i needs someone to make me a word and PowerPoint , my business idea is an outsourcing engineering company


This week you are putting together your first report in a chain of reports that will be parts of your final report. This aspect of the capstone will continue developing for five consecutive weeks until the final draft report of week 6. You have to adhere to APA 7.0 and cover the sections as required for a particular week. Now that the makeup of your team has been finalized and you have organized your team to manage the work ahead, for week two your report should contain (30 points- note the breakdown):

Cover Page (2 points)

Table of Contents (2 points)

  1. IS strategy and alignment with company objectives (5 points – 150 words)
  2. Capability and Maturity Analysis (11 points)
  3. IS Overview (Describe the Market You Are In) (5 points) 
  4. Relevant applications (5 points)
  5. You must have a presentation of each week’s progress report using a video PowerPoint Presentation to the project owner—Use zoom to record the presentation and ensure a proper setting, appropriate dress, and professional presentation (10 points).
  6. Review a peer student progress report. In your evaluation, rate the oral presentation, and review the content, APA format, citations, spelling, and grammar (18 points). Use the Peer evaluation form for your rating.

Upload your presentation. Review the tips included in the following link for preparing your presentation:

Crime Victim Processing – DB


Use these videos for help on how to post to the Discussion Board:

AIU Student Mobile app view

Desktop view

Assignment Details

Computer technology has provided the criminal justice system with a number of benefits such as program algorithms that identify scanned fingerprints and facial recognition. It has increased intelligence and record keeping capabilities. However, it has provided literally millions of potential victims of crime. It started out with financial crimes (such as fraud and ransom software), and it progressed to luring victims to locations for murder, rape, and kidnapping. Victims of computer crimes include the criminal using social media as a weapon.  

The commander of a newly formed cyber-crime unit is very knowledgeable about fraud and various financially motivated viruses. The one thing he is not that familiar with is the impact that social media has on victims of crimes such as cyber bullying and cyber stalking.

The commander has you temporarily attached from the human trafficking and sex crimes unit to bring his cyber teams up to date on how to understand what cyber victims of stalking and bullying are going through and how best to approach them for maximum effective investigation.

Devise a plan on explaining the aspects of cyber bullying and cyber stalking to the cyber-crime unit.

Cairo University Inventory Valuation and Cost of Goods Sold


1. Inventory Valuation and Cost of Goods Sold:

ABC Corp. uses the FIFO method for inventory valuation. At the beginning of the year, the company had 1,000 units of a product with a cost of $10 per unit. During the year, the company made the following purchases:

– Purchase 1: 2,000 units at $12 per unit

– Purchase 2: 1,500 units at $15 per unit

At the end of the year, 1,500 units are still in inventory. Calculate the cost of goods sold (COGS) for the year.

2. Bond Amortization Schedule:

XYZ Corp. issued a 5-year bond with a face value of $1,000,000, a stated interest rate of 8%, and interest paid annually. The market rate for similar bonds is 6%. Create an amortization schedule for the first two years, showing the interest expense, amortization of premium or discount, and carrying value of the bond at the end of each year.

3. Cash Flow Statement Analysis:

The following information is extracted from the financial statements of LMN Inc.:

– Net Income: $1,200,000

– Depreciation Expense: $300,000

– Increase in Accounts Receivable: $150,000

– Increase in Inventory: $200,000

– Decrease in Accounts Payable: $100,000

– Purchase of Property, Plant, and Equipment: $500,000

– Sale of Investments: $200,000

– Dividends Paid: $100,000

Week 3 resume


Because CARD415 is a career development refresher course, you should have previously prepared a resume. Evaluate the current version of your resume, and update your resume for a new career advancement opportunity. This could be a new job recently advertised in your field of study or a new advancement opportunity in your current organization.

Attach a copy of the job advertisement or the official position QUESTION that was recently announced in your current organization for which your resume has been updated.

On a separate document, write a one-page, double-spaced explanation of the changes you made to update your resume for this assignment.

Use the Resume Evaluation Checklist to confirm that your resume is complete and targeted to the position specifications.

Submit your updated targeted resume along with the job ad or position QUESTION to which your resume is targeted. When naming files, replace LASTname with your name (for example, PositionCRUZ.docx).

Submit the following three Word documents by the Sunday deadline.

A current job ad with a full QUESTION of the position requirements (not a link or a screenshot) or an official position QUESTION for an advancement opportunity recently announced in your current organization pasted into a Word document and saved as PositionLASTName.docx (15 points).

Your Updated Targeted Resume saved as ResumeLASTName.docx (40 points).

Unit-6 Discussion


Trade, Economic Growth and Job Creation

The gains from specialization and trade are based on comparative advantages, which reflect the relative opportunity costs of production. When countries specialize in producing goods and services for which they have comparative advantages, total production in the global economy rises. Trade advocates argue that this increase in the size of the economic pie can be used to make all trading countries better off through international trade. Economists also use the principle of comparative advantage to advocate free trade among countries as a better policy.

Based on the above summary and the detailed QUESTIONs of the international trade issues in the textbook (Chapter 40) discuss the following questions.

  • Does free trade contribute to the improvement of economic well-being? How does trade stimulate long-term economic growth? Explain.
  • Who gains and losses from free trade among countries, and how do the gains compare to the losses? Explain using examples.
  • Do you think the U.S. export and import of goods and services are based on the principle of a comparative advantage of trade? Explain.
  • Why do countries impose trade restrictions on goods and services they import from other countries? What are the pros and cons of trade protectionism?
  • What is the impact of free trade on domestic job creation policy? Elaborate with examples.

Psyc 8204- Intergroup Relations


Minimal Group Paradigm

Henri Tajfel’s Minimal Group Paradigm stands as one of the classics of social psychology. Prior to his work, researchers assumed that intergroup conflict could only occur in situations where groups had real pasts, presents, or futures in which they competed over resources. The study results revealed that intergroup conflict could occur simply with assignment into “minimal” groups. This reality was paradigm-shaking because it forced social psychologists to wrestle with the inevitability, and maybe even the intractability, of intergroup conflict.

To prepare for this Assignment, review the research methodology behind and results from the Minimal Group Paradigm. Think about how it relates to other understandings of the origins of intergroup conflict, and consider any conclusions you might draw about the inevitability of intergroup conflict based on this study.

The Assignment 

Summarize the research methodology and results from the Minimal Group Paradigm.

Explain how the results from the Minimal Group Paradigm may complement and/or challenge the understanding of other sources of intergroup conflict (e.g., scarcity of resources, competition, history).

Explain influences of this research on the notion of inevitability of intergroup conflict.

Support your Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.

PICOT question


The first step of the evidence-based practice process is to evaluate a nursing practice environment to identify a nursing problem in the clinical area. When a nursing problem is discovered, the nurse researcher develops a clinical guiding question to address that nursing practice problem.

For this discussion question, you will create a clinical guiding question known as a PICOT question. The PICOT question must be relevant to a nursing practice problem (coordination of health care, assessment, education, patient support, trauma prevention, recovery, health screenings, etc.).

After reviewing the relevant topic materials:

  1. Select a nursing practice problem of interest.
  2. Develop a PICOT question using the template and example provided below.
  3. Identify two articles, one qualitative and one quantitative, related to the problem of interest. Provide an APA-formatted reference for each article, and explain how each relates to your PICOT question. Be sure to identify which article is qualitative and which article is quantitative. These articles may be used in this week’s assignment.

PICOT question intervention format:

In_______________(Population), how does _______________ (Intervention) compared to _______________ (Comparison) affect _______________ (Outcome) within______________(Time, optional)?

Example: In critically ill patients in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) (P), how do daily 2% chlorhexidine cloth baths (I) compared to daily disposable non-antimicrobial cloth baths (C) affect the incidence of health care-associated infections (HAIs) (O)?



To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and examine the leadership theories and behaviors introduced.
  • Identify two to three scholarly resources, in addition to this Module’s readings, that evaluate the impact of leadership behaviors in creating healthy work environments.
  • Reflect on the leadership behaviors presented in the three resources that you selected for review.
  • Post two key insights you had from the scholarly resources you selected. Describe a leader whom you have seen use such behaviors and skills, or a situation where you have seen these behaviors and skills used in practice. Be specific and provide examples. Then, explain to what extent these skills were effective and how their practice impacted the workplace.

    where you will post two key insights you had from the scholarly resources you selected. Describe a leader whom you have seen use such behaviors and skills or a situation where you have seen these behaviors and skills used in practice. Be specific and provide examples. Then, explain to what extent these skills were effective and how their practice impacted the workplace.
    Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by explaining how the leadership skills they described may impact your organization or your personal leadership, or by identifying challenges you see in applying the skills described.

Georgia Gwinnett College Loneliness Essay


  1. First, find a news story, a current one, you can use any news outlet you like, NYT, or CNN, really any reporting agency that is free to access. Then, on that website, find a news story related to psychological research, maybe a report on depression and teens, the brain and aging, or how the presence of dogs in our life increases our lifespans. Tell us why you chose that piece of research to write about, what the research results are, and then, to the best of your ability, what research methodology was used to get the results reported. https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/05/health/relationships-2024-resolutions-wellness/index.html
  2. Then, if you can, find the original study online, you can google it and find the abstract or the original study itself. You might even ask one of eCore’s embedded librarians for help with this. Do your best, this will help you learn how to “get to the source” and how to check results yourself instead of relying just on the news report. https://news.gallup.com/opinion/gallup/512618/almost-quarter-world-feels-lonely.aspx
  3. Finally, write how the research you found has weaknesses and strengths and how we might overcome these weaknesses by suggesting another methodology. Tell us a personal experience, a reflection you feel safe to share, related to the research you have reported on.

Discussion Post #3


Your Task:

Reflect on the content of these chapters concerning your upcoming research problem. Consider the methodologies, study designs, and analytical approaches covered. Then, identify which type of study you believe you are conducting. 

Discussion Points:

1. Descriptive Research Design: Are you merely describing the characteristics of a phenomenon or population? How do mixed methods enhance your understanding?

2. Meta-Analysis* Are you analyzing previous research findings to draw more generalized conclusions?

3. Epidemiology: Does your study investigate the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events in specified populations and apply this study to control health problems?

4. Longitudinal Studies: Are you examining how subjects change over time or the relationship between variables that change over time?

Please Explain Your Choice:

– What aspects of your research problem align with your identified study type?

– How do the methodologies discussed in these chapters support your research design?

Dicussion Question:

Based on your course reading assignments (Chapters 6 and 7) as well as your pending research problem, what type of study do you believe you are conducting, Please explain why.

This last questions is the actual question for the discussion the info above is so to understand what is going on. I am going to attach my syllabus so you kind of understand where am at right now in the course.