Digital Transformation in Healthcare: Leveraging Technology for Improved Patient Care and Operational Efficiency



In essence, the research of digital transformation in healthcare holds considerable interest from a business perspective, drawing attention from stakeholders focused on strategic and operational aspects. The potential for improved patient outcomes serves as a pivotal attraction, as businesses aim to align technological advancements with better health results, ultimately enhancing their market positioning and reputation. Researching digital transformation in healthcare offers a comprehensive understanding of how technological advancements can be strategically leveraged to improve patient care, and achieve cost efficiencies


A. Definition of digital transformation in healthcare

B. Purpose of the outline

II. Current State of Healthcare

A. Overview of traditional healthcare systems

B. Challenges faced by healthcare providers

C. Need for transformation in healthcare

III. Key Technologies Driving Digital Transformation

A. Electronic Health Records (EHR)

B. Telemedicine and Telehealth

IV. Impact of Digital Transformation on Patient Care

A. Improved Access to Healthcare Services

B. Enhanced Patient Engagement and Empowerment

C. Personalized Medicine and Treatment Plans

D. Preventive Healthcare Measures

VI. Challenges and Barriers to Digital Transformation

A. Data Privacy and Security Concerns

B. Integration of Legacy Systems with New Technologies

C. Workforce Training and Change Management

D. Regulatory and Compliance Issues

VII. Case Studies and Success Stories

A. Examples of healthcare organizations successfully implementing digital transformation


IX. Conclusion

A. Recap of the importance of digital transformation in healthcare

B. Call to action for healthcare organizations to embrace technology for improved patient care

and operational efficiency.

Ages 0-2 Development Presentation



Chapter 2 (pages 43-70) and Chapter 3 in Lifespan Development

“Tips for Creating and Delivering an Effective Presentation

  • Assignment Overview

For this assignment, you will be creating an 8-12 slide presentation on cognitive and physical development from ages 0-2.

  • Recommended Presentation Platforms:



Google Slides

Assignment Instructions

Create an 8-12 slide presentation on cognitive and physical development from ages 0-2. The slide count does not include the title and reference slide, so the presentation should be set up as follows: a title slide, 8-12 content slides, a reference slide. The presentation should include the following:

A QUESTION of the stages of cognitive development from ages 0-2. Be sure to address the brain and the nervous system.

  • A QUESTION of the stages of physical development from ages 0-2. Be sure to address the development of the brain and nervous system.
  • Your reference slide should include at least 2 APA formatted references (the book and at least one outside source). The references should also be cited in proper APA format in the speaker notes where used. Simply adding the website or url for your source is not proper APA formatting.
  • Presentation with Speaker Notes

Create your presentation with a minimum of 50 words of speaker notes per content slide. Any non-original content included in speaker notes must include in-text citations.

Strategy Planning


Strategy Planning 

Review SV2030 and relate the strategic plan to the four common elements in successful strategy planning. For each element, analyze if the element meets the criteria. 

Clear, consistent long-term goals

Profound understanding of the competitive environment

Objective appraisal of resources

Effective Implementation

  1. After analyzing SV2030 consider how to measure success. Which two of the six performance measures do you think are the most useful indicators of how the transformation is measured? Is the transformation successful?
  2. —————
  3. I have already answered the question, but I require assistance with references and in-text citations. I will provide the course book and a website that needs to be sourced, and I need you to find at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
  4. – Please you this PDF document for any citation or referee related to the Saudi Vision 20230 (… ) or please use this site ( )

I have attached the book. The topic for the assignment can be found in chapter two.

Additional sources that are recommended, in addition to peer-reviewed articles:

– Richard P. Rumelt. (2022). Getting strategy wrong—and how to do it right instead. Retrieved from McKinsey Quarterly.

– Bernard Marr. (2022, August 16). 13 Easy Steps To Improve Your Critical Thinking Skills. Retrieved from Bernard Marr & Co. (seminal)

Module 4 Design and Use of a Medicine Wheel


What have we learned from each direction about this issue?

What changes will we make as a result of this discussion?

What inner qualities must be cultivated as we make these changes?

How can we stay true to our commitments?

Option 2: Introspection/imaginary group setting

Set up a quiet space and create an optimal environment for introspection. Choose a time to hold each question in mind, sitting quietly for at least five minutes and allowing responses to come to you. If it helps, you can visualize asking the questions of a group from the community. Write down your impressions afterward on a separate paper or document. You may complete all four directions at once or break them up. For the center, hold the questions above in mind as you visualize yourself standing in the center of the Medicine Wheel.

To complete the written assignment, include a title page in APA format, a QUESTION of the issue you chose to focus on, the Medicine Wheel on a separate age, all of the questions and responses to those questions from your group meeting or your introspection. Conclude with your comments on what you found valuable and challenging as you went through this process, and how you might see yourself using this method in social work practice with a colonized community.



Read Christensen’s article, “Know Your Customer’s Job to be Done”, and watch the video about disruptive innovation explained. Alternatively, you can use any alternate resource (provided it doesn’t violate academic policies) to address the discussion prompt.

Discuss what “job” means in the context of design thinking. Why is it important we “get” this concept? What happens to the new product development process when we misunderstand the job to be done?  What keeps customers from making buying decisions, and what can marketers do to move customers forward?  

Next, analyze a job that needs to be done, at work or in your professional life.  What do marketers need to know about this job, and why?

Students may perform supplemental external research to inform their discussion posts. Do not cut and paste content from the book or other readings, and cite your posts with references that support your comments. See the checklist for specifics.

So this assignment is a discussion post based on the file and the video link attached below. Since its a discussion post, it doesn’t have to be too long. Please follow the Professor’s instructions above. And please kindly let me know if you have any further questions. 

Video | Disruptive Innovation ExplainedLinks to an external site. 

Cultural Studies Question


The Thesis Statement
My knowledge of the cultural competence model has allowed me to highlight my self-
awareness to identify or discover differences in other cultures. Being self-aware allows more responsiveness to culturally diverse people. 

Cultural competence is based on the interactions between five main concepts: cultural desire, cultural encounters, cultural skills, cultural knowledge, and cultural awareness.  Each week, you have journaled about cultural encounters you’ve experienced and reflected on your responses during those interactions.  In a final 4-5 page paper, reflect on those experiences and others, and explain how your knowledge of the cultural competence model has influenced your cultural competency in general and in the workplace specifically.

Questions to consider as you draft (you do not have to answer all of these — they are to help you brainstorm):

How have your thoughts, emotions, or actions during cultural encounters evolved over the past several weeks?

Describe a cultural encounter that was particularly interesting–what made it challenging or successful for you?

How has your implicit bias changed (if at all) since the beginning of the course? 

What aspects of the course or the materials were most influential to the evolution of your cultural competence?  Why?

How will your cultural competency inform your interactions in the workplace? 

What will you continue to do/focus on to continue the development of your cultural competency?

Health and medical case



A male patient is a 42-year-old with a 5-year history of hypertension first diagnosed during pre-employment. Her family history is positive for hypertension. He is complaining of headache, has been taking lisinopril 20mg /daily. In spite of regular taking this antihypertensive regimen, his blood pressure remains elevated, ranging from 150 to 160/95 to 110 mm Hg. Physical assessment was unremarkable except for the presence of obesity. Serum sodium 138 rnEq/L (135 to 147 rnEq/L); potassium 4.1 rnEq/L (3.5 to 5 rnEq/L); BUN 19 mg/dL (10 to 20 mg/dL), creatinine 0.9 mg/dL (0.35 to 0.93 mg/dL), total cholesterol 268 mg/dL ( <245 mg/dL), triglycerides 120 mg/dL (<160 mg/dL), and fasting glucose 105 mg/dL (70 to 100 mg/dL).

1. What is the treatment plan for this patient?


A 52-year old woman, housewife, has 5 children. Her BP repeatedly is 160/105. She refused to take antihypertensive drugs as she feels fine and has no complaint. Few days, she starts to complain of chest pain when she climbs 3 floors. This pain disappears without medication.

1. What is the most likely diagnosis of this patient?

2. What are the important points in history you need to ask about?

3. Enumerate essential investigations

4. What are the drugs used in the treatment of these conditions?

EDMG515 AMU Hazard Mitigation and Resilient Communities Discussion


Discuss the current federal grant programs available for disaster mitigation, response, or resiliency. Include issues such as sequestration and budgetary constraints.

Be sure to include information from the week’s readings. In addition, provide a minimum of 2 academic resources published within the last five years (if available) to support your response. Please respond to at least two other students. You may challenge, support or supplement another student’s answer using the terms, concepts and theories from the required readings. Also, do not be afraid to respectfully disagree where you feel appropriate; as this should be part of your analysis process at this academic level.

Discussion posts are graded on timeliness, relevance, knowledge of the weekly readings, and the quality of original ideas. Sources utilized to support answers are to be cited in accordance with the APA writing style by providing a general parenthetical citation (reference the author, year and page number) within your post, as well as an adjoining reference list. Refer to grading rubric for additional details concerning grading criteria.

Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant Program |

A Positive Programme for Laissez-Faire Capitalism* – ProQuest

Flood Insurance |
Policy Tenure Under the U.S. National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP): EBSCOhost (

ProQuest Ebook Central – Reader

ProQuest Ebook Central – Reader

486961.pdf (

criminal law


Select one of the following prompts concerning homicide and answer it in a paragraph or two  .

Start your discussion by letting us know which question below you are answering. This discussion is worth up to ten points. For extra points include any citations, data, resources or links that help illustrate your point or may be a good resource for other students interested in the topic.  Think of yourself as contributing to a conversation.

PROMPT ONE- ALTERNATIVES: In class, before beginning the formal study of homicide law, we considered alternative approaches to violent crime with an emphasis on preventive measures. Slide twenty-eight of the presentation lists several alternatives. Select one of these alternatives or identify your own alternative preventive response to violent crime. Tell us why you selected this measure and what thinkers and authors have written about the idea. Do you think this measure is or will be effective?

PROMPT TWO- DEBATE ON PROVOCATION DEFENSE: In Kadish Chapter 5 in the Notes following the Girourd and Maher cases, the authors raise a series of social and political issues with the provocation defense such. In note number 3 the textbook includes sources debating whether the provocation rule should be abolished. Do you think that the provocation should be abolished? State why or why not.



PLEASE incorporate the readings uploaded in the files—and cite—Write and submit a substantive proposal (3-4 pages) for something you want to change at work, in the community, in a community group, etc. Make sure to include all pertinent proposal sections—including the possible solutions section—as well as any visuals appropriate to your purpose and audience.

There are 3 parts to this assignment:

One situational analysis, filling out the situational analysis worksheet from your course text. The situational analysis is your planning document for the next part, the actual communication.

One formal proposal. Make sure that your proposal includes all pertinent sections appropriate for your context, and that it is appropriate for the communication variables you noted in your situational analysis.

  1. Assignment Completion Questions (Note that you will answer these questions for each written assignment and you will refer to this information in W15’s discussion.)

What are the 1-2 main concepts that you learned in this module?

What challenged you in learning the concepts in this module and applying them to create your communication? What might you do in the next module to lessen the challenge?

  1. Identify a real situation that you encountered, or that you anticipate you will encounter, and explain briefly how you might apply a concept you learned in this module to that situation.