HCI 316 ASS 2


E-Health Instruments: Empowering Consumers in Their Health Journey


In this essay, you will explore the diverse landscape of e-health instruments available to consumers. Your task is to:

• Describe the main types of e-health instruments used in the consumer sphere. Classify them into meaningful categories based on their functionalities or target areas (e.g., monitoring devices, fitness trackers, mental health apps).

• Provide examples: Briefly discuss several specific examples within each category, highlighting their key features and potential uses.

• Analyze benefits: Focus on one e-health instrument of your choice. In-depth, critically analyze its potential benefits for consumers, considering aspects like accessibility, empowerment, and improved health outcomes. Refer to relevant academic research and evidence to support your arguments.

Specific Requirements:

• Structure: Organize your essay using clear headings, subheadings, and transitions to ensure logical flow and easy understanding.

• Referencing: Use APA style to cite at least three academic sources (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles, relevant textbook chapters) that support your claims and enhance the depth of your discussion. 

• Cover page: Use the provided SEU cover page for submission.

• Formatting: Adhere to standard academic formatting guidelines, including double-spacing, clear font, and proper margins.

Additional Notes:

• Feel free to draw insights and references from the assigned textbook and other sources.

• While focusing on one instrument for in-depth analysis, ensure your overview section adequately covers the main categories and examples of other widely used e-health tools.

• Tailor your writing style to an academic audience, maintaining a neutral and objective tone while providing compelling arguments and insightful analysis.

This assignment is an opportunity to showcase your understanding of e-health technologies, their impact on consumer empowerment, and your ability to critically evaluate their potential benefits based on evidence-based research.

BB3 – Fieldnotes


COMM 462: Field Notes

Identify a site of study for participant observation. Practice thick Question and self-reflexivity in your field notes. Include your research question at the top of the page.

Include the following three sections in your field notes: (Chiseri-Strater & Sunstein, 1997):

1. Thick Question of everything you can remember about the occasion you are writing about – a meal, a ritual, a meeting, a sequence of events, etc. While it is useful to focus primarily on things you did or observed which relate to the guiding research question, some amount of general information is also helpful. This information might help in writing a general Question of the site later, but it may also help to link related phenomena to one another or to point our useful research directions later.

Self-Reflection on what you learned of a personal nature. What was it like for you to be doing this research? What felt comfortable for you about being in this site and what felt uncomfortable? In what ways did you connect with informants, and in what ways didn’t you? While this is extremely important information, be especially careful to separate it from analysis.

Analysis of what you learned in the setting regarding your guiding question and other related points. This is how you will make links between the details described in section 2 above and the larger things you are learning about how culture works in this context. What themes can you begin to identify regarding your guiding question? What questions do you have to help focus your observation on subsequent visits? Can you begin to draw preliminary connections or potential conclusions based on what you learned?

ECOCB 535 Reflection 3



This reflection activity is comprised of two sections collectively totaling a minimum of 500 words. Complete your reflections by responding to all prompts. 

Exchange Across International Borders

The success of an economy in effectively employing the four factors of production determines how well that economy performs relative to its potential and relative to other economies. 

Address the following:

Evaluate non-monetary benefits that open trade has contributed to the world since the end of World War II. 

Provide at least 2 examples of the above benefits and explain why you believe each is important.

  • Analyze how changes to U.S. trade and tariff policies affected U.S. trade with other nations. 
  • Support your responses with recent (less than 2 years old) credible news sources. 
  • The Global Role of the US Economy

Consider that some politicians, labor unions, and special interest groups argue that U.S. trade deficits are harmful to the economy, and nations that run large trade surpluses with the United States are benefiting from unfair trade practices and agreements. These parties support increasing tariffs on imports and eliminating or rewriting trade agreements. 

Analyze 2 credible economists’ opinions on the effects of the 2 of following factors with respect to the total U.S. trade balance. Find 1 economist who is less concerned about trade deficits, who thinks they are less important or that they mean something else is good (U.S. consumers have more disposable income for example). Then find another economist who is more concerned, (he or she may see a trade deficit as having adverse employment effects, for example). Weigh in their different perspectives and state whether you agree or disagree with their assertions, providing the logic behind your thinking. The factors to analyze include:

WU Correlations Questions


A correlation coefficient numerically reflects the relationship between two variables. For example, imagine that you conduct a study on college students and find an inverse correlation between marijuana smoking (variable a) and grade point average (variable b), meaning that those who smoke marijuana tend to have lower GPAs than those who do not and the more marijuana one smokes, the lower the GPA. You might conclude that smoking more marijuana lowers students’ grades.

However, with a correlation, you do not know cause and effect. For example, in this scenario did getting poor grades lead to marijuana use—or did marijuana use lead to poor grades? Identifying a relationship between variables is not the same as understanding the cause and effect.

For this Discussion, you explain the function of correlations and how understanding correlations may help you better understand a population.


Required Readings

  • Salkind, N. J., Frey, B. B. (2020c). Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics (7th ed.). Sage.
    • Chapter 5, “Computing Correlation Coefficients: Ice Cream and Crime” (pp. 75-102)

Role Mentoring




In a world where continuous growth is not just valued but essential for success, the role of mentors and trusted advisors becomes increasingly significant. This chapter highlights the indispensable value of mentorship and trusted advisory relationships in facilitating personal, career, spiritual, and intellectual growth. It underscores the importance of both seeking guidance and providing it, illustrating how these relationships fulfill our basic human needs for connection, growth, and mutual success.


Reflect on a time when a mentor or trusted advisor had a profound impact on your personal or professional development. How did this relationship help you overcome challenges, clarify your vision, or achieve your goals? Contrast this with a time when you had to navigate your growth path alone. Based on your experiences and insights from the chapter, discuss the importance of mentorship and advisory relationships in achieving personal and professional success. Support your argument with research on the benefits of mentorship and the outcomes of effective mentoring relationships. How do you envision implementing these strategies to both seek and provide mentorship throughout your career and life?


Write a reflecting on the questions posed.

Support your argument with research, citing at least one academic source. This could be an article, book, or study that discusses the benefits and outcomes of mentorship and trusted advisory relationships.

  • Consider how the concept of mentorship and trusted advisors aligns with your own values, purpose, and career vision.
  • Reflect on how you can contribute to this cycle of growth and support by serving as a mentor or advisor to others in your professional or personal life.

report on the UV Spectrometer


Obtain information about how previous missions used the UV Spectrometer and research other similar instruments that were used in the past.

Please provide some basic information about these instruments and compare them. 

What was its purpose and function? 

What science questions were being asked that the UV Spectrometer could help answer? 

  • How was it used to accomplish this?
  • How much is this instrument going to weigh 
  • How much room does this instrument take?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of these instruments for the data you want to obtain on Iapetus?
  • Explain in detail why the UV Spectrometer be the best fit for a mission to analyse Iapetus’ equitorial ridges. Will this instrument be operational on Iapetus, considering the environmental conditions? 
  • How does the instrument work? 

What is the precision of the measurements it makes? 

What kind of resolution is possible? 

  • What are the sources of error in the measurements? 
  • How was the instrument calibrated? 
  • Did the instrument perform in the way it was expected to? 
  • Has this technology been used previously? If so, how was it improved? 
  • Has this technology been used again more recently, and if so, on which missions? 
  • You are encouraged to discuss the technical aspects in your QUESTION as long as you explain the technical aspects in your own words, or give examples of how it works in your own words. Please include any figures or diagrams that you think will be helpful describing your instrument, and provide references for any that you use.
  • What kind of data did the4 UV Spectrometer collect? 
  • How was this data sent back to Earth? 

Did the UV Spectrometer explore Iapetus? If yes, what is the environment like?

What were some of the challenges in previous missions? (Data collection? Instrument failure? Etc.) 

Disruptive Behavior.


The second in a two-part series, this module describes interventions that can increase initial compliance to teacher requests as well as interventions that can be implemented to decrease disruptive and noncompliant behaviors. or this assignment, you are to go through the online Iris Module Addressing Disruptive and Non-Compliant Behaviors Part 2 (see link above). Then you are to answer the questions that are enclosed below. 

Online, Iris Module: Addressing Disruptive and Non Compliant Behaviors Part 2. 

Submit Your Responses to the Questions That Follo

Take some time to work through the questions below and evaluate how well you understand the information presented in this module.

1.      Explain how high-p requests work and why they increase the probability that a student will comply with a teacher’s request.  (1 point)

2.      Imagine that you have a student in your class who acts out during independent math activities. Would you use high-p requests or choice making with this student? Explain your answer. (1 point)

3.      For what types of behaviors would you implement a DRL procedure? Give two examples. (1 pt.)

4.      List two guidelines for teachers who implement DRI. (1 pt.)

5.      Mary Jo often spends time talking to her table group about topics not related to the instructional task. Design a DRO procedure to decrease non-instructional talk and to increase instructional talk. (1 pt.)

After completing this, watch this video about RULER, how can this strategy help teachers guide students to:

Recognize emotions in oneself and others

Understand the causes and consequences of emotions

Label emotions with accurate words

Express emotions differently depending on context, and

Regulate emotions with helpful strategies https://youtu.be/-H14NNUYwVc?si=_4ylkDjxwOKIgvbV

nutr 158 wa


Watch this video.

Then, post your thoughts (hit the reply button below) on Sport Nutrition and whether or not it applies to the topic in the video. Be very specific and compare to one of the specific topics covered in the video.  After your post, reply to at least one of your classmates original post (hit the reply button below their original post). Do not reply to a reply.

20 points for your original post and 10 points for replying to your classmates.

As a reminder on your replies:

10 points for your replies to a classmate original posts, not on a reply they left for another classmate. (Click “Reply” at the bottom of their main post):

Your reply to a classmate must be at least 3 substantial sentences. The items below are example of brief, vague or “throw-away” response statements and will not receive credit. It is okay to include them in addition to your 3 substantial sentences, but not instead of your 3 substantial sentences.

Hi David.

Nice to meet you.

I like your post.

Have  a good semester.

I posted the same thing.

Your replies must be written in proper sentence for with emojis, emoticons, or text abbreviations (e.g. LOL)

Your reply must relate to what they posted, not only what you posted.

Your reply must be respectful, but may disagree.

If you post that you agree, disagree, like, or dislike something in their post, you must state what the item was and why you felt that the way you did.

Vague or short replies will receive very little credit.

Asking a question does not count as one of your 3 sentences, but you may ask a question in addition to your required response

nsg7010 week 3 reply to discussion post


Post #1 Lisbeth.  For this reason, the statistical data it provides serves as feedback to design better health interventions. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also helps improve information on health disparities. This fact has been demonstrated through developing clinical trials to approve new medications and devices (Darrow et al., 2020). In this sense, I am a sub-investigator at a medical center in Florida. We are conducting many clinical trials in different chronic diseases. These clinical trials also allow the collection of demographic and social information to more adequately describe the characteristics of individuals with acute and chronic diseases. This information would be helpful to engage in policy discussions with our legislators. Nurses and health professionals must be more involved in political decisions. Our contribution to developing better health policies is crucial to increasing the quality of life in our communities. 

Post #2 Steven, The Department of Health and Human Services created the Office of Minority Health (OMH) in 2010 and consists of AHRQ, CDC, CMS, FDA, HRSA, and SAMHSA. The goal of this alliance is to reduce or eliminate healthcare disparities amongst racial and ethnic minorities (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health [OMH], 2023). Health disparities are well documented in the United States, and it is critical to examine not only different groups but also subgroups within the groups (Field & Reingle Gonzalez, 2022). The organizations included in the Office of Minority Health provide needed research and statistics that could be used during correspondence with legislatures. There is no doubt that there is a lot of work that still needs to be done in this country.

Compose an email


Intra-Office Email for Supervisor Update

Scenario: Imagine you are an employee in a dynamic and collaborative office environment. Your supervisor, who values effective communication and regular updates, has requested that you provide them with an update on a project you have been working on. This project is a crucial part of the team’s efforts and requires close coordination and timely progress reports.

Task: Your task is to write an intra-office email to your supervisor, providing them with a comprehensive update on the project’s current status and any relevant developments. This email should demonstrate your ability to communicate clearly and concisely, while also conveying your understanding of the project’s goals, challenges, and progress.

Key Components to Include:

Introduction: Begin the email with a polite greeting and a brief reference to the project to remind the supervisor of its context.

Project Status: Provide a succinct overview of the project’s current status. Highlight any significant achievements, milestones reached, or tasks completed since the last update.

Progress Report: Detail the specific tasks you have been working on since the last update. Include information about the challenges you’ve encountered, how you’ve addressed them, and any assistance you might need from the supervisor moving forward.

Upcoming Steps: Outline the next steps and tasks that are on your agenda. Clearly articulate the timeline for these activities and any potential roadblocks you anticipate.

Collaboration and Support: Mention any team members you’ve collaborated with or resources you’ve utilized to make progress. If you require additional support or resources, politely request them and explain why they are necessary.

Closing: End the email with a positive note, expressing your commitment to the project’s success and your appreciation for the supervisor’s guidance.