Discussion 2

Question Description

Write a discussion minimum 250 words, As you can see from the figure below, election turnout varies widely based on the type of election being held. What factors influence election turnout? Why do more Texans not vote? What can be done to increase voter turnout?

HY1120 Concepts of American History and the Real World

Question Description

Discuss how the concepts of American History, from the advent of the Gilded Age to the early 21st Century, can be applied to real-world situations and increase your chances of career or life success.

Response must be at least 200 words.

No references or citations are necessary.

Topic 4 DQ 1 Comment 5

Question Description

***Comment this***

HIV/AIDS patients are highly prone to opportunistic infections due to their suppressed imune status. this further intereferes with the quality of life for them.Proper nutrition,physical activity, adherence to medication and avoidance of reinfection and communicable diseases can health promote better health for infected individuals.

Summary of a part in a book called The Norton Mix

Question Description

“Read and summarize Literacy Debate: Online, R U Really Reading? by Motoko Rich on Page 82-93.”

– My writing skills are not so good, and my Professor knows about this, so her expectations are not high. Doesn’t have to be expert. 1.5-2 page is enough.

Statement of Purpose

Question Description

A brief essay of approximately 500 words outlining the applicant’s career goals and how the applicant’s hospitality employment background has prepared him/her for graduate study.

Statement of Purpose. I am applying for this graduate program, please help me with the statement of Purpose. 500 words. https://www.unlv.edu/degree/ms-hotel-administration

Module 3 Written Assignment

Question Description

The project control process starts with establishing a baseline plan that shows how the project scope will be accomplished on schedule and within budget. Write a two-page APA-formatted paper giving examples of challenges that might face the project manager and how he/she can overcome them.

Criminal 5

Question Description

What will the Border of the future look like? Will there be a physical “border?”

Discuss technology’s impact on border security.

In the future, will Border Patrol Agents spend more time in a UAV (drone) trailer than on horseback patrol?

Discuss the future, both in North America and worldwide.

4 Case Briefs

Question Description

You Must Know how to make Case Briefs// Cases Attached

***1-2 pages each MLA format

Ps- I will attach an example to what it should look like/be worded like

And I want you to include –

(on the heading)- case citation

-facts of case

-legal questions

-reasoning (justice stone)

-Separate Opinions

-Descending Opinion (if any)


watch 3 videos and write reviews

Question Description

zero days– Write a two page review and at the end write a paragraph expressing your views on this topic.


The iran-contra affair video- a page of your review


Iran-Contra: Reagan’s Scandal and the Unchecked Abuse of Presidential Power– a page of your review


1 page Relate Langston Hughes’ poem “Harlem” to the dreams in. A Raisin in the Sun It should be in the same format of the attachment below

Question Description

Relate Langston Hughes’ poem “Harlem” to the dreams in.A Raisin in the SunIt should be in the same format of the attachment below

Relate Langston Hughes’ poem “Harlem” to the dreams in.A Raisin in the SunIt should be in the same format of the attachment below