MKT 265- Milestone One



The digital marketing landscape is constantly changing, and companies must be nimble and able to develop, evaluate, and change their digital marketing strategies in a short amount of time. Traditional marketing allowed marketers to create brand messaging and control how it was shared with an audience. But now more than ever, control over what is said about a brand or product has been put into the hands of consumers. The internet, social media, and mobile platforms have given rise to the voice of customers, and marketers have had to adapt.


For this assignment, you will select a brand from the provided list and analyze its current digital marketing strategy. Begin by selecting a brand, doing your analysis, and then answering the questions in the critical elements below:



  • TED Talks
  • Doritos
  • Burberry
  • Nike
  • Oreos
  • Denny’s
  • Pampers
  • Netflix
  • Dove
  • Honest Tea
  • ADT
  • Taco Bell
  • Beats by Dre
  • Reese’s
  • Krylon Spray Paint
  • MasterCard
  • Prudential
  • Target
  • IKEA
  • Lego
  • Harley-Davidson
  • Specifically, the following critical elements from Final Project I must be addressed:
  • The Brand’s Use of Digital Marketing: In this section, you will examine the current marketing strategies used by the brand you selected.

Describe the strategy the brand is using to position itself in digital media (social, mobile, and online). Support your QUESTION with examples.

Describe how the brand’s digital media strategy relates to its overall marketing campaign seen in print, television, and online. Support your QUESTION with examples.

Examine whether the digital marketing activity aligns with the organization’s overall brand. Support your response with examples.

Project Three Guideline



In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

Utilize information from industry and scholarly sources to inform problem solving and decision making

Analyze quantitative and qualitative data to solve problems and make decisions that impact organizations and their

  • Communicate professionally to diverse internal and external audiences
  • Scenario

Your presentation to the leadership panel of your company was well received. Now you must create a presentation for a wider audience—stakeholders from inside and outside the company—and include your decisions and recommendations, which were approved by the leadership panel. Remember that your presentation must convey professionalism and be visually appealing as well as informative.

  • Directions

Create a presentation of your research and data findings from Project Two including your decision and rationale.

Construct a professional business presentation for internal and external stakeholders.

Identify your key message to both internal and external stakeholders.

Illustrate your key points using visualizations.

Tell your story.

  1. Specifically include the following in your presentation:

Communicate your decision about diversification based on your analysis of the data and research.

Use visualizations to tell the story of the (quantitative and qualitative) data.

  1. Determine the likelihood of success based on the data and research collected.
  2. Discuss the impact that moving to the new industry will have on the organization and its internal and external stakeholders.
  3. Detail your recommendations for moving forward.
  4. Summarize findings of the research performed.
  5. Include research conclusions and reasoning.

Describe the rationale behind your recommendations.

College American House of Wisdom and the House of Wisdom questions


1- What is the difference between the House of Wisdom and the House of Wisdom? Who among them is a product of the Abbasids?

2- Who is Al-Mansour bin Al-Hussein Al-Hallaj? What was his job? How did it end? And why?

3- It is said that the heresy appeared in the Abbasid era? What is this?

4- What is the truth about burning books and throwing them into the Tigris River by the Mongols when the Abbasid Caliphate fell?

5- What is meant by the caliph? That is, what does the word caliph mean as a definition?

6- What are the insignia of the Caliphate? Are there specific emblems representing the state to be considered a caliphate? Can any country be called a caliphate?

7-Did the caliphs receive a salary?

8– Who are the caliphs who were described as the fifth caliph? To clarify here… there are four Rightly Guided Caliphs throughout history (they are the ones who ruled the Islamic world after the death of the Messenger Muhammad (PBUH), but some caliphs appeared there after the rule of the Rightly Guided Caliphate) and were described as the fifth Caliph? Why? And who are they????

9- Why do historians disagree about the validity of this (Umayyad) caliphate in terms of the nature of rule? Some historians doubt this caliphate, while others acknowledge the right of the Umayyads to this caliphate. Why in short?

Benchmark – Policy Brief Infographic


The purpose of this assignment is for students to create an infographic to educate the community on the impact of a public health issue and make recommendations for policy change.

Research public health issues located on the American Public Health Association (APHA) website, found in the topic Resources under “Topics and Issues.” Select a public health issue related to an environmental issue within the U.S. health care delivery system and examine its effect on a specific population.

Based on the public health issue selected, create an infographic that briefly addresses the following: 

Describe the selected public health issue and its impact on the community. Include data that demonstrate the significance of this issue and key risk factors leading to this issue.

Discuss ways that the public health issue can be prevented, including key concepts of epidemiology.

  • Explain a policy that currently addresses this issue and the impact of this policy on population outcomes including social justice and health equity.
  • Propose at least one change to existing policies to better address this issue. Support recommendations with appropriate evidence.
  • Summarize what steps are required to initiate policy change. Identify necessary stakeholders required to initiate policy change (government officials, administrator, etc.) and explain their level of influence.
  • Refer to the resource “Images, Infographics and Graphics Resources,” located in the GCU Library, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.
  • Topics & Issues (

follow the questions


1- What is the difference between the House of Wisdom and the House of Wisdom? Who among them is a product of the Abbasids?

2- Who is Al-Mansour bin Al-Hussein Al-Hallaj? What was his job? How did it end? And why?

3- It is said that the heresy appeared in the Abbasid era? What is this?

4- What is the truth about burning books and throwing them into the Tigris River by the Mongols when the Abbasid Caliphate fell?

5- What is meant by the caliph? That is, what does the word caliph mean as a definition?

6- What are the insignia of the Caliphate? Are there specific emblems representing the state to be considered a caliphate? Can any country be called a caliphate?

7-Did the caliphs receive a salary?

8– Who are the caliphs who were described as the fifth caliph? To clarify here… there are four Rightly Guided Caliphs throughout history (they are the ones who ruled the Islamic world after the death of the Messenger Muhammad (PBUH), but some caliphs appeared there after the rule of the Rightly Guided Caliphate) and were described as the fifth Caliph? Why? And who are they????

9- Why do historians disagree about the validity of this (Umayyad) caliphate in terms of the nature of rule? Some historians doubt this caliphate, while others acknowledge the right of the Umayyads to this caliphate. Why in short?

ethics presentation


name and describe in detail a key specific and recent healthcare technology. What are at least two key moral problems this technology creates? What are the proper moral guidelines for dealing with it in your view? Compare your approach to what a utilitarian and ethical egoist would say (each independently). Consider whether differing ethical beliefs globally might or not agree with what you say.Cite the textbook and incorporate outside sources, including citations.

You should not be using any text you used in a discussion board or assignment for this class or any previous class.

Consider whether differing ethical beliefs globally might or not agree with what you say.

You will submit the following:

An audiovisual presentation that presents one of the options above. Be sure to give equal time to each element. Doing a PowerPoint presentation with audio recorded on the slides is preferred. Please refer to the Narrated PowerPoint Tutorial located in the Required Resources in this assignment.

Please provide a transcript of anything said in the recording aloud that does not appear as text on a slide. This transcript can be provided as a Word document or placed in the Notes section on the PowerPoint slides.

  • The link or a scan of the article mentioning any health technology, social technology, or case you are reporting on. If you made up the case, please indicate that in your reportRequirements

Comparative Analysis of Offender Decision-Making in Burglary and Auto Theft Question


NOTE: Points will be deducted for the inclusion of outside references. The resources you need to complete assignments are to be found in the assigned course readings. REMEMBER, the use of ChatGPT, Bard, and other forms of AI to complete coursework is defined as a form of cheating (With the exception of the editor function in Word, which you are encouraged to utilize.).

Chapters three & five assignment:

In your own words, respond to the following. Make sure you write in complete sentences and paragraphs. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation count.

  1. Offer a brief summary of each of the two articles. Here I am looking for two well-developed paragraphs for each of the two articles. Make sure to cover the following: Compare and contrast these two articles. On which points do they converge? On which points do they diverge? What is the single most important point made in each article?

Your submission should be a minimum of six well-developed paragraphs. Remember, a well-developed paragraph consists of at least five complete sentences. Proofread prior to submission.

Chapter 3 article is : Deciding to commit a burglary Richard T. Wright and Scott H decker

Chapter 5 article: Auto Theft and Restrictive Deterrence Bruce A. Jacobs and Michael Cherbonneau.

The required book is Cromwell, P. F., & Birzer, M. L. (2016). In their own words: Criminals on Crime (7th ed.). Oxford University Press.

CJS-1105-500 Sinclair Community College – Week $ – Inchoate crimes


Now that you’ve studies the inchoate crimes of attempt, solicitation, and conspiracy, complete the following tasks in a Discussion post:

In your own words, explain the crime of attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy (pick one). Be sure to identify each of the elements of that offense that must be proven by a prosecutor.

Describe a hypothetical scenario where a person who has committed that offense, and didn’t complete commission of the target offense, should be punished as severely as a person who did complete commission of the target offense (e.g., a situation where a person who conspired to rob a bank with others but didn’t actually rob the bank, but should be punished as severely as if they had actually robbed the bank). What specific facts would make the inchoate offense just as severe as if the person had committed the target offense?

  1. Describe a hypothetical scenario where a person who has committed that offense and didn’t complete commission of the target offense should be punished significantly less severely than a person who completed the target offense (e.g., a situation where a person who conspired to rob a bank but didn’t actually rob the bank should be punished less severely than they would have if they actually robbed the bank). What specific facts would make the inchoate offense significantly less severe than having actually committed the target offense?

Choose an article from the textbook and write a descriptive annotation


Read ‘Descriptive Annotations’ This article explains how we will put together our skills in summarizing, quoting, and paraphrasing to write a descriptive annotation of a source. As the article explains, a good Question includes:

Information about who the author(s) of the work are and their credentials;

Summary of the work’s main points — > This is where you tell your reader what the book or article is really ABOUT;

  • Explanation of what the book or article includes in terms of charts, images, tables, or other related content;
  • Discussion of the work’s tone and writing style (this can include a brief quote from the work itself);
  • Anything else that you think someone researching the same topic would want to know about the book or article
  • In some cases, we will summarize this information, and in other instances, we will provide quotes and/or paraphrased information as examples. 2. Choose any article (reading) in CGHH (our textbook) and write a descriptive annotation that includes the five characteristics of a “good Question,” as stated in Descriptive Annotations. For example, “Two Other Options: Paraphrasing and Summarizing” (p. 384) is considered an article in our textbook. 
  • Ensure that you format your paper per MLA guidelines. You may choose any article (section of writing) from the book. For example, our textbook also has an excellent article on sentence fragments, though you can choose any article.

Descriptive Annotations:…

Reply of discussion


If this type of medication existed, even if it had a good intention of helping people forget their traumas, I would not recommend its use for all people with some trauma for two reasons. The first reason is that not all people have the same reaction to a medication. Since depending on the person, a higher or lower dose is needed for the medication to take effect, some may develop unwanted side effects, The other reason is that since its purpose is to forget traumas, this drug would work at the brain level. Which may or may not bring some collateral damage to the brain, mainly in the areas that are involved with emotions and memory. Possibly this drug inhibits or eliminates some neuronal connections related to the traumatic experience, which is not exempt from the fact that it may also affect other neuronal connections. Therefore, in my opinion, I would support this drug if it were prescribed and supervised by a professional in the neurological area with a mental health professional and used this drug in extreme cases or as a last resort. By the areas of the brain involved in the memory. In addition to the fact that there are treatments to treat trauma, some require medication that reduces the symptoms of trauma, others require therapies that help cope with the trauma.