Critical Thinking


PART ONE: Which is better for determining the ethical quality of an act: the Motives (what you meant to happen, but may not actually happen), or the Consequences (what actually happens, but you may not mean for them to)?  In other words, is it better to live by principles (like “honesty is the best policy” and be honest all the time, regardless) or is it better to live by outcomes (doing things that cause happiness, like letting kids eat cake and ice cream for breakfast, lunch, and dinner until that doesn’t make them happy anymore, then move on to the next thing)?  Is it always good to do what it seems will produce the greatest happiness for most (not all), or should another approach be found?  Is it always good to live by an inflexible code of conduct?  

PART TWO: In a trolley car emergency–If there were a scientist who would discover a cure for all cancers tied up on one track, and all the family members of everyone in Critical Thinking class tied up on another track, and the trolley was barreling down the track, and it could not be stopped, and it had to proceed on one track where the scientist was tied up, or the other track where the family members were tied up, and you were at the switch to determine which track the trolley would race down, which choice would you make?  Why?

policy responce genises flores


Improving hospital performance requires a multifaceted approach that addresses clinical and business aspects. By enhancing outcomes, reducing costs, optimizing payment structures, and improving the overall patient experience, hospitals can achieve comprehensive improvement. There are clinical solutions such as implementing evidence-based practices, (EBPs) to ensure that clinical interventions are grounded in the best available research. This can lead to improved patient outcomes and safety (Institute of Medicine, 2001). Focusing on patient-centered care involves engaging patients in decision-making, enhancing communication, and considering their preferences thus increasing patient satisfaction (Epstein et al,2010). Another service that contributes to better outcomes and patient satisfaction is telehealth and remote monitoring, implementing telehealth service es and remote monitoring can enhance access to care, reduce hospital readmissions, and improve chronic disease management (Mehrotraet al.,2013). There are also business solutions such as the value-based care model; transitioning to a value-based care model, such as accountable care organizations ( ACOs) or bundle payment systems, aligns financial incentives with improved outcomes, fostering cost-effective and high-quality care (Conrad & Perry, 2009).

In conclusion, the integration of clinical and business solutions is essential for comprehensive hospital improvement. By focusing on evidence-based clinical practices, patient-centered care, value-based business models, and the integration of data analytics and Lean methodologies, hospitals can achieve better patient outcomes, reduce costs, optimize payment structures, and enhance the overall patient experience. Ongoing research and continuous quality improvement efforts are crucial for adapting strategies to the evolving landscape of healthcare.

Final project



Comprehensive Inclusive Education Plan

Final Project Outline

Front page

(Example presented by the instructor)

Table of Contents

(Order of each part of the work according to page number)


Provide an overview of the purpose and structure of your Comprehensive Health Plan.

Inclusive education

II. Children with Special Needs

(Write information that is notable and investigative about 3 special needs)

For example: The categories of special needs according to the Federal IDEA are:

1. hearing impairment

2.  speech or language impediment

3. emotional disorder


III. Educational strategy design

1. Lesson Plan (A 1-week plan will be made that includes the strategy

educational, evaluation method and adaptations. The teacher will provide the format of the

table to comply with the Lesson Plan)

to. Topic (The topic of the lesson that you are going to develop during the week)

b. General Objectives (2 or more)

c. Educational strategy (the diversity of activities)

d. Evaluation method (the attempts made or how mastery of the


and. Adaptations (The way to modify the environment, materials for a child with

special need)

IV. Collaboration Strategies

(Prepare a writing of the strategies for collaboration and communication with family and

professionals who work with children with special needs)

V. Conclusion

(Development of a writing that expresses the importance of promoting the inclusion of children

with special needs in educational organizations and content closure)


(This part should have all citations in the content and documents reviewed to help you in

the writing of this final project. References must be written according to APA 7th



4-1 Consulting Report: Analysis of Financial Performance


MBA 500 Module Four Consulting Report Guidelines and Rubric


Analyzing the financial performance of a company is crucial for any business at any given point of time, but especially when the company is heading in a new direction.

You are aware that your company has made the strategic decision to move to a triple bottom line (TBL)-focused business model. You have already collaborated with various departments within your organization to understand their perspectives.

Now you will review the current financial performance of your organization and evaluate whether the operational plan aligns with key performance indicators of the finance department.


Using the financial records of the health and beauty company that you work for, as well as the financial records of the company you chose in Module One, create a consulting report outlining the following criteria:

Explain key financial performance indicators that various stakeholders would be most interested in. Support your rationale and include the following stakeholders in your response:


  1. Shareholders

Community groups

  1. Explain additional key financial line items related to triple bottom line that are required to measure cost. Support your rationale.
  2. Supporting Material
  3. Financial records of the health and beauty company you work at
  4. Consolidated balance sheet

Consolidated cash flow statement

Consolidated income statement

Financial records of the company you chose in Module One

  1. Balance sheet of your chosen company

Cash flow statement of your chosen company

Income statement of your chosen company

  1. List of global companies provided in Module One

List of Companies

Types of organization charts and functions in preschool schools in the united states


Task: Types of Organization Charts and Functions in Preschool Schools in the United States

Task Question: Research and present information about the different types of organizational charts used in preschools in the United States, as well as the functions of each position in these organizational charts. Examines how pre-schools are structured and operated in terms of leadership and staff roles, and how this influences the quality of education offered.


1. Research the common types of organization charts used in preschools in the United States. Organization charts can vary depending on school size, organizational structure, and pedagogical approach. Some examples of organization charts include the hierarchical organization chart, the functional organization chart, and the matrix organization chart.

2. For each type of organizational chart, analyze the roles and responsibilities of the following key positions:

– Director of the Preschool School

– Preschool Teachers

– Support Staff and Assistants

– Curriculum Coordinator

– Special Education Specialists (if applicable)

– Administrative staff

3. Describe how responsibilities and authority are distributed in each type of organizational chart and how this can affect decision-making and efficiency in preschool management.

4. Consider the importance of communication and collaboration between different roles within the preschool and how this can influence the educational environment and the well-being of preschool children.

5. Present your report or presentation in a clear and organized manner, using concrete examples or hypothetical cases to illustrate how different organizational charts work in practice.

6. Be sure to cite all sources used in your research.

U3 Discussion Questions


Instructions: There are 2 discussion questions. Read each discussion question and answer thoroughly in 250 words or more each.

Discussion Question 1: See if you can find online financial information to add to the discussion. From the reading how did Red Robin develop an IT strategy? The textbook dedicated a lot of pages to Red Robin as an example. What were your key takeaways from that reading?

Tip: Chapter on Facilitating Corporate and Divisional Strategy in Implementing World Class IT Strategy.

Resource: or High, P. (2020). Implementing world class IT Strategy: How IT can drive organizational
Innovation (1st ed.). JosseyBass. ISBN: 9781118634110, 111863411X (Print
Version), 9781118634080, 111863408X (eText)

  • Discussion Question 2: View the video in the reading on SWOT and TOWS analysis. Why did internal and external come into play when creating a TOWS analysis?

Did the video or article make more sense in terms of explaining the strategic value in a TOWS analysis?

  • Video: Strategic Planning: SWOT & TOWS Analysis – YouTube
  • Article: TOWS Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide (

Resource: or High, P. (2020). Implementing world class IT Strategy: How IT can drive organizational
Innovation (1st ed.). JosseyBass. ISBN: 9781118634110, 111863411X (Print
Version), 9781118634080, 111863408X (eText)

week 6 podcast


Topic: “Biden hopes sustainable aviation fuel production could take flight soon”

Podcast link:…

After the ten minute timer goes off, you are allowed to stop writing. You can stop in mid-sentence if

you want to. Or you can complete your thought. That is up to you. Because you will not be pausing to
think about what you are writing, your free-write should end up being 

The rules for free writing are very specific. Once you start writing, you must
keep writing without stopping for the full ten minutes. Your hands must keep writing/typing the entire
time. You are not allowed to pause to think about what you want to say and how you want to say it.
You are not allowed to cross out, delete, or correct anything you have written. Do not worry about
spelling or grammar or typos. Do not worry about whether what you are saying is interesting or correct
or accurate or clever. Your job is to write where your brain takes you in response to the news you
listened to, regardless of whether what you write is academic, related to something you learned in class,
connected to a memory, an opinion, an experience you’ve had with the company, etc. Your job is to just
keep spilling out words that have some connection to the stories just heard. The only constraint is that
you should set an intention that your writing should be a response to the program, not a summary.

Hello need help with my homework


Write a program in C and in MIPS assembly language program that:

Initializes an integer array with 3 rows and 5 columns:

1   2   3   4   5

  • 6   7   8   9   10

11 12 13 14 15

  • inputs a row and column number from the user
  • main must call a child function (using jal in MIPS assembly) that calculates the memory address of the chosen row & column like this:
  • int* arrayAddress( int row, int col, int ncolumns, array); //returns address of array[row][col]
  • use shift instead of multiply where appropriate
  • print the address and the value of the chosen array element

You must submit THREE files: 

  • 1) Your .asm MIPS assembly file – it MUST be in the style / format of the prompt and MIPS .asm example filesLinks to an external site.(labels: start in first column, tab to instruction mnemonics, tab to operands, tab to comment, etc.)  The arguments passed from your main program should be row in $a0, col in $a1, ncolumns in $a2, and base address of the array in $a3 and the address return value should be in $v0 when the arrayAddress() child function returns.
  • 2) Your .c source file accessing the array by calling the child function   arrayAddress( int row, int col, int ncolumns, array) which uses pointer arithmetic to return the address of array[row][col].
  • 3) A brief report document file in .pdf .doc or .docx including:

a QUESTION of the program

2 screen shots showing each one (C and MIPS version) working

discussion 7


module 7: discussion intro to modren medicine

1) In at least 100 words, describe the ways in which you think modern medicine marginalizes some groups of people. You can make this as broad or specific as you would like! Comment on the posts of at least two of your peers (minimum 50 words each comment). You are welcome to post media or articles to support your argument.


Module 7: Discussion – Women & Childbirth

Read Walzer Leavitt (1983).Walzer Leavitt (1983)

Imagine you are a woman preparing to give birth in the mid-1800s. In at least 200 words describe your plan for your childbirth. Be sure to include information about your geographical location (urban or rural), and what instruments or techniques may be used on you, along with some of the possible problems that are associated with these instruments or techniques.

For peer responses: Imagine you are a physician in the mid-1800s, in at least 50 words each, comment on the birthing plan of two of your peers. How would you respond to the birthing plan of this patient and what would tell them to make them more comfortable with some of the instruments or techniques that you may use?

Accounting discussion question


1. Foreign Currency Transactions and Translation:

  ABC Corp. operates internationally and has transactions denominated in various currencies. During the year, the company had the following transactions:

  – Purchased goods from a foreign supplier for 100,000 euros when the exchange rate was $1.15 per euro.

  – Paid a foreign contractor 50,000 British pounds when the exchange rate was $1.30 per pound.

  At the end of the year, the exchange rates are $1.10 per euro and $1.25 per pound. Calculate the gain or loss on foreign currency transactions and the cumulative translation adjustment for the year.

2. Budgeting and Variance Analysis:

  XYZ Corp. prepared a budget for the production of 10,000 units. The budgeted cost per unit is $50 for direct materials, $30 for direct labor, and $20 for variable overhead. Actual production for the month was 12,000 units, and the actual costs were $55 for direct materials, $35 for direct labor, and $25 for variable overhead.

  Calculate the following variances:

  – Direct Materials Price Variance and Quantity Variance

  – Direct Labor Rate Variance and Efficiency Variance

  – Variable Overhead Spending Variance and Efficiency Variance

3. Lease Accounting under IFRS 16:

  A company enters into a lease agreement for equipment with an annual lease payment of $50,000 for 5 years. The implicit rate in the lease is 6%, and the incremental borrowing rate is 8%. Calculate the present value of lease payments, the interest expense for the first year, and the lease liability at the end of the first year.