Database part 2


Database  Part 2Implementation

Examine the Relational Schema that was created during the Phase I of the project.

  • Based on that schema, create a set of tables for an MS Access database. Name the database and its tables appropriately.  Make sure to specify primary keys for all tables.  Make sure all referential integrity constraints are enforced. 
  • Create all the necessary relationships between the tables.
  • Populate the tables with initial data (no less than two no more than ten records per table).
  • Create at least three queries for this database.
  • Create at least three forms for this database. (You can base your forms on tables, queries, or both).
  • Create at least three reports for this database. (You can base your reports on tables, queries, or both).
  • Create a Navigation Form that will present the forms and reports created in previous steps to novice users of your application. Create an AutoExec macro, which invokes the Navigation Form you created in Step 7 (simply create a macro named AutoExec which opens the main Navigation Form and maximizes the form this macro will automatically execute as soon as your Access file is open).

Summarization:  You will deliver MS Access file containing your finished application.

Note: reference Module 6 Assignment for instructions on completing all above items

Option 2: Complete the course that has been assigned to you on Data Camp

[i] Instead of MS Access, you can use any other RDBMS to create the back-end (i.e. the database) and create the front-end application using any technology you are familiar with.

discussion response and powerpoint


1st part: respond to the following discussion post using a scholarly reference. Make sure its at least 350 words. 

Discussion: Donepezil is used to treat dementia related to Alzheimer’s disease, it is used to improve memory, awareness, and the ability to function. The safe dose of Donepezil is for oral dose for mild to moderate Alzheimer’s is 5 mg at bedtime for adults and for moderate to severe Alzheimer’s is 10mg taken at bedtime (Donepezil (Oral Route) Side Effects – Mayo Clinic, n.d.). The side effects of the Donepezil are diarrhea, loss of appetite, trouble sleeping, nausea, constipation, headache, abnormal dreams and the rare side effects are black tarry stools, blurred vision, bloody or cloudy urine, chills, hot flashes. The nursing interventions I would do as a nurse to prevent the side effects are I would assess the patient’s cognitive function which is their memory, attention, reasoning, language, and their ability to perform simple everyday tasks throughout the course of the therapy. I would also monitor the patients heart rate throughout therapy since Donezepil may cause bradycardia. I would also administer food with the medication to prevent GI upset in the patient. 

2nd part: follow the following instructions: make a simple powerpoint answering the following questions for this prompt: Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) in the veteran project. MUST REACH THE FOLLOWING POINTS FOR EACH SLIDE: mortality and morbidity information of Veterans who have the illness. write a transcript on a separate sheet of paper like if you were presenting those slides. 

Crtical thinking MGT560


Leadership and Teams

It may sound intuitive, or commonplace, that the promotion of teams should be a prominent component of an organization’s strategic plan. However, when created and managed ineffectively, the utilization of teams can be met with indecision, incessant delays, conflict, dissention and eventually a dramatic loss in productivity. Compose an essay that address the following in relation to the formation and utilization of teams within an organization. Assume you have been appointed as the Plant Manager of a new 5,000 employee production facility to be opened in Saudi Arabia by a long-established European firm:

First, as there are cultural, societal, and economic differences between European and Saudi Arabian firms, briefly summarize the key differences between operating a business/organization in Europe and Saudi Arabia.

Second, the formation and utilization of teams is seen as central to the operational success of this new production facility in Saudi Arabia. As the leader of the endeavor, suggest a team model/theory you would implement to create and sustain a team-oriented culture in the production facility. Briefly define/describe the model/theory and its particular relevance in this endeavor.

Finally, assess—in particular—how the use of this model will result in a more efficient and effective production facility (for instance, identify cites/sources that showcase how the use of teams results in a more efficient and effective operation).

  • Directions:
  • Write an essay that includes an introduction paragraph, the essay’s body, and a conclusion paragraph to address the assignment’s guide questions. Do not address the questions using a question-and-answer format. 

Week Project


For the next few weeks, you will be working on a test development project. The goal of this project is to demonstrate your understanding and application of concepts related to the technical aspects of tests and assessment by creating a new (hypothetical) test.

This week, you will begin by choosing a psychological characteristic on which people differ. A simple, narrow characteristic works best for this assignment. 

Conduct a brief literature review of the psychological characteristic you chose, learning more about it and how it has been defined and measured in the past. Then, answer the following questions about your test. You may use the attached template to help organize your paper.

Test Topic:

What is the name of your test?

What is your test designed to      measure? Be specific.

How do you define the construct      being measured? Remember, that to create a test the construct should be      defined in ways that can be quantified and measured.

What is the purpose of your test?      What real-world behavior will it predict?

  • Background:
  • How has your construct been      tested in the past? Include a focused review of the literature in this      area, discussing information on specific measures.
  • Is there a need for your test?      How will your test benefit society? How will your test be better or not      better than previous tests?
  • Conceptualization:

What is the content of your test?      Explain why it is covering this content.

Who are the proposed test users?      Be specific.

In what setting(s) will the test      be used? Be specific.

  • Who are the proposed test-takers?
  • What cultural factors might      affect test-taker response?




The Investigative Assistance for Violent Crimes Act of 2012, signed into law in January 2013, defines a mass killing as one resulting in at least 3 victims, excluding the perpetrator. On the evening of October 1, 2017, Stephen Paddock, a 64-year-old man from Mesquite, Nevada, opened fire upon the crowd attending the Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada. Between 10:05 and 10:15 p.m. PDT, he fired more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition from his 32nd-floor suites in the Mandalay Bay Hotel, killing 60 people and wounding 411, with the ensuing panic bringing the injury total to 867. About an hour later, Paddock was found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound in his room. This incident was the deadliest mass shooting committed by an individual in modern United States history.  University Medical Center of Southern Nevada, 

discuss the following about the 2017 Las Vegas Mass Shooting Disaster Response:  

What were three areas that went well with the response? 

What were three significant challenges with the response? 

What were three ways in which the response could have been improved? 

During Week One, we discussed Fayol’s Five Functions of Management: (a) Planning, (b) organizing, (c) coordinating, (d) commanding, and (e) controlling. As the Chief Operating Officer (COO), how would you augment your healthcare facility’s disaster preparedness? Discuss how you would exercise Fayol’s Third Function of Management, coordinating to enhance your facilities’ mass casualty preparedness. You must reference Fayol to receive credit for this area. 



You will create a short Power Point presentation teaching your audience how to put into practice the fundamental principles that influence transcultural interaction and communication. You will develop a 4-slide presentation, a title slide, presentation slides with narrative notes and a reference slide. Review the information below prior to starting your PowerPoint presentation. 


Everyone entering a healthcare system should obtain evidence-based care that is culturally and linguistically appropriate. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Minority Health developed the Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services Standards (CLAS Standards) to improve quality, advance health equity and help eliminate health care disparities (Andrews et al., 2020).

Utilizing 4 (2 from Communication and Language Assistance and 2 from other area of standards) of the National CLAS Standards, in your own words, build a 4 slide presentation teaching your peers how to address the standards at your work place. 

The PowerPoint?presentation should be in APA format and include: 

Title slide (include your name and section number) and brief introduction of project (1 slide No narrative notes)

4 total CLAS Standards (2 slides Narrative notes in APA format with APA formatted citations)

Select 2 of the 4 Communication and Language Assistance Standards

Select 2 of any other standards from:

  • Governance, Leadership, and Workforce, or
  • Engagement, Continuous Improvement, and Accountability

References slide (2 references required: 1 course material and 1 peer-reviewed reference) (1 slide No narrative notes)

  • You might consider using one of these templates for your presentation (you can use any PowerPoint template that you choose).?
  • Microsoft PowerPoint templates

WESU Spring Music Concert


Your roommate is about to submit a scope statement for a spring concert sponsored by the entertainment council at Western Evergreen State University (WESU). WESU is a residential university with over 22,000 students. This will be the first time in six years that WESU has sponsored a spring concert. The entertainment council has budgeted $40,000 for the project. The event is to occur on June 5th. Since your roommate knows you are taking a class on project management she has asked you to review her scope statement and make suggestions for improvement. She considers the concert a resume-building experience and wants to be as professional as possible. Following is a draft of her scope statement.

What suggestions would you make and why?

WESU Spring Music Concert

Project Objective
To organize and deliver a 6-hour music concert

Product Scope QUESTION
An all-age, outdoor rock concert

Provide entertainment to WESU community and enhance WESU’s reputation as a destination university


  • Concert security
  • Contact local newspapers and radio stations
  • Separate beer garden
  • Six hours of musical entertainment
  • Design a commemorative concert t-shirt
  • Local sponsors
  • Food venues
  • Event insurance
  • Safe environment


  1. Secure all permissions and approvals
  2. Sign big-name artist
  3. Contact secondary artists
  4. Secure vendor contracts
  5. Advertising campaign
  6. Plan set-up
  7. Concert
  8. Clean-up

Technical Requirements

  1. Professional sound stage and system
  2. At least five performing acts
  3. Restroom facilities
  4. Parking
  5. Compliance with WESU and city requirements/ordinances

Limits and Exclusions

  • Seating capacity for 8,000 students.
  • Performers are responsible for travel arrangement to and from WESU.
  • Performers must provide own liability insurance.
  • Performers and security personnel will be provided lunch and dinner on the day of the concert.
  • Vendors contribute 25 percent of sales to concert fund.
  • Concert must be over at 12:15 A.M.

Customer Review: WESU

U2 Discussion


Instructions:There are 2 discussion questions. Thoroughly read and answer both questions. 

Discussion Question 1.) 

Prompt: Read at least two of the scripture references on the readings list based on a topic in the list that could pertain to your final paper. Many terms in statistics can be useful when doing a research paper on an IT topic and providing possible solutions. Wisdom and relationships could be statistics topics that pertain to your IT mission. Discuss the two statistics topics you chose and what you learned from the scripture references. Are there any ethical challenges in using statistics in your workplace? 

Below are Scripture References: 

  • Cause and Effect 1 John 1:9, Luke 19:10
    o Confidence and Quality Control Hebrews 13:6, Romans 15:13, Proverbs 28:20
    o Data versus Wisdom Proverbs 19:20, Daniel 2:21
    o Descriptive Statistics John 1:29-34, Romans 1:3
    o Sampling Prayer
    o Lying with Statistics Proverbs 12:22, Psalm 5:6, Exodus 23:1, Hebrews 13:5
    o Normal? Romans 12:5
    o Probability Hebrews 11:1, Psalm 34:4
    o Relationships Spiritual network and prayer
    o Testing Habakkuk 1:2-3, Habakkuk 2:4
    o Z-Scores Luke 4:16, 5:16, 2 Corinthians 5:21, John 8:29, Hebrews 10:10, Psalm
    28:7, Proverbs 3:5-6

Discussion Question 2.) 

Prompt: Find a mission statement online of an IT company not found in the textbook. Critique the mission statement based on what you learned from reading the textbook chapter on IT Missions in Implementing World Class IT Strategy. How is it different than a typical business mission statement. 

Book Resource: or 

High, P. (2020). Implementing world class IT Strategy: How IT can drive organizational
Innovation (1st ed.). Jossey-Bass. ISBN: 9781118634110, 111863411X (Print



Review Questions: Chapter 1

1. Describe two important characteristics of the scientific method.
2. Provide an example of (1) how social and cultural factors can influence psychologists’ choice of research topics and (2) how sociocultural factors can influence acceptance of research results by psychologists. part of society.
3. Describe how ethnocentric bias can be a problem in research and suggest a way researchers can prevent this bias.
4. Describe two ethical dilemmas that psychologists may face when conducting research.
5. What are the three initial steps that researchers take when beginning a research project?
6. Identify two reasons why it is important to search the psychological research literature when beginning research.

Review Questions: Chapter 2

1. What is the difference between an independent variable and a dependent variable? Provide an example of each that could be used in an experiment.
2. What is the main advantage of using operational definitions in psychology? What two criticisms have been made of the use of operational definitions?
3. What is the difference between the validity and reliability of an instrument?
4. Identify the four objectives of the scientific method and briefly describe what each is intended to achieve.
5. What is the difference between the nomothetic approach and the idiographic approach?
6. Identify the three conditions required for a causal inference.
7. What is an intervening variable? Propose an example of a factor that serves as an intervening variable between “insult” and “aggressive responses” in children. Explain how these variables can be related by proposing a hypothesis that includes the influence of the intervening variable.

EDUC 180 Orientation to Community Engagement


GalleryWalk: Community Engagement Action Plan Project Handout

Students will create and share a handout/infographic that focuses on their Community Engagement Action Plan.  The purpose of the handout/infographic is to provide information about the various community engagement pathways and spread awareness for a particular issue, community organizations, community engagement practices in a more accessible and creative format/platform. Although there is no formal presentation during the Gallery Walk, individuals should prepare a very brief statement about their handout and be prepared to answer questions from the audience.

What to bring?  Please choose one of the following ways to share your Handout/Infographic in class: 

Print out your whole handout/infographic; OR

Print out a QR Code to your handout/infographic. Your name and title of the project must be on the QR Code page: OR

Use your laptop/tablet to display a QR code of your handout/infographic. Your name and title of the project must be on the QR Code page.


The Handout/Infographic must be submitted as a PDF or link to google slides and provide a concise overview of the main sections of the Community Engagement Action Plan [ Please review  Community Engagement Action Plan assignment page for instructions on each section]. Include the following information: 

  • Title and your name 

Section 1: Community Engaged Pathway

  • Section 2: Explaining and Justifying the Social/Environmental Justice Issue

Section 3: Evaluation of Community Organization in Los Angeles

  • Section 4: Reflection and Action 

Section 5: Reference Section and Resource Section