Week 8 case study 1


Please complete the case study below.

Part 1

M.S. is a 26-year-old woman who is pregnant with her first child. Her husband accompanied her to all her prenatal visits. An ultrasound during a routine visit at 34 weeks’ gestation revealed that the baby had hydrocephalus and a myelomeningocele. The parents were initially devastated but remained very excited about the birth of their first child. M.S. was scheduled for a cesarean section at 38 weeks’ gestation, and the couple was anxious about their child’s condition and care following birth.

M.S. delivered a baby boy by cesarean section; he was transferred to the pediatric intensive care unit. On admission to the nursery, the baby’s vital signs and weight were within normal limits, but his head circumference was large. He had bulging fontanelles and a high-pitched cry. The nurse noted a saclike projection in the lumbar region of his spine.

Provide responses to the below based on Part 1.

  1. Discuss the rationale for delivering the infant by cesarean section.
  2. Discuss the significance of the infant’s clinical manifestations.
  3. Discuss the acute and long-term treatment strategies for the infant.
  4. Discuss the complications associated with myelomeningocele.

Crime Victim Processing – IP


As a victim advocate, your best friend became a victim of a crime of violence after being stalked for several months, and that incident changed your life. You provided comfort and support to your friend during the judicial process and you guided that friend through the criminal judicial process. Your efforts were successful in obtaining the help needed and criminal justice outcomes desired by your friend.

The new prosecutor for whom you have been working as a victims’ witness assistant has had several calls from victims of stalking. Some cases seem more serious than other cases; however, one case that no one in the office thought was serious resulted in the victim’s death. Everyone thought that the couple was just going through a difficult breakup. This case had a tremendous impact on the entire office, especially you.

To help make sure that the office does not minimize a potentially dangerous situation again, the prosecutor has asked you to put together an intake, evaluation, and assessment instrument to be used in taking information on stalking situations. Be sure to check stalking statutes, and cite the elements of the crime of stalking in your documents.

Complete Annotation for one source


Assignment: One Annotation completed by the end of the class (no exceptions) 

Topic: Your research paper

Follow this Sample:

Lindenfeld, David. “Jungian Archetypes and the Discourse of History.” Rethinking History 13.2 (2009): 217-234. Print.

Jungian Archetypes and the Discourse of History is a journal article, which will be crucial for this research paper. This source argues that Jung’s concepts can potentially be used to better understand human history and culture and thus help humanity uncover the meaning of being an individual. Jung’s archetypes can be used to help us understand the connection between images we see throughout history and the human psyche of a singular person. The paper argues that the discourses of his psychology have the ability to connect the dots when it comes to universal symbols that we are all bombarded with from a young age.

The article is written by David Lindenfeld, from the Department of History at Louisiana State University, it was published in Rethinking History in June of 2009. The source itself was found on the library database from Rockford University, and is considered reliable and scholarly. The voice of the author is firm and academic. It is also well researched. 

The Performance Management Planning & Execution – Discussion Question


The Performance Management Planning & Execution

Discussion Question

Question Requirements:

In your textbook, in Chapter 2, Figure 2-1, provides an overview of the performance management process and its associated components. There are many critical factors that contribute to the successful implementation of a performance management system. Failure to understand these factors can result in issues for organizations, leaders, and employees. 

Consider the scenario below and explain how each aspect of the performance management process, as noted in figure 2-1, can be altered/addressed to ensure employees success.


When Amal was hired on for her role as an Administrative Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer, she was thrilled about the opportunity to work for Organization ABC. Unfortunately, the information provided in her job Question was limited. After a month on the job, despite receiving two days of training from the person Amal replaced, Amal’s supervisor noticed that her performance was inadequate. Amal’s current supervisor knows that she is a phenomenal worker, based upon past employer references. 

Response Items to Address

To ensure Amal’s success, and the success of future employees, what aspects of the performance management process need revision? Also, how can future performance management aspects be successfully addressed?

Reading Reflection


READ ONLY p. 99 to 120, 126-127

Answer each of the following in a fully developed paragraph. In your responses, include short quotations from the text or paraphrase the author’s language, providing page numbers for content referenced at the end of sentences, i.e. (p. 25).

What political circumstances surrounded the sheltering of 1,000 people in the Castillo de San Marco in San AgustÍn? (4-6 sentences)

What role did women play in warfare and how did this influence their actions in the fort? (4-6 sentences)

  1. What challenges did the Spanish face as they sheltered in the Castillo? (4-6 sentences)
  2. Chapter: 5 – “Narrating War and Loss”
  3. Answer each of the following in a fully developed paragraph. In your responses, include short quotations from the text or paraphrase the author’s language, providing page numbers for content referenced at the end of sentences, i.e. (p. 25).

According to the chapter, in what ways were women directly affected by the siege of San Agustin? (4-6 sentences) 

What was the purpose of the women’s petitions and what did they demonstrate about women’s power and status in San Agustin society? (4-6 sentences)

What evidence of social inequality is presented in the chapter? (4-6 sentences) 

Clinical Log



Briefly describe how you spent the 25 50 hours of practicum.. Updated Summer 2023:Your Question of practicum hours includes activities in both the practice setting and non- practice setting areas. Examples of activities in locations other than the practice setting are attendance at DNP student presentations, webinars, professional conferences, health policy activities, grant writing, and participation in the Virtual Practicum Work Room when applicable. Describe these activities and the time spent on them.  Consider both the non-practice setting activities and the practice setting practicum experiences when answering and reflecting on all sections of the clinical log.  10 point 10 points

Identify interventions/actions that represent the achievement of accomplishment towards meeting the/a DNP Essential/s. List the Essential and then explain the activity.  Be sure to emphasize here how this is in addition to your current job- or how you have enhanced your activities based on what you have learned in the DNP program. 10 points

Describe any activities that support progress towards your DNP project. 10 points

Discuss collaboration with other members of the healthcare team. 10 points

Identify any learning gaps and plans to rectify them as you progress in practicum. 10 points

Needing help with a project in healthcare / community health managment


in this project, you will conduct your own research and then create and evaluate a health promotion program that targets one of the following issues:

tobacco use cessation,

type 2 diabetes,

  • mental health disorders,
  • increased physical activity (either childhood, adult, or elderly), or
  • early childhood nutrition.
  • After reviewing the resources in  Study Guide and conducting your own research, create and evaluate a health promotion program to address your chosen issue.
  • Your project must accomplish the following objectives:

Provide detailed information on how you will use MATCH (Multilevel Approach To Community Health): a five-step planning model (selection of health and behavioral goals, intervention planning, program development, program implementation, and evaluation) introduced on page 173 of your eTextbook to create a community health intervention program.

Provide detailed information on how you will use each of the five major steps of programming (program planning) to create a community health intervention program.

Propose a minimum of three specific and realistic objectives for your health promotion program.

  • Demonstrate critical thinking by providing detailed information on how you will use each of the six steps of evaluation to evaluate your program.
  • Discuss the performance improvement approaches that are most relevant to your program.

Communication Studies – Genocide in Gaza


Dear freelancer, write an 8-page APA style paper on Zionist Settler Colonialism in Palestine. Underline Israeli government’s aggressive ethnic cleansing campaign, what happened before/after Nakba, the displacement of Palestinians, and the current Gaza Genocide. The paper will be heavily scanned through Turnitin and AI detectors so do not use any plagiarism/AI. 

I. Instructions: Final Term Paper on Zionist Settler Colonialism in PalestineFor the Final Term Paper you discuss Zionist Settler Colonialism in Palestine. The paper will explore the issue thoroughly and understand the various details of the issue. With a solid understanding of the major components of the social issue at hand, you will look back at all the theories from the course and select THREE THEORIES that help us “make sense” of this issue. You should apply the appropriate terms and concepts from the theories to the social issue in an effort to “see” the social issue from a different perspective. You can select any three of the following theories: Communication Theory, Symbolic Interaction Theory, Cognitive Dissonance Theory, Expectancy Violations Theory, Uncertainty Reduction Theory Relational Dialectics Theory, Communication Privacy Management Theory, Uses and Gratifications Theory, Face-Negotiation Theory, Standpoint Theory.

Analyze strategies to select your leadership style, and how you can understand your leadership style and strengths



Leadership Strategies From Theory to Practice

After completing the required readings for this module, post your original response to the discussion prompt by clicking Reply below the prompt and entering your response. Include appropriate citations to support your response.

Throughout this course, we discussed leadership as a practice, strategies we can use to select our leadership style, how we can understand our leadership style and strengths to enhance our leadership development, and the most effective leadership strategies for a diverse workforce.

After reading Chapter 12 in Managing and Leading Nonprofit Organizations: A Framework for Success (Dann, 2022), think about what you have learned about leadership practice and what type of leader you aim to be in the future. As you continually learn about yourself and others as leaders, reflect on personal experiences, encounters with others, challenges, and how you have developed your skills to refine your leadership abilities. Develop an original response to the following question:

Self-reflect on the leadership strategies, styles, and practices you studied this term. How will you transfer the strategies from theory to practice in your leadership roles? Provide two detailed examples of course findings and other scholarly research.

PHI2604 Moral Principal


Topic A: You try to live strictly by the moral rules contained in your religion’s moral code. The two most important rules are “Be merciful” (don’t give people what they deserve) and “Be just” (give people exactly what they deserve). Now suppose a man is arrested for stealing food from your house, and the police leave it up to you whether he should be prosecuted for his crime or set free. Should you be merciful and set him free, or be just and make sure he is appropriately punished? How do you resolve this conflict of rules? Can your moral code resolve it? To what moral principles or theories do you appeal?

Use your course texts to help you respond to the topic, and when you quote and summarize from the course texts, include information about the page reference.
You are discouraged from using additional sources. If you do choose to use an outside source, be sure to cite your source, just as you do when you use the course texts. If you use a quotation or an example from a website, cite the website’s URL and the date accessed.