ENG 1102 LAVC Chris Hughes Speech Rhetorical analysis



Before you start working on your own research argument essay, you will spend some time studying the arguments of others, to better understand how they successfully structured and presented a persuasive project. The rhetorical analysis is a foundational assignment to introduce you to the “rhetorical situation,” as a concept. The goal is for you to take what you learn about successful argument, and apply it to your own writing in this course.
For this rhetorical analysis assignment, you will analyze a speech (see the options below) to gain a better understanding of “the rhetorical situation”- the audience, purpose, medium, and context–within which the speech was created. In addition to dissecting the speech’s rhetorical situation, you will also identify and discuss the author’s choice of rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, logos) or evidence. *This is the one and only assignment that is not driven by your personal topic selection, as all the following assignments build on each other starting with the Annotated Bibliography and concluding with the Research Story.


As a foundational assignment, the rhetorical analysis will help you to:
Identify and analyze the rhetorical elements of a piece of communication
Assess the effectiveness of a speaker’s choices, in relation to the rhetorical situation
Build a foundation for future argument writing based on the skills and strategies identified and analyzed in this assignment 

healthcare question


Gene Cooper is a 56-year-old accountant who is being evaluated at the cardiology clinic for angina. He is 6 feet tall and weighs 260 lb, with a waist measurement of 40 inches. He has a history of hypertension, for which he has been prescribed a thiazide diuretic. He admits that he has not been taking the medication lately. His blood pressure upon this visit is 156/94 mm Hg. He smokes one pack per day. His LDL cholesterol level is 187 mg/dL. He has no history of diabetes, and his fasting glucose level is within normal limits. He states that he “works out at the gym” 3 days per week. He admits to episodes of midsternal chest pain accompanied by dyspnea and diaphoresis and associated with activity that is usually relieved with rest. He states that these episodes have been increasing in frequency, occurring once or twice weekly.

  1. Answer the following:
    • The nurse is teaching Mr. Cooper about the nonpharmacologic management of his angina. What measures can he take to reduce his risk?
    • Mr. Cooper is given a prescription for sublingual nitroglycerin tablets to use as needed for chest pain and isosorbide mononitrate to take daily. He asks why he needs two prescriptions. How should the nurse respond?
    • Mr. Cooper continues to experience episodes of angina despite treatment with the nitrate. He is given a prescription for ranolazine. He asks whether he can stop taking the nitrate now. How should the nurse answer this question?

Need help


Operant extinction procedures are frequently used effectively in ABA treatment plans. However, as you observed in the interactive media presentation you completed, they can also be incorrectly implemented. This improper implementation can result in unknowingly reinforcing the very behavior we want to decrease. As a future ABA professional, it is important for you to learn how to correctly identify maintaining antecedents and consequences that reinforce unwanted behavior, and to correctly apply extinction techniques that effectively reduce the target behavior.

In order to successfully complete this assignment, you will first identify a behavior frequently exhibited by yourself or by someone close to you, to which you would like to apply an extinction procedure.

Define the behavior operationally.

Describe the antecedent to the behavior.

  • Describe the consequences of the behavior.
  • Describe positive and negative reinforcement contingencies that occur as a result of engaging in the behavior. (Hint: Think about what is maintaining your identified behavior and what you will be withholding when you implement the extinction procedure.)
  • Identify procedures that can end up reinforcing the unwanted target behavior, and explain the potential results of improperly implementing these procedures that were meant to help extinguish the unwanted target behavior.
  • Identify the extinction techniques that you feel will most effectively reduce the target behavior, and explain why you feel these will be most effective. (Hint: Think back to your identified positive and negative reinforcements to help you identify what you should be withholding to change the behavior through an extinction procedure.)

Lab 2 : Regression | Automotive MPG excel


This exercise is based on your assigned MindTap homework: Chapter 7 Assignment, Question# 4, Problem 07-15 Part (e) and (f). Since you need to launch Excel to work the problem, this lab’s effort leverages work that you are already doing. It will validate your Excel competency with basic spreadsheet design and use of regression tools.

1. Launch the worksheet associated with the problem in MindTap and work down to part (e).

2. Use Excel functions with appropriate row & col addressing modes ($) to translate the non-numeric categorical variables to the 3 auxiliary variables with 1’s and 0’s in new table, where the columns are arranged correctly to address the question. (DO NOT hand translate the data into the 900 cells!)

3. Run the regression tool on the worksheet that you will be turning in and specify the output location on the same worksheet. DO NOT run it on another worksheet or workbook and copy it into your submission file. (No credit given if it cannot be verified that the regression tool was launched on the data in the reorganized table.)

4. Organize both the table (input) and the regression report (output) so they are presentable. Remember best practices covered in the prior lab (Refer to its instructions), the assigned reading, and the lectures.

5. Use YELLOW to highlight all the cells of the regression report that you referenced to answer parts (e) and (f) of the MindTap exercise.

health education w


Post Discussion: Chapter 11 and Reply to a Classmate 

1. Watch the following videos.

2. From the videos above, answer the following questions:

Which measurement method would you be most likely to use? Explain why. (you must pick one) 

Which measurement method would you be least likely to use? Explain why. (you must pick one) 

3. Reply to a classmate.

Do not reply to a reply.

20 points for your original post and 10 points for replying to your classmates.

As a reminder on your replies:

10 points for your replies to a classmate original posts, not on a reply they left for another classmate. (Click “Reply” at the bottom of their main post):

Your reply to a classmate must be at least 3 substantial sentences. The items below are example of brief, vague or “throw-away” response statements and will not receive credit. It is okay to include them in addition to your 3 substantial sentences, but not instead of your 3 substantial sentences.

Hi David.

Nice to meet you.

I like your post.

Have  a good semester.

I posted the same thing.

Your replies must be written in proper sentence for with emojis, emoticons, or text abbreviations (e.g. LOL)

  1. Your reply must relate to what they posted, not only what you posted.

Your reply must be respectful, but may disagree.

If you post that you agree, disagree, like, or dislike something in their post, you must state what the item was and why you felt that the way you did.

  1. Vague or short replies will receive very little credit.

Discussion “Language, gender, and sexuality”


Discussion “Language, gender, and sexuality” (75pts)

Read Cameron “Language, gender, and sexuality

Watch posted videos of Judith Butler.

Answer questions over Cameron’s “Language, gender, and sexuality”

Answer questions 1 and 2, and then either 3 or 4 (25 pts each).

Butler’s videos will be useful for Q. 2. As usual, you should be writing in your own words, quoting only when absolutely necessary. Don’t repeat my questions; just give me your answers. You should write a long paragraph for each.

(A) Question over section: (Re)Conceptualizing Gender section on pp. 483-491

1) Make clear what the dominance framework (Lakoff) and (cultural) difference framework (Tannen) had in common and explain the ways that the diversity framework differs from them both. You can refer to what you know about these approaches from earlier readings.

(B) Question over section: The Linguistic Performance of Gender Diversity on pp. 491-493. You may use Butler’s videos here too.

2a) What does it mean to say that gender is an accomplishment? “Gender is the repeated stylization of the body, a set of repeated acts within a highly rigid regulatory frame that congeal over time to produce the appearance of substance, of a ‘natural’ kind of being.” AND 2 b) How can a study of a group of high school nerd girls illustrate gender performativity?

(C) Questions over section: Gender, Sexuality and Heteronormativity on pp. 494-496

3) What is the difference in how Tannen and Eckert view same sex interaction?

4) Why is “sexuality” in the title of Cameron’s article?

University of Kentucky Integrated Health Science- Patient Case Study


Guidelines: ? Read the Case Study below. ?Role 1 – Funding organizations (government & private)   ? You may use knowledge of integrated healthcare and team-based care and outside research to gain further insight into current healthcare trends and real-world ideas. ? Using this perspective,  address the needs of the patient in the case study below and answer the 2 questions. 

Case Study Scenario: An 80-year-old female widow lives by herself in a small, government apartment building. She has two sons (50 & 60 years old) who are both married, have families and unfortunately live more than an hour away from her house. She has breast cancer which has been managed for the last 20 years. She visits the nearby Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) for follow-ups every three months. She has missed a few of her appointments, and lately, she has been losing weight, feeling tired, and depressed, can’t sleep well at night, and has no appetite. She made an appointment to visit her doctor at her routine FQHC. 

answer these questions as if your role is Role 1- Funding organizations (government & private) and add citation for any outside resources. No plagiarism or AI work please and thank you. 

1. Based on your knowledge and research, what impact does your role have on patient care and the healthcare system as a whole?

2. What contributions will your role make to the case study and your team? Be as specific as possible.

AI-Driven Startup Concept Ideation


In this assignment, you will develop a visionary startup concept centered around the utilization of artificial intelligence (AI). Your objective is to conceive a groundbreaking idea that showcases your entrepreneurial spirit and innovative thinking.

Problem Identification: Identify a real-world problem or challenge that can be addressed or improved using AI technology. This problem should represent a genuine pain point that potential customers or users experience. 

Innovative AI Solution: Propose a unique and innovative solution that leverages AI to solve the identified problem. This solution should demonstrate how AI brings added value or efficiency compared to traditional methods. 

Value Proposition: Clearly articulate the value your AI-driven startup concept provides. Explain how your solution meets the needs of your target audience, making their lives easier, more productive, or more enjoyable.

Market Opportunity: Conduct initial market research to assess the demand and potential size of the market for your AI-driven solution. Consider the target audience, demographics, and existing competition. 

Differentiation and Uniqueness: Highlight the factors that set your AI startup concept apart from existing solutions in the market. Emphasize the novel approaches or features that make your idea stand out. 

Impact and Vision: Elaborate on the potential impact your AI-driven startup could have on the broader ecosystem or industry. Share your long-term vision for how your concept could evolve and scale.

Presentation of Concept: Compile your startup concept into a concise and visually engaging presentation. Use graphics, diagrams, and well-structured content to convey your idea effectively. 

Theory Analysis


Assignment Criteria:

1) Choose one (1) middle range theory or interdisciplinary theory from the list of theorists posted in Week 2 module (Weidenbach, Henderson, and Hall). If an interdisciplinary theory is chosen, email the instructor for approval.

2) Identify the structural components of the selected theory:
a. Describe the purpose of the theory (descriptive, explain, predictive etc.).
b. Explain the scope of the theory (middle, interdisciplinary).
c. Identify the major concepts and major propositions.
d. Explain the major assumptions.
3) Complete the following components of a selected theory:
a. Describe the theoretical and operation definitions.
b. Analyze the logical organization of the theory.
c. Identify the stated outcomes or consequences.
4) Identify how the theory is evaluated in research: evaluate the components of the selected theory:
a. Discuss how the theory is congruent with nursing standards.
b. Describe the validity and relevance of the theory.
c. Discuss the implications for nursing related to implementation of the theory.
5) Discuss how the theory contributes to the discipline of nursing.
6) The scholarly paper should be written clearly and concisely providing comprehensive details about the subject or topic of
7) The paper should consist of three (3) to four (4) pages excluding the title and reference pages.
8) Use level one and level two headings.
9) Write the paper in third person, not first person. This means do not use ‘we’ or ‘I’ statements.
10) Use at least four (4) references from professional peer-reviewed nursing journals to support the paper. References should be from
scholarly peer-reviewed journals (review in Ulrich Periodical Directory).

Replay to a Discussion’s peer


Operant conditioning is the art of behavior alteration through consequence. The addition or lack of consequence in operant conditioning are used to modify behavior. If you would like to see behavior repeat, a reward is given; if you rather not see the behavior repeat, then a punishment is given, too. – **Rewards (Reinforcement):** There are positive and negative consequences within rewards. If you positive reinforce you will add something pleasant to increase the behavior; negative reinforce is to take away something that is unpleasant to increase the behavior. – **Punishments:** There are positive and negative consequences to punishment as well. Positive punish you to give something unpleasant to decrease a behavior; negative punish is the process in which you remove something pleasurable to decrease the behavior.

Classical conditioning or Pavlovian conditioning involves learning to associate stimuli. This learning process involves a neutral stimulus being paired with the unconditioned stimulus which produces the unconditioned response. Then the neutral stimulus becomes the conditioned stimulus, which produces the conditioned response. This conditioning is unconscious and creates physical responses and behaviors and many emotional reactions.There are three important parts to the classical conditioning process that we should never forget: the unconditioned stimulus (UCS), the unconditioned response (UCR), and the conditioned stimulus (CS). To have a good understanding of classical conditioning provides the key to manipulating stimuli causing behavior to be influenced. Classical conditioning can bevery helpful in behavior modification and even in therapy situations.