy and paste your Part I submission into a new document, and review and revise the introduction, indicating in annotations why the revisions are being made. Note the differences between revising and editing from the textbook (editing will be done in the next part). Submit this Part II revised document as a second draft.

Part III: Editing and Final Draft
Run your second draft from Part II through the free version of the software tool Grammarly. After you upload your document, you can see the details of your overall score and download a PDF report of the initial score.
Edit your document based on the recommendations provided. You must include the PDF report from Grammarly as Appendix A of your submitted final draft.

BUSN120: Lease


For this week’s discussion, please review the following scenario & then answer the corresponding questions:


Invitation Homes rented a house in Chicago, IL to Rebecca for $3,000 per month. Rebecca paid the first six months’ rent (January through June), but then her furnace broke. She called and put in a service request at the end of June. After two more months of paying her rent (July and August), Invitation Homes has still not repaired it. It is now September and the weather is starting to get a bit cooler. She was not concerned at first, but has decided to refuse to pay rent for September in protest. 


1.  What are the rights and responsibilities of each party? 

2.  What is the Warranty of Habitability in Illinois or more specifically Chicago? Research state and/or local leasing laws. Is there any law that requires a residential home that is leased to have working heat?

3.  Is it permissible for Rebecca to withhold her rent until the furnace is fixed? Why or why not?

4.  If this situation occurred in your state, what does the law state on the matter? Research state and/or local leasing laws. 

Discussion Board 1&2


Assessment Question

Explore “Lippincott Advisor: Cultural Perspectives” and “Cultural Religious Competence in Clinical Practice,” located in topic Resources. Select a culture, community, or religion that is unfamiliar to you and review what makes it unique. Apply what you have learned about your selection to the following scenario:

You are admitting a 19-year-old female college student to the hospital for fevers. Describe what would be important to remember while you interview this patient. Explain how you would communicate with this patient reflecting a culturally responsive approach. Discuss the health care support systems available in your community for someone of this group. If no support systems are available in your community, identify a national resource

Discussion Board 2

Assessment Question

For the middle-aged adult, exercise can reduce the risk of various health problems. Choose one at-risk health issue that regular physical exercise and activity can help prevent and manage. As the patient’s nurse, identify members of the interdisciplinary team and the role each member would play in guiding care for this patient. Describe recommendations that you would provide to assist patients with health promotion measures to incorporate exercise and physical activity into their lives. 

1 New company – Entry


The bank stmt company I’m sending you this time is a very simple consulting company. (We don’t have much transaction volume. I deleted the name of the company and sent it to you. Please name it 227 Grand.)
1) When you set up the company, you can use the conclusion company, C-corp.
2) Deposit is incoming.
3)3). Deposit / withdrawal ?? ??, online transfer from checking 7220
I gave the loan to 7220 and got the repaid again. (Please use the other current asset and take care of it as the loan exchange. It’s a B/S item transaction.)
4) You can refer to Memo for each expense. And if you don’t know which account you’re going to use Payee, you can search on Google and record it.
(e.g. Google search for Verizon – Internet phone company Verizon -> Utilities exp. ,
USPS :postal expense – > Office expense. )

I made a new company and tried for a month,
Please hand out Profit and loss stmt (I/S), Balance sheet (B/S), and General ledger. I will send you the rest of the bank data after checking if it goes well.

2. I’ll let you know the bank record.