Nursing Excellence-The Engagement – Experiential Learning Project


My topic is related to medication errors. 

The Engagement – Experiential Learning Project is the culminating academic endeavor of nursing students who earn a baccalaureate degree in nursing from Ohio University. The experiential learning project provides students with the opportunity to explore a problem or issue of particular personal or professional interest that is somehow related to one of the following nursing competencies: patient-centered care, teamwork/collaboration, evidence based practice, quality improvement, safety or informatics (QSEN: – Please use the Graduate Competencies to complete your assignment.

The project must demonstrate your ability to synthesize and apply the knowledge and skills acquired through this academic program to real-world nursing issues and problems. This final project will affirm your ability to think critically and creatively, to solve practical problems related to nursing practice or the facilitation of patient-centered care, to make reasoned and ethical decisions, and to communicate effectively orally and in writing.  Remember, your project is to be actually implemented during the five weeks of this course. 


Students will have the opportunity to synthesize knowledge and apply skills acquired in the nursing academic and practice settings.

Students will extend their academic experience into areas of nursing practice interest, working with new ideas, issues, organizations, and individuals.

Students will demonstrate the ability to think and act critically and creatively about nursing practice issues and will further develop their analytical and ethical leadership skills necessary to address and help solve these issues.

Students will refine the ability to utilize evidence based research and demonstrate proficiency in written and communication skills.

Students will demonstrate achievement of the Ohio University program outcomes and the ability to extend and refine their knowledge and skill in the realization of their personal and professional goals met as a result of the summative experience. 

Thomas Edison state University Foreign Terrorist Organizations summary


The overall purpose of this chapter is to state the contribution of your capstone project to a particular discipline or field of study. This is the So What? chapter that gives the reasons for your work.

Keep in mind that readers may skip your entire first four chapters and read only Chapter 5. Thus, all the necessary information must be included here.

Chapter 5 should be structured according to the outline given below, which lists the different subheadings you need to include. Consult the explanations given for guidance regarding what information to include under each of these subheadings.

This is based on the introductions in Chapters 1, 3, and 4. Present the focus of the capstone project. Use referenced information from Chapter 2, with appropriate in-text citations to provide the reader with background material.

Statement of Problem
Copy this from Chapter 1. Include the major question and sub questions you have researched.

Review of Methodology
Explain what you did to research your project, but avoid going into any detail. Give a general explanation of how you carried out your research.

  • Summary of Results
    Return to Chapter 4. Review each sub question and what you learned from the research. Separate each sub question as a subheading. Interpret the results of each sub question to enable the reader to understand how these results answered the major question.

Relationship of Research to the Field
Explain how your research supported or did not support the research described in your draft of Chapter 3. Use referenced material and in-text citations to validate your research.

Discussion of Results
What was the significance of your findings? Explain how your work adds to the body of knowledge in your field.

Provide a concluding section that explains how your project answered the major question that served as the impetus for your study and research.

Sustainability Question


Module 7 Assignment – Due

Objective: Analyze the relationship between water conflicts and the prevalence of drought in the Middle East and Africa using the Water Conflict Map and supplemental research.


Exploring Water Conflicts and Drought

Navigate to the Water Conflict Map.

If you’re struggling to use the map, use the help function.

Focus on the Middle East and Africa regions.

Activate the “Highlight Areas Experiencing Drought” filter (shown below). If this isn’t showing anything, go to “Add Datasets” and activate “24-month SPI Anomaly (Long-term)” under Water. It will provide you the drought and flooding information. This will enable you to answer the following.

  1. Question: What patterns or correlations do you observe, especially regarding how conflict relates to drought? Describe your observations in a paragraph of at least four sentences.

  • Identifying Trends and Further Research

Examine the incidence of water conflicts within the regions since the year 2000 here.

  • Independently, conduct research to understand the prevalence of drought and its locations in the Middle East and Africa since 2000.

Question: How do the trends in drought and lack of water access correlate with the rise in water conflicts over the years? Write a four-sentence paragraph detailing your findings. Ensure that you provide evidence for your claims using in-text citations and list your sources at the end in APA format.

  • Submission Guidelines:
  • Your assignment should be typed using a readable font, size 12. Submit your assignment as a PDF. Do not upload your written portion in the text box. Points will be taken.
  • Make sure to back up your observations and analyses with specific data and findings from the Water Conflict Map and your independent research.

Remember to correctly use in-text citations when referencing external sources, and provide a reference list in APA format at the end of your assignment.

Organizational Development


For this unit’s Complete assignment, write a comprehensive scholarly essay (minimum 1500 words) in which you analyze, explain, and apply these concepts in the context of a criminal justice organizational issue. You must incorporate and cite, using correct APA citation format, at least four different scholarly research sources. Be sure your essay demonstrates a comprehensive understanding. In-line citations must be used in the body of your essay, and all research sources must be fully cited at the conclusion of your essay. Correct APA citation formats must be used.

The following elements should be included in your essay:

You are a governmental manager who is responsible for supervising a chief executive of a criminal justice agency (You can choose either law enforcement or corrections). You have just been forced to fire that executive for their leadership lapses which led to a scandal involving misconduct by their employees. You need to hire a replacement to restore confidence from both the community and the members of the department.
• Using the concepts from this week’s Read sections draft a job QUESTION that will be part of the job advertisement for hiring the new chief executive for the agency.
• Discuss what leadership traits you will be looking for in the newly hired chief executive. Incorporate discussion of the leadership theories from our text to support these choices.
• What types of experience should this person possess to be successful in this new executive position?
• Describe how you will evaluate this new executive after one year on the job. What performance measures do you intend to measure to assess their effectiveness as a leader. Provide four specific areas that you will expect to see improvement in the leadership of the agency. How will you measure these areas?

Module 07: Industry Evolution and Change – Discussion Question


Module 07: Industry Evolution and Change

In this module, you will consider the systemic nature of change and change management in strategic planning. As we know, creating the strategic plan is just the beginning. Implementing the plan determines the strength of the plan’s ability to generate competitive advantage. Change is a feature of life and business and it’s also an inherent part of strategy and strategy implementation. It has a systemic nature that permeates all avenues of business and industry. Understanding the influences that drive industry evolution can assist with strategy planning, formulation, and implementation.

Discussion Question

Question Requirements:

The Nature of Change

In this module, we learned that everything is in a state of constant change. This is a challenge of strategic management, as the industry environment is driven by technology, consumer needs, politics, economic conditions, and many other influences.

Read Case 8 Eastman Kodak’s Quest for a Digital Future. Please see attached.

Discuss the key factors that drove the evolution of the photography industry, and how did these factors impact Kodak’s business model?

Based on your understanding of the industry life cycle, discuss the stage the photography industry was in during Kodak’s quest for a digital future.

Discuss the strategies that Kodak employed to adapt to the changing industry environment, and how effective were these strategies?

Discuss what strategies would have been most appropriate for Kodak to pursue at that stage?

How did Kodak’s organizational ambidexterity, or lack thereof, impact its ability to manage strategic change and respond to disruptive technologies?


Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources.

Write the discuss that includes an introduction paragraph, the body, and a conclusion paragraph to address the assignment’s guide questions.

Your initial post should address all components of the question with a 600 word limit.

The Abrahamic Covenant


The Abrahamic Covenant is found throughout Scripture, but specifically in the following passages:

Genesis 12:1-3

Genesis 13:14-17

Genesis 17:1-8

  • The Two-Way Covenant requires each party to commit to and ratify the terms of the covenant. In the Mosaic Covenant, God said, If you will . . . then you will be blessed” Deuteronomy 28 (ESV). All of the people gave affirmation of their willingness to obey the conditions of the Covenant “We will do everything the LORD has said” Exodus 19:8 (ESV). However, the people were unfaithful time and again, so God refused to allow anyone from the first generation, other than Joshua and Caleb, to enter the Promised Land (Numbers 14).

The One-Way Covenant involves one individual committing to fulfill the covenant. The Abrahamic Covenant where only God passed through the slain animal parts while Abraham was sound asleep
(Genesis 15:12, 17) is an example of a One-Way Covenant.

  • Is that significant? If so, in what way is this covenant significant?

Is there any language that states, “if you do this, then I will do that”?

  • Are there any penalties for those who do not keep the covenant?

How long is an “everlasting covenant”?

How long is “everlasting life”?

Is the Abrahamic Covenant conditional or unconditional? 

Reading :G.L. Archer. “Covenant.” in Evangelical Dictionary of Theology. 3rd ed. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2017.Schreiner, Thomas R. “10 Things You Should Know about the Biblical Covenants.” (July 2017). Genesis 9;15;17Exodus 6:4; 24:7-8; 19Deuteronomy 42 Samuel 72 Chronicles 21:7Jeremiah 31:31Luke 22:201 Corinthians 11:252 Corinthians 3:6Hebrews 8:8; 9:15; 12:24 

Interview a pharmacist in a hospital


This assignment has three parts. First, you will interview a pharmacist in a hospital. Address the specific topics by using the list of questions below. You must include the answers to the questions in Part I: The Interview Transcript (below). 

Part I: The Interview Transcript

Interview the pharmacist using the questions.

Please provide a transcript of the interview in this part.

What type of technology (technologies) does your pharmacy utilize? Response: DB Pyxis, barcodes in medications packages.

How does the technology you use enhance internal and external communications between pharmacists, technicians, physicians, advanced medical care providers, and nurses?

Describe the process from the time the pharmacy receives an order to the time the medication is dispensed?Response: 1-Order Entry, 2- Order Verification, 3- Medication Preparation, 4- Medication Labeling, 5- Dispensing.

What are some of the processes or policies that are implemented to ensure patient safety?

  1. What challenges, related to the use of technology and electronic information, have you experienced? What solutions have you implemented, or changes have you made in your practice to address these challenges?

How has informatics helped and/or hindered patient education and awareness?

  2. Part II: Integrate the Findings from the Literature

1-Perform research on the type of technology (the type of platform used, equipment used to document, or applications used, etc.). Select two academic articles to support your research

Part III: Summarize What You Have Learned (3-4 paragraphs):

1-Elaborate as to what you learned about the specific type of technology utilized by the pharmacist; explain its uses and functions, pros and cons, etc.

  1. 2-Summarize what you’ve learned by explaining both the positive aspects and negative aspects of the technology used by the pharmacist you interviewed.
  2. 3- Select two academic articles to support your discussion.

ESOC 300 Digital Storytelling


3) How important do you think linguistic style is for storytellers to gain and hold an audience’s attention? Were you, or was your designated reader, concerned about enunciating words, pitch and intonation, verbal tics, or the speed of speaking when reading one of the “Where I’m From” poems aloud? Remember, Julie Beck, Senior Associate Editor of The Atlantic, notes that popular YouTube vloggers tend to extend vowels, extend consonants, and aspirate words in their YouTube performances to capture the attention of an audience.

4) What is your reaction to critiques of young women using vocal fry (a lower-register oscillation, a glottal creaking, or a guttural growl sound at the back of the throat) or uptalk (rising intonations on declarative sentences) in their speech? Are you concerned about how you present yourself verbally? Why or why not? What does your voice say about who you are and where you’re from? Have you ever been mocked or criticized for your speech patterns or voice? Please refer to Terry Gross’s Fresh Air interview for examples of verbal creak and uptalk as you respond to this question and reflect on the voice track as the spine of any digital storytelling project.

5) What are three interview techniques that you found helpful in the readings about interviews? Why? How will these suggestions influence the interview required for your project? (Cite sources.)

6) Prepare the artist’s statement by describing and reflecting on the importance of narratives and the digital storytelling theories that influenced you in this unit. (See question #3 from your artist’s statement.) Specifically, answer in a paragraph:

What three course sources helped you with your a) understanding and design of digital storytelling and podcast, and b) your own writing, podcasting and thinking? Cite sources.……

Discussion 250 words


Key concepts: Coming of age, gender, family, & belonging

Over the next two weeks we focus on the building blocks of human connection, namely, kinship, family and belonging. Kinship remains one part of the ‘currency of life’ performing a foundational role in identify construction. The anthropological study of kinship encompasses how individuals are related to one another through biological, legal and symbolic/social means. Kinship defines our universe of kin and in many cultural contexts that extends beyond the human, to include various aspects of the world. The films we view in Weeks 8 and 9 frame kinship through the lens of coming of age, and gender, offering up rich cross-cultural illustrations of what it takes to grow up through connectedness.

FILM: Lady Bird Directed by Greta Gerwig (2017)

Lady Bird is available through Swank: to an external site.

Required Tasks: Week 8 Journal Entry

Film response

In the Week 8 Module Discussion page please contribute a response to the film you have viewed this week, making connections to the lecture content and key concepts, along with reflexive observations on what you have viewed and its socio-cultural relevance.

Weekly Readings (required) Links provided to Pdf download of each article

Thelen, T. and C, Lammer. 2021. Introduction Measuring kinship, Negotiating belonging. Social Analysis: The International Journal of Anthropology Vol.64(4):1-22. (On Canvas) Thelen and Lammer Week 8.pdf

Miller, L. 2004. Those naughty teenage girls: Japanese Kogals, slang, and media assessments. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology Vol. 14(2): 225-247. (On Canvas) Miller Week 8.pdf

Discussion problem


As a professional and even in our everyday lives, we need to be able to understand different perspectives or points of view. You have to be able to put yourself in another person’s shoes and think about what you would do or how you might react in the situation. For this discussion, you will select a piece of writing and consider the writer’s perspective when answering the questions. 

Before responding to the discussion question this week, read 1 of the following selections from the University Library:

Option 1: “Building a Bridge: Founded by Marine Veteran-Turned-Actor, Arts in the Armed Forces Seeks to Unite Military, Theater Communities” 

Option 2: “Tuolumne”

 respond to the questions that correspond to the reading selection you chose: 

Option 1: “Building a Bridge: Founded by Marine Veteran-Turned-Actor, Arts in the Armed Forces Seeks to Unite Military, Theater Communities” 

  • Which reading did you choose?
  • What is this selection about (i.e., topic)? 

What observations can you make about its writer, intended audience, genre, context, or structure? 

Adam Driver believes studying plays helped him put his feelings into words and become less aggressive as he transitioned from military to civilian life (Bock, 2020, p. 51). How might art and self-expression be used as tools for making change and building connections?

Option 2: “Tuolumne”

  • Which reading did you choose?
  • What is this selection about (i.e., topic)? 
  • What observations can you make about its writer, intended audience, genre, context, or structure?
  • Deborah A. Miranda (2017) shares this thought at the end of her narrative, “In that moment, even if he could not articulate why, the river was the one thing Tom could offer to a son in need of a ceremony to begin his life over” (p. 67). Can a relationship with the natural world help a person heal and move forward?