Display relational schemas here Show me list of tables, columns, and constraints (PKs, FKs)


Upload the projects relational schemas here. 

Show me the list of tables, columns, and constraints (PKs, FKs) created for your projects.

Data: 1)List attributes for your listed entities (PKs, FKs, Composite, and derived if any)

Professional Staff:

Staff ID Primary key

Staff Type (Picklist): (Pharmacist, Physician, Midwives, Nurse Practitioner, Registered Nurse, Patient, Medical Technician)



Non-Professional Staff:

Staff ID Primary key


Type of staff (Picklist): (office Admin, Receptionist, Bookkeeper)

Patient Details:

Patient ID Primary Key

Contact Details

Medical History

Guardian Name

Insurance Details


Appointment id: Primary key

Patient id: Foreign key

Coverage Schedule:

Schedule ID (Primary Key)

Schedule Time

Staff Id (Foreign Key)

Patient Monthly details:

Statement id (Primary Key)

Patient id (Foreign Key)


Payments Received

Daily Laboratory Log

ID (Primary key)



Master Schedule

Practitioner ID (Primary)

Patient Id (Foreign)



Insurance Provider

Insurance Id (Primary Key)

Clinic Information

Practioner Information

Visit ID (Foreign key)

Type of Visit

Operating Log

Log id (Primary key)


Surgery Details

Operating Room schedule

Schedule Id (Primary Key)


Surgery Info

Delivery Log

Log id (Primary key)

Delivery Information


Recovery Room Log

Log id (Primary Key)

Recovery Details


Monthly Activity Log

Report Id (Primary Key)


Activity Centric Details


Facility Id (Primary Key)

Type of Facility


Rx Number (Primary Key)

Patient id (Foreign Key)

Patient Information

Doctor Name

Total Price

Balance Due

2)List relationships (1:1, 1:M, and M:M if any)

§Staff – Coverage Schedule (One to Many Relationship)

§Patient – Appointment (One to Many Relationship)

§Patient – patient Monthly statement (One to Many Relationship)

§Practitioner Provider’s statement (One to Many Relationship)

§Professional staff Appointment (One to Many Relationship)

Please make sure Physician, Midwives, NP, RN should all be in one entity called Staff. How would you operate the visits? A patients calls in to schedule an appt. a Staff will conduct the visit. Visit will use many rooms (1: M) Visits will have referral, Visits will incur charges Visits will produce prescriptions (for Medicine or for Labs), diagnostics, procedures, labs.

Tool: Please use oracle 

TCH-539 Introduction to Educational Research


Choosing a Research Topic

Topic: Integrating Technology in the Early Childhood classroom.Research fuels innovation and efforts to increase outcome in multiple professional fields. Every professional field thrives on research and innovation. In order to establish a solid understanding of a field of study, professionals benefit from understanding the foundations of research and how research applies to practical applications in that field.

During this course, you will conduct an action research study. According to the text, successful action research follows a standard four stage process:

Clarifying vision and targets

Articulating theory

  1. Collecting data and implementing action and
  2. Reflecting on data and planning informed action (Sagor, 2017).
  3. This assignment will provide a foundation for understanding the research process used throughout the course.
  4. For this assignment, select two areas of research and identify a specific topic or focus for each area to investigate in your current or future professional practice.

Complete a 150-250 word rationale for each area of research and include the following:

Why you selected the area of research and topics to investigate.

The research approach you believe has the greatest potential for achieving your goals.

How your research will contribute to student success and educator.

  • In addition, write a summary of the four stages of the action research process, including a definition of the theory of action.
  • Support your summary with the textbook and 3-5 scholarly resources.
  • This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

eng 112- Rhetorical Triangel


This discussion board allows you to practice identifying elements of the rhetorical triangle in a Coca-Cola commercial. Take your time here, rewatch the commercial as many times as you need to, and think about your answers. Learning to identify the elements of the rhetorical triangle whenever we read or watch something makes us better consumers of information and better critical thinkers. 

Watch the Coca-Cola commercial “Hello Happiness” (opens in new window) at 

Using this commercial, write a minimum 250-word post that evaluates the rhetorical triangle.  Be sure to answer all of the following questions.  Do not number your answers with numbers, but make sure your wording makes it clear which question you are answering (Don’t forget to include an introduction and conclusion and appropriate paragraph breaks).  When you have finished your post, respond to the posts of two of your peers; each response should be at least three sentences.

Who is the writer of this commercial?

What code/language is used in creating this commercial?

Based on the language used (and other parts of the code, or elements of the message), who is the audience for this commercial?

How does the creator of the commercial establish credibility?  How does the creator create trust or goodwill between itself and the audience?

  1. How does the creator of the commercial manipulate the audience’s emotions?
  2. How does the creator of the commercial prove to you that there was a problem (name that problem) and that it has created a solution for the problem (name the solution)?
  3. How can we use our knowledge of the rhetorical triangle during the writing process?

Lehman College Criminal justice POL 217


part 1)Please read Jared Diamond Chapter 2 (the PDF on the Course Content section) about traditional justice in New Guinea and answer/ respond to the following questions.

-How is justice different in New Guinea than in western industrialized societies like the US, Canada and Europe?

-What were the consequences for the driver if the victims family did not accept his apology and peace offering?

-What is Jared Diamond’s critique of modern western justice systems?

-Which system is better for victims? Traditional justice, or modern western justice systems?

-What can the US and other countries learn from this example?

Part2) The summer of 2020 saw a surge in violent crime in NYC and nation wide and many competing theories emerged to explain this violence. Listen to the Podcast “A Surge in Shootings” from August 24th, 2020 https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/24/podcasts/the-daily/gun-violence-new-york.html .

According to the podcast, what are the three competing explanations for what was driving the surge in violent crime in NYC that summer? Which of these theories do you find more convincing, and have you seen any evidence from news stories or your personal experience as to why this might be driving crime up? Do you feel that any of these theories is more or less compelling 2 years later?

Debates about the root causes of a rise or decrease in crime are important because they influence policy decisions about what the police, courts and government should do. What are the policy implications of the theory you find most convincing for the rise in crime and do you think that this will address the root issue?

Taysir discussions Hed 158


Discussion 11

1. Watch the following videos.

2. From the videos above, answer the following questions:

  1. Which measurement method would you be mostlikely to use? Explain why. (you must pick one)
  2. Which measurement method would you be leastlikely to use? Explain why. (you must pick one)

Discussion 12

1. Watch the following videos.

2. From the videos above, answer the following questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on eating disorders in female athletes?
  2. Is the issue the same for male athletes? Explain.

3. Reply to a classmate.

Do not reply to a reply.

20 points for your original post and 10 points for replying to your classmates.



Quite often, nurse leaders are faced with ethical dilemmas, such as those associated with choices between competing needs and limited resources. Resources are finite, and competition for those resources occurs daily in all organizations.

In this Discussion, you will reflect on a national healthcare issue and examine how competing needs may impact the development of polices to address that issue.

To Prepare:

Option 2 has to be done




This is the fourth podcast you will be summarizing as a graded assignment (others can be summarized for extra credit). For this assignment, you may opt for one of two podcasts presented

Your summary should be between 300 and 500 words (1-1.5 page, 1.5 spaced, Times Hew Roman) and should include the main points you hear on the chosen podcast.

For full credit, please include:

  1. Three key points;
  2. Something that is a novelty for you:
  3. The short, take-home message:

3) Your personal take on this podcast

Option 1: Crabs All the Way Down

Podcost link: Crabs All the Way Down. Radiolab E

The entire podcast is divided into two stories. Though initially they seem to be unrelated, they are shown to be connected at the end of story #2. Your focus should be mostly on story #2 (which discusses convergent evolution, odaptive radiation) but should bring in the lesson learned from the first story. Please summarize it as such.

Rodiolab summary:

This week we examine one of nature’s most humble creations: crabs. Turns out when you look closely at these little scuttlers, things get surprisingly existential – about how to come into being.
Option 2: The Mosquitoes are Winning (https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/05/podcasts/the-daily/mosquitos-malaria.html)

Podcost link option 2: The Masauitoes Are Winning | The Daily

The Daily summory:

For decades, the world seemed to be winning the war against mosquitoes and tamping down the deadly diseases they carried. But in the past few years, progress has not only stalled, it has reversed. Stephanie Nolen, who covers global health for The Times, explains how the mosquito has once again gained the upper hand in the fight.

The Affordable Care Act and The Provisions of Medication Access and Cost Discussion


Make a peer response to the following response: 

The RN would discuss the need for hospitalization with this patient by first detailing how important it is to monitor the patient and make sure the antidote, in this case Acetylcysteine, gives the appropriate therapeutic effects for the overdose. Acetaminophen can cause extensive liver damage because the glutathione pathway is overwhelmed by too much of acetaminophen’s metabolite, NAPQI. This toxic compound can accumulate in the liver and cause damage like hepatic necrosis. Apart from the physiological concern, the nurse must also take the patient’s report of wanting to die seriously because this demonstrates that she has suicidal ideations and that she is having something in her life negatively affecting her mental health. In this case, it is the nurse’s responsibility to understand what caused the patient to make this decision, does she still actively want to harm herself, is she a harm to others, and if she has a support system of friends or family to help her through this difficult time. An alternative to a hospitalization in this case would most likely involve Mimi going to therapy to get to the root of the issue. For example, since she is a first generation student this can lead to her feeling an overwhelming responsibility to succeed and she does come from a culture where there is a negative stigma surrounding mental health issues.

NOW.. follow the instructions for the following discussion: 

What are your views on the Affordable Care Act (ACA), as it relates to the provisions of medication access and cost?

HUM110 GCCCD Where Does Art Come From Questions


part one


  • Based on Ch. 16 from, “Where Does Art Come From?” answer the question from the chapter title, ‘Can We Live Together.’ Use examples from the text. (More or less summarize the chapter in your own words but base the answer on your own opinion)
  • After viewing ‘Friends and Strangers’ last week, how important do you believe human connections are? Do you believe they are relative to creative expression and social identity? Explain.
  • Is cooking an art and does food allow for human connection? Explain.
  • Was there a specific recipe from Pinedo or Russell that resonated with you? Why do you believe you were drawn to this specific recipe?
  • Why do you believe both women are pioneers of the culinary world? Consider the dates of publications and the zeitgeist. (Mood of the era) If you do not, why?
  • Create a recipe that is representative of who you are. You can use a family recipe that spans generationally or you can create something new totally unique to you. Share your recipe and write a few sentences on its importance.















.part two

  • What is the importance of Osorio’s installation title En la barbería no se llora (No Crying Allowed in the Barbershop)?
  • Explain the representation of Edwards’ ‘Some Bright Morning.’
  • Why do you think Rosler parodied a cooking show?
  • Do you believe assimilation is a good or bad thing? Reference Boarding School Portraits of Tom Torlino.
  • Compare and contrast Ch. 1 and Ch. 19 from American Encounters: Art, History, and Cultural Identity in 200 or more words. (Think about the era and the type of work presented

unit 5 Project For: Accounting for Managers: ACG510 ACG510-2401B-02


Assignment Details

This IP builds upon your work in all previous units.

In this project, you have been analyzing and interpreting the publicly traded company, American Eagle Outfitters, Inc. (located in Appendix A: American Eagle Outfitters, Inc., 2020 Annual Report of the required textbook: Financial Accounting).

Unit 1: Industry and Business Structure

Unit 2: Current Asset Analysis

Unit 3: Inventory and Long-Term Asset Analysis

Unit 4: Long-Term Liabilities and Equity

Unit 5: Overall Company Analysis and Conclusion

  • All of the information has been gathered to complete a comprehensive financial analysis of the company’s financial health and internal financial measures to develop short- and long-term strategic plans to help a manager make good business decisions.
  • Deliverable Requirements: Your comprehensive financial analysis should have at least 5 pages and present industry findings regarding liabilities and equity. Be sure to address the questions above, and consider how to use this information in your analysis. Your analysis should include the following:
  • Present the financial analysis separately.
  • The trend analysis and ratios for the company should be presented in an Excel workbook.
  • In 4 to 6 double-spaced paragraphs, discuss the significant findings for the company.

Do not discuss the financial analysis line by line; instead, identify the significant findings.

Discuss the meaning of the findings.

After you have completed Unit 5’s comprehensive financial analysis, you must gather all of your Individual Projects from previous units (5 pages per unit = 25 pages total) for your financial analysis and interpretation course project. Be sure to properly cite sources using the APA format as well as include references and in-text citations.