Introduction, Body Paragraph, and Conclusion


Using the?Argument Research Essay Proposal?that you developed, you will write three paragraphs of your essay–introduction, body, and conclusion.  

Your document will include the following items:? 

Begin by creating an APA formatted title page for this assignment as seen in the Sample Argument Research Essay.   

Using the sample, create an introduction paragraph,?with an?attention-grabber, background information, and thesis statement based on the stance written in the proposal. 

  1. Write one full body paragraph with at least one resource. Begin with a transition and topic sentence. Your paragraph content will vary based on where it will go in your essay. You might begin with additional background information if needed or develop one point to prove your thesis. You might write one of your opposition and rebuttal body paragraphs. Again, the structure of your essay and topic will guide your body paragraphs’ content. Also, look at the first body paragraph in the Sample Argument Research Essay to help.  
  2. Compose your?conclusion paragraph. It should offer an overview of the essay’s thesis without repeating it, followed by an impactful look at how the topic and argument fit into a bigger context. 
  3. Include a Reference Page and proper APA citations. Create a properly formatted APA reference page including all scholarly resources used in the assignment. Provide in-text citations and parentheticals within the assignment to cite resource information. Again, use the Sample Argument Research Essay to understand the required formatting. Also, see the APA handbook for information on writing references and in-text citations properly.  

title deviance


Sociologists use the concept “relativity of deviance” to describe how acts of deviance can vary among groups, often within the same society. Thus, it is not the act itself, but rather how a group labels and responds to an act that determines if the act is deviant in society. Consider the recent policy from the National Football League (NFL) regarding players standing for the national anthem.

NFL owners have unanimously approved a new national anthem policy that requires players to stand if they are on the field during the performance but gives them the option to remain in the locker room if they prefer. (The policy is currently on hold as of July 2018).

The policy subjects teams to a fine if a player or any other team personnel do not show respect for the anthem. That includes any attempt to sit or kneel, as dozens of players have done during the past two seasons to protest racial inequality and police brutality. Those teams also will have the option to fine any team personnel, including players, for the infraction.

This discussion will require you to apply three sociological concepts and/or theories related to deviance to analyze the existing tension regarding the National Anthem during NFL games. How can the policy be viewed as “deviant” from multiple sides of this discussion. Consider the perspective of the thirty-two team owners, the players and the fans who purchase tickets to the game and subscribe to football packages each season.

problem focused soap note


Submit a problem-focused SOAP note for grading. You must use an actual patient from your clinical practicum who presents with one or more chief complaints. 

Use the format below for your SOAP note. 

Use the current APA format to style your paper and cite your sources. Review the rubric for more information on how your assignment will be graded. 

Problem-focused SOAP Note Format     

Demographic Data 

  • Age, and gender (must be HIPAA compliant) 


  • Chief Complaint (CC): A short statement about why they are there 
  • History of Present Illness (HPI):  Write your HPI in paragraph form. Start with the age, gender, and why they are there (example: 23-year-old female here for…). Elaborate using the acronym OLDCART: Onset, Location, Duration, Characteristics, Aggravating/Alleviating Factors, Relieving Factors, Treatment 
  • Past Med. Hx (PMH): Medical or surgical problems, hospitalizations, medications, allergies, immunizations, and preventative health maintenance 
  • Family Hx: any history of CA, DM, HTN, MI, CVA?  
  • Social Hx: Including nutrition, exercise, substance use, sexual hx, occupation, school, etc. 
  • Review of Systems (ROS) as appropriate: Include health maintenance (e.g., eye, dental, pap, vaccines, colonoscopy) 


  • Vital Signs 
  • Physical findings listed by body systems, not paragraph form- Highlight abnormal findings 

Assessment (the diagnosis) 

  • At least Two (2) differential diagnoses (if applicable) with rationale and pertinent positives and negatives for each 
  • Final diagnosis with rationale, pertinent positives and negatives, and pathophysiological explanation 


  • Dx Plan (lab, x-ray) 
  • Tx Plan (meds): including medication(s) prescribed (if any), dosage, frequency, duration, and refill(s) (if any) 
  • Pt. Education, including specific medication teaching points 
  • Referral/Follow-up 
  • Health maintenance: including when screenings eye, dental, pap, vaccines, immunizations, etc. are next due 



Write a topic proposal for your final Research Project to Blackboard about THE BURIED GIANT, including a list of 6 scholarly sources (i.e., peer-reviewed academic articles or book chapters) that you are considering using in your project. Please note:

The topic proposal is just a paragraph explaining what topic–directly related to one (or more) of “THE BURIED GIANT” by Kazuo Ishiguro. The topic proposal should simply explain: what topic and text you are interested in, why you are interested in it, which kind of project you plan to pursue (creative or research paper), and what steps you plan to take as you develop this germ of an idea into the full research project in April.

Please note that all of your sources should be scholarly / peer-reviewed sources. Sources that are not scholarly will receive a 0 for that part of the assignment.

Please note that the list of scholarly sources should include the full MLA bibliographic info for the source, not just a broken link. If you do not include the full bibliographic info for the source, the topic proposal will get a 0 for that part of the assignment.

  • Grading for the topic proposal: up to 10 points for a good Topic Proposal paragraph, and 5 points per scholarly source formatted in MLA. (40 participation/homework points total, so if you are trying to bump up your grade in the class, this is an excellent opportunity to do so, provided that you do a good job.).



Problem statement identified: Twitter is under increasing pressure to maintain its service’s reliability and integrity while promoting open dialogue and safeguarding users from harm. As it continues to navigate these complex issues, it must strike a balance between protecting the free exchange of ideas and preventing the spread of harmful content.

1. Problem identification and analysis:  

What is the major challenge, problem, opportunity, or decision to be made?

[In case of more than one, must identify the most pressing issue and explain why]

Explain the problem(s). Support your explanation with facts, relevant theory, and course concepts. Also, in explaining, be explicit about the performance needs, business needs, and root causes.

In writing this section, consider the following:

Circumstances leading to the problem/issue

Important stakeholders

Analyzing problems using relevant HCM tools (e.g., systems thinking, performance gap analysis, root cause analysis, capability audit).

(This is the second section of your team project. This section of the paper should be three to four [3-4] pages.)


Identify in detail three strategic alternatives to address the problem.

Alternatives should be mutually exclusive, realistic, creative, and feasible, given the constraints of the situation. Doing nothing or delaying the decision to a later date is not considered acceptable alternatives.

In writing this section, consider the following:

Provide three distinct alternative solutions to the major problem you identified in Section 2.

Briefly outline each alternative solution and evaluate its advantages, disadvantages, and possible effects on the stakeholders. (Ask yourself, do these alternatives solve the most pressing issue you identified in the earlier section)

Learning Journal Unit 4



Using the template provided, construct an outline that will later be turned into a five paragraph essay (For this assignment only outline has to be submitted). The topic will be something that you enjoy doing outside of work and school, like a hobby or an activity. Your writing for this week should be between 300 and 500 words.

Library Activity

Before starting the template, find an article in the library about your selected activity that you can use to support some of the information that you will share about your topic.

Outline Template

Topic or Subject of Outline of your essay.

In this assignment, you are required to submit the outline for your five-paragraph essay.

  • Why did you choose this topic and what are you planning to tell the reader? This will eventually become your introductory paragraph.
  • What article did you choose to read about the topic (include the authors, publication name, and URL so that the reader can find the article)
  • List three things that you want to tell the reader (one should be from the article with direct quotes included as in-text citations as per APA guidelines) the other two can be personal experiences or information. These will eventually turn into your three middle paragraphs.

To end your outline, what do you want the reader to know before they move on to read the next paper? This will eventually become your conclusion. Which of the three middle statements was taken from the article?

“The Angry Eye” Presentation


Part of your role as an educator will be to work alongside colleagues to assess resources and to determine whether these resources deepen educators’ understandings of cultural, ethnic, gender, and learning differences, build stronger relationships, and create more relevant learning experiences for students.

Imagine that your principal has come to you and stated that the district is interested in hosting a professional development workshop for educators to help them broaden their cultural competence, improve family-teacher relationships, and enhance educational experiences for all students. The district proposes using the information from “The Angry Eye” for the workshop. If you argue that “The Angry Eye” should not be used, provide a reputable alternative for your principal to consider.

Create a 6-8 slide digital presentation for the professional development workshop including either “The Angry Eye” or another reputable alternative.

Include the following:

Explanation of “The Angry Eye” or the reputable alternative video, and its main claims.

Explanation of how the information presented in “The Angry Eye” or the alternative video could be used to help teachers broaden their cultural competence, build stronger relationships, and create more relevant educational experiences.

Explanation of key terminology, including privilege, power, difference, and oppression.

At least three additional resources for teachers with an explanation of how each will deepen their understanding of cultural, ethnic, gender, and learning differences, build stronger relationships, or create more relevant learning experiences.

Title, slide, reference slide, and presenter’s notes.

Additionally, include graphics that are relevant to the content, visually appealing, and use space appropriately.

Suny Old Westbury IT 423 Module Three Activity RDS and Manipulating Data


IT 423 Module Three Activity RDS and Manipulating Data  


While a non-relational database (NoSQL database) contains semi-structured and unstructured data, a relational database (that exclusively uses SQL for queries) contains structured data, and includes clear relationships between the components of the data. It includes relationships between the entities and attributes. In a relational database, tables are used to store the information.

AWS offers a relational database service that is hosted in the cloud: Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS). Since this database service is in the cloud, database instances are easy to scale and operate. In this activity, you will gain hands-on experience creating an RDS/MySQL instance. You will need to access the AWS Console through your AWS Academy student account.


Imagine that you work for a small to medium-sized company and your manager wants to set up a relational cloud database system to analyze existing company data. To do this, follow this tutorial. After you set up the new RDS/MySQL instance, your manager requires MySQL Workbench to be configured and tested so that the database admins can begin to import the existing company data.

As you follow the tutorial, you should be completing the following:

  • MySQL: Connect your database to MySQL Workbench.
  • Tables: Create tables for Employees, Manager/Employee, Managers, and Customers.
  • Keys and Attributes: Include the appropriate attributes in the tables.
  • Data: Include the accurate test data identified in the tutorial.
  • Data Manipulation: Assign employees Jill Employ and John Emp to their manager, Jill Manager.

Revise, Annotate and Explain Sources


SKIM at a couple sources from Parts 2 and 3. EDIT and expand (=WRITE) your previous work, developing it into a more organized, clearly formatted Project 3 Plan with 3 sections:

1. Working thesis (not just one sentence; ~200 words) including a specific, persuasive claim about one or more parts of the Boeing plane crash events and what readers can, should, do to avoid such events in the present and future. Readers being regular citizens (or employees) — just not Boeing executives. (i.e. avoid “Boeing needs to…” statements without detailed focus on how individuals can make that happen.). NOTE: This #1 “working thesis” QUESTION resembles the 4th bolded question from Project 3 directions:

What should employees do in such a situation, and what should the general public do about such an issue (that affects most citizens).

Thus, students don’t have to answer this —^ completely right now (it’s just a plan document) but at least try to get some ideas down about it, to help the overall direction your essay may take next week, and to help your essay intro. and conclusion parts. 

2. Source 1 S-R — one source that stood out to you in particular, and why (from any of the 3 sections)

3. Source 2 S-R  —      ”       ”       ”       ”       ” 

I have attached the document as a pdf that has the sources from part 2 and 3 provided. Remember, only use the sources from part 2 and 3 for this assignment. 

implement partial row pivoting on a coefficient matrix during LU factorization


In this assignment you will implement partial row pivoting on a coefficient matrix during LU factorization. In notebook #21, we show an algorithm to transform a square coefficient matrix into upper triangular form U. Then we show a modified algorithm that transforms a square coefficient matrix into L+U+I form, where L is a canonical lower triangular matrix, U is the upper triangular form from the first algorithm, and I is the identity. Consider the coefficient matrix


1. (20 points) Apply the initial upper triangular algorithm to this system. What issue do you observe? Demonstrate the problem in your notebook and explain the problem in a Markdown cell.

2. (20 points) Implement partial row pivoting in the upper triangular algorithm. The idea is to search all rows below the current row i in the row iteration to find the row j such that if rows i and j were swapped (exchanged), the swapped in row would have the largest diagonal element in absolute value.

3. (20 points) Implement partial row pivoting in the L+U+I form algorithm and save the indices of the rows that are pivoted in a data structure.

4. (20 points) Show A = LU. Note you need to first apply the same pivots to A.

5. (20 points) Use factors L and U to solve Ax = b for x where


using the forward and backward substitution methods shown in notebook #21.