RELG 120 American Academy McAllister Institute of Funeral Services


Discussion Topic

This week’s discussion is about Confucianism.

First, read the review of what is a superior man in Confucianism.

Second, please pick one of the following questions and post an answer.

  • Please post your original comment by March 6 at 11 pm. 
  • Third, please politely respond to one other student before 11 pm on Sunday, March 10.

Review of the Superior Man in Confucianism

  • “The gentleman, according to Confucius is simply a man of virtue. Confucius’s teachings explained the characteristics of a gentleman as a superior man, a man at his best, and a portrayer of authentic manhood. Meaning is added to the relationship between human beings referred to as Jen [human heartedness, goodness] by Confucius by incorporating the idealness of the terms of human relationships (Chun-Tzu, Junzi) [A Chun-Tzu, also spelled Junzi, is an ideal man in society]. Confucius states that there are five major characteristics that make up a true gentleman which are humility, sincerity, graciousness, magnanimity, and diligence” (Singleton, Andy). Full Reference below. 
  • Questions

What do you think of Confucius’ ideal man, the Chun-Tzu? Do you think it is possible to be an ideal man in today’s society?

Do you think that Confucian teachings are still relevant in the 21st century?

For more information about the ideal person in Confucian thought see the link.

The Ideal PersonLinks to an external site.



Before you start making decisions in NewShoes, it is important to develop a strategic plan. Start by writing a mission statement, in which you communicate a vision for the company. Then identify measurable goals that your company should achieve to support your mission. Finally, plan the strategy you will use to meet those goals. Your strategy should spell out plans to enter markets, marketing mix for each market, and product development budgets. Use the following outline for successful completion of the assignment. Please keep in mind that you are writing an APA formatted paper with a Title page, body, and Reference page. Think of this as a research paper. You should take time to research your target market, the athletic shoe industry, and key business concepts in order to address the specific questions asked in this assignment.

Mission Statement

Who Does Your Company Serve?

  1. How Large is the Target Market?

What is the Scope of the Product Line and Services Offered?

  1. What Effect Does your Business Have on the Consumers?
  2. How do you want the world to think of you?
  3. Measurable Goals
  4. Profit
  5. Return on Sales in a Period of Time
  6. Market Share Objective

Customer Satisfaction

  1. Strategy to Complete the Goals
  2. How do you plan to enter each marketplace?
  3. Share the Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion) for each of the markets?
  4. What is the product development budget for each market?

Introductory Speech Using an Object


I have to write an introductory speech for my oral communications class, and I’m struggling to figure out a good and impactful way to use an object I already own. This is the directions for my assignment: ” In preparation for this speech, students need to select an object that represents a significant aspect of their background, personality, values, ambitions, etc.

Using the chosen object as a point of departure, each student should develop a speech that explains how it relates to her or his life.

    • For example, a journalism major might select a newspaper as a way to explain her or his professional goals.
    • A new father might select a child’s toy as a vehicle for discussing his experiences as a parent.
    • An avid tennis player might settle on a tennis racket to illustrate her passion for the sport.
    • If possible, students should show the object (within your speech introduction) during their presentation.
    • The purpose of this speech is not to explain the object in detail, but to use it as a vehicle for the speaker to introduce themselves to the class.
    • This speech is not the adult version of “show and tell” we may recall from our early childhood.
    • Also, please do not use your speech to serve as a kind of list of accomplishments or as a resume of personal accomplishments.”

HST 485 History in the Wild


For this discussion board, I would like you to reflect on the following questions:

Share with your colleagues an experience you’ve had at a museum that either inspired or disappointed you.  This can be a history museum, art museum, children’s museum – any place you’ve gone that has illicited a response from you.

Now, thinking about Nina Simon’s Tedx talk and readings from the book The Participatory Museum, brainstorm at least 2 ways the experience you have might have been improved or changed by incorporating some of Simon’s ideas about opening up museums and giving guests the “right tools” to interact with the museum exhibit.  If you were inspired by a museum experience, reflect on the ways Simon’s ideas were incorporated into your experience.

Next, drawing on your readings from Wallace’s book and your experiences, describe how museums became places of exclusion and pretension?   Was this their original purpose?  How and why has this changed?

Finally, round out your discussion by sharing with the class 2 or 3 cultural institutions you’re considering for your final project, where you will be designing your own museum education/outreach program.  What attracts you to these places?  Is there are specific collection you’re interested in working with?  (You can use any local, state, or national institution that has collections and exhibits available in an online format!)

Element Lab


Consult Lab 6 Matter from the online lab manual.

Excel is an important transferable skill. You can even use it to keep track of your variegated financial interests as a professional athlete. By the end of this course, you likely qualify as an intermediate excel user. As such you can put Excel on your resume or Linked In, or simply use it with confidence. You have free access to Excel through your Auburn ID. 

Turn In:

1. Complete Question 6.4 in lab manual concerning nested hierarchies (0.25 pt) Your answer needs demonstrate college level understanding of concept. Submit as or Word/PDF or in text field using an additional submission to do the files below.

2. Complete the Lab6Table.xlsx See here (ElectronOrbitals.pdf and download) for help with electron orbitals. (1 pt)

For the last column, make sure you give the # of empty spots and in which orbital.

For common usages and where found on Earth, do some research online. Try to think critically and give college level answers

3. Screen shot of your high score for Astro2048  (0.125 pt)

4. Screen shot of your high score for Fe[26] (0.125 pt). (Links to an external site.)

Note that the quiz is heavily focused on how to interpret the periodic table so make sure you solve and understand questions 6.6 – 6.11.

200 word discussion post


The popularity of healthcare consumer self-monitoring is rising due to the availability of numerous low-cost or free health and wellness apps, which do not require a prescription and are accessible via smartphone and tablet app stores like Apple and Google Play. However, the effectiveness of these apps is uncertain since many are not approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA). These apps and accompanying wearable devices (Apple Watch, Fitbit, Galaxy Watch, etc.) help users track various health metrics such as sleep quality, calorie expenditure, and physical activity. Additionally, these technologies often feature social components that allow users to share and compare their health progress with others.

Discuss the implications of this trend for nursing informatics and patient care. How can nurses integrate this self-monitored data into patient care plans effectively, considering the FDA has not approved many of these apps, which might affect their reliability and value? Evaluate the potential benefits and drawbacks of patients using such apps and devices to monitor aspects like sleep quality, calories burned, and body activity. How do patients and healthcare providers know this information is accurate? Additionally, consider the social aspects of these technologies, such as sharing and comparing progress with others. How can nurses ensure the ethical use of this data while also encouraging patient engagement and maintaining privacy and accuracy?

GCCCD Getty Museum Virtual Exploration Question



Museums are awesome! They provide a service to humanity by collecting, preserving, and conducting research on art and artifacts that they then share with the public. They can be educational, entertaining, informative, and fun. Plus, they often have gardens, cafes, and restaurants. Seriously, if you have not been to a museum, it is a good time!

The global pandemic highlighted an aspect of museums that may have been undervalued before: Their online presence. Many museums have terrific websites that learning experiences in and of themselves. For this discussion, spend at least a half hour in a virtual visit of one the museums below and report back. Tell us: (1) what museum website you visited and why; (2) how your spent your time and something you learned about; and (3) what cool or fun thing you would recommend to your classmates about the museum or its website.

Some activities you might encounter include collections research, videos, zoom features, augmented reality, art activities, articles, and podcasts. Choose your museum to visit from the following list: Asian Art Museum, SF; Getty Museum, LA; Louvre, Paris; The Met, NY; Museum of Anthropology, CDMX; National Gallery of Art, WDC; The Prado, Madrid.

MGT-672: Decision Theory within the Glo: Communication, Negotiation and Decision Making


Danone’s Wrangle with Wahaha

For this week’s discussion read the case study about Danone in China introduced in the last module (p. 255 in the textbook).

A case study is a puzzle to be solved, so before reading and answering the specific questions, develop your proposed solution by following these five steps:

Read the case study to identify the key issues and underlying issues. These issues are the principles and concepts of the course module, which apply to the situation described in the case study.

Record the facts from the case study which are relevant to the principles and concepts of the module. The case may have extraneous information not relevant to the current module. Your ability to differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information is an important aspect of case analysis, as it will inform the focus of your answers.

After reading the case, discuss the following:

  1. Identify the problem in the joint venture that triggered the conflict between the two companies and discuss the differences of each company’s understanding of their own respective roles and responsibilities in this venture.
  2. As a leader, discuss ways you would handle conflict when it arises from organizational culture or national culture?


Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook (Find here) . Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate at least two.

Communication, Negotiation and Decision Making


Module 07: Discussion

Danone’s Wrangle with Wahaha

For this week’s discussion read the case study about Danone in China introduced in the last module (p. 255 in the textbook).

A case study is a puzzle to be solved, so before reading and answering the specific questions, develop your proposed solution by following these five steps:

Read the case study to identify the key issues and underlying issues. These issues are the principles and concepts of the course module, which apply to the situation described in the case study.

Record the facts from the case study which are relevant to the principles and concepts of the module. The case may have extraneous information not relevant to the current module. Your ability to differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information is an important aspect of case analysis, as it will inform the focus of your answers.

After reading the case, discuss the following:

Identify the problem in the joint venture that triggered the conflict between the two companies and discuss the differences of each company’s understanding of their own respective roles and responsibilities in this venture.

  1. As a leader, discuss ways you would handle conflict when it arises from organizational culture or national culture?
  2. Directions:

Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate.

ph 210 89


Question 1: What is an example from the recent news that made you think about public health research methods and why? Please link to the news article you are discussing!


Give your post a clear title that reflects your main points

Write all posts and comments with proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation

After writing your own post be sure to also respond to at least two classmates

  • Recommended word limit is 100-150 words for main post, 50-100 words for responses to classmates

You are strongly encouraged to post your initial forum discussion 24 hours prior to the due date so your classmates have time to read and respond. You will not receive full credit if you do not post your forum with enough time for your classmates to reply or if you do not reply to at least two classmates.

  • Question 2: Post one scholarly article and one popular source on a specific health issue you care aboutYou can post the URLs (websites) for your sources into this discussion, or click on “Upload Document” or “Attach” to upload the actual articles.Print the citation and abstract for each.

Question 3:

  • Find two more scholarly sources on a specific health issue you care about.

Begin drafting your Reflection and Analysis – Determinants of a Health Issue.

  • Reflection and Analysis – Determinants of a health issue 5 pts