BUS 390 Benchmark Executive Summary


You are an employee at a multinational corporation (MNC). Your goal is to convince the executives in the MNC to start selling a product or service to a country to help them solve a problem. Provide an executive summary (350-500 words) to explain the current problem in the country and propose a solution using your company’s product or service. Provide research and evidence that supports your summary. Use the following format:

Introduction and Problem Identification

Select one of the three countries you used in Topic 2 globalization presentation assignment. Provide an overview of a current problem in the country and the impact the problem is having on the country.

Propose a Solution

As an employee at an MNC, you are trying to convince the executives at the MNC to start selling a product or service to the country to resolve their current problem.

Highlight potential obstacles the MNC could face when starting to sell the product or service to the country (e.g., economic, legal, and cultural factors).

Identify a local business within the country that could partner with the MNC to sell the product or service.

Identify how selling the product or service to the country would benefit the MNC (e.g., return on investment, market expansion, corporate image).

NURS 4465 Discussion 5


Research the selected agency, and using the following headings, discuss: Please use a UnityPoint Clinic in Waterloo, IA

Name of agency and why you selected this agency;

Brief history and mission of the agency;

Target population the agency serves;

  1. Services and programs offered;
  2. What criteria (i.e. income, age, etc.) must clients meet in order to be served by the agency; and
  3. What you found interesting about this agency or helpful for you as a professional nurse.
  4. Cite and reference the information you report on, as appropriate.
  5. In this Discussion, you will select a clinic or community agency within the community. The organization you select must serve the needs of a vulnerable population group. Research the clinic or agency to obtain a clear idea of services provided and the specific population it serves. It is not necessary for you to make an on-site visit. However, you must cite the source(s) from which you obtained the information about the clinic or community agency. 
  6. Examples of clinical or community health agencies:
  7. ParishesEmployee/Occupational HealthInfection Control in hospitalsPublic Health DepartmentRefugee CentersChild/Adult Protective ServicesSchool Health ClinicHospiceHalfway House: Drug Abuse, Prison, etc.Homeless CenterPublic Clinics: Pediatric, Psychiatric, OB, Geriatric, Migrant, etc.Rehab Program: Cardiac, etc.Shelters: Homeless, Women’s, etc.HIV/AIDS programs/clinicsVeterans’ agenciesAdolescent ProgramsGroup homes for MHMR clients, etc.Support groups for cancer, sexual abuse, etc. survivors

Leadership assign M


Using information from your assigned readings, the literature, the self-paced tutorial, and leaders in your organizations, discuss the following in a 2-3 page paper.  

  1. What are three (3) key strategic initiatives for your organization, department and unit. Do they align with each other? Why or why not?  Provide rationale.
  2. Does your organization’s strategic plan address recruitment and retention of key clinical roles?  If so, discuss the goals and activities around this initiative. If not, discuss two (2) goals with 3-4 activities focused on recruitment and retention. 
  3. Does your organization have a customer service/patient experience model? If so, please describe the model. Is if effective? Why or why not?  How is patient experience reflected in the organization’s, your department’s and your unit’s strategic plan? Provide examples.

Points: 40


Minimum of four (4) total references: two (2) references from required course materials and two (2) peer-reviewed references. All references must be no older than five years (unless making a specific point using a seminal piece of information)

Peer-reviewed references include references from professional data bases such as PubMed or CINHAL applicable to population and practice area, along with evidence based clinical practice guidelines. Examples of unacceptable references are Wikipedia, UpToDate, Epocrates, Medscape, WebMD, hospital organizations, insurance recommendations, & secondary clinical databases.

NURS 330: Nursing Research and Evidence-based Practice



Select a topic identified from your required reading in Chapter 4 of the textbook. Conduct a search of the databases noted on the Trinity Library Research Guide. Complete ALL of the following steps:

1.Identify the total number of resources available from the Trinity Library. 

2.Narrow the date range to the last five years. 

3.How many of these are “peer reviewed”?  What do you think are the benefits of including peer reviewed resources in your database searches?

4.How many are “full text”?  How might full-text searching be a strength/weakness or both?  

5.Take screen shots of your search return findings for each of the steps. Paste these into your homework document. 

6.Discuss your search output and explain how you would sort through the volume of information you have found with your search.

Post your paper in Word *.doc or *.docx format to the designated assignment Dropbox in Moodle by the Due Date. Remember to follow APA formatting for all citations and for your reference list. You will need to include a Title and Reference page in APA format.

Consider the following topics when you select your relevant, researchable topic from Chapter 4. Topics include but are not limited to:

Belmont Report

Benefit-Risk Ratio

Breach of confidentiality




Discomfort and Harm

Principle of Beneficence
Fabrication in Research

demonstrate the skills of the professional nurse as an educator


The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate the skills of the professional nurse as an educator. You are to prepare a patient scenario based on the required assigned topic. You will choose an already developed and reliable mHealth app to use in the education of your patient.

Based on your accepted Milestone 1 assignment, use the information to identify three teaching areas to improve patient outcomes. You will also determine three ways to evaluate the success of the patient’s use of the mHealth app. You will need to provide the mHealth app reference in APA format.

Required Assignment Topic

Note: You will use the same scenario you developed and same mHealth app you identified in Week 2.

Requirements and Guidelines

Briefly state the patient scenario from the Milestone 1 assignment.

Include revisions, if required by Milestone 1 faculty feedback.

Identify (3) teaching areas to improve patient outcomes.

Information to be taught to the patient should include information about the mHealth app, safety guidelines, and how to interpret and act on the information that is provided. Remember to cite the mHealth app when appropriate in the Teaching Area (See template).

Use bullet points

Describe 3 ways you would determine and evaluate the success of the patient’s use of the mHealth app.

Use bullet points



Complete all the requirements of the case scenario.

Use at least one scholarly source 

  • Demographic Data
  • Age and gender (must be HIPAA compliant)


Chief Complaint (CC): A short statement about why they are there

  • History of Present Illness (HPI): Write your HPI in paragraph form. Start with the age, gender, and why they are there (example: 23-year-old female here for…). Elaborate using the acronym OLDCART: Onset, Location, Duration, Characteristics, Aggravating/Alleviating Factors, Relieving Factors, Treatment

Past Med. Hx (PMH): Medical or surgical problems, hospitalizations, medications, allergies, immunizations, and preventative health maintenance

Family Hx: any history of CA, DM, HTN, MI, CVA?

  • Social Hx: Including nutrition, exercise, substance use, sexual hx, occupation, school, etc.
  • Review of Systems (ROS) as appropriate: Include health maintenance (e.g., eye, dental, pap, vaccines, colonoscopy)
  • Objective
  • Vital Signs
  • Physical findings listed by body systems, not paragraph form- Highlight abnormal findings
  • Assessment (the diagnosis)

At least Two (2) differential diagnoses (if applicable) with rationale and pertinent positives and negatives for each

Final diagnosis with rationale, pertinent positives and negatives, and pathophysiological explanation

  • Plan
  • Dx Plan (lab, x-ray)

Tx Plan (meds): including medication(s) prescribed (if any), dosage, frequency, duration, and refill(s) (if any)

Pt. Education, including specific medication teaching points

  • Referral/Follow-up
  • Health maintenance: including when screenings eye, dental, pap, vaccines, immunizations, etc. are next due

Case Study Using Kaltura


Turnitin™ enabledThis assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™.

Part I: The Case Study link below is for the Case Study 3. Read and study the case and address each of the questions at the end of the study. In addressing each of the questions, create a Power Point presentation to include the following:

– Problem

– Identify and describe alternative solutions

– Justify your recommendations for EACH question

Part II: In addition to the Power Point presentation, a 10-15 minute video will be required using Kaltura. In this video you will summarize your findings from your Powerpoint. This part of the assignment will provide the visual presentation of the case study.

Instructions: Attach two files to the Case Study #3 assignment: 1) Power Point presentation (.ppt or .pptx file) and 2) Kaltura video. To access Kaltura, click on the “Insert Stuff” icon on the toolbar of the Comments Box at the bottom of this screen.

Now, if you have trouble with Kaltura, you can use Youtube of any other video method. The point is to show you presenting your slides to the class. And just don’t read the words on the slides. Talk about what each slide means.https://myclassroom.apus.edu/shared/commonfolder/management-common/TLMT/TLMT313/Case%20Study%203%20Managing%20Supply%20Chain%20Complexity%20in%20a%20Tea%20Manufacturing%20Company.pdfCriteria

academic research of international service brand of Singapore air line


Assignment: 1500-Word Individual Report on Brand Identity of an International Service Industry Brand


This assessment is designed to evaluate your understanding of the principles of branding and your ability to apply those principles to analyze the brand identity of an international service industry brand.


• Define and explain the key elements of brand identity, including core values, mission statement, visual identity, and messaging.

  • Analyze the brand identity of an international service industry brand, identifying the brand’s strengths and weaknesses in terms of coherence, consistency, and effectiveness.
  • Evaluate the brand’s effectiveness in communicating its brand identity across different marketing channels.
  • Recommend strategies for enhancing the brand’s brand identity and achieving greater brand equity.


• A 1500-word report on the brand identity of an international service industry brand.

  • The report should be structured as follows:

1. Introduction: Provide an overview of the brand and its industry.

2. Brand Identity Analysis: Analyze the brand’s core values, mission statement, visual identity, and messaging.

3. Brand Coherence and Consistency: Evaluate the brand’s overall coherence and consistency in terms of its messaging and visual identity.

4. Effectiveness of Brand Communication: Evaluate the effectiveness of the brand’s communication efforts in conveying its brand identity across different marketing channels.

5. Recommendations: Recommend strategies for enhancing the brand’s identity and achieving greater brand equity.

QSO 320 H3236 SNHU Improving Performance Through Analysis Excel


Finding out about organizational inefficiencies is the first step to improving performance. To determine what inefficiencies exist, you need to perform a data analysis. A good place to start is with sales. You have to know what data to study and how to use specific tools for data analysis. It’s important to use the IF function, pivot tables, pie charts, bar charts, and histograms. These can help you isolate specific data and organize it in a way that makes it easier to read. Studying measures of central tendency also helps you find out important information. First, you find where inefficiencies in sales exist. Then, you need to be able to talk about the effect this has on the organization.


For this assignment, you’ll use the Vinho Winery Scenario, linked in Supporting Materials, and other course resources to look at raw data sets. These data sets will explain the production, sales, and distribution of wine. You’ll need to study the different types of wine and distribution centers to figure out their financial effects on the organization’s total profits. All your analyses need to be submitted in an annotated Excel file, and each analysis needs to include your reasons for using the appropriate Excel functions. 

Hudson Community College Interviewing as a Social Research Method


Conduct an interview with a colleague at the college or a coworker to learn about how they balance their daily demands and expectations of work, school, family and social relations

  1. List your questions before you set up the meeting with that individual. Keep in mind that questions come in two different categories. One centers on demographic variables such as age, gender, race, education level, employment status, marital status, income, and the like. The second category of questions are subject-related and center on specific questions relating to the topic at hand. In this case, the questions should refer to the balancing acts of daily demands, stress, and type of work, family expectations and the like. Your questions should cover these two categories. Note that the quality of your questions and how they are raised determine the quality of your research results.
  2. Highlight important features of interviewing as a research method.
  3. Describe the interview setting including time and place.
  4. Describe the interview process and questions and answers.
  5. What conclusions have you reached about this individual and their stress level and how they balance their daily activities.
  6. Which sociological theory or theories have guided your questions and the interview?
  7. What lessons have you learned about yourself as an interviewer and a researcher?