Progress Report.


    We have gone through the brainstorm assignment and annotated bibliography. You have all discussed well your interests and creative ideas. Since then, I hope you have thought about and maybe even worked on the final product some. It is now time to submit a progress report or a plan of attack for your creative project. This progress report should be at least a page. In it I want you to mention the following.

  1. Theme/topic you are engaging with from the course.
  2. Creative outlet you have chosen, or if you plan to do an essay.
  3. Did you find any new sources since the annotated bibliography? If so, what are they? This will likely be the bulk of the report.
    1. Of course, the textbook and primary sources are useful, but if you watch any YouTube cooking videos, do other readings, engage with other primary sources, I want to see that.
    2. Plagiarism is a no-no, so make sure to show the sources you are consulting, drawing inspiration from, or even quoting directly.
    3. As a side note, any YouTube video worth its salt will have lists of sources in their video QUESTION typically.
  4. How is the project moving along overall? Any adjustments or concerns?

mini case study


Mini Case Study


Choose one of the following IEPs

2nd grade ED.pdf


  1. ECE Cogntive.pdf



High School-Hearing.pdf

  • Read the IEP and summarize the main points. The 1 page write up should include:

Previous Testing Information:

Goals and Objectives:

Accommodations and Modifications:

  • Related Services:

Placement information:

Important information to know about the student/parent:

Based on information gathered from the IEP, determine which area(s) are of concern for the student: communication, academic, social/emotional, physical, and/or medical. Describe at least two resources per concern from the course materials that you would use if this student was in your future classroom and how you would use the resource(s).

  • Based on the information from the IEP, how would the case study student benefit from UDL practices in the classroom? Describe at least 2 ways under each of the 3 UDL guidelines (engagement, representation, and action and expression) that could be implemented for the case study student.

Write a one-page reflection (double space) of completing the mini-case study. Your reflection MAY include the following: what you learned about special education, how your perspective has changed about special education, how you will use this experience as a future teacher, how you will use this experience in the classroom etc.

WMBA6990 WU Strategy Playbook for Exceptional Results Questions


continue to play the role of a consultant who has been brought in by the CEO of your selected organization to lead a tiger team.



continue to play the role of a consultant who has been brought in by the CEO of your selected organization to lead a tiger team.

Complete Section 1 of your playbook. Be sure to address the requirements for Part 3, and include specific examples (where appropriate) and relevant citations and other appropriate academic sources to support your work.

1: Organizational Purpose

Provides a thorough and detailed analysis of how organizational purpose can empower a business strategy.

2: A Purpose-Driven Organization

Give a thorough and detailed explanation of what a purpose-driven organization is.

3: Purpose and Competitive Business Strategy

Provides a thorough and detailed identification of how a purpose-driven organization can lead to a competitive business strategy.

4: Organizational Structure and Strategic Business Practices

Give a thorough and detailed analysis of how the structure of the organization they identified in Part 2 impacts the organization’s strategic business practices, including in what ways the organizational structure enables/enabled the organization to take advantage of strategic opportunities, have an impact, and/or achieve or maintain a competitive advantage.

UO Pause Method Case Study


For this Case Study assignment, you will be using your own personal conflict examples applying THE PAUSE approach. The PAUSE approach is not about ‘pausing’, be sure to use the model and instructions provided in the text. See the rubric for more guidance. Choose three past personal examples of conversations/conflicts.

Readings for this assignment are from our Course Textbook (pdf attached): The Mindful Guide to Conflict Resolution, by, Rosalie Puiman (2019), pp. 1-35 & pp. 139 – 156.

Detailed instructions for the process in this assignment are on Pg. 144, Puiman (2019).

1. Apply PAUSE to at least three Past Conversations/Conflicts to Practice. You will apply the PAUSE process to at least three past conversations/conflicts. After you complete the detailed step-by-step process for each, go back and reflect and share (minimum 200 words/maximum 400 words for each scenario) about any patterns or themes you noticed about each of the scenarios and more specifically. Consider what you have learned about your own conflict/EI styles, theories and methods of navigating conflict, etc., including connection with course resources and personal experience—share also about what parts of the PAUSE approach you feel confident in and how you need practice.

NPC Use of Force JW v Paley Discussion


The public’s perception of Use of Force is different from those who are in law enforcement.  Unfortunately, we are in a time where police officers are constantly encountering individuals who want to resist arrest, fight or obstruct a law enforcement officer’s ability to safely complete their job.  It is imperative that law enforcement officers recognize that they have the authority to use the necessary reasonable amount of force to effect an arrest, to prevent an escape, or to overcome any resistance as authorized by the Penal Code.  For the safety of a law enforcement officer and for the well-being of fellow law enforcement officers, it is vital that law enforcement officers know the laws that govern the use of force and how to articulate themselves if they must use force.  

Select a case where you think that law enforcement officers used force.

Explain the case and its outcome.

Do you think that the force that was used in the case that you selected was justifiable?

  • What gives law enforcement officers the authority to use force? 
  • What would be the consequences of injuring a third party?  
  • What authority does the injuring of a third party come from?

Housing market


We have discussed housing market in general. Now let’s look at how it affects you.

  1. If you are a homeowner, describe: [go to real estate websites (Zillow, Redfin, etc.) to find out relevant information]
    • number of years of homeownership
    • how much your house has appreciated since purchase
    • average annual percentage increase since purchase
    • whether you are cost burdened (compare with 30% threshold)
    • your neighborhood is a buyer’s market (cool) or seller’s market (hot)
    • the reasons why you decided to buy a house
    • whether you think you made a good decision and why
    • whether you are satisfied with your living conditions
    • whether you have difficulty paying monthly payment during COVID
    • government policies that help homeowners during COVID
  2. If you are a renter, describe:
    • number of years of renting
    • how much your rent has gone up during these years
    • average annul rent increase since you/your family moved in
    • whether you are satisfied with your living conditions
    • whether you are cost burdened (30% threshold)
    • whether your place is protected by rent control
    • whether you have difficulty paying rent during COVID
    • government policies that help renters during COVID
    • whether you plan to buy a house eventually and explain the reasons of your decision
    • if you would like to buy a house, what are the hurdles towards your homeownership

Project 5 Report


Answer the five questions below. They focus entirely on the financing, risk/return, Cost of Capital and Budget Forecasting of Largo Global Inc. (LGI) based on the investing activities that took place in project 4. Base your analysis on the data provided and calculated in the Excel workbook.

Provide a detailed response below each question. Use 12-point font and double spacing. Maintain the existing margins in this document. Your final Word document, including the questions, should not exceed 5 pages. Include a title page in addition to the five pages. Be sure to include tables and graphs. Name your document as follows: P5_Final_lastname_Report_date.

You must address all five questions and make full use of the information on all tabs of project 5 as well as data in other Excel workbooks (e.g. from project 1: ratio, common-size, and cash flow analysis).

You are strongly encouraged to exceed the requirements by refining your analysis. Consider other tools and techniques that were discussed in the required and recommended reading for Project 5. This means adding an in-depth explanation of what happened in that year for which data was provided to make precise recommendations to LGI.

article critique


The current assignment will be broken into two assignments, where you will summarize and critique a peer-reviewed public health article. In this week’s assignment, you will critique your selected article. You will have already selected your journal article from a peer-reviewed public health journal. 

Step 1: Be sure to review your article again (if needed). A sample of an article critique can be found here or in your supplemental resources.

Step 2: You will need to answer the following questions, which will help you critique your selected article:

Author Information

What is the name of the author(s) and the title of the article?

What are the credentials and qualifications of the author(s)? 

Article Information

Is the article relevant or outdated?

Is the article grounded in theory and pervious literature?

Is there any evidence of bias or conflict of interest?

Are the research methods appropriate for the specific study?

  • Can the results be generalized?

Critique Information

Provide a thesis statement that previews your analysis of the article.

  1. Provide key points about the significance of the research.
  2. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the article.

State your informed opinions about the article, including clarity, relevancy, and accuracy. You will need to provide specific examples to support your statements.

AnalyzeMyDiet Vitamins: Part 1 Auto-Graded Activity


Vitamins are divided into two groups: fat-soluble and water-soluble. The fat-soluble vitamins need the presence of dietary fat and the assistance of bile to be effectively absorbed. They aren’t excreted as easily as water-soluble vitamins, making them more likely to cause toxicity. However, this rarely occurs when consuming vitamins exclusively through foods. The water-soluble vitamins are generally not stored in the body so deficiency conditions of the water-soluble vitamins develop more quickly than for the fat-soluble vitamins.

In this activity, you will identify the sources of fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins in your diet and compare the amount you get with the current dietary recommendations.

This activity can be completed using the AnalyzeMyDiet tracker from within your Achieve course. Click on the AnalyzeMyDiet link found on your Achieve home screen.

To complete the activity using AnalyzeMyDiet:

If you have not already completed the AnalyzeMyDiet Tutorial and tracked at least one day’s nutrition and activity, do so first.

Within AnalyzeMyDiet, go to the Reports tab.

Select “Bar Graph” on the left or find it within the Combination Report.

Select the day(s) that are a representative of your typical diet or as specified by your instructor.

Click “Show Report” to download your report.

Lesson Plan for Adapted Physical Education: Bowling


Please follow this outline: You will give a 10-15 minute oral presentation of the game you chose to do. Briefly go over the lesson plan and explain how you will include the students with disabilities throughout the game using modifications and accommodations for each student with disabilities.

These will be the students with disabilities for your lesson:

A student in a wheelchair with normal upper extremity capabilities

Low function student with Autism

A Life Skills students that has Down syndrome and has low to medium physical and cognitive capabilities.

A visually impaired student with mild to moderate cognitive and physical capabilities, that has a 1 to 1 aide

You will have one other aide that comes with the class besides the 1 to 1 aide.  Use them for the entire class.

Addresses DAP, rational for defense/promotion of chosen activity    __________

Address examples of equipment, rules, space, personnel adaptations/how the aides are used and typical peers  __________

Addresses re-teach, checking for understanding, clarifications, feedback(to self and students)_______

  1. Presenter able to explain material with minimal reliance on written plan or notes ________

Defines curricular skills/ how the students with disabilities(aides) are included in the lesson and the all the modifications and accommodations used ________