social work


For this short assignment please only provide answers for ONE of the docuseries, Gabriel Fernandez, or Kalief Browder. NOT BOTH. 3 pages MAXIMUM, using APA formatting. Answer the following questions for the docuseries you choose to watch:

Gabriel Fernandez

Agency Introduction

What is the LA DCFS mission statement? You will find a lot of information using the following link: to an external site.

Describe the target population DCFS serves in detail, including pertinent information related to age, gender, socio-economic status, race, culture, ethnicity, etc. (What population does the Department of Child and Family Services Serve) to an external site.

Does the agency respect self-determination? Describe how the agency does or does not respect self-determination.

Give one specific example from the docuseries to support your point of view.

Kalief Browder

Agency Introduction

  1. What is the NY Department of Correction’s mission statement? You will find a lot of information using the following link: to an external site.

Describe the target population of Rikers Island inmate population in detail, including pertinent information related to age, gender, socio-economic status, race, culture, ethnicity, etc. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ to an external site.

It is apparent that Rikers Island as an institution does not respect self-determination. Research and provide 2 organizations that exist to improve inmate conditions and treatment at Rikers Island, or jail/prison inmates in general. In 1-page minimum, provide both organizations:

ethics dilemma


Return to the topic you chose in the week three assignment. Articulate a specific dilemma in a situation faced by a particular person based on that topic. The situation can be real or fictional.

Summarize the dilemma.

Define any needed key terms associated with the dilemma.

  • Analyze the conflicts or controversies involved in the dilemma.
  • Revise and rewrite based on any feedback you received in your previous draft (week three). Reference and discuss any professional code of ethics relevant to your topic such as the AMA code for doctors, the ANA code for nurses, etc.  State whether and how your chosen topic involves any conflicts between professional and familial duties or conflicts between loyalty to self and loyalty to a community or nation.
  • What in your view is the most moral thing for that person to do in that dilemma? Why is that the most moral thing? Use moral values and logical reasoning to justify your answer

Next, apply the following:

Aristotle’s Golden Mean to the dilemma

Utilitarianism to the dilemma

Natural Law ethics to the dilemma

  • Which of those three theories works best ethically speaking? Why that one?
  • Why do the other two not work or not work as well?
  • Is it the same as what you said is the most moral thing earlier? Why or why not?

Use the 5 articles from your annotated bibliography to support your answers. (Additional academic scholarly research from the past 5 years can be included as well.) 

USC Rediscovering George Herbert’s ‘Virtue Discussion


George Herbert re-reading assignment 2. Re-read your chosen George Herbert poem from last week and post a short (200ish words) reflection, considering how re-reading the poem this week compared to your initial experience of reading the poem last week, and explaining what new things you noticed about the poem this time.

This is what I said last time and what you should start from to do further considerations and complete the assignment:


In George Herbert’s “Virtue,” the speaker wonders about beauty and how life is momentary. A tranquil Question of a “sweet day, so cool, bright and calm” portrays the few times it is filled with joy and perfection. Almost all the words repeated in every line, like dawn, out rose, and spring, denote accepting death as a reality. The poem’s structure of short stanzas with brief lines demonstrates how transient life’s joys are. These visual and auditory elements are put together very well such that individual can visualize an intense hue on the rose’s face, “hue, angry and brave”; as for sounds, it is found in the last three lines (Herbert). At the end of this poem, Herbert assigns virtue as an ever-stable force in an unstable world, suggesting that only souls through a righteous character are like old wood used over time. This poem is similar to self-reflection concerning temporary life but still powerfully talking about virtue, which forever remains.

Autism Spectrum Disorder: Speech Outline and Its PowerPoint Presentation


Write the paper outline and its Power Point Presentation on Autism Spectrum Disorder This is my chosen topic for my 4-6 minutes Speech).  You MUST include AND CITE at least 3 research resources in this speech. Research is a critical part of this speech, as it allows you to be informed and knowledgeable about your topic (Autism Spectrum Disorder), and sharing your research can help build your credibility with your audience.

Information on how to cite your resource verbally is available in the “Citing Research Resources” video lecture in this module; please take some time to review this lecture. Detailed information about the types of research resources you may use is available in the “Guidelines and Requirements for Research Resources” video lecture and document in this module. To briefly review, you MUST cite at least 3 research resources in this speech. Of these resources, only ONE may be an online source; your other 2 research resources MUST be print sources. You may include more than 3 research resources if you’d like; three is just the minimum.  However, regardless of the total number of research resources used, ONLY ONE may be an online source.

As mentioned previously, the goal of this speech is to teach your audience about your topic; this means that this is solely an informative speech. You SHOULD NOT include any persuasive elements in this speech; focus solely on being informative.

health informatics intervention PPT


Create a powerpoint and address the following: 

  • Define and describe a patient situation, whereby this high-level type of technical health informatics, yet compassionate care is delivered with confidence. 
  • Create an intervention or solution to the issue you have chosen and share an example of a patient of your choice to exemplify this issue. 
  • Consider what kinds of instruments or tools you will use as a pretest and posttest for your patient or providers. 
  • Then describe what kind of analysis you will use for the pretest/posttest design. 
  • Explain what the expectations of you, as a provider as it relates to the theory you have presented and how will this change your approach to this patient scenario using a scholarly writing approach.

For this assignment, the focus will be on creating a visual learning presentation using the media of your choice, which will become your intervention for your Informatics Scholarly Paper. This is a creative assignment in which you will select an appealing presentation that will capture the target audience and get their attention. Consider your chosen topic, then think of what you want to do to improve the situation. What you create will be used as the intervention in your scholarly paper.

It will be only five minutes in length or less. This assignment should be well referenced at the end of the presentation and include at least five references in APA format published within the last two years.



Post #1: 

For this post, briefly interview a parent to ask them: “Why?”

Why or why not did they choose to vaccinate?

When did they do it? Why then?

  • Was it easy or hard financially, logistically, emotionally?

What kind of parent?

Your own parent, a relative, a friend, or yourself if you’re a parent.

Post #2: 

  • Consider your own post and compare, contrast, comment on one post made by your peer. 
  • REPLY: For this discussion post, I asked my dad of why they choose to get vaccinated. He said he chose to get vaccinated for his own safety. Also, it was a work/travel requirement. For example, when coronavirus was going around, he wanted to get vaccinated in order to prevent himself from getting sick. It being a deadly disease, he believed that getting vaccinated would be beneficial to his health as well. Since Covid-19 was a global health crisis, he also wanted to opt for vaccination to contribute to efforts in controlling the spread of infectious diseases and mitigating their impact. He said it was easy for him to get the Covid-19 vaccines financially and logistically with everything going around on the news and also it being offered for free. However, he said that emotionally it was hard for him because he could not fully trust the source of the vaccines. Also, him hearing that people are getting sick from them made him worry a lot about getting vaccinated. 

MGT560 Critical Thinking Module #03


Leadership Practice

The Vice President of operations  recently promoted you to branch manager and moved you to a new branch  office where the morale among employees is low and performance is poor.  Of the five employees, Amani has the most tenure with six years. Amani  seems to have the lowest morale and is not motivated to do the work,  although he is quite capable of doing it successfully. Bassmah has been  with the company for four years but has not mastered the new software  and is performing at a low level even three months after being trained  on the software. Hadeel also has four years with the company and Rawan  has two years. Hadeel and Rawan are responsible for client contact, and  while in the past they worked well together on reaching out to clients,  now there are conflicts and low morale. Samah has been with the company  just three months and does not understand what is expected on the job  and is contemplating leaving the company.

Approach the case as the branch manager well versed in situational leadership. 

  • Explain situational leadership to your Vice President.
  • Determine the readiness level of each employee and explain your reasoning.
  • Determine the appropriate leader behavior to match the employee level and explain your reasoning.
  • Develop a plan of action as to how you will lead each person to  higher performance and morale and explain it to your Vice President.

social work 110


Reflection #4: Mental Health Matters

5454 unread replies.6262 replies.

Watch and Reflect

Watch Video above.

What is “Black Mental Health” and why does it “Matter”? Hear Phillip’s journey of trauma, resilience, and advocacy as he gives an impassioned talk discussing the impact of trauma on black identity, and black wellness, and why America’s current conversation on mental health is inadequate. – Phillip J. Roundtree, MSW, MS is the Founder of Quadefy LLC, an organization dedicated to providing empowerment services to enhance the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual strength of an individual, team, and/or business. He is a staunch advocate of destigmatizing mental health, by promoting total wellness, amongst marginalized and often underrepresented communities. His transparency, as it relates to his personal journey in coping with depression and anxiety, gives a face, voice, and hope to those who’ve yet to recognize their emotional and cognitive strength. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at to an external site.

Submission and Grading

1. After watching the video above, in your own words describe how are the the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness affected by culture, ethnicity, socio-economic status, gender or age of individuals?

2. Use a key term/concept from our class to share how it relates to the mental health please bold the term and define it first.



Review Questions: Chapter 1

  • Describe two important features of the scientific method.
  • Provide an example of (1) how social and cultural factors can influence psychologists’ choice of research topics and (2) how sociocultural factors can influence society’s acceptance of research results.
  • Describe how ethnocentric bias can be a problem in research and suggest a way researchers can prevent this bias.
  • Describe two ethical dilemmas that psychologists may face when conducting research.
  • What are the three initial steps researchers take when starting a research project?
  • Identify two reasons why it is important to look in the psychological research literature when beginning research.

Review Questions: Chapter 2

  • What is the difference between an independent variable and a dependent variable? Provide an example of each that could be used in an experiment.
  • What is the main advantage of using operational definitions in psychology? What two criticisms have been made of the use of operational definitions?
  • What is the difference between the validity and reliability of an instrument?
  • Identify the four goals of the scientific method and briefly describe what each is intended to achieve.
  • What is the difference between the nomothetic approach and the idiographic approach?
  • Identify the three conditions required for a causal inference.
  • What is an intervening variable? Propose an example: a factor that serves as an intervening variable between “insulting” and “aggressive responses” in children. Explain how these variables can be related by proposing a hypothesis that includes the influence of the intervening variable.



For this assignment, you will use the full width and height of the window, by using the following code in your setup() function: createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);

Project Requirements:

Shapes (20%): Experiment with a variety of shapes, including circles, rectangles, triangles, and custom shapes, to construct your character, creature, or object. Shapes should form the visual elements of your self-portrait.

Color (20%): Utilize colors creatively to bring your self-portrait to life. Avoid using plain color names like “red” or “blue.” Instead, employ RGB, RGBA, or hexadecimal color codes for precise control over colors and their opacities.

Animation (20%): Add animation to your self-portrait to make it dynamic and engaging. This could involve movements, color transitions, or any other visually interesting effects that enhance your portrayal.

Text (10%): Incorporate text into your self-portrait. This text could be your name, a short message, or any relevant text that complements the character, creature, or object you’ve created. Display this text somewhere on the canvas.

Interaction (20%): Use either mouse or key event listeners to trigger elements within your sketch. This could include audio, changing colors, size, or movement.

  1. Syntax and Comments (10%): Maintain clean and organized code. Include comments throughout your code to explain what is happening in your program. Comments should provide an overall understanding of how your code operates. While you don’t need to repeat comments for similar functions, ensure that your code is well-documented and easy to follow.