UAB Addition and Subtraction of Binary Numbers Question


Assignment 1

Question 1: Convert 2 base-10 numbers – (106 and -2) –  to 8-bit binary numbers.  Then, add the two binary numbers.  Show your arithmetic.

Question 2: Convert 2 base-10 numbers – (106 and 90) – to 8-bit binary numbers.  Then subtract the second number from the first number.  Show your arithmetic 

Question 3: Is this an efficient way to add/subtract?  Are there any shortcuts?

With refrence

Assignment 2

1) In Discussion Forum 3, post your response to the following discussion topic. Reply to at least two classmates’ responses and shares informative URLs by the date indicated in the Course Calendar.  Your discussion question response should be at least 200 Words, with another 50 words per reply. 

The acceptance of Bring Your Own Device into corporate environments and government environments has created a unique business challenge that must be solved.  This challenge is based on the fact that the IT asset is owned by the employee.  

Discuss two of the most interesting elements commonly addressed in a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy definition (from pages 129 – 131 from the book Fundamentals of Information Systems Security 3rd Edition).   Mention why they are interesting to you.   

2) Respond to  at least two other students (at least 50 words each )!

Respond to two (2) students/Peers (two classmates). The responses should be at least 50 words each and must focus on the discussion topic above. Examine related issues, ask questions, provide hypothesis and/or situation(s). A peer response should not be to a peer already responded to more than twice.

Liberty University Online FORMATION: Module Article review



According to Gulpinar and Gucal Glucu (2014), reviewing literature is important so a “readable
synthesis of the best resources available” can be created (p. 44). At this stage, it is also
imperative to establish the research gap that you as a researcher will explore in your dissertation
This assignment is designed to aid you in your navigation of scholarly, peer-reviewed journal
articles that may inform your dissertation. You will complete this assignment three times.
Instructions and procedures are the same for all three instances.

Using the included template document, indicate your topic. Then select 10 scholarly, peer-
reviewed journal articles related to your dissertation topic and answer the included questions.
Submit the template document with all 10 templates completed.
The assignment will be completed three times; 10 articles each time (30 total). They must be
research journal articles published within the past 10 years (five years is better). No books, web
sites, dissertations, or government reports, etc., allowed. These articles may also be used as part
of the Preliminary Dissertation References Assignment.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Gulpinar, O., & Gucal Guclu, A. (2014). How to write a review article? Türk Üroloji
Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Urology, 39(1), 44–48.

Statistics lab



Part 1:

Your instructor will provide you with a scholarly article.  The article will contain at least one graph and/or table. Please reach out to your instructor if you do not receive the article by Monday of Week 3.

Part 2:  

Title your paper: “Review of [Name of Article]” 

  1. State the Author:

Summarize the article in one paragraph:

Post a screenshot of the article’s frequency table and/or graph.  
Frequency Distribution -OR- Graph

Answer the following questions about your table or graph.   

What type of data does the graph, chart, or table from your screenshot above display (Quantitative or Qualitative data)?

Explain how you came to that conclusion. 

What type of graph, table, or chart did you choose from your screenshot above display (bar graph, histogram, stem & leaf plot, etc.)?

  1. What characteristics make it this type (you should bring in material that you learned in the course)?

Describe the data displayed in your graph, table, or chart from your screenshot above. What is the graph displaying in the context of the article?    

  1. Draw a conclusion about the data from the graph, table, or chart from your screenshot above in the context of the article.  Make an inference based on the data displayed.  
  2. How else might this data have been displayed?
  3. Pick two alternate graphs/charts/tables that could be used to display the same data as your selected chart/graph/table from your screenshot above. List the pros and cons of these alternative graphs.   

Explain how the graphs/charts/tables that you selected above (Part E) would be structured to display the data in the article.





You will continue in the role of a consultant who has been hired by the CEO of your selected company to lead a tiger team tasked with addressing issues the organization is facing.

Continue to compile Section 3 of the playbook. Be sure to address the requirements for Part 2, and include specific examples (where appropriate) and relevant citations from the Learning Resources, the Walden Library, and/or other appropriate academic sources to support your work.

Part 2: Validating the Strategy

  • Explain how strategic planning can provide a sense of direction and help in the development of measurable goals.
  • Analyze your strategy using the following validation tools. (Provide the notes for each analysis in the Appendix of your document.)
    • Strategy map for your selected organization
    • PEST analysis
    • Five forces analysis
    • Key success factor analysis
    • Stakeholder analysis
  • Synthesize the results of the analyses you performed using the validation tools in the narrative section of your playbook.


1: Benefits of Strategic Planning

Providesa thorough and detailed explanation of how strategic planning can provide a sense of direction and help in the development of measurable goals. (body text authority)

2: Validation Tools and Strategy

Give a thorough and detailed analysis of their strategy using validation tools (strategy map, PEST analysis, five forces analysis, key success factor analysis, and stakeholder analysis), providing the notes for each analysis in the Appendix of their document. (body Text Authority)

3: Analysis Results

Provide a thorough and detailed synthesis of the results of the analyses they performed using the validation tools in the narrative section of their playbook. (Body Text Authority)

Discussion 5


Assignment Overview

After having completed the assigned reading and reviewed the Canvas content for this week, please use the AU Libraries databases to find an article to summarize about a particular program model being used for workforce development programs in your future career field. *Please be sure to review the summary of the program models on the M5: Instructional Resources Canvas page before selecting your article.

If you need assistance searching, feel free to contact the Education Librarian, Todd Shipman.

NO TWO STUDENTS CAN REVIEW THE SAME ARTICLE, so please review other student submissions before posting your own.


Post your article summary no later than Wednesday (week 1 of this module).

Your summary should include:

a brief overview of the article

a QUESTION of the program model and how it is being implemented

what was most interesting to you about this program

Your summary should be thorough and supported by the readings and instructional materials presented.

This is a graded assignment and therefore you should use professional writing standards. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization will all be counted as a part of your final grade on this assignment.

Respond to three (3) of your classmates’ posts by Sunday at 10pm Central (week 1 of this module).

  • Your responses should be more than “I agree” or “I disagree.” You should provide an in-depth reason for your statements that further the conversation by either expounding on the topic with additional information from the materials or your own research or providing specific examples explaining how they connect to the discussion at hand. 

clinical notes


Create 4 short case scenarios where children( 0-12 years ) need to visit psychiatrist office with any of the following disorders , including medication treatment .

Psychiatric Mental Health Disorders

Adjustment Disorder

Anxiety Disorder

Dissociative Disorder

Eating Disorder

Impulse-Control Disorder

Mood Disorder

Neurocognitive Disorder

Neurodevelopmental Disorder

Personality Disorder

Psychotic Disorder

Sexual Disorder

Sleep Disorder

Somatoform Disorder

Substance-Related & Addictive Disorder

Trauma & Stress-Related Disorder

I will attach an example

16 year old female patient coming in to the clinic with her parents, expressing concern over her increasingly bizarre and distressing behaviors. Pt parents report that over the past few months, she has exhibited paranoid thoughts, hallucinations, and a significant decline in her overall functioning. They are worried about her safety and well-being. Pt reports reports hearing voices that are not present, commanding her to engage in certain actions or providing commentary on her behavior. Will start patient on abilify 2 mg daily and be gradually increased to 10 mg daily . Will meet with patient again in a week to follow up to see her patient is responding .

13 year old male patient comes to the clinic along with by his concerned parents who have noticed persistent difficulties in his academic and social functioning. Pt parents report that he has always been more impulsive, easily distracted, and fidgety compared to his peers. They’ve observed these behaviors since early childhood but became more pronounced . Will start patient on Ritalin 5 mg twice a day , will meet with patient and family on a weekly basis to monitor patient response and dose adjustmnet if needed



Review Questions: Chapter 1

1. Describe two important features of the scientific method.

2. Provide an example of (1) how social and cultural factors can influence  psychologists’ choice of research topics and (2) how psychologists Sociocultural factors may influence the acceptance of the results of the  research by society.

3. Describe how ethnocentric bias can be a problem in research, and  Suggest one way researchers can prevent this bias.

4. Describe two ethical dilemmas that psychologists may face when conducting  Research.

5. What are the three initial steps researchers take when starting a research project?

6. Identify two reasons why it’s important to look in the research literature  psychological feedback at the beginning of the investigation.

Review Questions: Chapter 2

What is the difference between an independent variable and a dependent variable? Provide an example of each that could be used in an experiment.

What is the main advantage of using operational definitions in psychology? What two criticisms have been made of the use of operational definitions?

What is the difference between the validity and reliability of an instrument?

Identify the four goals of the scientific method and briefly describe what each is intended to achieve.

  1. What is the difference between the nomothetic approach and the idiographic approach?
  2. Identify the three conditions required for a causal inference.
  3. What is an intervening variable? Propose an example: a factor that serves as an intervening variable between “insulting” and “aggressive responses” in children. Explain how these variables can be related by proposing a hypothesis that includes the influence of the intervening variable.
  4. Note: Include citation and reference .

Module 5


Solve the following questions:  

(1) On January 2, 2015 Gillette Co. purchases and installs a new  machine costing $300,000 with a five-year life and an estimated $50,000  salvage value.  Management estimates the machine will produce 190,000  units of product during its life.  Actual production of units is as  follows: year 2015 – 34,000 units; year 2016 – 46,000 units; year 2017 – 56,000 units; year 2018 – 28,000 units; year 2019 – 26,000 units, etc. 

Compute depreciation expense, accumulate depreciation, and book value  for the first four years using the following depreciation methods:

(a) the straight-line method,

(b) the units-of-production method, and

(c) the declining-balance method also known as the double-declining-balance method.

2.    Equipment purchased at the beginning of the fiscal year for  $360,000 is expected to have a useful life of 5 years, or 14,000  operating hours, and a residual value of $10,000.  Compute the  depreciation for the first and second years of use by each of the  following methods:

(a)    straight-line
(b)    units-of-production (1,200 hours first year; 2,250 hours second year)
(c)    declining-balance at twice the straight-line rate

(Round the answer to the nearest dollar.)

3.    Machinery is purchased on July 1 of the current fiscal year  for $240,000.  It is expected to have a useful life of 4 years, or  25,000 operating hours, and a residual value of $15,000. Compute the  depreciation for the last six months of the current fiscal year ending  December 31 by each of the following methods:

(a)    straight-line
(b)    declining-balance at twice the straight-line rate
(c)    units-of-production (used for 1,600 hours during the current year)

Please solve this


Bread Ltd. acquired Biscuit Ltd. on July 1, 20X1. The pre-combination statements of financial position for the two companies and the fair values of their assets and liabilities are presented attached. the deferred development costs are unamortized and related to products that will be on the market in early 20X2. Both companies expect that the deferred development costs to be fully recovered in future years Bread Ltd  Biscuit Ltd.  Carrying Value  Fair value  Carrying Value  Fair value Asset    Current Asset    Cash      2,115,000.00      2,115,000.00            900,000.00           900,000.00 Account Receivable      1,800,000.00      1,800,000.00       1,800,000.00      1,800,000.00       3,915,000.00        2,700,000.00  Noncurrent assets    Land      4,500,000.00      7,650,000.00   Equipment   12,150,000.00      9,900,000.00       7,560,000.00      9,900,000.00 Deferred development cost           540,000.00           675,000.00       2,790,000.00      3,600,000.00    17,190,000.00     10,350,000.00  Total assets   21,105,000.00     13,050,000.00  Liabilities and shareholder’s Equity    Current Liabilities    Accounts Pyable           585,000.00           585,000.00            990,000.00           990,000.00 Noncurrent Liabilities                                  –                                    –                                     –                                    –   Notes Payable      1,800,000.00      1,800,000.00            900,000.00           810,000.00 Total Liabilities      2,385,000.00        1,890,000.00  Shareholder’s Equity    Common shares   13,500,000.00        6,255,000.00  Retained Earnings      5,220,000.00        4,905,000.00     18,720,000.00     11,160,000.00     21,105,000.00     13,050,000.00  Bread: 1,000,000 common shares OutstandingBiscuit: 312750 common shares OutstandingA.Assume that Bread purchased the assets of Biscuit and assumed it’s liabilities by paying $1,800,000 in cash and issuing a note payable for $16,200,000. Calculate thr following balances:iGoodwilliiDeferred Development costsB.Assume that Bread acquired Biscuit by purchasing all of Biscuit’s outstanding shares. Bread made the acquisition by paying the shareholders cash of $900,000 and giving them new shares worth $12,150,000. Calculate the following balances that would appear on Bread’s consolidated statement of financial position immediately after the purchase: iGoodwilliiRetained Earnings  

excerxcise 1 and 2


Read the essay and look closely to see how the writer has integrated quotations in the argument. How has the writer introduced the quotations in the argument? What, if anything, has the writer said to explain the quotations? How has the writer tied the quotations to the essay? Based on what you read in this chapter about how to sandwich quotations, what revisions would you suggest?

Below is a passage from Christine Michel Carter’s 2019 Harper’s Bazaar essay, “How Feminism Is Stifling Our Sons.” In this essay, Carter points out how gender stereotypes are harmful to both girls and boys, and she argues that popular media needs to present more positive models of masculinity. Read this passage and choose a phrase or sentence to quote as a “they say” for an argument of your own. Use the templates from this chapter to sandwich this quote: introduce the quote, explain what it means, and connect it to your own ideas. Your entire response (the introduction, quote, explanation, and connection to your ideas) should be three or four sentences long.

We’ve committed so strongly to teaching girls they’re equal to boys that we’ve forgotten to extend the message to the boys themselves in a healthy, inclusive way. Along with our focus on feminism, we need to embrace a new men’s movement too—one that pays attention to the young boys who are discovering their manhood against a backdrop of hashtags and equality campaigns that tend to either overlook or vilify where masculinity fits in.