Explain the influence of historical events on American culture and society.


In your American History course, you will utilize scholarly sources to address questions in the weekly assignments. Please be advised that History.com, Wiki, Wikipedia, or websites such as cliffnotes.com, studymode.com, coursehero.com, and the like are not deemed scholarly sources. Therefore, use your course text and incorporate an additional scholarly source from the Chamberlain Library in your response.

Below is a list of resources you must choose from:

Textbook: Chapter 11


Minimum of 1 scholarly source from the Chamberlain Library resources below:

Sources for the Week 3 Discussion are available by accessing this link.Links to an external site.

The Lewis and Clark Expedition 

  • The Missouri Compromise 

Independence of Texas 

Mexican War of 1846–1848 

The California Gold Rush 

Then, in one (1) to two (2) paragraphs, address one (1) of the following:  

Which of your two selections do you consider most impactful on Westward Expansion during 1800–1848? Explain why. 

Analyze the effects of the ideology of Manifest Destiny on the two historical events that you chose from the list above.

  • Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to one peer.  

Further the dialogue by building upon their post with information you uncovered while researching. 

Include one (1) meaningful scholarly source to demonstrate much depth. A scholarly source can include your textbook, assigned readings, or additional scholarly research.




This assessment addresses the following course objective(s):

Examine the history and theories of the development of health care delivery in the U.S.

The United States federal government oversees multiple regulatory aspects of healthcare. For this assignment, you will identify a specific topic from the website www.regulations.govLinks to an external site. and analyze its impact. Then, you will summarize your knowledge for an internal audience, from the healthcare administrator perspective.

  • Part I – Research

Navigate to the regulations.govLinks to an external site. website.   

Learn about the regulatory process here: https://www.regulations.gov/aboutLinks to an external site. and https://www.regulations.gov/learnLinks to an external site.

From the home page https://www.regulations.gov/Links to an external site., search for proposed rules or dockets in a topic area of your interest. This could include quality metrics, reimbursement changes, etc.

All key word results will be displayed. You may use the filter menu on the left sidebar to narrow the selection. Begin filtering results by “agency” such as CMS, HHS, AHRQ, etc. You may also filter by date range, and other options. 

Review the results. Select one that interests you, and that you feel would be relevant to share in a presentation with your desired [fictional] internal audience.

Keep in mind, these dockets are open for public comments. Read the comments, and consider the perspectives presented.  These comments may be biased or come from places of frustration, or a desire to enact or resist change.

AP1) writer a 2-3 paragraph discussion


At its core, pathology is the study of disease. Diseases occur for many reasons. But some, such as cystic fibrosis and Parkinson’s Disease, occur because of alterations that prevent cells from functioning normally.

Understanding of signals and symptoms of alterations in cellular processes is a critical step in diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. For the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN), this understanding can also help educate patients and guide them through their treatment plans.

For this Discussion, you examine a case study and explain the disease that is suggested. You examine the symptoms reported and explain the cells that are involved and potential alterations and impacts.


Scenario: Patient is an 18-year-old female with a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis who presents with complaints of increased productive cough and fatigue in the last few days. The patient denies a fever but reports that her appetite hasn’t been good because she is so tired. Patient vital signs: BP 110/70, P 110, Res 28 labored, temp 98.4. Physical exam: Lung sounds Diminished breath sounds bilateral lower lobes with crackles in upper lobes.

Post an explanation of the disease highlighted in the scenario you were provided. Include the following in your explanation:

  • The role genetics plays in the disease.
  • Why the patient is presenting with the specific symptoms described.
  • The physiologic response to the stimulus presented in the scenario and why you think this response occurred.
  • The cells that are involved in this process.
  • How another characteristic (e.g., gender, genetics) would change your response.

Case study Lv Fragrance – Leaders, Creators, and Innovator


Purpose and Objectives: Each student will identify an individual, a brand, or an enterprise that has made a substantial and meaningful contribution to the practice of fragrance marketing. Each student will research and assess the contributions of their topic and how their mission and vision have worked together to make these contributions possible. In this way, students will gain an appreciation for the role innovation and entrepreneurship play in the evolution of the fragrance industry.

Resources: The following resources are recommended for preparing this assignment:

Ellena, Jean-Claude, Perfume: The Alchemy of Scent (2011), Chapter X The Players on the World Market. ISBN 978-1628721706



Framework and Process: Each student will identify an individual, a brand, or an enterprise that has made a substantial and meaningful contribution to the practice of fragrance marketing. Each student will conduct research into their topic to prepare and present a slide presentation sharing the following information:

  • A clear statement of brand identity that identifies the mission, the vision, and the values that define their topic. What role does your topic play in the ongoing operation of the fragrance industry, and what makes them unique?

Identify for your topic their sources of inspiration and their core competencies. What does your topic do especially well?

  • Identify the milestone moments and significant projects that represent key contributions for your topic to the practice of fragrance marketing.

Close with a summary of the overall contributions of your topic to the fragrance industry. What makes your topic a leader, creator, or innovator?

Answer Questions


Use the following link to answer questions. https://thetaminusb.com/intro-measurement-r/introd…


1. Define and provide examples for the following terms: Variable, Descriptive Statistics, Inferential Statistics, Frequency Distribution, Box Plot, Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Variability, Co-variability, Measurement

2. Describe the 4 types of measurement scales. 

3. Teachers often use brief measures of oral reading fluency to see how many words students can read correctly from a passage of text in one minute. Describe how this variable could be modified to fit the four different scales of measurement.

4. Discuss the difference between norm referenced and criterion referenced.

5. Describe how both norm and criterion referencing could be helpful in an exam used to screen applicants for a job.

6. Provide details about a measurement application that interests you.
a. How would you label your construct? What terms can be used to define it?
b. With whom would you measure this construct? Who is your object of measurement?
c. What are the units of measurement? What values are used when assigning scores to people? What type of measurement scale will these values produce?
d. What is the purpose in measuring your construct? How will scores be used?
e. How is your construct commonly measured? Are there existing measures that would suit your needs? If you’re struggling to find a measurement application that interests you, you can start with the construct addressed in this book. As a measurement student, you possess an underlying construct that will hopefully increase as you read, study, practice, and contribute to discussions and assignments. This construct could be labeled, assessment literacy (Stiggins 1991). 

Team Payroll Disparity in Professional Sports—NFL, NBA, NHL


One interesting topic in sport finance is the disparity that exists between team payrolls in professional sports. Some teams consistently carry payrolls above the cap and as a result pay a “luxury tax” imposed by the league. Other teams on the opposite end have minimal payrolls, with an entire team’s compensation amounting to the cost of three or four stars on a cap-exceeding team. For this assignment you are to compare the 1) payrolls, 2) rosters, and 3) individual salaries of a cap-exceeding team and a team in the bottom 10 of compensation in a professional sport. Compare not only the 1) teams’ winning percentages and 2) league finishes but also 3) the previous year’s statistics for the starting players. Salaries can be found by doing a Google search. Use the format below to create a spreadsheet when submitting the assignment. 

I: In comparing salaries and statistics, develop tables or spreadsheets with the following information.

Cap Exceeding Team Bottom Compensation Team



Individual Salaries

Last years:

Winning percentage

League finish

Starting players final stats (all positions)

II: Perform a cost–benefit analysis for each of the players to determine who outperformed their salaries, and who was not worth the money. Then draw conclusions about high versus low payrolls. Much of this will be subjective in nature, but it is an opportunity to gather data, process and compare the data, and then draw conclusions.

III: Use your cost-benefit analysis to establish a monetary compensation for each of the players on the two teams for the following season, based on their believed overall impact on team performance.

study case weelk 3


Title: Managing Human Resources
Author: Snell and Morris
Edition: 19th
Publisher: Cengage
ISBN: 9780357754054 

Read the Case Study entitled, “                Evaluate the Work/Life Climate in Your Company” on page 413 in Chapter 11  .Explain WORK LIFE BALANCE., ( one paragraph minimum and not to exceed one page) then, respond to all of the statements at the end of the case.      Each Agree/Disagree statement MUST be explained to earn points and must be at least two f ull sentences in length…IMPORTANT TO NOTE…Also, reveal the conclusion based on your score (STATE YOUR SCORE) and explain what your score means.               You need to explain WORK-LIFE BALANCE before you begin to respond to the statements…Do not forget your cover page…                 Note, at least two full sentences should be used to answer each response…     I selected the most interesting and applicable case for the class. Please back up your answers to this case with facts from the textbook and other credible sources. Remember to use references…Please number each of your answers. This is very important to understand which statements you are responding to. Remember each response should be at least two full sentences…Remember, it is quality that counts so be brief, thorough, and to the point. Good Luck! Please back up your answers to the case with facts from the textbook (please use APA format).Your case report should have a minimum of 1500 words combined. Please submit your case report as a Word document.Each statement that you respond to should be at least two full sentences…Please upload your assignment 

Strategic Planning Process – Discussion Question


Strategic Planning Process

In this module, you will explore the relationship between strategic planning and the components of the organization’s internal and external environments. You will learn that strategic planning involves the organization’s present and future and also that it provides a guide for organizational activities. In order to analyze a strategic plan, you will need to examine the components of the internal and external environments. You will also explore the importance of developing an organization’s mission and vision statements, and then you will learn how both are utilized to develop the strategic plan and goals.

Discussion Question

Question Requirements:

For this discussion forum, consider a circumstance where poor employee performance was observed in the workplace (or you are familiar, via research, where this occurred in an organization). An example could be the poor performance of a co-worker, excessive absenteeism in the workplace, or disrespect exhibited between/among employees.. 

Briefly discuss the situation you experienced above and present 2 strategies a manager should use to address the poor performance of the employee.

Discuss how you would specifically evaluate the success and/or failure of these recommendations. What tools or models to determine the success/failure of these strategies.


Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources. 

Your initial post should address all components of the question with a 600-word limit.

Learning Outcomes

Evaluate the key elements of internal and external environments affecting strategic planning.

Analyze the components of the strategic planning process in the development of the mission, vision, and the strategic plan and goals.

please read through the following info


n 1600, Sir Walter Raleigh ( 1552-1618 ) wrote:

“The Nymph’s Reply to The Shepherd”

https://rpo.library.utoronto.ca/content/nymphs-reply-3Links to an external site.

Sir Raleigh’s poem was written as a response to Christopher Marlowe’s “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love”. 

Sir Walter Raleigh was a controversial figure during the Elizabethan Age (a time of great prosperity as well as artistic and cultural growth for England). Also, during this  time, Europeans engaged in frequent exploration and colonization of the “New World”.

Sir Walter Raleigh’s Biography:


While Christopher Marlowe’s “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love” is regarded as an idealistic poem of attraction, romantic expression, and pursuit, Sir Walter Raleigh’s  “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd” is regarded as a more pessimistic or realistic response to the pursuit of a potential romantic partner or would be lover. 

In the link below, please carefully review, read, and compare Marlowe’s “Passionate Shepherd to His Love”, and Sir Raleigh”s “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd”.

https://www2.latech.edu/~bmagee/201/marlowe/shepherd_&_notes.htmLinks to an external site.

Your assignment;

Based on the rhyming patterns, symbolism, and imagery of each of these poems, please construct/write your own  4 to 6 stanza poem in which you either make promises to your love, or you reply to a potential lover’s request.

Remember that the rhyming pattern for Marlowe’s and Sir Raleigh’s poems is iambic tetrameter, or 8 syllables per line with the first two lines of a each quatrain rhyming or having 2 syllables (aabb).

Please incorporate your own unique voice and creative vocabulary to express yourself as either the pursuer or the pursued. 

TCH-520 Brain-Based Learning


Differentiation and engagement are hallmarks of brain-based learning. Individuals’ brains are unique and, consequently, have different needs and require different forms of engagement to learn best. By recognizing unique configurations of the brain, as well as how best to meet the needs of various individuals in your professional setting, you will create a richer and more responsive learning environment.

For this assignment, create a 3-5 minute video for colleagues describing how differentiation and engagement, through brain-based learning, can be used in your current or future professional setting related to your program of study.

In the video, include the following:

An introduction of yourself and your current or future professional endeavors.

What differentiation is and how it relates to brain-based learning in your professional setting.

  • At least 1-2 specific ways to bring differentiated brain-based learning into your professional setting.
  • What engagement is and how it relates to brain-based learning in your professional setting.
  • Minimum of 1-2 specific ways to bring engagement through brain-based learning into your professional setting.
  • Support your video with 2-3 scholarly resources on a separate APA Style references page.
  • Remember that video and audio quality are important and should be taken into consideration. Ensure your video is filmed with sufficient lighting and the volume is adequate for viewers to hear. Intonation, expression, proper speech, and professional attire are expected.
  • Use an online video platform such as Loom, YouTube, or Vimeo to upload your completed video. Ensure that others can access and view your linked video prior to submitting the assignment. If you upload your video to YouTube, select the “unlisted” option.