Software and Internet Technologies Labs


You will now switch gears to learn about IT concepts in the TestOut IT Fundamentals Pro course. In the TestOut IT Fundamentals Pro segment of this week, you work on a series of lab simulations to practice and learn about software and the Internet. This knowledge builds your foundational understanding of computer and digital technologies you will need in this course, in your studies, and in your career.

Prior to beginning this assignment, complete the following labs in Chapter 4 of the TestOut IT Fundamentals Pro course:

4.2.8 Explore the Windows 10 OS

4.2.10 Change Windows Settings

4.2.12 Explore iOS

4.5.11 Explore iOS

4.5.13 Use Microsoft Word

4.5.15 Use Microsoft PowerPoint

  • 4.7.4 Manage Applications
  • 4.7.6 Manage Repair Programs
  • For this assignment, consider at least 2 labs from this week that interested you the most, and how you can benefit from the knowledge gained from working through these labs. This assignment is worth 4% of your course grade.
  • In this assignment,
  • Identify at least 2 labs from this week that interested you most. Include screenshots of the “Score Lab” screen for each lab.
  • Explain why you chose these labs for this assignment.
  • Discuss how these skills are relevant and useful in your life and in your potential career path.
  • The Software and Internet Technologies Labs assignment

Seeking Assistance in Revising Research


I am seeking help to revise my research project, particularly in Chapters 1 and 2. In Chapter 1, I would like to make the connection between the objectives and research questions more clear. It is important for the reader to understand how these elements are interconnected. This connection should also be addressed and emphasized in Chapter 5.

Specifically, on page 66, in the second paragraph, I would like assistance in rephrasing the sentence containing “This study” to avoid any confusion or ambiguity.

Moving on to Chapter 4, I would appreciate clearer and more descriptive titles for the tables used in this chapter. It is essential that readers can easily understand what each table represents.

In Chapter 5, I would like to expand and include more information. This chapter holds significant importance as it provides an opportunity for me to express my thoughts, explain the significance of my findings, and discuss their implications. It is crucial to link the findings and discussion to the existing literature presented in Chapter 2.

Instead of using generic subheadings like “Conclusions 1, 2, 3,” I would prefer to use more specific subheadings that reflect the target audience. For example, using subheadings like “Policy Makers,” “Researchers,” and “Practitioners” would be more appropriate.

SC121 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Oakland University Discussion


Initial post:

A nutrient is a substance in food that is used by the body to promote normal growth, maintenance, and repair. During metabolism, substances inside body cells are constantly built up or broken down. Let’s start this week’s discussion with the definition and comparison of glycogenesis, glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, and lipogenesis. Which is (are) likely to be occurring (1) shortly after a carbohydrate-rich meal and (2) just before waking up in the morning?

Reply post:

According to the text, “Glycogenesis is the synthesis of glycogen; glycogenolysis is its hydrolysis (breakdown to glucose); and gluconeogenesis is the synthesis of glucose from noncarbohydrates, especially fats and proteins.” (Saladin, 2020 p. 641). It also says, “Synthesizing fats from other types of molecules is called lipogenesis,” (Saladin, 2020 p. 993). It could be known as triglyceride synthesis, as well. Now, glycogenesis is more likely to happen after eating a meal very rich in carbs, while gluconeogenesis is more likely to happen right before you wake up in the morning. NIH writes, “Lipogenesis encompasses the processes of fatty acid synthesis and subsequent triglyceride synthesis, and takes place in both liver and adipose tissue.” It’s also likely for lipogenesis to happen after eating a lot of carbs in one sitting.



Topic 9 DQ 1

Start Date & Time

Mar 18, 2024, 12:00 AM

Due Date & Time

Mar 20, 2024, 11:59 PM



Assessment QUESTION

Discuss one personal strength and one weakness you have regarding professional presentations. Name one method for improvement for each of these, and discuss why it is important for you to improve on these skills based on self-awareness if you want to present your findings in a more formal setting.

Initial discussion question posts should be a minimum of 200 words and include at least two references cited using APA format. Responses to peers or faculty should be 100–150 words and include one reference. Refer to “RN-BSN DQ Rubric” and “RN-BSN Participation Rubric,” located in Class Resources, to understand the expectations for initial discussion question posts and participation posts, respectively. 

Topic 9 DQ 2



Assessment QUESTION

Sustaining change can be difficult, as there are many variables that can affect implementation. One critical component of EBP is to ensure that practice change is part of an organization’s culture so it will continue to impact outcomes over time. Name two potential barriers that may prevent your evidence-based change proposal from continuing to obtain the same desired results 6 months to a year from now and your strategies for overcoming these challenges.

Hi pleas I need help for my home work


Health and Safety as Curriculum

Children in a preschool classroom are learning something new every day!

Health, safety and nutrition are very important concerns for teachers of young children. This semester you will all be creating a lesson plan that focuses on one of these three topics.

This week we have an opportunity to share some of the ideas for activities that focuses on one of these topics-health, safety or nutrition. This discussion will help you start to think about lesson planning that includes topics related to health, safety and nutrition.

If you have been teaching, or volunteering or working in a preschool classroom, share an idea for an activity you have seen or used with young children. How did the children enjoy the activity and what did they learn?

What kinds of basic health information have you seen teachers focus on with the children? Think about how teachers help children prevent illness, how they teach children to be safe, and how they help children learn about healthy foods.

Look through your textbook. Can you find ideas for health, safety and nutrition lessons? What pages did you find the information?

Reply to two of your peers

After you post your response you will see the posts of your peers.

Give a detailed answer based on the info provided


The midterm report is a paper written by the student about the course material covered so far. This assignment serves as a reflective or analytical piece where the student summarizes, discusses their understanding of, engages critically with, and communicates their thoughts on the course content. Here are the key components and considerations for this assignment:Introduction:

• Begin with an introductory section that explains the purpose of the report and provides context for the reader.

Course/Material Overview:

• Provide a detailed review of the course material covered up to the mid-term point.

• Summarize the main themes, topics, and objectives of the course.

• Discuss key concepts, theories, readings, and assignments.

• Include examples or illustrations where relevant to clarify your understanding.


• Reflect on your learning experience in the course so far. What have you found most interesting or challenging?

• Discuss any insights or realizations you’ve had about the subject matter.

• Consider how the course material relates to your interests or future goals.

• Discuss your goals for the remainder of the course. What do you hope to achieve or learn by the end of the semester?


• Summarize the main points discussed in the report.

• Reiterate the significance of the course and its relevance to your academic and personal growth.



Week 1 Scenario

Patricia Ann Speaks

All Sections

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Scenario :

Patient is an 18-year-old female with a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis who presents with complaints of increased productive cough and fatigue in the last few days. The patient denies a fever but reports that her appetite hasn’t been good because she is so tired. Patient vital signs: BP 110/70, P 110, Res 28 labored, temp 98.4. Physical exam: Lung sounds Diminished breath sounds bilateral lower lobes with crackles in upper lobes. Post an explanation of the disease highlighted in the scenario you were provided. Include the following in your explanation:

  • The role genetics plays in the disease.
  • Why the patient is presenting with the specific symptoms described.
  • The physiologic response to the stimulus presented in the scenario and why you think this response occurred.
  • The cells that are involved in this process.
  • How another characteristic (e.g., gender, genetics) would change your response.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on 2 different days and respectfully agree or disagree with your colleague’s assessment and explain your reasoning. In your explanation, include why their explanations make physiological sense or why they do not.

Technology and Training Systems


Technology plays a vital role in modern training systems, revolutionizing how people learn and acquire new skills. Through interactive platforms, virtual reality simulations, and online courses, technology provides personalized and immersive training experiences. This assignment allows you to explore how technology enhances training systems.

In your paper,

Describe your assessment results of the technology requirements the organization deploys to manage and increase the competency and productivity of employees.

These technology requirements should relate to productivity and staffing, career development, and training systems.

Propose suggestions for improving these technology requirements.

The Technology and Training Systems paper

must be four to five full double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA

must include a separate title page with the following in title case:

  • title of paper in bold font

Space should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the title page.

  • student’s name
  • name of institution (The University of Arizona Global Campus)

course name and number

instructor’s name

due date

must utilize academic voice.

  • must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph.

Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.

  • must use at least three credible and/or scholarly sources published within the last 5 years in addition to the course text

Discuss Some of the Types of Conflicts One Can/Has Experienced in College


Based on your readings in the course, so far, create a video* to address the following questions:

What are some common causes of conflicts in a college setting? (Give examples as defined in your text.)

Do you think it is destructive or productive? In what way?

Which type of Interpersonal Conflict (Affective, Conflict of Interest, Value Conflict, Cognitive Conflict, Goal Conflict) have you either personally been involved with, or witnessed with someone else in college (fellow classmate, professor, administrator? Please define and explain which type and why you believe it fits that category.)

Was the conflict resolved? If so, what. strategy was used?

  • Which strategy do you believe is most often used – and which do you believe is most effective in managing or resolving conflicts in the college setting?
  • You MUST reference information from your text to support your comments.
  • * The video should be between 1 and 3 minutes in duration, and should be clear, concise, and of good quality (voice, lighting, clarity). Appropriate business or business casual attire is required for all assignment videos submitted  — no pajamas, t-shirts, sleep caps, hoodies, etc. 
  • Text Book: 
  • Conflict Management OER (Open Educational Resource) through LibreTexts. You will NOT need to purchase a textbook for this course.

arizona university Psychology Questionb


  1. Answer the following questions:
    1. Define learning.
    2. Explain classical conditioning. In your explanation include: the unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, and conditioned response. Provide an example of classical conditioning.
    3. Explain the application of classical conditioning in the research done with “Little Albert.”
    4. Provide examples of extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization, and discrimination.
    5. Describe the process of operant conditioning.
    6. Distinguish between positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement and punishment. Provide examples. Include an example of shaping.
    7. What are the major problems or objections in using punishment to decrease the occurrence of undesirable behavior?
    8. Distinguish between continuous and partial schedules of reinforcement. Explain which is most effective for conditioning behavior initially, versus which is most useful for maintaining behavior that is resistant to extinction.
    9. Explain Counterconditioning, Flooding and Systematic Desensitization.
    10. Explain Bandura’s observational learning.
    11. Explain the effects of media violence on behavior.
    12. Define cognition and identify the building blocks of cognition.
    13. Explain the tools/problems utilized in cognition such as algorithms, heuristics, mental sets and overgeneralization.
    14. Explain how language develops and include the various theories of language.
    15. Explain the key theories of intelligence including Factors Theory, Spearman and Multiple Intelligences.
    16. Explain the relationship between creativity and intelligence.
    17. Explain some major measurements of intelligence including the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, The Weschler Scales, and Group tests.
    18. How do genetic and environmental influences affect a person’s intelligence?