Module 3 Case Study Postings


Standard English usage and college level compositional standards are assumed for full credit. A composite grade will be submitted for all three postings, with the original posting carrying the same weight as both of the responses.

Deductions for not meeting word minimums will be pro-rated proportionately. Answers receiving full credit may vary widely in their conclusions, but will nonetheless meet the following criteria: (a) display an accurate knowledge of ethical theory and (b) provide a coherent and adequately supported argument. The unacknowledged and/or inappropriate use of sources will be considered as plagiarism, resulting in a score of zero for this assignment, as well as other serious consequences outlined in the syllabus.

Part A:

Read the conference questions below and write an original response to each of the two questions. Your response to each question should be a minimum of 250 words in length in order to be eligible for full credit.


Revisiting Nurse Rivers (Attached) 

Then answer the two following questions:

  • What ethical principles did Eunice Rivers attempt to uphold in her long nursing practice? Explain your answer.
  • Ought she to share part of the blame for the reprehensible research project that involved withholding both accurate information and appropriate treatment? Explain your answer.

Post each of your responses to the group weekly conference.

  • Post your responses to a single conference thread.
  • Use the following naming convention in the subject line of the conference thread for your posting: First name, Last name (ex. John Smith)

The Statue of Limitations



Determining the Statute of Limitations: While the statute of limitations for examination is
generally three years from the date a return is filed, the statue can be automatically extended, can
be voluntarily extended, or tolled under various provisions provided in the code, regulations,
rulings and court cases. Your job is to advise your clients as to the applicable statute of
limitations based on the fact pattern to be provided to you below. Remember: the date a return is
deemed filed is a question of both fact and law.
It is October 1, 2021. The clients have not filed their joint current year’s tax return. No
extension has been filed. Your clients have filed timely in the past and there is no reason to
suspect that there is unreported income (once the return is filed). They live in Florida and have
been unaffected by a hurricane or other severe weather event. Your team must write a
memorandum to the client explaining when a tax return filing will be deemed sufficient to start
the statute of limitations for both examination and assessment purposes. In addition, the clients
have asked if they should file a joint tax return under the facts above. You should cite, as
appropriate, the code, regulations, rulings, court cases… etc. Make sure that the memo addresses
all the following questions for both types of returns: When is the statutes of limitations tolled from running? For how long?

Social work 120


For this short assignment please only provide answers for ONE of the docuseries, Gabriel Fernandez, or Kalief Browder. NOT BOTH. 3 pages MAXIMUM, using APA formatting. Answer the following questions for the docuseries you choose to watch:

Gabriel Fernandez


If your supervisor instructed you to do something against your code of ethics, how would you respond and what actions would you take?

If you were assigned Gabriel/Kalief to your caseload what would you do to support his health and well-being?

What areas of Gabriel/Kalief’s life would you make sure were being addressed and why?


What did you learn about yourself from watching the docuseries you chose? Start this paragraph with: “After completing this assignment I realized (feelings, thoughts, experiences)…

Did anything show up for you personally or what about this case was challenging?

What did you learn about yourself?

Kalief Browder


If your supervisor instructed you to do something against your code of ethics, how would you respond and what actions would you take?

If you were assigned Kalief Browder to your caseload when he was released from prison, what would you do to support his reintegration into society?

What areas of Kalief’s life would you make sure were being addressed and why?


What did you learn about yourself from watching the docuseries you chose? Start this paragraph with: “After completing this assignment I realized (feelings, thoughts, experiences)…

Did anything show up for you personally or what about this case was challenging?

What did you learn about yourself?

ocean 120


Background Information

While the basic principles that lead to the formation of subtropical gyres applies to the circulation seen in each of the 5 Subtropical Gyres, there are differences that can still be seen in each of the major oceans.


Create a document that addresses the following prompt. For this assignment, you will be doing some writing and some drawing. Complete the two questions below:

Using the image provided below, complete the following:

Label the specific current names for the each of the Northern, Western, Eastern and Southern Boundary currents found within the five major subtropical gyres. You do not need to label the subpolar gyres.

  1. Color (or label) whether each of the currents are warm currents or cold currents.

If you color them, red=warm and blue=cold

For this next question, choose one major ocean to focus on. (North Pacific, South Pacific, North Atlantic, South Atlantic, or the Indian Ocean). In a paragraph, written in your own words, describe the circulation patterns witnessed in that ocean. Use these questions to help guide your writing:

  • Are there any ways circulation differs in this ocean compared to other main oceans?
  • What are the unique chemical and physical properties of this ocean? Are there any unique processes that occur in this ocean? Explain



Professional certifications, professional associations, and having the knowledge of industry software can give you the edge you need in securing a top position. Invest yourself into learning which of these are available to you and how you can achieve them prior to graduation. Use the Occupational Outlook Handbook, linked below, to investigate these resources. Submit a reflection that details which of these will most benefit you and how you plan to acquire them (200-word minimum).

Identify three (3) internship or job opportunities, each at a different company, that relate to your major and are of interest to you

The purpose of this activity is for you to gain an understanding of potential career paths/career options and help expose you to the internship/job search process. Begin by identifying three internship or job positions. After identifying the 3 positions, please submit a written reflection that includes the following: The position title and source used to find this [such as website, event, networking, or organization]. What key search words did you use to find these positions? What makes these positions applicable to your major and why do these jobs interest you? Do you currently meet the requirements for these positions or is this a future goal? Use prompts from the position Question (i.e. required skills, duties, or knowledge) to support your answer. Once you have completed your reflection, upload a single pdf with all three job listings

MIT Management Based on the scenario and with the help of additional readings


Saleema and Salama are good friends studying at a college. After completing their master’s in business management, took up a job at a managerial level in different organizations base on their interests. Saleema took up a marketing job in a retail company and strives to increase sales whereas Salama joins an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization and works diligently to realize its objectives related to providing employment to differently abled people. Both of them have to perform a series of continuous, composite but separate functions. On some days, Saleema may spend more time in planning a future display layout and on another days, she may spend time in sorting out an employee’s problem.

Both Saleema and Salama make conscious efforts to build a feeling of team spirit and coordination among diverse individuals with different needs who work under them. The effect of their management is noticeable in their respective departments as the targets are met according to plans, employees are happy and satisfied, and there is orderliness in its functioning rather than chaos.

Based on the above scenario and with the help of additional readings, you are required to submit a report based on the following tasks:

1) Discuss in detail the various management functions exhibited by Saleema and Salama that enabled them to manage their work efficiently. Illustrate your discussion using relevant examples.

2) Explain in detail the management challenges that could be encountered by Saleema and Salama.

Fire Protection


My name is Melecio , and I am from Kern County, California. I currently work as an Environmental Health Specialist with the Kern County Public Health Department. I decided to obtain my MS in Occupational Safety and Health in hopes to gain more knowledge and improve my abilities as an inspector. I am thinking of potentially going into the Fire Prevention program and I believe the information and lessons from the class would be very beneficial to me.

The engineers’ determination in using the foreign pump was the right decision to make due to the time restrictions that were given. If they had decided to postpone the work, the inspections, installations, permitting, or other factors may have been affected, thus causing more problems and potential financial issues. With the decision to install the foreign pump, this should have been made clear to the owner/operator of the warehouse and a work plan should have been conducted to correct the issue at a later time/date.

Short term: Installing the foreign made pump was the right decision as it temporarily adheres to the necessary safety measures and would prevent the delay of time frames.

Long term: The engineer and the owner/operator should have created a work plan to address the foreign-made pump and have it corrected at a later date, so that a certified and approved pump would be installed to meet compliance of local standards and codes.

Stewardship Project


Personal Stewardship Project

Title of Your project


In 3-4 paragraph): Introduces the broad topic/ issue connected to your behavior change (e.g., climate change, plastic pollution, habitat loss, endangered species). Share information about why this is a problem,  how the behaviors of humans impact this issue, and ways to reduce the impact. This section should include your background research and why you picked the topic.


In 1-2 paragraphs: Describe your behavioral change activity.  Include a QUESTION of how you measured your change.


In 2-3 paragraphs: Report the results of your actions, including a comparison of your pre and post-data. In addition to explaining your results in words, you should include a chart, table, or infographic. Also, calculate the total impact of your behavior (i.e., I reduced my carbon dioxide emissions to x tons, and I saved 300 liters of water). 

Community Engagement 

In 1 paragraph: Share your community engagement pieces (i.e., links or screenshots to social media). Using evidence from the psychological literature, what technique did you use in your messaging? Include information on who you shared your project with, how you shared it, and what their reaction was. 


In 2-3 paragraphs: Reflect on what you learned during this project. How likely are you going to continue this behavior? Why or why not? What are some strategies to make it more sustainable? How would you encourage more people to participate in this behavior? Support your reflections with sources. 

Geology Question



WORK, PLAY, LOVE is a book intended to
help you find balance in your studies, work, relationships and
recreation (play) while you are in college, and to do so in a biblically
rooted way using the “Wisdom Model” from the book of Proverbs.

This is an essay
assignment. It should be 500 words. You can write above 500 words, but
do not write less than 500 words. The goal of the word-count is to help
you to read, reflect and apply
this section of the book. Your thoughts and sentences should be
complete and well developed. Structure your reflection in several

Read pages 130-190:

  1. Describe the distinctions between
    networking vs village building. Explain how “building a village”
    connects to wisdom’s call to the triple delights of lady wisdom.
  2. How does King David’s life embody village building? Why does King David fail at some point, and how is his delight restored? In what ways are you, or can you contribute to “building the PBA village”?
  3. What are is your take-away from
    chapter 5, how might you relate your parent’s marriage experience of the
    singer’s call to lovemaking? As a single person, which areas of “love”
    is God calling you to focus on?
  4. Reflect on chapter nine, The Isaiah
    call to Wow. How does the dream of happiness connect to the call to
    delight in God through worship? What is a holy wow? What is a glory wow?
    How might you bring the holy and glory wows to your studies at PBA?

Help on SDG 9


WITH  Thos indicator :






answer the following questions:

1. How the first 5 indicators in that goal are actually measured:      how are they defined and who did the measurement?

2. Argue in what way these 5 indicators do or do not really measure      the broad goal (are they a good measure?).

  • 3. Are any of these 5 used as KPIs for any particular specific      organisation or leader in Saudi Arabia? What are the rewards or      punishments for meeting/failing the KPIs?

4. Argue how an organisation/leader could ‘game’ these measures.

  • 5. Is there any country that truly uses these measures to reward or      punish particular policy makers or institutions (try to find out)? If so,      detail them and what they do. If not, argue the likely reasons for this      not happening.

6. Taking the material of the course into consideration, give an      overall assessment of whether SDGs are of any real use in policy making in      KSA, and if so, how. If not, what is the whole publicity regarding SDGs      about.

  • •The report to be handed in cannot be more than 20 pages, font 11.

Some examples of obvious cheating:

  • •The use of references (x, 2020) that have nothing to do with the      paragraph or sentence involved.