Association Rules


Association Rules


In this project, you will apply the concepts of association rules to the given dataset. The primary objective is to uncover interesting and meaningful patterns and interpret their significance in a practical context.


Data file: Chapter05DataSet.csv

Instruction Video: An instructional video that guides you through the concepts and methodologies relevant to this project is available in Chapter 5 (MyEducator 5.5).



In this project, you will apply the concepts of association rules to the given dataset. The primary objective is to uncover interesting and meaningful patterns and interpret their significance in a practical context.

  • Resources Data file: Chapter05DataSet.csv
  • Instruction Video: An instructional video that guides you through the concepts and methodologies relevant to this project is available in Chapter 5 (MyEducator 5.5).

Associated Slides: Accompanying slides that provide additional information and context for the project are available (Chapter5 – Association Rules.pptActions).

Download and Review Project 1 Document:

Before starting, download and thoroughly review the ‘Project 1 – Association Rules.docxActions‘ document. This document contains detailed instructions and guidelines.

Data Preparation:

Import the dataset into RapidMiner.

Perform any necessary data cleaning and preparation to facilitate the analysis.

Make sure to select the same attributes as instructed in the video.

Association Rule Mining:

Apply association rule mining techniques to the dataset following instructions in the Word document (You need to experiment with different measures to determine rules).

Generate a list of association rules that you find interesting and potentially useful.

Analysis and Interpretation:

For two tested models, provide an analysis and interpretation. Discuss why you think these rules are interesting and how they might be useful in a practical scenario.

Compare the results of the two model runs. What differences are observed?

Annotated Bibliography


Final Project–Annotated Bibliography

1. Choose one (1) topic related to sociology. You may choose something that we
have discussed in the class; or you may choose another topic of your interested
that we may not address in our short 5-week journey!
2. Find 10-12 articles, books, webpages, or other data related to that topic.
3. Create an annotated bibliography in MLA or APA format with the articles that
you have found.
An annotated bibliography is simply an [always alphabetized] works cited page
with a summary of each source situated just below the citation. Here is an
example of an annotated bibliography that is properly formatted.
This is just a sample! Remember: Strive for 10-12 sources for this assignment.

Sample Annotated Bibliography
“Assessment of the Potential Impact of Regulated Marijuana in New York State” PDF. July. 2018. Mar 12. 2019.
In the Criminal Justice and Public Safety section, the authors bring statistics from the recent years to bring into
light how people of color are disproportionally target for cannabis possession than people who are not of color. African
Americans in New York are four times more likely to go to jail than anyone else (Assessment). During a report in 2014 when
stop and frisk laws were still in effect, white people were 50 Percent more likely to have an arrest made in adjournment in
contemplation of Dismissal meaning there was no conviction (Assessment). In 2017, African Americans made up 48 percent
of marijuana arrests, 38 percent were Hispanic, and 9 percent were white (Assessment). It is also important to note that the
arrests made in marijuana possession were nonviolent and did not lead to any guns or violent crimes.
Blaszczak-Boxe, Agata. “Marijuana’s History: How One Plant Spread Through the World.” LiveSciemce. Perch. Oct 17,
2014. March 10. 2019.

Create a presentation or summary about what you learned from doing this research. Your presentation may come in any of the following forms or more:

Writing assesment for geography


INSTRUCTIONS: Answer all of the following three questions. One or two well-developed paragraphs per question will suffice.

1. Think about a migration flow within your family, whether internal, international, voluntary, or forced. The flow can be one you experienced or one you only heard about through family. List the push and pull factors. Then, hypothesize how the migration flow of your family was tied to larger migration flows at the time. Does your family’s migration flow fit into the global map in Figure 3.6 (in the 12th edition of the textbook)? Was your family’s migration at a different scale – nationally or locally? Determine both the scale of your family’s migration flow and identity how the scale of the flow impacted your family – did they find others like themselves at their destination? How would finding or not finding others like themselves impact the identities of your family members who migrated?

2. Analyze Figure 3.30 (in the 12th edition of the textbook), migration to the United States by region. Choose one region and one time. Research an example of a migration flow to the United States from that region at that time (e.g. east European migration in 1900). Describe where migrants from that region primarily settled in the United States. Explain relocation diffusion. Imagine how the migration flow you chose can be seen in the cultural landscape of the destination region in the United States both at the time of migration and today.

3. The fast fashion industry takes runway looks and turns them into low-cost, disposable clothing immediately available to consumers. The fashion industry accounts for $1.2 trillion globally, and the amount of clothing being produced has doubled since 2005. How has time-space compression enabled fast fashion to knock off a celebrity look and make it available to consumers in 24 hours?

read the two articles and do a 20 minutes presentation slides


The slides need to include these materials from both readings:
1. Research Question(s)
What are the main research questions?
• State the main research questions. If there are many research questions, either identify the main
question or the question that interests you most.
• These will usually be found in the abstract and the introduction or background sections.
• Not all research questions will be clearly delineated, but to help you find them, remember the general
research question formulation: “How does “A” (Independent Variable) relate to (influence/shape/affect) “B”
(Dependent Variable?”
2. Theory/Background/Literature Review
What main theory (or theories) is guiding the research?
• Write a sentence or two about the theory or theoretical framework. Don’t go into detail here.
• Often the headings and subheadings in the theory/background section will help you delineate the
theoretical framework.
3. Hypotheses (If Applicable)
Are there specific hypotheses (derived from the theory)? What are they?
• If not, simply state “no specific hypotheses.” Often, qualitative research won’t have hypotheses.
4. Methodology (If Applicable)
What method did they use?
• Identify and describe the research method used by the researchers to empirically examine the topic
(do they conduct an experiment, a survey, field research (e.g., interviews, observations), archival
research, etc.)? Do they gather their own data or use a secondary data source?
What is the population of the study (the group about whom the authors want to draw conclusions)?
• Describe the population and how the authors selected a sample from this population.
5. Results (If Applicable)
What are the most important results from their data analysis?
• Delineate the main results of the study e.g., a bullet point for each main finding. Don’t worry about
statistical detail.
6. Conclusions
What do the authors conclude about their research findings?
• Finally, delineate the main conclusions the authors make about their results. How do they think their
results support (or not) their hypotheses? How do their results fit with past theory and research? What
are major limitations? 

Project: Activating a Revitalization Plan for the Dundas-Sherbourne Neighbourhood


Team Assignment# 1: Five Page Briefing Note
Prepare the following: As a Planner in a municipality or provincial ministry, you have been asked to prepare a short (5 pages, single-spaced) Briefing Note on either of the two topics set out below. Building on class #1 discussions of “The Perfect Implementation Plan”, the note should contain:
• A SMART Problem/Purpose Statement
• Well-researched background (with citations)
• A creative implementation plan with SMART, numbered Recommendations
• A MECE Issue Tree (in Appendix

Project: Activating a Revitalization Plan for the Dundas-Sherbourne Neighbourhood

The Issue Tree (Outline of Plan)

SMART Problem Statement ? MECE Recommendations ? SMART Implementation Plan

What Needs to be Delivered

  • uncheckedProposed revitalization plan for Dan Harrison
  • uncheckedPlan for acquiring 214-230 Sherbourne Street
  • uncheckedFull-scale community engagement process
  • These may become 3-point plan

Task 1: SMART Problem/Purpose Statement

    • Specific, not general
    • Measurable
    • Action-oriented
    • Relevant to the issue
    • Time-bound
  • Example: To reduce bird deaths associated with high buildings by 70% within 5 years by updating bird safety guidelines.
  • To do:
    • Make sure it doesn’t turn into a sales piece for my recommendations – must remain neutral
    • Give a hint of where money/resources will come from 

Task 2: Background Research

  • How did we get here?
    • Decision history
  • Key considerations
    • Focuses on 3 things to tackle in recommendations (3-point plan)
    • Describe, in full sentences, our plan
  • Shape of the problem
  • Other relevant policies
  • History of Dan Harrison complex and 214-230 Sherbourne
  • To do:
    • Do not make it terribly long
    • Challenges here must align with rule of three in plan

Task 3: MECE Issue Tree

  • 3 recommendations
  • Mutually Exclusive, Comprehensively Exhaustive
  • Two dimensions:
    • Mutually Exclusive: each heading cannot overlap; must deal with separate issues
    • Comprehensively Exhaustive: must address the problem statement in a comprehensive and exhaustive manner; will we address the problem statement? – address minimum 80% of the problem

Task 4: SMART Recommendations

  • Must be numbered and smart
  • Recommendation 1:
    • 3 sub-points
    • Timeframe, resources, funding
  • Recommendation 2:
    • 3 sub-points
    • Timeframe, resources, funding
  • Recommendation 3:
    • 3 sub-points
    • Timeframe, resources, funding 
  • Take these off the right-hand side of the issue tree

FSU discussion


A 79-year-old male remarks on his first visit that he has noticed a gradual decrease in vision in both his eyes since last year. His old medical record has not yet arrived at your office. He states that since he moved from Florida a year ago, he has not had an eye examination and does not yet know an ophthalmologist. He is having difficulty carrying on his activities of daily living that involve his sight. He states that he cannot recognize people at some distance until they come quite close and he is often frightened by his perception of strangers speaking to him. Watching television and reading are becoming increasingly difficult for him. He states that glare is a problem and notes that a few times he almost tripped over something on the floor. He still drives his car in the local community. He asks if you think he may have a cataract. He says his wife had two cataracts in the past and he remembers her complaining of vision problems which have now resolved.

Vital Signs: BP 128/84; HR 82; RR 18; BMI 24.

Chief Complaint: Decrease in my vision; glare is very bothersome!

Discuss the following:

1) What additional subjective data are you seeking to include past medical history, social, and relevant family history?
2) What additional objective data will you be assessing for?
3) What are the differential diagnoses that you are considering?
4) What laboratory tests will help you rule out some of the differential diagnoses?
5) What radiological examinations or additional diagnostic studies would you order?
6) What treatment and specific information about the prescription that you will give this patient?
7) What are the potential complications from the treatment ordered?
8) What additional laboratory tests might you consider ordering?
9) What additional patient teaching may be needed?
10) Will you be looking for a consult?



An understanding of the respiratory system is a critically important component of disease diagnosis and treatment. This importance is magnified by the fact that oftentimes, the respiratory system works closely with the cardiovascular system. A variety of factors and circumstances that impact the emergence and severity of issues in one system can have a role in the performance of the other.

Effective disease analysis often requires an understanding that goes beyond these systems and their capacity to work together. The impact of patient characteristics, as well as racial and ethnic variables, can also have an important impact.

An understanding of the symptoms of alterations in the respiratory system is a critical step in diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. For APRNs, this understanding can also help educate patients and guide them through their treatment plans.

In this Assignment, you examine a case study and analyze the symptoms presented. You identify the elements that may be factors in the diagnosis, and you explain the implications to patient health.

To prepare:

By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned to a specific case study scenario for this Case Study Assignment. Please see the “Announcements” section of the classroom for your assignment from your Instructor.

The Assignment

In your Case Study Analysis related to the scenario provided, explain the following

  • The pulmonary pathophysiologic processes that result in the patient presenting these symptoms.
  • Any racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning.
  • How these processes interact to affect the patient
  • NYHA functional classificationThe New York Heart Association criteria are most often used to assess the functional class of patients with Heart Failure.
    • Class I No limitation during ordinary activity
    • Class II Slight limitation by shortness of breath and/or fatigue during moderate exertion or stress
    • Class III Symptoms with minimal exertion that interfere with normal daily activity
    • Class IV Inability to carry out any physical activity



Program/policy evaluation is a valuable tool that can help strengthen the quality of programs/policies and improve outcomes for the populations they serve. Program/policy evaluation answers basic questions about program/policy effectiveness. It involves collecting and analyzing information about program/policy activities, characteristics, and outcomes. This information can be used to ultimately improve program services or policy initiatives.

Nurses can play a very important role assessing program/policy evaluation for the same reasons that they can be so important to program/policy design. Nurses bring expertise and patient advocacy that can add significant insight and impact. In this Assignment, you will practice applying this expertise and insight by selecting an existing healthcare program or policy evaluation and reflecting on the criteria used to measure the effectiveness of the program/policy.

The Assignment: 

Based on the program or policy evaluation you selected, complete the Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template. Be sure to address the following:

  • Describe the healthcare program or policy outcomes.
  • How was the success of the program or policy measured?
  • How many people were reached by the program or policy selected?
  • How much of an impact was realized with the program or policy selected?
  • At what point in program implementation was the program or policy evaluation conducted?
  • What data was used to conduct the program or policy evaluation?
  • What specific information on unintended consequences was identified?
  • What stakeholders were identified in the evaluation of the program or policy? Who would benefit most from the results and reporting of the program or policy evaluation? Be specific and provide examples.
  • Did the program or policy meet the original intent and objectives? Why or why not?
  • Would you recommend implementing this program or policy in your place of work? Why or why not?
  • Identify at least two ways that you, as a nurse advocate, could become involved in evaluating a program or policy after 1 year of implementation.

week 5 project


Using the Week 5 research template identify the research components, listed on the template. Select a nursing research article from the list below and address each of the following criteria:

If a component is not present in the article, its absence should be discussed.

Identify the research problem.

Identify the research purpose.

Summarize the review of literature.

  • Identify the nursing framework or theoretical perspective. 
  • Identify the research questions and hypotheses.
  • Identify the variables.
  • Identify and discuss the appropriateness of the design.
  • Describe the procedures for data collection
  • Discusses the validity and reliability of the instruments, tools, or surveys.
  • Describe the final sample.
  • Summarize the results including statistical analysis used or other method of analysis.
  • Discuss the significance of the study. Did it resolve the question?
  • Discuss the legal and ethical issues of the study. Include the use of human subjects and their protection.
  • Describe any cultural aspects of the study.
  • Describe how the results of the research may affect future nursing practice.
  • Apply the research to your nursing practice.
  • NOTE: If a component is not addressed, the student receives a zero for that component.
  • (All articles are available in the South University Online Library.)
  • Sousa, J.P., & Santos, M. (2019). Symptom management and hospital readmission in heart failure patients. A qualitative study from Portugal Critical Care Nurse Quarterly 42(1), 81-88.
  • NOTE: Once accessing the article above, you will need to click on the Full Text link in the left navigation bar.

Nurses’ Preparedness and Perceived Competence in Managing Disasters

The Lived Experiences of People with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Phenomenological Study

NOTE: Once accessing the article above, you will need to click on the Full Text link in the left navigation bar.

Zaken, Z.B, Maoz, E., Raizman, E. (2018). Needs of relatives of surgical patients: Perceptions of relatives and medical staff. MEDSURG Nursing 27(2), 110-116.

Need a 12 slide ppt on public health, information below


For this assignment you will be creating a PowerPoint presentation to new hire health care workers in your medical facility. Your presentation will contain two parts to effectively address each topic below: 

Part 1: The safeguarding of patient information 

Part 2: The effects of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (PPACA) on the health care system in the United States

  • In Part I, your goal is to educate new hire health care workers on how to safeguard patients’ medical records and explain to them the legal reporting requirements. You must address each of the following: 
  • Discuss regulations relating to safeguarding health information.

Explain the mandatory contents and legal obligation of providers to maintain accurate medical records.

Explain patient and provider obligations to protect the privacy of health information.

  • Describe the legal defense of an employee accused of mismanaging a patient’s health information.
  • Describe a patient’s legal argument concerning the release of inaccurate information concerning their health to the public.
  • Explain what is meant by legal reporting requirements and identify three reportable events.
  • Part 1 of your presentation should consist of at least six content slides. 
  • In Part 2 of your presentation, you will explain the effects PPACA has had on the health care system in the United States. You must address each of the following:
  • Begin with a brief summary of how health care has been affected by the evolution of the law over time.

Characterize the roles of the major departments within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as they relate to PPACA

Identify five major aims of PPACA.

Discus the impact of the PPACA on the overall health care costs the United States. 

  • Explain how the PPACA has influenced the practice of defensive medicine within U.S. health care programs. Could this practice lead to increased negligence cases? Why or why not?
  • Identify four ways PPACA protects patients.