RELG120 American Academy McAllister Institute of Funeral Services


7.6 Discussion: Daoism

Discussion Seven

The topic reply is due by Wednesday, March 13 at 11 pm Pacific Standard Time.

Peer replies are due by Sunday, March 17 at 11 pm Pacific Standard Time.

Discussion Topic

This week’s discussion is about Daoism.

First, please pick one of the following questions and post an answer. 

Please post your original comment by March 13 at 11 pm. 

Second, please politely respond to one other student before 11 pm on Sunday, March 17. 


“Wu Wei is the supreme action, the precious suppleness, simplicity, and freedom that flows from us, rather through us, when our private egos and conscious efforts yield to a power not their own.” – The World’s Religions, p. 208 (Escovedo) 

How does the concept of Wu Wei contrast with a Western perspective?

“In the Taoist perspective, even good and evil are not head-on opposites. The West has tended to dichotomize the two, but Taoists are less categorical.” The World’s Wisdom, p. 215. (Escovedo). 

How can the concept of yin/yang be applied to today’s national and global events?

  • Confucianism and Taoism differ because Confucianism focuses on the harmony of society while Taoism focuses on the harmony of one with nature. Confucianism was designed for conformity and the teachings emphasized the oral and traditional values that should exist in order to ensure a peaceful society. Taoism is almost the opposite of this. Taoism disregards the hope for societal order, but rather on the individual’s liberation of their imagination and being impulsive. 

Your relationship with brands



Contemplate your bond with your cherished brands and respond to the following inquiries (refer to Part-1 of Individual Assignment):

Delve into your perception, connection, and relationship with each of your favored brands.

Envision potential actions brand managers of both brands could take based on your insights from Question 1. Your responses should offer invaluable insights for brand managers to enhance customer engagement and strengthen brand loyalty.

CLOs being assessed: Following course learning outcomes will be assessed through this assessment:

Create key elements of brand architecture including the brand promise, brand purpose, brand identity, and brand reputation

Work-ready deliverables:

Prepare actionable deliverables: Customer Brand Relationship strategies tailored to enhance consumer engagement and loyalty.

This is the previous story that we developped

Personal brand story:

In the modern world filled with rhythm and innovations, Pepsi and B&O created an extraordinary part of it. Our life is suppose to made up of happiness and exploration, and these two brands provide these two essential things and make a perfect combination. The vibrant energy offered by Pepsi and the immersive experience from B&O transferred my lives from moments of celebration into enjoyable concerts. These brands amplify our diverse emotions and guide me toward the passion of my life in all chapters.

Pepsi brand story:

  1. Pepsi, the epitome of youth, sparks joy in every bottle, and vibrant energy at all moments. Pepsi has a legacy spanning generations that transcends culture. It sparks laughter, camaraderie, and unforgettable memories. 
  2. B&O brand story:

HIST 15; Essentials of U.S. History


Write one (1) short essay in response to one of the prompts listed on the following

• Avoid anecdotal examples, long summaries or excessive quotations.
• Cite evidence from the course readings
o Citations should clearly state page numbers from the American Yawp,
the lecture date as listed on the rubric, or the author of the primary
source document.
• Refer to at least two (2) primary source documents assigned this semester.
• Use only course material: Lectures, Linked Videos, American Yawp, and
Assigned Primary Source readings. No Outside Sources!
Please use the following guidelines when formatting and completing the assignment:
• Heading with Name & Course Information (suggested format provided on Canvas)
• Size 11 or 12, Times New Roman or similar Font. Double Space the entire
• Structure your essay with clearly organized paragraphs. Suggested Outline:
• Write a brief, 3-4 sentence introduction including a 1-2 sentence thesis
§ The thesis statement should clearly answer the main question(s) in
the prompt. This is the argument that you will support with your
§ The prompts each contain multiple questions or points to cover so,
integrate your responses into your thesis statement.
• Write clearly delineated body paragraphs with concise sentences that
explain specific historical examples that support your thesis.
§ Start each paragraph with an argument or claim that reiterates a
portion of the thesis.
§ Provide plenty of specific historical evidence from the class material.
• Evidence means specific historical examples of things that
happened or things that people said or did in the past to
support your argument.

Fall screening/prevention


Mr. Perkins, age 81, reports for an annual physical examination. He says he is doing well. His only known problem is osteoarthritis. He also requests a flu shot. He takes no medications other than Tylenol for arthritis pain. When he walks into the exam room, you notice that he is using a straight cane in his right hand. When you ask about the cane, he says he began using the cane because the pain in his right hip had increased significantly over the past 6 months.

Review the case study above and based on the provided information, think about a possible patient evaluation plan. As part of your evaluation planning, consider where the evaluation would take place, whether any other professionals or family members should be present, appropriate assessment tools and guidelines, and any other relevant information you may wish to address.

Consider whether the assessment tool you identified was validated for use with this specific patient population and if this poses issues. Think about additional factors that might present issues when performing assessments focusing on the patient as a whole such as language, education, prosthetics, missing limbs, functional ability, fall screening/ prevention, etc.

Consider immunization requirements that may be needed for this patient.

  • Keep in mind that as nurse practitioners, whether you are in primary care or acute care, patient and family education is always important. This includes education about medications, tests, treatment plans, immunizations, diagnosis, and health promotion.

Evidence Based Brochure


You are a volunteer in a long-term care facility. While the facility employs inter-disciplinary providers including mental health providers and social workers, your daily encounters with residents and families often revolve around comforting them in various stages of the death, dying, and grieving processes.
You know that most of the population is comprised of visually-dominant learners, but most of their interactions are auditory in nature. Given this discrepancy, you ask leadership if you can create a brochure for residents and their families to outline a typical death and dying process, as well as tips to help embrace the grieving process at each step.
Leadership welcomes the idea. They ask you to create an evidence-based brochure for the residents and their families on this topic. Once you create it, they will have their social work and mental health provider teams review your content to determine if revision is needed prior to sharing it with the population. Instructions
Use Word, PowerPoint, Canva, or similar software to create a 1-2-page patient brochure that addresses:

Typical steps in the death and dying process, including common indications of feelings or behaviors that indicate where one is in the process.

At least one self-help tip to manage the normal grieving process for each step.

  1. Signs or feelings that a person should reach out for additional professional assistance when self-management is not enough.

If the references do not fit into your brochure template, include an additional Word document reference list.

criminal justice Grambling State University the numbered questions and include the references after each question


1. Durkheim treats deviance and crime as objective, measurable social facts. Deviance is both normal (ALL societies have patterns of deviance/crime) and pathological (patterns of deviance/crime are statistically infrequent compared to conforming behavior patterns). Explain how recreational marijuana use may be both normal and pathological social behavior. If most people have used marijuana (“normal”), how can it be defined as deviant (“pathological”)?

2. Erikson argues that deviance is NOT an objective quality of behavior; rather, social audiences label deviance based on directly or indirectly witnessing such behavior. In short, deviance is less about statistical evidence and more a quality of social reaction. Using drunk driving as an example, how does audience reaction establish boundaries between recreational drinking and drunk driving, especially the legal response to the latter? In your answer pay particular attention to age of offenders as an important boundary.

3.Discuss Merton’s concept of anomie (the disjunction of cultural goals, institutionalized means, and the actual distribution of opportunities (e.g., educational, economic) to achieve the cultural goals. What is the most important cultural goal according to Merton? Define and discuss the five individual adaptations to anomie Merton identifies.

4. Define and discuss Hagedorn’s ideal types of “homeboys, dope fiends, legits, and new jacks” (p. 57). Pay particular attention to how each of these types represents Merton’s five adaptations to anomie. How does Hagedorn update Merton’s theory with the addition of racial discrimination as obstacle to goal achievement?

Read and Annotate Sources


SKIM at a couple sources from Parts 2 and 3. EDIT and expand (=WRITE) your previous work, developing it into a more organized, clearly formatted Project 3 Plan with 3 sections:

1. Working thesis (not just one sentence; ~200 words) including a specific, persuasive claim about one or more parts of the Boeing plane crash events and what readers can, should, do to avoid such events in the present and future. Readers being regular citizens (or employees) — just not Boeing executives. (i.e. avoid “Boeing needs to…” statements without detailed focus on how individuals can make that happen.). NOTE: This #1 “working thesis” QUESTION resembles the 4th bolded question from Project 3 directions:

What should employees do in such a situation, and what should the general public do about such an issue (that affects most citizens).

Thus, students don’t have to answer this —^ completely right now (it’s just a plan document) but at least try to get some ideas down about it, to help the overall direction your essay may take next week, and to help your essay intro. and conclusion parts. 

2. Source 1 S-R (about 300 words for this section) — one source that stood out to you in particular, and why (from any of the 3 sections)

3. Source 2 S-R (about 300 words for this section) —  one source that stood out to you in particular, and why (from any of the 3 sections) 

M2 6134 Discussion


John B., a therapist in a small town, agreed to see a new patient who was also the mother of a friend of John B.’s child. He knew the family had financial issues. Wishing to be of service, John B. decreased his fee to accommodate the patient.

John B. saw the patient for six months, never receiving payment for the sessions. He sent several notices that went unpaid. Finally, he and the patient agreed to terminate their arrangement due to the patient’s inability to pay his fee. The patient agreed to pay his fee in installments and, once paid, they would revisit the possibility of treatment.

He sent one, two, three billing notices to the client’s home without response. Getting frustrated, he finally sent notification to the client’s fax machine at her office, but the client did not report to work that day. The bill was titled “psychological services rendered” and handwritten in large print was “Third Notice—OVERDUE!!” with the client’s name. This notice sat in an open access mail tray of the busy office all day.

For your original post, answer the following questions:

  1. What should the worker have done in the beginning of the professional relationship?
  2. Discuss at what point the social worker could have intervened to avoid the conflict? If this produced a dysfunctional outcome, state why.
  3. What are duties and obligations of the worker in this case? Refer to the NASW Code of Ethics, where applicable.

Benchmark- Capstone Project Change Proposal Presentation for Faculty Review and Feedback


Assessment QUESTION

The purpose of this assignment is to develop a presentation for your capstone project change proposal that you will present in Topic 10 to leaders and interprofessional stakeholders at your practicum site.

Prepare a presentation using as a guide the Topic 8 “Benchmark – Capstone Project Change Proposal” that was completed previously.

Students will disseminate this presentation to leadership at the practicum site in Topic 10. Reach out to your preceptor to collaborate on confirming a date and time to present this PowerPoint to an interprofessional audience of leaders and stakeholders at the practicum site.

Prepare a 10-15-slide PowerPoint presentation of your capstone project change proposal to include the following:

Identify the clinical problem statement and explain the purpose of the evidence-based change proposal.

Summarize the evidence/literature, including connection to the proposed plan.

  1. Propose an implementation plan with an intervention and outcome measures.
  2. Outline the roles and responsibilities of the various interprofessional stakeholders who will be needed in order to implement the plan. Roles and responsibilities discussed should be specific to the implementation of your proposed project.
  3. Describe the resources needed for project implementation.
  4. Discuss the evaluation plan for proposed nursing intervention.
  5. Provide a minimum of three references to accompany in-text citations used throughout the PowerPoint presentation.
  6. In preparing your presentation, consider the stakeholders who will be part of your audience and ensure you incorporate appropriate messaging and communication strategies for that audience. Submit the presentation in the digital classroom for feedback from the instructor.

Timeline and Project Management Plan


As an old saying goes, “Plan the work and work the plan.” Every successfully funded initiative starts with a well-thought-out plan of action that shares with the funding agency the vision for accomplishing the work. This component of a grant proposal is a plan aligned with project goals and objectives that outlines the activities that will need to be completed, as well as identifies the people and time needed for success. Planning these resources will help you as you build your budget.

In this assignment, you develop a timeline of activities and a project management plan of the resources involved with the project. You will include these components in the Wk 5 Summative Assessment: Grant Proposal.

Assignment Deliverable

Write a summary of the plan for accomplishing your criminal justice initiative as if you were a grant writer seeking approval from the Chief or other designated officer for including the plan in a grant proposal. 

Create a timeline of key activities and tasks for the initiative. You may use a list, a table, or a spreadsheet to show the items in the timeline. Include the following for each activity or task in the timeline:

Determine the duration of the individual activity and any sub-activities.

Allocate a key staff individual or key staff role to the activity and identify any relevant partnerships or collaboration associated.

  • Denote materials or resources needed for the activity or task.
  • Submit your summary and timeline for your assignment.
  • Assignment Support