Science Question


Students will be responsible for writing a research paper on their approved pathology. The primary objective of this assignment is to research evidence-based physical therapy treatment for the pathology. Students will share that knowledge with their classmates. The course objectives linked to this assignment are:

17. Explain the role and benefit of physical therapy in the medical management of musculoskeletal and neurological pathologies.

18. Discuss the interactions of the medical, therapy, and family members of the health care team in the lifespan management of patient populations presented.

24. Complete the L.I.R.N evidence-based practice assignment by writing a review of a peer-reviewed journal article related to physical therapy treatment of patient conditions in the body systems covered in this course.

1 day ago

Students will research information on their approved pathology. Students must include at minimum the following information.

1. Define the pathology.

2. Briefly describe the etiology, signs and symptoms, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and prognosis.

3. What does the pathology “look like”?

4. According to evidence-based practice, discuss 2-3 treatment interventions/physical therapy management beneficial for patients with the pathology.

5. Discuss progression of physical therapy treatment including modifications in interventions for effective physical therapy treatment of patients with the pathology throughout disease process

6. Discuss medical management (including medications) of the pathology and how it may affect physical therapy treatment

7. Discuss the role of the PTA in treating patients with the pathology, as well as the interactions of the health care team

8. Bibliography with at least 5 references which must include 2-3 peer reviewed journals, no more than 2 textbooks, and only 1 magazine, and information from the APTA website. All citations must be correctly cited using APA format. SABER students may access LIRN, online library, using the code 38119.

ECE 411 Early Cognition and Learning: The Preschool Years



The purpose of this assignment is to have students familiarize themselves with the NAEYC position on the topic of diversity with young children. By familiarizing themselves with the position statements of this organization, students become more informed, intentional, politically active, and effective educators.

Read the NAEYC Position Statement on Diversity. Complete the steps described below. 

Create a table that includes the following headings: a) Summary, b) Classroom Application, and c) Course connections. Fill-in the table for the NAEYC Position Statement from the website provided. This information can be simple bullets and/or short sentences.

Summary- A synopsis of the important points from the article.

  1. Learning Environment Application- Provide four ideas for how the information in the article can be used in the learning environment for developing diversity.

Course Connections- Make at least two connections from the article to the content from this week’s readings.

  1. Using the details from your table in Step 2 above, write an essay discussing:

A detailed summary of the article

  • A detailed explanation of how you can use these ideas in the learning environment to specifically influence children’s behavior. Pick four ideas and describe them in detail, with information on how you would set-up the diversity idea and any materials you would need
  • A detailed QUESTION of how information in the article relates specifically to content you have read this week or during this course so far.
  • Your essay should be 1250-1500 words and should include at least four (4) citations. The sections should be clearly marked with headings so that your instructor knows which points you are addressing. Follow the guidelines for APA writing style. The title page and references page do not count towards the minimum word amount for this assignment.

Choose one diagnosis from the Bipolar and Related Disorders group



Choose one diagnosis from the Bipolar and Related Disorders group 

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. 

Scan pages 123 through 188 

  • Overview 

As you will learn throughout the program, the diagnosis of a variety of psychiatric illnesses is not always an easy or straightforward process. Multiple observations and assessment methods are often employed to reach a diagnosis. This approach can include the use of standardized assessment instruments.? This then aids you in defining a treatment plan and choosing specific treatment plans to use in the care of your clients.  

You are tasked with identifying a standardized assessment instrument/tool to measure the disorders listed for each week. You will keep these instruments in the form of a “portfolio” that you can use in your clinical practice to assess clients who present with a variety of symptoms.  

  • Instructions: 

Instrument/ Tool criteria:  

For each assessment, you are tasked with selecting, you will identify an instrument and:  

List what DSM diagnosis the tool/instrument is used for.  

Identify an assessment/diagnosis instrument. 

Appraise a scholarly, peer-reviewed article that addresses the use of the instrument to support your choice as an evidence-based instrument for practice.  

Evaluate the instrument’s appropriateness for diagnosing the condition it is designed to assess or if the developers of the instrument reported that the instrument is only part of a comprehensive assessment for the disorder.  

Describe whether or not the instrument can be used to measure patient response to therapy/treatment or if it is strictly for assessment and diagnosis.  

Discuss the psychometrics/scoring of the instrument, including reliability and validity.  

Discuss any limitations associated with the use of the instrument. 

Include a link to view the assessment if possible.

BASAL CELL CARCINOMA cancer research project


Slide 1: Name of cancer. Your name, name of course, date, instructor’s name

Slide 2: QUESTION of the cancer. What happens to the cells? What part of the body does it generally affect?
Slide 3: QUESTION of the symptoms.
Slide 4: Possible causes of the cancer. Are there environmental or health factors that can cause the cancer? If so, explain.
Can the cancer be inherited? If so, explain.
Slide 5: Prevention-What can be done to prevent getting this cancer?
Slide 6: Discuss how the cancer is treated? Medications? Surgery? Chemotherapy? Radiation? Nutrition? Lifestyle
Slide 7: Discuss how the cancer is diagnosed? What tests are done? Are scans done with MRI, CAT scan, PET scan, X-
ray, or ultrasound machines?
Slide 8: Statistics-How many and what type of people are likely to have this type of cancer? Is it more common in a
certain group of people? If so, what group of people and why? How common is it? Survival rate? Death rate?
Slide 9: Application of Research -What new information did you learn from your research? How do you plan to use this
new information?
Slide 10: Works Cited Page View link on how to cite information using MLA format…
Do not copy & paste information from the internet. Please summarize the information using your own words and cite where you got the
information from for each slide (include in-text citations). Your midterm project will be submitted using Turnitin which is an internet plagiarism
detection service. If evidence of plagiarism is detected, I will ask you to revise and resubmit your project. When you submit the project, at the
bottom of the submission screen, you will see the following statement: “I agree to the tool’s End-User License Agreement. This assignment
submission is my own, original work.”

ENC 1102 MDC Morrisons Literary Triumphs Discussion


M1: L2 – Discussion on Plagiarism (D-02)


Choose only ONE of the following options below and, in your post, write a paraphrase that avoids plagiarism of the paragraph you have chosen. Your paraphrase can be as long as the excerpt you have chosen, but should not duplicate any phrasing from the excerpt. If you must, you can quote up to three words in a phrase.

Choose to paraphrase ONE of the excerpts below taken from

Option 1

Morrison began writing Sula in 1969, a time of great activism among African Americans and others who were working toward equal civil rights and opportunities. The book addresses issues of racism, bigotry, and suppression of African Americans; it depicts the despair people feel when they can’t get decent jobs, and the determination of some to survive. Eva, for example, cuts off her leg in order to get money to raise her family. Morrison shows how, faced with racist situations, some people had to grovel to whites simply to get by, as Helene does on a train heading through the South. Others, however, fought back, as Sula does when she threatens some white boys who are harassing her and Nel.


Option 2

In 1993, Morrison was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature, and thus became the first African American and only the eighth woman ever to win the award. According to Maureen O’Brien in Publishers Weekly, Morrison said, “What is most wonderful for me personally is to know that the Prize has at last been awarded to an African American. I thank God that my mother is alive to see this day.” In 1996, she received the National Book Foundation Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters.

ECPI The Beltway Snipers Claassens Case Summary


The 7 “S’s” of Crime Scene Management

Thanks to recent television dramas, such as CSI Las Vegas and its various spin-offs, the world of a Crime Scene Analyst has become one of fascination and glamour! However, the reality of the profession is one of tedium, research, keen observation, and well—filth! The analyst (often mistakenly referred to as a CSI) is only one small piece of a much larger process known as crime scene management.

Crime scene management is a sequential process performed by an investigative team to ensure all forensic evidence is properly recovered from a crime scene. Regardless of whether it is a minor scene or a major incident, scene management activities must be handled effectively. If the evidence recovery process is carried out in an efficient and logical manner, it will ensure the least amount of evidence contamination or compromise. Additionally, this process will establish professional credibility and examination impartiality to members of the court. In general terms, the 7 “S’s” (or stages) of crime scene management are:

  1. Securing the Scene
  2. Separating the Witnesses
  3. Scanning the Scene
  4. Seeing the Scene
  5. Sketching the Scene
  6. Searching for Evidence
  7. Securing and Collecting Evidence

This course project will require you to perform a summary analysis of a famous criminal case and examine the crime scene management techniques used throughout the case. You will also prepare a written analysis of your findings. The project is worth 20% of your overall grade (4% each). 

Project Overview

Prior to starting, you will select one of the cases below with which to begin your research:

  • John Allen Muhammed and Lee Boyd Malvo (The Beltway Snipers)
  • Dzhokhar and Tamerian Tsarnaev (The Boston Marathon Bombers)
  • The Murder of Elizabeth Short (Black Dahlia)
  • Phillip Markoff (The Craigslist Killer)
  • The Death of Laci Peterson. Instructions

MRU Caregivers Balancing Act Case Study


Case Study Module 4

CASE STUDY: Family Member with Alzheimer’s Disease: Mark and Jacqueline

Mark and Jacqueline have been married for 30 years. They have grown children who live in another state. Jacqueline’s mother has moved in with the couple because she has Alzheimer’s disease. Jacqueline is an only child and always promised her mother that she would care for her in her old age. Her mother is unaware of her surroundings and often calls out for her daughter Jackie when Jacqueline is in the room. Jacqueline reassures her mother that she is there to help, but to no avail.

Jacqueline is unable to visit her children on holidays because she must attend to her mother’s daily needs. She is reluctant to visit friends or even go out to a movie because of her mother’s care needs or because she is too tired. Even though she has eliminated most leisure activities with Mark, Jacqueline goes to bed at night with many of her caregiving tasks unfinished. She tries to visit with her mother during the day, but her mother rejects any contact with her daughter. Planning for the upcoming holidays seems impossible to Mark, because of his wife’s inability to focus on anything except her mother’s care.

Jacqueline has difficulty sleeping at night and is unable to discuss plans even a few days in advance. She is unable to visit friends and is reluctant to have friends visit because of the unpredictable behavior of her mother and her need to attend to the daily care.

Reflective Questions

1. How do you think this situation reflects Jacqueline’s sense of role performance?

2. How do you think that Jacqueline may be contributing to her own health?

I need help writing a Annotated Bibiography


Final Project–Annotated Bibliography(100 points):

1. Choose one (1) topic related to sociology. You may choose something that we
have discussed in the class; or you may choose another topic of your interested
that we may not address in our short 5-week journey!
2. Find 10-12 articles, books, webpages, or other data related to that topic.
3. Create an annotated bibliography in MLA or APA format with the articles that
you have found.
An annotated bibliography is simply an [always alphabetized] works cited page
with a summary of each source situated just below the citation. Here is an
example of an annotated bibliography that is properly formatted.
This is just a sample! Remember: Strive for 10-12 sources for this assignment.

Sample Annotated Bibliography
“Assessment of the Potential Impact of Regulated Marijuana in New York State” PDF. July. 2018. Mar 12. 2019.
In the Criminal Justice and Public Safety section, the authors bring statistics from the recent years to bring into
light how people of color are disproportionally target for cannabis possession than people who are not of color. African
Americans in New York are four times more likely to go to jail than anyone else (Assessment). During a report in 2014 when
stop and frisk laws were still in effect, white people were 50 Percent more likely to have an arrest made in adjournment in
contemplation of Dismissal meaning there was no conviction (Assessment). In 2017, African Americans made up 48 percent
of marijuana arrests, 38 percent were Hispanic, and 9 percent were white (Assessment). It is also important to note that the
arrests made in marijuana possession were nonviolent and did not lead to any guns or violent crimes.
Blaszczak-Boxe, Agata. “Marijuana’s History: How One Plant Spread Through the World.” LiveSciemce. Perch. Oct 17,
2014. March 10. 2019.

Ecomap. Social Work


To learn more about the different approaches to defining family, access the “Ecomap” example to assist you in completing your own Ecomap in a separate Word document. If you need assistance in creating an Ecomap in Word, access and view the “How to Create an Ecomap in Word Tutorial” to assist you.

After you complete your Ecomap, address the following prompts in the document (50-75 words each), citing scholarly sources to support your claims:

Discuss how this tool helped you conceptualize your current family situation and define your family.

How does your definition of family differ from other approaches to defining “family”?

Explain different types of diversity in your family and the effects diversity has on your family.

Compare your family to the various types of diversity within family systems you will encounter as a social worker.

Discuss any new insights you gained completing this exercise.

Why is it important to have clients complete an Ecomap? Refer to Social Work Disposition #4: Value: Importance of Human Relationships; Ethical Principle: Social workers recognize the central importance of human relationships when responding to this prompt.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

This assignment is informed by the following EPAS Standards:

2: Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice

6: Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities (System Level: Individuals and Families)

DB – Industry Evolution and Change


Module 07: Industry Evolution and Change

In this module, you will consider the systemic nature of change and change management in strategic planning. As we know, creating the strategic plan is just the beginning. Implementing the plan determines the strength of the plan’s ability to generate competitive advantage. Change is a feature of life and business and it’s also an inherent part of strategy and strategy implementation. It has a systemic nature that permeates all avenues of business and industry. Understanding the influences that drive industry evolution can assist with strategy planning, formulation, and implementation.

Discussion Question

Question Requirements:

The Nature of Change

In this module, we learned that everything is in a state of constant change. This is a challenge of strategic management, as the industry environment is driven by technology, consumer needs, politics, economic conditions, and many other influences.

Read Case 8 Eastman Kodak’s Quest for a Digital Future. Please see attached.

Discuss the key factors that drove the evolution of the photography industry, and how did these factors impact Kodak’s business model?

Based on your understanding of the industry life cycle, discuss the stage the photography industry was in during Kodak’s quest for a digital future.

Discuss the strategies that Kodak employed to adapt to the changing industry environment, and how effective were these strategies?

Discuss what strategies would have been most appropriate for Kodak to pursue at that stage?

How did Kodak’s organizational ambidexterity, or lack thereof, impact its ability to manage strategic change and respond to disruptive technologies?


Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources.

Write the discuss that includes an introduction paragraph, the body, and a conclusion paragraph to address the assignment’s guide questions.