

You will create a short Power Point presentation teaching your audience how to put into practice the fundamental principles that influence transcultural interaction and communication. You will develop a 4-slide presentation, a title slide, presentation slides with narrative notes and a reference slide. Review the information below prior to starting your PowerPoint presentation.


Everyone entering a healthcare system should obtain evidence-based care that is culturally and linguistically appropriate. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Minority Health developed the Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services Standards (CLAS Standards) to improve quality, advance health equity and help eliminate health care disparities (Andrews et al., 2020).

Utilizing 4 (2 from Communication and Language Assistance and 2 from other area of standards) of the National CLAS Standards, in your own words, build a 4 slide presentation teaching your peers how to address the standards at your work place.

The PowerPoint?presentation should be in APA format and include: 

Title slide (include your name and section number) and brief introduction of project (1 slide No narrative notes)

4 total CLAS Standards (2 slides Narrative notes in APA format with APA formatted citations)

Select 2 of the 4 Communication and Language Assistance Standards

Select 2 of any other standards from:

  • Governance, Leadership, and Workforce, or
  • Engagement, Continuous Improvement, and Accountability.

Abstract and Bibliography-Neo colonialism in Africa


This assignment is in 2 parts: Abstract and Bibliography

Abstract: It will summarize research question, preliminary thesis, evidence to be used, and relevance of final project (thesis) to a field of study (conflict and dispute resolution, mediation). Length should be around 500 min-800 words max.

Bibliography: This annotated bibliography is meant to help you prepare for project completion. It must include at least five secondary academic sources. Do not use Wikipedia. Your sources need to be published in peer-reviewed venues. You can have a maximum of two primary sources, such as literature, newspaper articles, blogs. You can have a maximum of two sources read in class (Halfie, and National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, U of Manitoba, 2019-2020 Report). Follow APA, Chicago or MLA as style guides. Each entry (article) will include the following information:

1. Summary of the source
2. What does it contribute to your project? (In other words, does it provide necessary context, an important analysis, new insight, an important question for you, a counter-argument, and/or a case study to analyze, etc?) Each entry should be 250 words, minimum-400 words, maximum. Only use the article attached or sent to you.

This might be beneficial to use for understanding: How to Create An Annotated Bibliography? Here are useful guidelines:…

PHE5020 CU Sample Size and Statistical Assumptions Discussion


Sample Size and Statistical Assumptions

Certain basic assumptions are necessary to allow for the statistical analysis of public health data. However, the validity of these assumptions can be affected by the sample size being analyzed. The purpose of this assignment is to refresh your knowledge of the basic assumptions underlying the biostatistical analysis and to consider how these assumptions are affected by the sample size being analyzed.

Using the School’s Online Library, the Internet, and your text readings, research the following statistical topics:

  • Statistical power
  • Central limit theorem (CLT)

On the basis of your research and understanding, respond to the following:

  • Find and state the definition of statistical power that you identify with.
  • State the definition of statistical power in your own words.
  • Compare and contrast type I and type II errors.
  • Explain how power is affected by sample size.
  • Find and state the definition of CLT that you identify with.
  • State the definition of CLT in your own words.
  • Summarize the basic assumptions underlying hypothesis testing and confidence interval methods.
  • Explain how these assumptions are affected by sample size.
  • Explain the relation of a sample size to the basic assumptions underlying biostatistical analysis.
  • As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format. **** Do not use AI it will be checked

HUS4352 Multicultural Perspective


Watch the following video and respond to the prompts:

Identify one example of microagressions provided by Dr. Sue.

Why do you think this kind of microagression is hurtful to marginalized people?

Discuss one antidote to implicit bias provided by Dr. Sue.

Discussion Requirements:

  1. Original Discussion Post – Due Saturday before the assigned Canvas Discussion due date
  2. Fully respond to the questions being asked.  
  3. Demonstrate content knowledge from our course textbook. Refrain from oversharing. 

Fully spell out all words (it is, does not, etc.). 

You must have a minimum of 200 words. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation will affect your grade, so be sure to proof your work before submitting it.

You must have an in-text citation from our course textbook to support what you are saying. You will need a reference for your in-text citation. Any information taken from a source (other than your classmate or professor) must include an in-text citation and reference to avoid plagiarism. Not including a properly formatted in-text citation and reference will affect your grade. 

Discussion Replies – Due by the assigned Canvas Discussion due date

Demonstrate content knowledge from our course textbook. Refrain from oversharing.

  • You must reply to two different students. You cannot reuse your reply or in-text citation to respond to another student.
  • Fully spell out all words (it is, does not, etc.). 

Answer the question


Please write an essay where you choose a side and defend it regarding the following hypothetical+ issue:

In response to mass shooting incidents around the nation, a NJ law has been proposed that would allow eligible students to carry concealed firearms on all college and university campuses. “Eligible” is defined as students who can legally own firearms under normal circumstances; a gun permit would still be required, and students with convictions for violent offenses would still not be allowed to carry firearms. Students would also have to register their intention to carry concealed firearms with campus police, and take firearms safety courses in order to qualify for eligibility. However, they would not necessarily have to disclose their concealed carry status to their professors or fellow students. 

Try to support your argument with examples and evidence when possible, even if your supporting points are theoretical or hypothetical. You must at least one outside source to support your points. You must choose one side or the other in this debate avoid sitting on the fence or saying “both sides have good points” as much as possible.

+In other words, this is not a real law being proposed, but it is similar to other actual laws in place around the country. 

Standard Essay Rules

trauma m6 response


Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) is a well-researched intervention that is effective in helping individuals cope with the aftermath of traumatic experiences. 

TF-CBT is an organized, short-term treatment model that successfully improves a range of trauma-related outcomes in 8-25 sessions with the child/adolescent and caregiver. It involves components such as psychoeducation, relaxation techniques, affective modulation skills, cognitive coping, trauma narrative, conjoin child-parent sessions and processing, in vivo mastery of trauma reminders, and enhancing future safety and development. 

Here’s a step-by-step explanation of how TF-CBT works:
1. Psychoeducation: The therapist educates the client about trauma and its effects.
2. Relaxation techniques: The client learns techniques to manage stress and anxiety.
3. Affective modulation skills: The client learns to understand and manage emotions.
4. Cognitive coping: The client learns to identify and change unhelpful thought patterns.
5. Trauma narrative and processing: The client tells their trauma story in a safe environment, which helps them process their experiences.
6. In vivo mastery of trauma reminders: The client gradually faces situations that remind them of the trauma, which helps reduce avoidance behaviors.
7. Conjoint child-parent sessions: The therapist works with the client and caregiver to improve communication and support. 8. Enhancing future safety and development: The client learns skills to help them cope with future challenges. 

SURVEY OF WORLD HISTORY C375 PRFA BCM1 Western Governors University 1004.1.7 : The Rise of Multicultural Empires


You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

A.  Choose two empires from the list below:





1.  Discuss the impact of one geographical factor on each of the empires selected in part A (suggested length of 2–3 paragraphs). 

  • Note: You must include two different geographical factors (one per empire).
  • B.  Describe two unique cultural characteristics for each of the empires you selected in part A (suggested length of 2–3 paragraphs).
  • C.  Describe changes in one of the chosen empires from part A by doing the following (suggested length of 2–3 paragraphs):
  • 1.   Identify two major leaders of the chosen empire.

a.   Discuss one significant contribution for each of the major leaders you identified in part C1.

2.   Explain the methods used by the chosen empire to expand its territory and power.

3.   Analyze how your chosen empire’s political structures changed over time.

D.  Provide acknowledgement of source information, using in-text citations and references, for quoted, paraphrased, or summarized content.

1.  Include the following information when providing source references:




 location of information (e.g., publisher, journal, or website URL)

Research Mod 3



Milestone 3 represents a crucial stage in your Literature Review Project. You will build upon Milestone 2 by adding a Sentence Outline for the content to be used in your final paper. This outline will help demonstrate your understanding of the literature and how you plan to organize your final paper thematically. Each complete sentence in the outline should include a properly formatted parenthetical citation to an article in the reference list. Please be aware that this is not an annotated bibliography; the expectation is for a coherent, well-organized outline that incorporates insights from all your chosen sources.

Point Value

This assignment is worth 50 points. Grading will be based on the effective implementation of corrections from Milestone 2 feedback, the quality and thematic organization of your Sentence Outline, and making sure that information from all cited sources is incorporated along with proper citations.


Modifications Based on Milestone 2 Feedback

Title Page, Abstract & Reference List: Ensure that any feedback received on Milestone 2 has been appropriately addressed.

Sentence Outline

Thematic Organization: Organize your outline thematically, not by source. Each theme should be a main point in your outline.

  1. Use of Sources: Information from all 10 sources should be incorporated into the outline. The aim is to show a comprehensive understanding of the literature.

Research and Presentation on Foundation of Book Chapter



Research and Presentation on Foundation of Book Chapter

Objective: To deepen understanding of the foundational research behind a book chapter by exploring related literature, summarizing key findings, and presenting on a relevant paper.


Research on Google Scholar:

??Use the author of the book chapter and the bibliography in the back of the book to perform a Google Scholar search on the foundation of your assigned book chapter.

??Compile a table that includes bibliographic data (author, title, journal, publication year, etc.) of ten papers that either cite the original work or are related to it.

Paper Summaries:

??Choose five papers from the compiled list.

??Provide a summary of the findings in each paper, including key points, methods, results, and implications. Write a paragraph for each summary.


??Choose the most interesting paper from the compiled list.

??Prepare a 10-minute presentation on the chosen paper, using PowerPoint slides to illustrate key points.

??The presentation should include an overview of the original foundational paper, context on the related research, and a discussion of the chosen paper’s findings and significance.

Written Paper:

??Write a five-page paper that summarizes the original foundational paper and provides context to the related research.

??Include an introduction, literature review, summary of the chosen paper, and conclusion.

??Properly cite all sources using a consistent citation style?(APA, MLA, etc.).

real estate ry



Please write a 2 page paper on…..the past practices of predatory lending: what are predatory lending practices, why did it happen, who were the victims, what is being done to stop this practice.  Please Note:   Once your assignment is submitted and graded, the grade will be final, no re-submissions will be allowed.


Some guidance on your written assignment regarding Predatory Lending.

2 full pages with 1 inch margins on all 4 sides, no large typeface, use the standard 12 pt type.

Definition: Predatory Lending is defined as intentionally placing consumers in loan products with significantly unfavorable terms and/ or higher costs than loans offered to similarly qualified customers in the region for the primary purpose of enriching the loan originator along with little or no regard for the costs to the borrower.

Caution: Just because a loan carries a perceived high interest rate or is identified as a ‘sub-prime’ loan, it does not necessarily indicate it is predatory.

For your paper, please include the following:

Define predatory lending in your OWN words.

Identify tactics that Predators use

Discuss examples of prohibited behavior (one is: loan flipping)

Identify who the ‘targets’ are for Predators

Discuss solutions for consumers to avoid falling victim to Predators

What steps the authorities are taking to stop this unfair practice