MDC iving in a City Living in the Country Question


Topic: Living in a City/Living in the Country

Thesis statement: While city living and rural living have some similarities in cost of housing and access to amenities, they differ substantially in pace of life, recreation options, and community engagement.

– Create an outline

Now that you’ve selected two topics to explore for your compare and contrast essay and written a thesis statement, it’s time to make a plan. An outline is like a roadmap for your essay. Just like you wouldn’t get in the car to drive across the country without a good map telling you how to get from Point A to Point B, you don’t want to start an essay without planning exactly what you’re going to include and how those details will be arranged.

Download this outline template, save it using your name in the file name, and edit it to fit your essay. This includes the title page!

point-by-point-outline-template.docxOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader

Must use this point -by -point template for outline^

The topic sentences for each of your body paragraphs should do two things: (a) remind the reader of the thesis and (b) tell the reader what point that specific paragraph will make. These should be complete sentences, even in your outline.

Something to consider: The outline provided for this assignment allows for four body paragraphs, with five details per paragraph. You may need more or less, depending on where you plan on taking your writing. A video showing you how to add sections is included in the lecture material in this unit.

Govt 2305 federal government


Disucssion Board: Presidents’ Foreign Policy Decisions

This week you will watch a video, titled  “The Most Dangerous Man In America  This video should be free through Kanopy – you should not have to pay to watch this. If you have trouble accessing it, then email your Professor immediately. 

The Most Dangerous Man isn’t a gangster or a terrorist, but rather he is a whistleblower, Daniel Ellsberg.  A whistleblower is someone who tells the truth about another’s illegal behavior.  In this instance Mr. Ellsberg worked for a military contractor, Rand Corporation. This business was responsible for a study of the Vietnam War, which concluded in 7,000 pages that president after president was told that the war in Vietnam was unwinnable, but each one of them continued to send thousands of troops and spend billions of dollars to keep communism from spreading.  Mr. Ellsberg was so horrified by what he read that he leaked the whole study to The New York Times.  Once you watch the film, answer the questions below in a discussion post.  If you use any other resources in your discussion post be sure to include  correct MLA citation format for

each source.Links to an external site. Additionally, this response needs to be your own, original thoughts. You may not use Artificial Intelligence to answer this post, if you do you will receive a zero. 


Summarize the film.

What shocked you most about the revelations in the Pentagon Papers?

Who should declare war, Congress or the President? And, why?

What did you learn?

Week 3 Project Manager Roles and Responsibilities


Week 3

Project Manager Roles and Responsibilities



The purpose of this discussion is to explore the responsibilities of a project manager.


Reflect upon your readings and professional experience and address the following:

  1. Detail your implementation plan for your DNP project. Include milestones for a timeframe of 8-12 weeks.
  2. Explicate how you will gauge the success of your project.
  3. What is your role in managing your project budget and resources in the planning and implementation phases?

Please click on the following link to review the DNP Discussion Guidelines on the Student Resource Center program page:

Program Competencies

This discussion enables the student to meet the following program competencies:

  1. Integrates scientific underpinnings into everyday clinical practice. (POs 3, 5)
  1. Uses analytic methods to translate critically appraised research and other evidence into clinical scholarship for innovative practice improvements. (POs 3, 5)
  1. Appraises current information systems and technologies to improve healthcare. (POs 6, 7)
  1. Analyzes healthcare policies to advocate for equitable healthcare and social justice to all populations and those at risk due to social determinants of health. (POs 2, 9)
  1. Leads others in professional identity, advanced clinical judgment, systems thinking, resilience, and accountability in selecting, implementing, and evaluating clinical care. (POs 1, 4)

Course Outcomes

This discussion enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

  1. Examine the role of the DNP-prepared nurse in leading financial planning and management across healthcare settings. (PCs 5, 8; POs 2, 4, 9)
  1. Develop strategies to lead project planning, implementation, management, and evaluation to promote high-value healthcare. (PCs 1, 3, 4; POs 3, 5, 7)

Valid enforceable contract


Midwest Grains, Inc. (Grains) is a large, privately-owned Iowa-based supplier of various grains to manufacturers and retailers throughout the country. 

National Bakers, Inc. (Bakers) is a large, family-owned corporation based in New Jersey with operations in 15 states.

On August 30, 2020 representatives for Grains and Bakers verbally agreed for Grains (1) to sell 1000 lbs. of wheat grain to Bakers for market price, to be shipped via truck to the Bakers’ warehouse in New Jersey by September 12, 2020, and (2) to sell 100 lbs. of ground corn to Bakers for market price, to be shipped via truck to the Bakers’ warehouse in New Jersey by November 1, 2020. 

Grains and Bakers have engaged in previous business sales transactions and always commit their verbal agreements to signed written contracts via email.  On September 3, 2020 Grains and Bakers completed a written contract to reflect their agreement for the sale and shipment of grains.

Write a valid enforceable contract that reflects the September 3 agreement between Grains and Bakers, as described above.

This is to be your own work, not use a standard form contract from the internet.

Assume that beginning in the summer, 2020, there is an oversupply of grain that is driving prices down. Consequently, on September 1, 2020, US Congress enacted a law, popularly called the Limited Grain Act (‘LGA’), that temporarily bans the production and sale of all grains in the US, and provides for payment of a subsidy to farmers for not growing grains. 

Grains and Bakers were unaware of this ban when they signed the September 3 contract for the sale of grains.

Pharmacology presentation on H1 receptor Agoinst and Antagonist


Hello please see the attached file for how the powerpoint should be structured , proffesrot emphasize using higlites in yellow for important information and other requirement also attached in the file.

I can provide you with a structured outline that you can use to create your presentation on H1 receptor agonists and antagonists. You can use this outline to build slides for your presentation.

Slide 1: Title Slide

Title: “H1 Receptor Agonists and Antagonists”

Subtitle: Understanding the Mechanisms and Applications

Slide 2: Introduction

  • Brief introduction to histamine and its role in the body
  • Mention of histamine receptors, with a focus on the H1 receptor

Overview of the importance of H1 receptor modulation

Slide 3: H1 Receptor: Overview

Structure and location of H1 receptors in the body

  • Physiological functions of H1 receptors
  • Importance in allergic responses and inflammation
  • Slide 4: H1 Receptor Agonists

Definition of agonists

Examples of H1 receptor agonists

Mechanism of action: How agonists stimulate H1 receptors

  • Clinical applications of H1 receptor agonists (e.g., antihistamines for allergies)
  • Slide 5: H1 Receptor Antagonists
  • Definition of antagonists

Examples of H1 receptor antagonists

Mechanism of action: How antagonists block H1 receptors

Clinical applications of H1 receptor antagonists (e.g., treatment of allergies and insomnia)

  • Slide 6: Dual-Action H1 Antagonists
  • Explanation of some antihistamines that have both anti-allergic and sedative properties
  • Pros and cons of dual-action H1 antagonists
  • Slide 7: Side Effects and Considerations

Common side effects of H1 receptor agonists and antagonists

Considerations for use, including contraindications and potential drug interactions

Slide 8: Emerging Research and Future Directions

  • Overview of current research on H1 receptors
  • Potential future developments in H1 receptor modulation
  • Slide 9: Conclusion
  • Summary of key points discussed

Emphasis on the significance of understanding H1 receptor modulation

Slide 10: References

List of references and sources used in the presentation

Business Computer Languages IT401 java


You should read the instructions in the file. 

Q1) Explain two roles of the java virtual machine as part of java runtime environment?

Describe the intermediate representation of a Java program that allows a JVM to translate a program into machine-level assembly instructions. 

Q2)Create a Java program that does the following:

Prompt the user for an input.

Enter your first and last names as the input.

  • Read the entered input into two variables (one variable stores the first name while the other stores the last name).
  • Using the printf function, print the variables in upper-case characters and each in a separate line. 
  • (include screenshots of all program execution steps) . 
  • IMPRTANT NOTE question 2): Submission from the Replit program. The important thing is that I write my first name, Razan, and my last name, Khaled.

Also you can change the category name to any name and the scanner name to any name?

Q3) The cubic polynomial function of the third degree can be represented as:

y = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d

Write the correct Java representation of the function without using parentheses using the Rules of Operator Precedence.

Evaluate the java representation of the function and find the value of y when,

x=3, a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4

Make sure that you show all the steps in detail.

  • Use parentheses to rewrite the java representation. 
  • .

Q4)Write a java program that asks the user to enter his/her name. Print a welcome message and ask the user to enter a number. Then, tell the user the type of the number (positive, negative, or zero).

Note: you must take a screenshot of the output that shows your name in the run.

UMC Joe and Jessies Taxable income Questions


Joe and Jessie are married and have one dependent child, Lizzie. Lizzie is currently in college at State University. Joe works as a design engineer for a manufacturing firm, while Jessie runs a craft business from their home. Jessie’s craft business consists of making craft items for sale at craft shows that are held periodically at various locations. Jessie spends considerable time and effort on her craft business, and it has been consistently profitable over the years. Joe and Jessie own a home and pay interest on their home loan (balance of $220,000) and a personal loan to pay for Lizzie’s college expenses (balance of $35,000).

Neither Joe nor Jessie is blind or over age 65, and they plan to file as married joint. Assume that the employer portion of the self-employment tax on Jessie’s income is $666. Joe and Jessie have summarized the income and expenses they expect to report this year as follows:

Joe’s salary $ 146,200
Jessie’s craft sales 18,610
Interest from certificate of deposit 1,860
Interest from Treasury bond funds 758
Interest from municipal bond funds 962
Federal income tax withheld from Joe’s wages $ 13,700
State income tax withheld from Joe’s wages 6,820
Social Security tax withheld from Joe’s wages 7,566
Real estate taxes on residence 6,620
Automobile licenses (based on weight) 352
State sales tax paid 1,360
Home mortgage interest 28,100
Interest on Masterdebt credit card 2,720
Medical expenses (unreimbursed) 1,900
Joe’s employee expenses (unreimbursed) 2,820
Cost of Jessie’s craft supplies 6,570
Postage for mailing crafts 170
Travel and lodging for craft shows 2,440
Self-employment tax on Jessie’s craft income 1,332
College tuition paid for Lizzie 6,200
Interest on loans to pay Lizzie’s tuition 3,620
Lizzie’s room and board at college 13,040
Cash contributions to the Red Cross 630

a. Determine Joe and Jessie’s AGI and taxable income for the year.

ka hum110 last


part one

Students will create a 1 page-long typed response to one of three review prompts. Responses must be in MLA format. 


Explore in writing what you have read/watched and what we have presented in the modules.


Reply to only 1 of 3 topics/questions located below.

  • Students are to submit their assignment by Jan 27th, 11:59 pm using the submission link on this page. 

Use citations and supporting evidence from texts/videos found in your Modules. 

Restate the chosen topic/question in the first few sentences of your response. 


  • Compare and Contrast two works from Weeks 3-4. Focus on symbols, archetypes, and universal themes. 

Analyze and discuss a selected work from Weeks 3-4. 

  • Using a critical approach, review a selected work from Weeks 3-4. 

  • .
  • .
  • .



  1. .
  2. .
  3. .
  4. .

.part two

Based on your reading so far from, “Where Does Art Come From?” how are art and the various forms of creative expression reflective of the people producing them, their cultural context, and the time and place in which they are produced?

What meanings or values are being communicated through the various forms of creative expression?

Why is death an important topic to humans? Explain. Is there any modern-day art that you have encountered representing death or the afterlife?

What are the conflicts in “The Raven”? What types of conflict (physical, moral, intellectual, or emotional) do you read?

How is madness or insanity explored in the poem? Is death represented?






  • .
  • ..
  • .
  • .
  • .


.part three

for this part I already have the project ready. the project that i have is just draft, so i need you work on it and make to be final paper. i will send you the professor’s notes so you need to follow them

Tourism Marketing Principles


Executive Summarya) Preview the main points covered in the full report in the executive summary.

b) Introduce the aim of the report.

c) How information will be presented in the report.

Section 1: Company Background (250 words):

a) Describe the background of the company.

b) A brief introduction of the company you have chosen from the tourism industry.

Section 2: External Analysis (500 words):

a) Identify and discuss the external environment with particular attention to the identification of customers/consumers and analysis of their needs.

b) Analysis of the organisation’s competitive situation by applying Porter’s five forces.

Section 3: Internal Analysis (500 words)

a) Identify and discuss an internal analysis focusing on the organisation’s capability to meet the needs of its customers by using STP (Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning) analysis.

Section 4: AI Marketing and Sustainable Marketing Practices (250 words)

In the tourism industry, no innovation has brought about a more profound revolution than artificial intelligence. At present, almost all tourism companies utilise at least one AI technology, with market projections expected to reach $1.2 billion by 2026 (Koteshov, 2024).

a) Define AI Marketing. Does your chosen company use AI marketing in their business?

b) If yes, what AI tools do they apply in their company?

c) Define Sustainable Marketing. Does your chosen company follow sustainable marketing practices?

To ensure sustainable marketing practices, students may employ the Triple Bottom Line Model by using flowing sources: John Elkington (1994), Trivedi et al. (2018), and Trojanowski (2022).

Section 5: Future Development (250 words):

a) Identify and discuss the issues raised by the marketing audit.

b) Analyse the existing marketing strategy and provide an effective marketing plan.

c) Recommend possible ethical considerations for your chosen company.

reflection NR 667


Reflection on Learning

Describe how learning in this course helped you to meet Program Outcome 5: Advocates for positive health outcomes through compassionate, evidence-based, collaborative advanced nursing practice (Extraordinary Nursing).

  1. Describe how course assignments or activities will help you achieve ONE of the advanced-level nursing education competencies from AACN Essentials Domain 9 listed below. Click each section below to view the competencies.

Expand AllPanels Collapse AllPanels

9.1 Demonstrate an ethical comportment in one’s practice reflective of nursing’s mission to society.

  1. 9.2 Employ participatory approach to nursing care.

9.3 Demonstrate accountability to the individual, society, and the profession.

  1. 9.4 Comply with relevant laws, policies, and regulations.

9.5 Demonstrate the professional identity of nursing.

9.6 Integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion as core to one’s professional identity.

Describe how course assignments or activities will help you achieve ONE NONPF Independent Practice CompetencyLinks to an external site. listed below.

NP 2.1g: Engage in shared decision-making with consideration of determinants of health. 

NP 2.6 Demonstrate accountability for care delivery. 

NP 2.6k: Provide healthcare services within scope of practice boundaries, which include health promotion, disease prevention, anticipatory guidance, counseling, disease management, palliative, and end-of-life care 

NP 2.6l: Collaborate with the interprofessional team to formulate a plan of care. 

NP 2.9k: Implement evidence-based guidelines and strategies that enable effective transitions of care and care coordination.  

NP 3.5 Demonstrate advocacy strategies. 

NP 4.2 Integrate best evidence into NP practice. 

NP 9.6 Integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion as core to one’s professional identity 

NP 10.2n: Uphold standards of the NP profession 

NP 10.3v: Engage in advocacy efforts to address health disparities, social justice, and equity to improve healthcare outcomes