Developemental pyschology


After watching this week’s support video posted below, and this week’s lecture, please thoroughly answer the following questions:

  • Which identity quadrant are you currently in as it relates to your major/career, and what evidence do you have to support that? Be honest here and talk about your transitions from one quadrant to another as you have progressed through them. For example, I have been in three quadrants throughout my adult life, and I can explain each phase in detail. You should be able to be the same with which quadrant you are in and any you have previously been in.
  • Choose one or two people you love that are older than you, and discuss what you have witnessed throughout their lifetime as it relates to their jobs/careers and which quadrants they are and have been in. What are some challenges you see for them as it relates to life pressures and these quadrants? How will this information impact how you view college and career choices through the lens of Marcia’s quadrants?
  • Lastly, what else can you tie in from lecture around this topic? Specifically, how might this transition period impact the developmental stages that will come later in life? (hint: you may want to look at Erikson’s stages beyond this period to foreshadow what might come later for individuals if Marcia’s insights are not heeded).

Assistance Needed for Dissertation Research Presentation


I am writing to request your valuable assistance in creating a presentation for my upcoming dissertation defense. I am seeking help specifically in developing one or two slides that provide an overview of the background of my research, with a primary focus on Chapters 4 and 5.

Attached to this, you will find a copy of my dissertation, which contains detailed information about my research. I believe that this document will serve as a valuable resource for you to understand the context and scope of my work.

The presentation is expected to consist of approximately 15 slides, and I would greatly appreciate your expertise and guidance in crafting these slides to effectively communicate the background of my research. Chapters 4 and 5 are particularly crucial, as they present the findings and conclusions derived from the extensive study conducted.

I trust your ability to distill the key points and present them in a visually appealing and engaging manner. If you require any additional information or references to supplement your understanding, please do not hesitate to let me know, and I will be more than happy to provide them.

I genuinely appreciate your willingness to assist me in this endeavor, as your input will undoubtedly enhance the quality and impact of my research presentation. Thank you for considering my request, and I eagerly await your guidance in creating an informative and compelling presentation.

EDL 910 Grand Canyon University Participation


reply to peer post.   

The resources that I have to address collaboration among teachers, service providers, and other stakeholders are as follows: Videos, magazines, books, articles, and veteran teachers. 

Pozas & Letzel-Alt (2023) named and described three forms of teacher collaboration: (1)Exchange is  considered the reciprocal sharing of information. An example is teachers inform each other about professional content and exchange teaching material. This type of teacher collaboration involves teachers working independently from each other without a shared goal (Pozas & Letzel-Alt, 2023).(2) Synchronization is cooperation based on the division of labor. Teachers share a goal and responsibility, while contributing to a common task. This type of division of work increases efficiency (Pozas & Letzel-Alt (2023). (3)Co-construction entails an intensive form of cooperation in which there is a shared goal, a mutual relating of knowledge, and coordination of teachers’ individual goals with a general common perspective. Pozas & Letzel-Alt (2023) argue that such teacher collaboration has an impact on teachers’ professionalization, improving their teaching practice and teaching quality through constant feedback from and reflection with other teachers. Collaboration is highly necessary, as it supports the individual school, the students, and the teachers for their ability to reflect, build new knowledge, or use innovative teaching strategies. This area is of interest to me because I have observed too many conflicts and power struggles which eventually hinders student success.

Working on a writing question


Imagine you are a policymaker tasked with addressing the complexities of climate change mitigation strategies in urban environments. In a well-researched essay, analyze the multifaceted challenges of implementing sustainable practices within urban settings. Consider the intricate balance between economic development, social equity, and environmental preservation. Explore the potential conflicts and synergies between different stakeholders, such as government agencies, businesses, community organizations, and residents. Propose innovative solutions that reconcile these competing interests and advance the goal of creating resilient and sustainable cities. Your essay should integrate insights from diverse academic disciplines, empirical evidence, and case studies to support your analysis. Furthermore, you should critically evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of your proposed solutions, taking into account real-world constraints and political dynamics.


Write a clear thesis statement that addresses the complexities of urban climate change mitigation.

Support your analysis with evidence from scholarly sources, including academic journals, reports, and reputable publications.

  1. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the interconnected factors influencing urban sustainability, including but not limited to infrastructure development, land use planning, transportation systems, and social justice considerations.
  2. Present a well-structured argument with logical organization, coherent paragraphs, and smooth transitions between ideas.
  3. Engage with counterarguments and alternative perspectives, demonstrating critical thinking and intellectual rigor.
  4. Offer concrete and practical recommendations for policymakers, grounded in evidence-based research and best practices.
  5. Maintain clarity, precision, and academic integrity in your writing, adhering to proper grammar, spelling, and citation conventions.

TIM685 Current Performance of First Solar


Company: First Solar (FLSR)

A. Current Performance

How did the corporation perform in the past year overall in terms of return on investment, market share, and profitability?

B. Strategic Posture

What are the corporation’s current mission, objectives, strategies, and policies?Are they clearly stated, or are they merely implied from performance?

–Mission: What business(es) is the corporation in? Why?

–Objectives: What are the corporate, business, and functional objectives? Are they consistent with each other, with the mission, and with the internal and external environments?

–Strategies: What strategy or mix of strategies is the corporation following? Are they consistent with each other, with the mission and objectives, and with the internal and external environments?

–Policies: What are the corporation’s policies? Are they consistent with each other, with the mission, objectives, and strategies, and with the internal and external environments?

–Do the current mission, objectives, strategies, and policies reflect the corporation’s international operations, whether global or multidomestic?

Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Poster


Abstract and Poster Guidelines

EvidenceBased Practice (EBP) posters must describe the process and outcomes
resulting from the critical appraisal and use/translation of the best and most relevant

research evidence related to a
clinical question that directly influences nursing practice.
The abstract can contain a maximum of 350 words.
The abstract must contain the following elements in order to be considered:
Title: A descriptive title that describes the work done.
Background & Significance: Describes why the work was done and why it’s

Clinical Question: What was the question to be solved or what is the PICO
(Patient/Population/Problem, Intervention, Comparison, and Outcome)

Author may choose between a PICO or clinical question.
Evidence: Describe strategies used to identify pertinent scholarly work and then
synthesize the evidence that supported the intervention.

Intervention Implementation: Describe what was implemented and the
processes used for successful implementation.

Evaluation: Evaluation: Describe tools used for data collection (e.g. surveys, chart
abstraction, interviews) and how outcomes were measured.

Results: Describe the results of the project including whether or not goals were

Significance/Conclusion: Describe the impact of the work and any conclusions
that can be drawn from your methods or results.

Maximum poster size is 3ft. tall by 5ft. wide.

Need soemone to do make a powerpoint for a project



AML / Transaction Monitoring Knowledge, Data Analysis, Understanding of Operational KPIs, English Grammar & Writing, Presentation Skills

Work Trial Type:

Operational Metric Business Review




Operations Manager, Compliance – Work Trial

You have been assigned the task of creating a slide deck to present the operational performance of the transaction monitoring team within ABC Crypto Exchange’s Compliance Operations department. The purpose of this exercise is to assess your understanding of transaction monitoring and your ability to analyze and present operational data effectively. Your slide deck should include no more than 3 slides. You should approach this exercise as if you were presenting your team’s performance to senior management at a Weekly Business Review.

Please follow these guidelines when creating your slide deck:


Create a title slide introducing the compliance transaction monitoring team. Provide a brief overview of the team’s objectives and responsibilities.

Operational Performance Overview

Present an overview of the team’s operational performance across the following productivity and quality KPIs (data provided below); supplement the data provided with any additional charts or graphs you deem appropriate.

Analysis and Insights

Analyze the data and provide insights into the team’s performance. 

Identify any trends, patterns, or areas of concern based on the KPIs. 

Formulate hypotheses for potential problems or challenges that may have contributed to the observed trends. 

List the specific data or questions you would need to gather or ask in order to identify the correct hypothesis.

MKT 607 GCU Global Marketing Discussion


RE: DQ 1: Global Marketing; Case study 2 of 4: WorldTravel BTI

Participation Post, optional but gives Participation Points.

Hey Beena / Class:

Beena:  Thanks for your feedback in our Global Marketing discussion.  Yes, it takes a concerted effort to understand markets for your companies products in other countries.

Class:  This is post 2 of 4 of the Case Studies from my time in Global Marketing with these worldwide organizations: United Parcel Service;  WorldTravel BTI;Siemens Energy & Automation;  and ASHRAE / Elsevier engineering eLearning.  See the rest of the series in my 3 other DQ 1 posts.

WorldTravel BTI

In another global role from my experience:  I served as the VP of Marketing for WorldTravel BTI, a $2B business-travel management firm that was second to AmEx Travel in global sales.

Launching Global Products

Our team’s focus was to help launch digital travel-management products to serve our customers, who were Travel Managers for Fortune 500 companies (like UPS).  We did extensive research before launching new products, including our Customer Advisory Board which we used to collect qualitative data (“How do you feel about your experience with the features / benefits of this product?).

One of the largest challenges of working with large global organizations is the translation of product benefits from one language/culture to another.  More on this later.


If you’ve worked for / with a global organization, what do you think the biggest challenge was?

Help with a Literay Review


Write a review of literature based on the technology you are investigating for your Course Project. A review of literature may be defined as an analysis of published information in a particular subject area. It has some similarities to an annotated bibliography, which you have completed in a previous class, but differs in important respects. An annotated bibliography focuses on annotations, or summaries, of sources. In contrast, a review of literature analyzes the sources, draws connections among them, and notes changes in thinking over time. A review of literature will focus on the following questions. Must have in-text citations.

I’ve attached four of the articles from the references. Here is the website for the last reference.…

What are the key points of agreement among the sources?

What are the key points of disagreement among the sources?

Do any of the sources appear to be outliers? In other words, are there any sources that bring up issues, or make assertions, that the other sources do not discuss?

  • Which sources appear to be the most powerful or influential? Are there sources that all of the other sources deem highly authoritative?
  • Are there any sources whose assertions seem dubious, illogical, or unsupported by the facts?
  • How has thinking changed about your topic over time? Are there beliefs that have fallen out of favor?
  • Demonstrate points of similarities and differences, note patterns, and evaluate source quality

world religion




Scholars continue to debate the academic nature of Hinduism as to whether or not it is a polytheistic or monotheistic belief system. Based upon your studies and research this week, compare and contrast these two positions and then academically defend ONE SIDE of this debate by clearly demonstrating your position as to why you believe the practice of Hinduism is best identified as a polytheistic OR monotheistic belief system?


A contemporary debate growing among scholars today revolves around the incredible growth of Yoga within the United States. The issue of the debate as defined by the 2011 October/November/December edition of Hinduism Today centers upon the question, “as to whether or not Yoga is intrinsically a Hindu practice or a universal science?” Based upon your studies and research this week, compare and contrast these two positions and then academically defend ONE SIDE of this debate by clearly demonstrating your position as to why you believe Yoga is best identified as an intrinsically Hindu practice OR a universal science? In your discussion, you will want to clearly identify and define what type of Yoga is being referenced and the foundational role that Yoga has in Hinduism.

“Four Questions People Ask About Hinduism … and Four Tweetable Answers 1. Is Yoga a Hindu Practice?” (2011) . Hinduism Today, October/November/December. Accessed 13 October 2018