DRAMA (Stage Play): Glengarry Glen Ross OUTLINE


Must write a essay outline on Glengarry Glen Ross while answering the question: Compare and Contrast the sales techniques between Roma and Levene?  


A. Title: Clear, Concise, and Creative. Type the Title of the Play (in italics), followed by a colon, followed by your clear, concise, and creative position on the prompt you chose. 

B. Opening Strategy: A complete draft as a full paragraph(s) that starts with a story based example of your Opening Strategy (OS). Your Introduction paragraph must be one of the following strategies: Personal Experience (PE), Other People’s Experience (OPE), Case Scenario (CS), Hypothetical (HYPO), or Hypo-Combo (HC).

C. Thesis: Your thesis statement is the main idea and focus for the entire essay. Your thesis should end your introduction as the last sentence of the final paragraph of the introduction. Remember: Introductions should be limited to three paragraphs or less. 


1. Topic sentence 1, minimum of three quotes, and your analysis. 

2. Topic sentence 2, minimum of three quotes, and your analysis. 

3. Topic sentence 3, minimum of three quotes, and your analysis. 


You must conclude your essay with a Book End that revisits the Opening Strategy (OS) example you started your essay with in the introduction. 

unit 5 Project for Employment Law: MGT555 MGT555-2401B-02


Assignment Details

In Part 1 of the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual, you completed the Separation of Employment and Noncompete Policy about the process and procedures for employees’ separation from the company and a QUESTION – QUESTION of the instances where employees would be subject to noncompete agreements.

In Part 2 of the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual, you completed a Recruitment Policy, where you proposed rules and procedures for recruitment of employees and so forth.

In Part 3 of the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual, your team created an Affirmative Action Plan and Religious Accommodation and Racial and Religious Discrimination Policy for your company.

In Part 4 of the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual, you created a Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation and Misconduct Policy for your company.

In Part 5 of the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual, you will show how collaborative leadership practices support an effective Privacy and Wages and Benefits Policy. Your Privacy and Wages and Benefits Policy must include the following:

Benefits information

Overtime compensation

  • Details regarding work breaks
  • Hours of work
  • Job classifications and pay ranges
  • Attendance
  • Sick leave
  • Vacation leave
  • Bereavement leave
  • Leave of absence with pay
  • Leave of absence without pay
  • Holiday schedule
  • Family and medical leave
  • Permitted uses of computers and phones




Each student will download a copy of the rubric and use the rubric to provide feedback to ONE peer.  If you have not received a project from your partner two days prior to the due date, email me.  I will assign you one.

You should not need to print or scan any documents.  You should be able to complete this electronically.  All you need to submit is the rubric (with each of the relevant areas scored), your name, and the name of the person you reviewed.

In your groups, you will review each other’s work and provide constructive feedback using the rubric. Some students use the rubric and create a Word document to type their notes.

You will only provide feedback on the parts that are provided.  I will grade your participation in the project and your ability to provide constructive feedback.  I will not grade projects.

To use the rubric, read the criteria on the left, and using your best judgment determine if the project includes the criteria.  If you can make suggestions for improvement, that would be great.  Be supportive and encouraging in your suggestions.  This is not a time to be harsh.

European Financial Market


Every country and region in the world faces its own financial and economic issues. Europe’s financial markets comprise of international bonds and equity markets. The Association for Financial Markets (AFME) in Europe is a trade association representing the world bond market. It is important for you to apply the concepts learned in this week to analyze some key issues faced by European financial markets.

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum,

  • Explore some of the key issues concerning financial markets in Europe on the following webpage: Key IssuesLinks to an external site..
    • Pick one key issue from the topics list on this webpage to explore further (e.g., Brexit, Digital Finance, Financial Crime, etc.).
    • Review the Overview section and a few of the key documents, studies, or resources included for your topic.
  • Find a webpage, website, or resource that provides information about the international bond market.

In your initial discussion forum post,

  • State which key issue you explored.
  • Summarize what you learned from exploring your key issue:
    • What is the key issue about?
    • What did you learn?
    • What did you find interesting?
  • Discuss how any one topic covered this week aligns with the key issue you read about.

Engagement with the media


This assignment aims to analyze the shifting dynamics between producers and consumers of media content in both traditional and online media and critically reflect on its impact on the media landscape.

Assignment Instructions:

1. Reading and Understanding:
  -Ch 1 Ridell attached in canvas.

  – Take notes on the chapter’s key concepts, arguments, and examples.

2. Comparative Analysis:
  – Write a comparative analysis contrasting the relationship between producers and consumers of media content in traditional media versus online media. Discuss the author’s viewpoint on the media landscape, mainly focusing on their perspective on the changing roles of producers and consumers.
  – Evaluate whether you agree or disagree with the author’s viewpoint and provide reasons for your stance.
   Discuss and identify similarities and differences in power dynamics, interactivity, and participation between the two forms of media.
  – Use specific examples and evidence from the chapter to support your analysis.

3. Cultural background – Choose an example from your own cultural background that illustrates the shifting relationship between producers and consumers of media content.
  – Describe the example and explain how it reflects the changing dynamics in the media landscape.
  – Analyze the implications of this example on media consumption, cultural representation, and power structures within your cultural context.



According to the text (and empirical data), people of color disproportionately commit violent and property crime, and African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans have higher victimization rates. After reading the assigned chapters and supplemental article from the Vera Institute, answer the following questions:

  1. The texts offers many explanations for racial difference in criminal behavior (i.e. social structure, social disorganization, poverty/inequality, cognitive and neurological development, neighborhood characteristics, antisocial behavior, urban life, etc.). Which explanation(s) do you believe best explains the wide variance in violent crime? Why?
  2. Similarly, the text also offers a series of explanations for higher rates of victimization among minorities (such as African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans). Which explanation(s) do you most agree with? Why?
  3. Finally, based on the text and report provided by the Vera Institute, answer one of the following:
    • What are the most promising emerging practices for integrating trauma-informed care into existing programs serving young men?
    • How can law enforcement agencies be supported in addressing implicit bias so that young men of color harmed by crime are met with respect, care, and coordination with appropriate resources?
    • What strategies exist to help intervene in cycles of violence, even with those young people who have caused harm?

Cardiovascular Disease Presentation


Full order QUESTION:


Make sure to address the guidelines below in your presentation:

Literature Search: Conduct a brief literature search using recommended textbooks, Pubmed, CINAHL, or other reliable sources to explore the significance and determinants (causative risk factors) of the chosen chronic disease. Summarize key findings from 5 studies (minimum) that came up in your literature search and provide proper citations.

Descriptive Epidemiology: Present the descriptive epidemiology of the selected chronic disease, considering its distribution in terms of time, place, and affected population groups. Use relevant data, statistics, and graphs to illustrate the prevalence, incidence, and trends associated with the disease.

Prevention and Control Measures: Summarize the prevention and control measures recommended for the chosen chronic disease. Discuss lifestyle modifications, behavioral changes, screening guidelines, early detection strategies, and management approaches that contribute to the prevention and control of the disease. Include evidence-based interventions and approaches supported by research and public health organizations.

National or State-Level Interventions: Research and present examples of national or state-level interventions that have been implemented to address the chosen chronic disease. Highlight initiatives, policies, or programs aimed at raising awareness, improving healthcare access, promoting healthy behaviors, and reducing the burden of the disease. 

Capstone ids


#1.   2 ) Tim Cresswell wrote:

“This is the most straightforward and common definition of place—a meaningful location.”  (p. 132)

Please explain first how Cresswell distinguishes “space” from “place,” and then give an example of how the problem statement of your portfolio can connect with the idea of place as a “meaningful location.                                  5) Brandt cites the following definition of Interprofessional Collaborative Practice from the World Health Association:

“Interprofessional collaborative practice ‘occurs when multiple health workers from different professional backgrounds provide comprehensive health services by working with patients, their families, carers (caregivers), and communities to deliver the highest quality of care across settings.’” (p. 10).

In roughly 3 sentences please adapt this concept of “interprofessional collaborative practice” to the objective of your portfolio’s problem statement, naming at least three kinds of professionals from three different fields who should be collaborating to achieve an optimal outcome.

The course readings are selected both as examples of interdisciplinary thinking and also as models for how you might think about your own portfolio.  With that in mind, please write 2-3 paragraphs about how at least 2 of the readings from the class contribute to your thinking about the problem statement for your portfolio.

African American db


Ohio- Last names starting with S-T (this is my state I must use)-NARRATIVE ATTACHED

Option 1: The LOC site where you can hear and read the narrative…there is something powerful about listening to the people in their own voice about their experiences.

Option 2: Here are various sources to help.

About this Collection – Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the …

North American Slave Narratives – Documenting the American South

Slave narratives – PBS

American Slave Narratives

Can WPA slave narratives be trusted, or are they tainted by …

Option 3: Attached are transcripts of some slave narratives.(SEE ATTACHMENT)


1. You are to find one slave narratives from a LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1930s SLAVE Narrative for your assigned state.

2. In essay format, you will retell to the class what you heard and read about from your chosen person about their slave experiences. You will need to have at least 300 words in this post plus 3 full references due Friday. Remember to explain what details and experiences these ex-slaves gave in describing the institution of slavery and the practice of slavery.

Employee Management System – Functionality 5


For this interactive assignment, you will apply all the concepts you learned in previous weeks and apply the use of sequential input and output operations to add two new functionalities to your Employee Management System.

Export employees’ information to text file: This functionality will allow the user to save the employee information saved in the list to the file system. Each list entry should be saved into a new line. You may notice by now that closing the script will cost your Employee Management System to lose all entered employees’ information. Exporting the current system data into a file system will help you to save this information permanently on the hard disk and be able to use it at later time.

Import employees’ information from text file: This functionality will help you to import preexisting employee information from a text file saved on the file system. Each line in the text should be saved as a new list entry. When you run your Employee Management System for the first time you should be able to populate the system with preexisting employee information, if there are any, instead of adding this information manually to the system.