CRISIS AND TRAUMA Module 3 Discussion


Discussion Assignment Instructions

The student will post one original thread of 400-450 words of the assigned module. For each original thread, students must support their assertions with at least 2 scholarly citations from peer-reviewed journals in APA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include course texts, other scholarly texts, or peer-reviewed journal articles.

Before you post, be sure to read carefully the Discussion Board Assignment Instructions and review the Discussion Grading Rubric, so that you understand the specifics and details of what is required. A very large part of your grade will be determined by how well you fulfill the instructions and grading rubric requirements.

Also, please note that direct quotations are not allowed; graduate level writing expects a student to incorporate ideas and terminology from the readings into the student’s own analysis and words. Short Bible verses are ok to quote directly.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ee your manual for when to use italics in journal articles. Also, drop the place of publication in Levers as APA-7 doesn’t do that anymore.

Discussion Thread: Assessment in Trauma Counseling

Discuss the nature and role of assessment in trauma counseling. Compare and contrast different methods of assessment discussed by Briere & Scott and Levers, (Chapter 26) or other approaches that you are familiar with, identifying strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and benefits for treatment.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Text books:

Briere, J. & Scott, C. (2015). Principles of trauma therapy: A guide to symptoms, evaluation, and treatment (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN: 9781483351247.

Levers, L. L. (2022). Trauma counseling: Theories and interventions for managing trauma, stress, crisis and disaster. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company. ISBN: 9780826150844.

mgt 4900 reflection 1



This assignment aims to encourage deep reflection on the topics covered during the week, foster critical thinking, and enable you to articulate questions and interests that may guide your learning journey further. This reflective exercise will help you understand and highlight areas for further exploration.


Your reflection should be organized into three main sections, as outlined below. Each section should be clearly labeled in your submission. Aim for clarity and depth in your reflection, providing specific examples and insights from the week’s learning materials and discussions.

Summary of Weekly Topics:

Begin by providing a concise overview of the topics covered during the week. Highlight key concepts, theories, or skills introduced, and briefly discuss their relevance to the course or your learning objectives. This section should be at most two paragraphs.

Questions Arising:

  1. Pose two questions that emerged for you based on the week’s topics. These questions are about something you found challenging to understand or reflect your curiosity to explore a topic in greater depth. Could you explain why each question is significant to you or the subject area? This is an opportunity to identify gaps in your understanding or areas for further learning.

Topic of Interest:

Select one topic from the week that you found particularly interesting or engaging. Describe the topic in detail and explain why it captured your attention. Discuss how this topic relates to the broader course themes or your personal or professional interests. Reflect on how this topic might influence your perspective, skills, or future learning goals. This section should be the most reflective and detailed part of your assignment, demonstrating your engagement with the course material.

Jewish Studies Question


After watching the lecture What is Jewish Ethics? What it is not? In your own words define Jewish ethics providing an example from the lecture.

Then, look up the responses to these questions which can be found at under the link “Jewish Law.” Choose one of the following questions and think how Rabbi Byron Sherwin might respond. Draw on his lecture What is Jewish Ethics? What it is not? and draw on the reading in Chapter 1 in Sherwin, Byron L. Faith Finding Meaning: A Theology of Judaism. .

  • May infertile couples use donor insemination, egg donation, or surrogate mothers to have children?
  • Is abortion of a defective fetus permitted in Jewish law? May couples use pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) to test embryos for genetic diseases before they are implanted?
  • May machines and medications be withdrawn from a dying patient? May artificial nutrition and hydration be withdrawn?
  • May a Jew have his or her skin tattooed or body pierced?
  • May a minor read from the Torah? May a blind person?
  • Are all cheeses kosher?
  • Are all gelatins kosher?
  • May Shabbat services be videotaped?
  • Should a Jew follow Jewish mourning practices for a non-Jewish parent?
  • Is it permissible to distribute condoms to Jewish adolescents because of fear of AIDS?
  • To what extent must people protect themselves and others from intrusion in cyberspace, and under what circumstances may information communicated in cyberspace be disclosed to other people?
  • What should happen to donations that are accepted, and then later understood to come from ill-gotten gain?
  • May a Jew play violent or defamatory video games?

Case Study on grievance processing


There are differences between employer, employee and union rights in grievance processing.  An employer cannot proceed with interrogation unless a union steward is present to advise its member.  Neither the union or nonunion employees are entitled to legal counsel during an employment investigation with the employer.  Employee is entitled individual rights and fair representation.

Individuals have a vested right to use the grievance procedure through arbitration if they choose

Individuals should be entitled to process grievances for discharge, seniority and compensation cases, and

  • The union as a collective body should have freedom to decide what constitutes a meritorious grievance and how far the grievance should be pursued.
  • A review of Supreme Court decisions on fair representation has extracted the following Six Principles:
  • Employees have the right to contract terms enforced to their benefit

An employee has no right to insist on his or her personal interpretation of a contract term

No individual can require a union to process a grievance to arbitration but each should have equal access to grievance procedures

  • Settlement on the basis of personal motives by union officials constitutes bad faith
  • The individual should have a grievance decided on its own merits, not traded for other grievance settlements
  • While the union is entitled to judge the relative merit of grievances, it must exercise diligence in investigating the situation that led to the grievance
  • This week you are to pick a Supreme Court decision on fair representation and discuss the Supreme Court case decision as it applies to fair representation. Include in your discussion some of the six principles. You may start your search for your case by going to: to an external site. 

7.1 ✳️Issues Today Review


Think about what families experience daily or what children are exposed to today. Which three areas do you feel are the most critical and share why. Consider what can be done to help children and families within these areas. Consider the role of the politician, the teacher, the parent and society at large when answering this question. Please provide five (5) paragraphs in your review of Issues Today. This is a personal reflection, and a discussion is not required.

Please answer all areas with detail and depth. Please label each section. Post Assignments and Discussions on the Discussion board in one thread.

CD/FS115 Fall 2022 Issues Today

COVID-19 and Variants


Mass Shooting/School Shooting


Technology Access/Social Media Facebook/IG/Snap/YouTube/Instagram


Lack of Parent Involvement or Supervision

Drug Overdose / Fentanyl Opioid Deaths

Bullying/Cyber Bullying


Sexism, Classism, Cissexism, Ableism – social prejudice against people with disabilities

Violence, Trauma, Crisis

Lack of Appropriate Communication or Face- to- face Communication

Limited Family Support

Video Game Content


Childcare Issues

Poor Role Models/Bad Influences

Violent Movies

Foster Care/Extended Care/Grandparent Care/After School Care

Unhealthy Relationships

Eating Disorders

Immigration Issues

Mental Health issues/Lack of services or Treatment or Diagnosis

Expectations TOO High for Children


TV role models

Lack of cultural awareness or lifestyle or beliefs or traditions


Street & Over the Counter Drugs

Gang Affiliation

Peer Pressure

Physical, Emotional, Mental, Sexual Abuse & Neglect

Extensive Sexual Exposure

School Dropouts

Poor Self Esteem and Concept, Warped Self Image

Teen Pregnancy


Learning Disabilities


Poor Gun Laws

Domestic Violence/Violence in the Home

Elder Abuse

Single Adult/Parent/Guardian Homes

Difficulty Finding Childcare in Off Hours


Inappropriate Toys

Unsafe Neighborhoods

Financial Swings & Instability

Online Dating

Gender Issues

Sexual Orientation

Family Separation like Deployment

Political Drama

Lack of Parenting Skills like Overly Permissive or Unstable

Generational Differences

Health Care Issues


Lack of stability and constant change

Lack of social-emotional training/education

Reading no longer as important as media among children and adults

The news!

Student Advocacy and “Sweatshop” Labor: The Case of Russell Athletics


Using the Six Steps of Decision-Making framework from this week’s content, please develop an essay responding to the following questions related to the case study Student Advocacy and “Sweatshop” Labor: The Case of Russell Athletic (p. 109).

Recognize decision requirement: What are the factors to consider in a corporation when deciding to outsource labor to developing countries? Include the following:

Diagnosis and analysis of causes: If labor outsourcing to developing countries is a legitimate business strategy, how can it be handled without risk of running into a sweatshop scandal?

Development of alternatives: What are other countries doing to avoid, reduce or eliminate sweatshops?

Selection of desired alternative: Decide on alternatives for outsourcing for companies in developed      countries, including whether or not to maintain or implement the same high labor standards and regulations as in the home countries.

Implementation of alternatives: Which alternatives would be best for outsourcing for companies in the United States?

  1. Evaluation and feedback: Have your recommendations been implemented in other countries? Are they working? What has been the outcome? 

In this course, you will have six Critical Thinking assignments where you will respond to assignment questions to develop an essay. Essays have an introduction (to the topic of the assignment), a body (where you will integrate your responses), and a conclusion (your thoughts on the assignment). Please do not just answer the questions as is. It is best to use APA (7th ed) headings to capture the essence of the questions as a way to make sure you have integrated all of the responses in your essay. Also, make sure you are using an APA (7th ed) paper template as a starting point. 

Policy Brief


Hey Francis, my prof added these comments to the policy brief you helped me with, please take these into account when making your revisions, I want all points to be fixed accordingly :

“This would be 85%. See comments below as you work on submission 2.

Title page should be completed or removed.

Policy brief is a little long, so as you revise work to ensure that your points are as concise as possible.

More in-text citations are needed. A number of key points remain uncited. One example is that population growth is a cause of lack of access to clean drinking water. Correlation does not mean causation, so find a source to use as evidence.

There are also some sections with few citations.

Add date (2024) for source of charts based on the WB database. Give charts a chart number. Chart on p. 5 lacks source.

How has access to clean water changed over time (longer period) in Uganda?

.You discuss consequences of the issue in the beginning and end of the background section;

I recommend reorganizing so consequences are together. You may find it interesting to differentiate access to basic vs. safely managed drinking water, since the WDI database provides both for Uganda.

In terms of background information, where are people getting their drinking water from?

What does infrastructure have to do with the issue?

For all programs: when was the social enterprise founded?

Program 1: Are the sales exclusively for drinking water and the other facilities are free? Is the water only by ATM or are there more delivery systems? Or is everything pay-per-use? Any information re: cost? Is this a for-profit social enterprise?

Program 2: we need Uganda-specific data.

Programming Question


CSC 261: Computer Organization and Assembly Language

Spring 2024

Assignment 2

Question 1 (20 points):

(a) Find the range of unsigned decimal integers that can be stored in a dword.

(b) Find the range of signed decimal integers (smallest to largest) that can be stored in

2’s complement form in a dword.

Question 2 (20 points): Perform the addition operation, giving the sum in hex using the

same number of hex digits as the original two operands; State whether or not overflow

and carry occur; Interpret the operations as 2’s complement signed and convert the

problem to the equivalent decimal problem; Verify that the signed interpretation is

correct when there is no overflow; Interpret the operands as unsigned and convert the

problem to the equivalent decimal problem; Verify that the unsigned interpretation is

correct when there is no carry.

2A 44 + D9 CC

Note: See chapter 1 slides. I did a bunch of questions similar to this.

Question 3 (20 points): Instructions are the same as in Question 2 but repeat them for 5E

+ 4B.

Question 4 (20 points): Consider the byte length 2’s complement representation and show

that FF is -1. Now consider the word length 2’s complement representation of FF FF and

show that it is also -1.

Question 5 (20 points): We learned how to take the 2’s complement of a number by

subtracting it from an appropriate power of 2. An alternative method is to write the

number in binary (using the correct number of bits for the length of the representation),

change each 0 bit to 1 and each 1 bit to 0 (this is called “taking the 1’s complement”),

and then adding 1 to the result (discarding any carry into an extra bit). Show that these

ENGL 1040 Reading Literature: Coming of Age


The purpose of this essay is to explore the novel Paper Towns by paying attention to the story’s use of literary devices. Writers will use their own opinions and reasoning, coupled with research, to craft a meaningful commentary on the novel.

Writers may choose one of the following prompts for their essay:

1. Watch the film version of Paper Towns (20th Century Fox, 2015) and compare and contrast the book with the movie. Writers may consider differences or similarities in theme, characters, plot, or other elements. Ultimately, the essay will decide which genre is most effective in getting the message of the story across, and how meaning is changed with the difference of genres.

2. Discuss the genre of Coming of Age literature in general, by using scholarly research that explores or defines this genre. Writers will then use Paper Towns as an example, showing how the novel highlights or challenges aspects of the genre.

This essay should be between 3-5 pages (double-spaced, size 12 font) in length. Writers may choose to use either MLA or APA, but must pick one and cannot blend the two.

All essay prompts will use Paper Towns as a source, and additional research will be required depending on the prompt used. All essays must use at least three total sources: Paper Towns + a minimum of two additional sources.

Writers may choose the types and content of sources they feel best support and/or add background to their ideas. Writers should take care to find high-quality, verifiable sources. Scholarly sources are highly preferred (and in the case of prompt 3, they are required). The JSTOR database ( is recommended.

University of Louisiana at Lafayette Read this article, “Robert Martinson and Nothing works”


1. Robert Martinson is mentioned on page 1 of your text. Read this article, “Robert Martinson and Nothing works” at 

A. What did Martinson claim? B. What did he later say he really meant by those comments? For this, you will need to click on Martinson Repudiated “Nothing Works!” ? link at the bottom of the article. C. How did this flawed information effect social and criminological attitudes (and, therefore, tax dollars and legislation) about rehabilitation? D. What was the fate of Mr. Martinson? 

2. Between 1980 and 2010, what was the increase in the state and federal prison population in the U.S? 

3. Did rates of recidivism decrease because of mass incarceration? 

4. For those released from prison, how many of them are rearrested within 6 months of release? 

5. Overall, what percentage of people released from prison are:

A. Rearrested?

B. Re-convicted?

C. Re-imprisoned with a new sentence? 

6. Lastly, according to your text, why is reentry important? 

All posts must include copy/pasted questions, in-text citations~ including page numbers~ references, and only 2 sentences of quoted material is permitted. 

A thorough response is required. It is not possible to “over-answer” a question but is easy to “under-answer” one. I will grade according to content, quality, grammar, spelling, accuracy of answer to the questions based on the reading and not opinion, correct citations, and thoroughness of each post throughout this semester. 

Correct citation formatting: 

In-text citations: 

“Sociological jurisprudence is the view that part of law should be devoted to making or shaping public policy and social rules. It is the view that law should be responsive to the changing conditions of our society (Hartley et al., 2018, p. 14).”