TCH-520 Brain Based Learning


Understanding the functions of the brain is of great value to all professionals involved in teaching, learning, and curriculum and instructional design. Professionals will be more effective in their efforts if they understand the development and processes of the brain, and how to apply this information to their work. By understanding and effectively applying brain research, professionals will see growth in the learning of those they work to instruct or support.

Choose one of the following deliverables to outline the importance of critical thinking and problem-solving in brain-based learning in your field:

Newsletter (using a digital tool like a newsletter template in Microsoft Word, Google Documents, or Microsoft Publisher)

10-12 slide digital presentation, including presenter’s notes with documentation of resources and a title slide.

  • Webpage (using a tool like Wix, Google Sites, or Weebly)
  • Select a specific audience related to your field of study (early childhood or elementary parents, junior high or high school students and parents, college students, or other adult learners in a professional setting). Your digital resource should be based on critical thinking and problem-solving, including the thinking levels presented in Bloom’s Taxonomy as applied to your audience.
  • In the digital resource include the following:

What critical thinking and problem-solving are and how they relate to brain-based learning and your respective professional field.

The role of metacognition in critical thinking and problem-solving.

The role of experiential and problem/project-based learning in critical thinking and problem-solving.

  • Levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy and how your audience can apply these levels to their learning, teaching, or training.
  • Five audience-appropriate resources and strategies to improve critical thinking, problem-solving, and brain function.

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This week, you will consider your own cultural background and how it impacts the care you provide to your patients.

For this written assessment we will focus on cultural competency, humility, and health inequities. First, complete this week’s readings and learning activities.

Then, address the following questions on the template provided.  

Define and describe health inequalities. How would you advocate for patients, families, and communities? 

Discuss your results for each of the test (a brief response for all 6 of the tests). 

Discuss if you are culturally competent or have cultural humility. Or are you not there yet? Why? What are your next steps? 

  1. References

Minimum of four (4) total references: two (2) references from required course materials and two (2) peer-reviewed references. All references must be no older than five years (unless making a specific point using a seminal piece of information)

  1. Peer-reviewed references include references from professional data bases such as PubMed or CINHAL applicable to population and practice area, along with evidence based clinical practice guidelines. Examples of unacceptable references are Wikipedia, UpToDate, Epocrates, Medscape, WebMD, hospital organizations, insurance recommendations, & secondary clinical databases.

Number of Pages/Words

Unless otherwise specified all papers should have a minimum of 600 words (approximately 2.5 pages) excluding the title and reference pages. 

Andrews, M. M., Boyle, J. S., & Collins, J.M., (2020). Transcultural concepts in nursing care (8th ed.). Wolters Kluwer/LWW.

Chapters 11 and 13


Health Inequities and Their Causes

Link to the website. 


Journal Articles:

Abbasinia, M., Ahmadi, F., & Kazemnejad, A.  (2020). Patient advocacy in nursing: A concept analysis. Nursing Ethics, 27(1), 141-151.




Please note that country should be: Saudi Arabia and currency is Saudi Riyal.

Also please pay special attention to the grading criteria.

New University Teaching Hospital
The Ministry of Health in your country has embarked on construction of a new University Teaching Hospitals with capital cost of £504 million or equivalent in your currency. The project consists of a new build accommodation and the refurbishment of existing properties.
The scheme comprises the construction of 190,000m2 of new build accommodation and the refurbishment of 28,000m2 of retained estate. In addition, the proposed hospital will also have an underground car park for patients and visitors, and a dedicated cycle centre and ten electric car charging points.
You are required to submit a report on the tendering procedure and tender documentation for public sector projects.
Mark Allocation for Assessment 2
• A brief introduction 5%
• Elaborately discuss different tendering procedures for major infrastructure projects. (15%)
• Describe in detail sophisticated tendering method suitable for the project to attain quality of design and construction required (10%).
• As a client’s QS, discuss the main selection criteria in assessing the submitted tenders for the project. (15%)
• Explain in detail how you will evaluate the tender (5%), examine the priced documents for errors (10%) and how will you deal with the errors (10%). (25%)
• Discuss the main ethical issues in tenders of this nature that need to be addressed. (15%)
• Investigate the implications of e-tendering in similar public sector projects. (10%)
• Presentation of report 5% (Layout, structure, visual presentation, use of language, clarity of expression, referencing within text and bibliography)

Discussion *


While psychological disorders still have a stigma, steps have been taken by some individuals to help others understand the disorders a little better. For example, photographer John William Keedy captured images to express anxiety disorders, OCD, and varied neuroses in “Photos Reveal What It’s Like to Have Anxiety Issues.” Review “What It’s Like to Have Schizophrenia,” which attempts to show viewers what it’s like to have schizophrenia. (Warning: the video is graphic and may be disturbing.)

Then there is a personal story from Healthline called “In Their Shoes: Understanding What Bipolar Disorder Feels Like” and another from Mills Baker called “What Does It Feel Like to Have Bipolar Disorder?” Both stories are told from the point of view of someone with bipolar disorder and try to capture what it’s like living with the illness.

After reviewing the readings and videos and further researching the topic, post a two-paragraph response to the following: 

How do our history and culture affect our understanding of psychological disorders? What, if anything, can be done to reduce the stigma attached to psychological disorders? Do the photographs, videos, and stories mentioned above help people to better understand the disorders, or do they serve to further stigmatize the disorders? Explain.

Studies have shown that having a low socioeconomic status (SES) increases the risk factor for developing a mental illness. Why might this be the case? Think about some of the symptoms of psychological disorders. What connections do you see between the symptoms and low SES?

InfoTech in a Global economy


Here’s the discussion 2 question:  I’ll send my fellow classmates responses later for responses.

q) How do you feel blockchain will change the global economy or will it?  Explain your answer.

Please make your initial post and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least two of the following:

Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic

Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor

Provide extensive additional information on the topic

Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail

Share an applicable personal experience

Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source 

Make an argument concerning the topic

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.

Learning Material:

Read the following articles.

Chang, Iakovou, E., & Shi, W. (2020).  Blockchain in global supply chains and cross border trade: a critical synthesis of the state-of-the-art, challenges and opportunities. International Journal of Production Research, 58(7), 2082–2099.

Hooper, & Holtbrügge, D. (2020). Blockchain technology in international business: changing the agenda for global governance. Review of International Business and Strategy, 30(2), 183–200.

Ignat. (2017). Digitalization and the global technology trends. IOP Conference Series. Materials Science and Engineering, 227(1), 12062–.

Frank Febiri, & Miloslav Hub. (2021). Digitalization of Global Economy: A Qualitative Study Exploring Key Indicators use to Measure Digital Progress in the Public Sector. SHS Web of Conferences, 92, 05006–.

Week 3: Response to “Investigating Writing”


Read “Investigating Writing: Threshold Concepts and Transfer” (PDF available in Readings & Videos). 

After reading the chapter, take notes on the following prompts:

? Writing is . . . 

? Good writing is . . . 

? Good writers do or are . . . 

? Writers are influenced by . . .

? Learning to write involves . . . 

Then, do a mini “interview” with another person (not one in the class, please), asking them to respond to these prompts. (That person should NOT have read the chapter.) 

In your response, do the following for this assignment: 

First, compare your new responses to those you wrote to these same prompts in the Week 1: Writing Is … Response. *** Since I forgot to ask you to save your responses, I copy-pasted each of yours in Teams > Class Notebook > || > [Your Name] > Notes > Week 1 Writing Is… Original Responses. 

Comparing your first responses with the new versions you took notes on after the reading, think about what has changed or remained the same about your concept of writing. Explain. You may find it helpful to use examples from your original response during your discussion. In your response, include at least two cited sentences or passages from the assigned reading that contributed to changes in your response to the prompts. 

Next, discuss two or more of the responses from your mini interview: in what ways do they differ from yours, and did you gain any additional perspectives on writing? 

? In-text citation format for this reading: (Wardle & Downs, 2023, p. #).

Report on Digital Business


Introduction (outlining the aim the report; overview to the chosen digital business (reference the website); discuss/ overview of digital business (present the growth of digital business globally/ nationally, supported with evidence such as statistics, news etc.) (250 words) 

Overview of Key Trends and Advantages (900 words)

Provide an overview of key trends and advantages of digital technology and implications for managing virtual business in the global environment by drawing on your chosen business

Advantages of Digital/Virtual Business

Key Trends in Digital/Virtual Business 

Application to using digital business with advantages and key trends applied to your chosen organisation 

Critically evaluate new and emerging digital business models in the context of key business issues such as cyber security and ethics that your organisation uses or may use (900 words)  

Emerging digital business models  

Discussion on new, emerging digital business models in the context of key issues such as cyber security and ethics 

Apply how your chosen organisation is using / could use any of these new, emerging business models 

Evaluate the impact of new collaborative relationships and strategic alliances through digital technology for your chosen organisation (900 words)

  • Collaborative relationship and definition of strategic alliance/s 

Advantages and disadvantages of new collaborative relationships and strategic alliances through digital technology  

Application to your chosen organisation on how they use or could use new collaborative relationships and strategic alliances through digital technology 

  • Identify and evaluate at least 4 e-commerce merchant software solutions (900 words)
  • Artificial Intelligence and its importance in general. 

Critically evaluate at least three applications and select the appropriate one which can enhance your operations, with justification, for your chosen business. 

Project 3


ACTG 3000

This third project requires you to invent a merchandising business (your company sells some kind of goods).  You are required to prepare the financial statements for its first year of operations:

1.Fill in the dollar amounts for your company’s Adjusted Trial Balance dated 12/31/2023, including the company name in the heading. I’ve left some blank lines in case you want to include more assets, liabilities, or expenses. Remember, the Debit and Credit column Totals must match!

2.From the Adjusted Trial Balance you made, prepare your company’s multi-step income statement for the year ended 12/31/23.

3.From the Adjusted Trial Balance you made, prepare the retained earnings statement for the year ended 12/31/23.

4.From the Adjusted Trial Balance you made, prepare the classified balance sheet dated 12/31/23.

5.Give me a simple sentence about what your business sells.  It can be stated before or after the financial statements.

Hints and reminders:

Make sure the statements ‘flow’ with each other.

Be sure to begin the income statement with Net Sales as the name for the Sales Revenue account.

Be sure to include a line for Operating Income.

Be sure to include the Other Revenue/Expense section on the income statement.

Be sure to label and total the current asset and current liability sections of your classified balance sheet.

Be sure to present Depreciable Asset along with its Accumulated Depreciation account on the balance sheet correctly.

You will be ‘making up’ amounts.  Your business can be as successful as you like.  Just make sure your balance sheet balances!

Hand in:

1.The Adjusted Trial Balance

2.The three financial statements you prepared

3.The sentence describing what your company sells

Leading through Digital Disruption


Task 1: Case for Change Analysis 

Provide a clear background to your chosen company, including the type of organisation, size of the firm, range of products and services, customer base and which markets it operates. 

Evaluate and critically discuss current technological opportunities that your company needs to capitalise to retain its competitiveness in the market. 

Finally, present clear digital change objectives that will be introduced to improve customer satisfaction, simplified processes and generates higher revenue. 

  • Task 2: Gain Digital Agility 
  • Critically analysed and advise on which techniques your chosen company can use to detect the changes that are appending in the market it operates. Specifically, explain how your company can capture insights about its competitors. 
  • Recommend 3 innovative technologies that your chosen company can use to make fast decisions to quickly adapt to the changes in its market.

N.B: your arguments must be critical with the support of academic literatures and real case example. Please use the below figure as a guide to drive your analyses and recommendations. 

Task 3: Steer Collaboration to Create a Digital Culture 

Critically examine which collaboration tools your company can use to enable individuals to contribute to decision-making and give leaders visibility into such contributions. 

  • Afterwards, please provide an analysis on how your organisation can develop and support digital-ready ready culture across team member, sparks innovations and strengthens customer relationship. 
  • Task 4: Adapting Different Leadership Styles 

By using the Goleman’s leadership styles, critically evaluate, and advise which Goleman’s styles should your organisation develop to support its digital transformation. 

Finally, propose how those digital leadership styles should be implemented by using the GROW Model. 

ITM 600 Modern Operating Systems


For your week 8 final presentation, you are required (as we covered in class) to create a network topology to support the case study for Acme University handout that you received. You create the network topology (for instance, if you want to add a star topology, or ring topology, or mixture, it’s up to you). I advise keeping it sort of simple though, only a few devices for departments are needed for a university. For instance, a router, firewall, switch, and hub with couple of desktops and printer connected to it for the academic advisors group, but a different hub from the switch pointing to another couple desktops, video monitors/TVs, smart devices and printer might be for the classrooms, etc. Don’t over complicate it (yes, a major large university could have a VERY extensive network, but you don’t need to make it that big for this assignment – maybe three or four departments should suffice, but if you want to add more, feel free). Remember to make it a technical diagram, which means, for each device include:

Cost $ (of the asset)



IP address

subnet mask


Does it handle TCP/IP, UDP, or both?

You can draw your topology on a paper with pen and take a picture of it, or in word, or visio, or other editor, or network simulator, it’s really up to you. If you want to see examples, go to and type in “network diagram examples”. Though remember, in our classroom diagram I’m asking for additional details per device than you’ll see in your Google examples.