Key Term Discussion


Choose a written artifact that would be found in a workplace (an email, memo, workplace policy document, process instructions, etc.). Do not select an artifact that has sensitive or private information.

Use your chosen term from the forum to analyze how your selected written workplace artifact is functioning rhetorically or describe the rhetorical situation to which the artifact responds.

  1. Based on #2, evaluate the merits of the term you selected. What makes it helpful for evaluating your selected artifact of workplace writing?
  2. Review the assignment instructions for the Topic 8 Practical Theory: Application of Rhetoric Theory to a Workplace assignment. What makes your selected term helpful for describing a rhetorical situation that you might use in your upcoming rhetorical analysis? Would you like to use your term in your upcoming rhetorical analysis, or would you rather choose something else? Why?
  3. To what extent is the term you evaluated useful for students in a writing course? How can this term help them, and why? What could the term do to enable learners in a writing course to do?
  4. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
  5. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

This assignment does not use a scoring guide or a rubric.

Review the “ENG-503 Key Term Forums and Application Protocol” document, located in the Topic 3 Resources, to see how the “Key Term Selection” forum, “Key Term Summary” Forum, and “Key Term Application” assignment all fit together.



Q1 Globalization demands a single set of high-quality international accounting standards. List the elements of High Quality Standards and explain the two major boards that sets standards. 

Answer: 3 Marks

Q2. Q2. What do you understand by deferrals and accruals in adjusting entries? Give numerical examples on how such adjusting entries are made.

(4 Marks)


Q3. Fill in the blanks (1 Mark)

Sales Revenue – Cost of goods sold   = Gross Profit – Operating expenses =Net Profit

500,000                              ?                                       175,000 ? 76,500

? 305,800 ? 115,750 65,250


Sales Revenue – Cost of goods sold   = Gross Profit – Operating expenses =Net Profit

500,000                       175,00076,500

305,800115,750 65,250

Q4.  a. What do you understand by allocation to non-controlling interest and discontinued operations? Explain how they are reported in the income statement. (2 Marks)


Q4b. Intraperiod Tax Allocation. 

XYZ Co. has income before income tax of SR 50,000. XYZ Co. has a gain of SR 10,000 from a discontinued operation. Assuming a 35 percent income tax rate, how would  XYZ Co. present the  information on the income statement, and if it had a loss of SR 10,000 from a discontinued operation. Assuming a 35 percent income tax rate, show the changes in Income on the income statement

(2 Marks)


1. Changes in Income on the income statement when Loss made from discontinued operations

2. Changes in Income on the income statement when Gain made on discontinued operations



The following information in SAR. Prepare a Cash Flow Statement:- (3 Marks)

Opening Cash Balance 15,000

Closing Cash Balance 23,000  

Increase in current liabilities 13,000  

Decrease in current assets 17,000

Fixed assets purchase 30,000

Redemption of 12% bonds 14,000

Profit for the year 18,000

Depreciation  4000 

Women’s suffrage movement


part 1 :Write a post on the following topic:  Was the fight for women’s suffrage a united movement?  Base your response on  the section titled “Woman Suffrage” 

part 2 :Write a  response to a classmate that is insightful, engages the material and contributes to the overall discussion.

classmates post :

While  the fight for women’s suffrage had the common interest of women’s right  to vote, the approaches of which different groups made to achieve  liberation was not a unified effort. The movie Iron Jawed Angels  primarily follows two women’s advocate groups, the National Women’s  Party (NWP) and the National American Woman Suffrage Association  (NAWSA). Early in film the character portraying one of the leaders of  the NWP, Alice Paul, outlines the contention and apparent feelings of  precedence over NAWSA, calling them old servants of families and  societies and fighting in an outdated, overly conservative nature  whereas the suffragists of NWP are young, independent, and educated  whose hands-on tactics are more effective. There is another division in  the movement depicted by the exclusion of black women in an effort to  maintain relationships with prominent political figures.

Chapter 18 introduces Progressivism. The Progressive era took place  in the early twentieth century when social divisions afflicted America  among the economic expansion of goods that produced millions of jobs.  Women reform groups worked to protect women and children from exploition  which ignited a new fire under the movement for woman suffrage. Divided  interests led to slower progress in the movement and steps backwards as  groups worked against each other while trying to move forward in the  suffrage movement. 

PRM 337 UAGC PRM 337



Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read the Work Breakdown StructurLinks to an external site. webpage, Chapter 4: Defining the Project from your course textbook, Chapter 5.4: Create WBS from the book A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMOK Guide) and watch Project Management | Work Breakdown StructurLinks to an external site..

In your discussion, post images and expound on your Project Scope Statement Overview and work breakdown structure (WBS) from PRM300: Introduction to Project Management. If appropriate, a process breakdown structure (PBS) should be used. If you either did not take PRM 300 or do not have your WBS, contact your instructor for the option of receiving a substitute WBS or for using a WBS from a previous course.

In your discussion post, address the following:

  • Be sure to identify the deliverables and organization units (people) responsible.
  • Discuss how you coded your system.
  • Give an example of at least one work package in each of your cost accounts.
  • Develop a corresponding organizational breakdown structure (OBS) that identifies who is responsible for what.
  • Make sure you post the WBS as an image
  • #2
  • Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 5: Estimating Project Times and Costs from your course textbook and Chapter 5.4: Create WBS and Chapter Bottom-Up Estimating from the book, PMBOK Guide.In your initial discussion post, address these questions:
    • What are the differences between bottom-up and top-down estimating approaches?
    • Under what conditions would you prefer one over the other?
    • Which strategy are you using in your project? Explain the reasoning behind your choice.

Applying Cultural Relativism



Two videos (one on food and one on language) offer interesting  comparisons and will help you practice applying cultural relativism in  preparation for the final project.


Complete the module discussion before completing this journal assignment. Then, view Texans Trying to Pronounce WI City Names (2:36) and Would You Eat It? 10 Weird Foods We Dare You to Try  (6:14). Choose one of these videos to focus on as you make connections  between cultural norms, language, and personal identity. In your journal  assignment, you will explain the cultural norms and values you see  presented in the video and then note how these cultural norms and values  are different than your own. You will explain how you practiced  cultural relativism as you developed conclusions and ways that you can  apply your learning experience in this journal assignment to your film  analysis in the final project.

Be sure that your journal assignment includes each of the following critical elements:

Cultural Norms and Values: Identify the cultural norms and values with specific examples from the video.

Cultural Comparison: Describe how the cultural  norms and values you identified are similar to or different from your  own norms and values. Be sure to offer specific details and examples.

Cultural Relativism: Explain how you practiced  cultural relativism as you developed conclusions about cultural norms  and values within both the video and your own culture.

Application to Film Study: Suggest specific ways  you can apply what you learned by completing this journal assignment to  your film analysis, even if you chose other concepts for the final  course project.

Fundamentals of Data Science


Part 1: Understanding Data and Measurement (15 points)

Data and Information Hierarchy (5 points): Describe the difference between data, information, knowledge, and wisdom, explaining the hierarchical relationship among them. Provide a specific, real-world example to illustrate each level of the hierarchy.

Variables and Measurement Scales (10 points): Explain the different types of variables (nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio), and describe the associated scales of measurement. Provide a specific example of each type of variable and explain why it is classified as such. 

Part 2: Descriptive Statistics and Bivariate Analysis (30 points) 

  • Frequency Distribution and Summary Measures (15 points): Select a dataset (this could be publicly available data or a dataset from your workplace). Create a frequency distribution for a chosen variable, calculate common summary measures (mean, median, mode, range, variance, and standard deviation), and provide a short interpretation of these measures.
  • Bivariate Analysis (15 points): With the same dataset or a different one, conduct a bivariate analysis that includes both an association between two qualitative variables and a correlation between two quantitative variables. Interpret your findings. 

Part 3: Probability and Distributions (30 points) 

Probability (10 points): Discuss the basic rules of probability, conditional probability, and Bayes’ theorem. Illustrate your discussion with unique examples.

Random Variables and Probability Distributions (20 points): Define discrete and continuous random variables. Give a real-world example of each and describe the associated probability distribution for each variable.

  • Part 4: Sampling Techniques (20 points)
  • Sampling (20 points): Define and differentiate random and non-random sampling. Discuss how to determine an appropriate sample size for a given study. Include an illustrative example from a real or hypothetical research study.

Presentation / case study


Rising from the Ashes: A Case Study on Fire Insurance and Resilience for Hawaiian Electric Industries during Maui Wildfires.


This case delves into the challenges faced by Hawaiian Electric Industries (HEI), a critical energy provider in Hawaii, amidst the Maui wildfires of 2023. The study explores how HEI strategically approached fire insurance and implemented robust risk management measures to minimize financial losses, protect crucial infrastructure, and ensure the continuous supply of electricity during a natural disaster.


Hawaiian Electric Industries, encompassing Hawaiian Electric Company, Maui Electric Company, and Hawaii Electric Light Company, found itself at the forefront of challenges during the Maui wildfires of 2023. This case study aims to shed light on HEI’s resilience and preparedness, emphasizing the strategic role of fire insurance and risk management in safeguarding essential infrastructure


Examine the impact of the Maui wildfires on Hawaiian Electric Industries’ power generation and distribution assets.

Analyze the specific components of HEI’s fire insurance policy designed to mitigate financial losses and protect infrastructure.

Explore the risk management measures implemented by HEI to ensure the continuous and reliable supply of electricity.

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of HEI’s response in terms of financial stability and community support during the wildfire crisis.Outcomes:Through the lens of Hawaiian Electric Industries’ experience, this case study aims to provide insights into the critical role of fire insurance and proactive risk management in ensuring resilience for essential infrastructure providers during natural disasters. HEI’s ability to rise from the ashes serves as a valuable
  • example for utility companies facing similar challenges, showcasing the importance of preparedness and strategic decision-making in times of crisis.

– Change Initiative: Implementation, Evaluation, and Sustainability


Evaluate the performance of your organization or department. Identify an area that would significantly benefit from initiating a change. Write a paper (1,500-1,750 words) in which you describe the particular area you propose to address through a change initiative. Include the following for your company:

Discuss the issues in this area and the current outcomes as a result of the issues.

Describe the external and/or internal driving forces, contributing issues, and the people affected.

  1. Evaluate the stakeholders involved and discuss how they will be affected by your change initiative.
  2. Clarify your role and responsibility as a change leader. Discuss the leadership theory (or theories) you will use to guide the change process. 
  3. Discuss the change agents you need to recruit in order to successfully implement your change. Describe the roles of these change agents.
  4. Utilize your change model to develop strategies: (a) Explain the relevance of this model to your organization; and (b) Present the strategic aspects using your model. Be sure to clearly define the purpose of each aspect, the people involved, and the actions that need to be taken.
  5. Identify, or predict, the potential barriers to change. Discuss possible ways to overcome these obstacles, including methods for dealing with emerging or unforeseen circumstances that could impede implementation.
  6. Describe the evaluation methods you will use to determine the level of success of your change initiative. Discuss what metrics or measureable determinates you will use.
  7. Propose strategies to anchor change or support continuous change.
  8. Establish how your change plan supports the organizational mission/goal, genuinely addresses stakeholder concerns, and will serve as an equitable contribution for the community or society overall. 

Change Initiative: Implementation, Evaluation, and Sustainability


Evaluate the performance of your organization or department. Identify an area that would significantly benefit from initiating a change. Write a paper (1,500-1,750 words) in which you describe the particular area you propose to address through a change initiative. Include the following for your company:

Discuss the issues in this area and the current outcomes as a result of the issues.

Describe the external and/or internal driving forces, contributing issues, and the people affected.

  1. Evaluate the stakeholders involved and discuss how they will be affected by your change initiative.
  2. Clarify your role and responsibility as a change leader. Discuss the leadership theory (or theories) you will use to guide the change process. 
  3. Discuss the change agents you need to recruit in order to successfully implement your change. Describe the roles of these change agents.
  4. Utilize your change model to develop strategies: (a) Explain the relevance of this model to your organization; and (b) Present the strategic aspects using your model. Be sure to clearly define the purpose of each aspect, the people involved, and the actions that need to be taken.
  5. Identify, or predict, the potential barriers to change. Discuss possible ways to overcome these obstacles, including methods for dealing with emerging or unforeseen circumstances that could impede implementation.
  6. Describe the evaluation methods you will use to determine the level of success of your change initiative. Discuss what metrics or measureable determinates you will use.
  7. Propose strategies to anchor change or support continuous change.
  8. Establish how your change plan supports the organizational mission/goal, genuinely addresses stakeholder concerns, and will serve as an equitable contribution for the community or society overall. 

Hum 101: Research


he Comparative Human Experience final project

Must include a separate title page, slide, or frame with the following:

Title of project in bold font

  • Space should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the title page.

Student’s name

  • Name of institution (the University of Arizona Global Campus)

Course name and number

You may use material from the course text, but it should not comprise the majority of your assignment. The objective is to do research beyond the course text.

To assist you in completing the research required for this assignment, view Quick and Easy Library ResearchLinks to an external site. tutorial, which introduces the University of Arizona Global Campus Library and the research process, and provides some library search tips.