Managing Innovation in Business



This is where you write the purpose of the report and how the report is structured or organised

The Selected Hospitality Organisation & Hospitality Industry Overview 

Provide a brief overview of the Hospitality industry/sector and then write briefly about the background of your chosen hospitality organisation.

Now trace/map the innovation history of your chosen hospitality organisation to where it is now in terms of innovation development. 

Use of the 4Ps/Dimensions of Innovation Space (product, process, position or paradigm innovation) 

Discuss the type/s of innovation strategies(Radical/Blue Ocean or Incremental Innovation/Red Ocean including Disruptive Innovation)that had been used as the basis for the organisation’s innovationactivities.Briefly ensure to cover some of those factors that drove those innovations you have covered.

  • Note: The mapping of your chosen organisation’s innovation should follow chronological order (e.g. 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010 …..), as those information provide a past innovation history on your chosen organisation to date.
  • The Assessment of the Organisations Existing Innovation Performance 
  • Innovation performance could be assessed using various factors. Therefore, use some of the factors below to assess the organisation’s innovation performance across time and do ensure to provide some statistical data to support the assessment.

Annual spending in research and development (from the organisation’s annual reports)

Number of registered patents / design rights per years

Number of new product launches

  • Profitability and growth rate in market share

In order to arrive at the current situation of the organisation and the hospitality industry, Perform PESTEL Analysis and Porter Five Forces Analysis (Industry Analysis) to identify Opportunities and Threats in the environment that can affect innovation activities.

Now discuss the factors driving innovation within the hospitality industry in 2023.


The Assessment of the Organisation’s Innovation Capabilities (Internal Environment Analysis) 

– Use McKinsey 7S framework to diagnose the innovation capabilities of the organisation

Current situation analysis and Factors driving innovation within the hospitality sector in the year 2023 (External Environment Analysis in the Year 2023) 


Crtical thinking


Performance Management 

A central factor that can determine the effectiveness of a performance management system, of course, is whether an employee’s performance is raised, thereby raising the overall performance (and profitability) of the organization. This is accomplished by ensuring that the performance of an employee is directly tied to the organization’s overall strategic goals/objectives.

In this critical thinking assignment, choose any Saudi Arabian company in which you are familiar (it does not need to be one that you have worked for). Research the specific goals or objectives of the organization over the next 5 years, along with the main principles of a performance management system, and then address the following questions:

Give a brief review of the organization you have chosen.

State the 2-3 most important goals/objectives for the organization over the next five years.

As mentioned above, the key to an effective performance management system is to directly tie organizational goals with an employee’s specific goals. If that employee accomplishes those goals, then the organization has an opportunity (collectively) to reach its overall goals/objectives. Given that statement, choose any position you are familiar with in that organization. They develop 3 goals that the person in that position must accomplish over the next years in order to be successful in their position and, as a result, that would allow the organization to be successful. Below is an example:
EXAMPLE: The goal of the Riyad Bank is to increase its profit margins by 5 percent over the next two years. Therefore, one of the performance goals for the Chief Financial Officer is to develop a strategy that, when implemented, will reduce expenses a minimum of 2 percent in each of the subsequent 3 years.If addressed correctly, students will learn, via the performance management system, to create performance standards that directly tie employee performance to organizational performance.

SPD-581-O500: Research Based Instruction, Remediation, and Intervention in ELA (Intervention Plan)


Professors Instructions:

When teaching ELA, teachers must be mindful of the varying literacy skills and abilities each student possesses and create instruction and learning opportunities that can help students practice their skills, particularly when they are struggling with reading and writing. The ability to structure activities that allow students repeated practice in deficit literacy skill areas can lead to improvements and allow students to become proficient in reading and writing.

Allocate at least 4 hours in the field to support this field experience.

Part 1: Applying Intervention and Remediation Strategies

With the students you identified previously, implement the literacy intervention and remediation activities you designed in “Clinical Field Experience C: Research-Based Intervention and Remediation Strategies.” You should meet with the students at least twice, once to conduct the intervention activity and again to conduct the remediation activity with them so they can improve in the skills deficit areas.

Part 2: Mentor Debriefing

After each of the two sessions in which you implement the intervention and remediation activities, meet with your mentor to discuss and take notes about the following. You will submit a copy of your feedback notes.

Obtain feedback on the effectiveness of your implementation of the literacy intervention and remediation activities.

Discuss the students’ responses to the activities and what was effective in helping students practice their literacy skills.

Identify potential areas for change or improvement in the literacy intervention and remediation activities based on the student response and outcomes.

  • Use any remaining field experience hours to provide support or assistance to the class as directed by your mentor.
  • In a reflection, addressing the following:
  • Describe the results of implementing the literacy intervention and remediation activities with the students.

Reflect on your execution of the literacy intervention and remediation activities and their effectiveness. Include a discussion of both successes and challenges as well as changes you would make if implementing the activities again.

ECPI IBR Police Sullivan Report


Police officers complete reports for every call to which they respond. These reports record important details of an event and are the foundation for ongoing investigations, prosecutions, and supplemental reports. It is then of utmost importance to the officer to be as factual and clear as possible when filling out these reports.

Before you begin, be sure to review the following resources:


After watching the video provided above that involves a routine police call/investigation, use the blank Incident Report Form Download Incident Report Formfrom the fictitious state of Barnett, as well as this List of Codes Download List of Codes to correctly fill out the incident report form for the bank robbery incident above.

Please note that you will need to download the form and open it in Excel in order to see the complete list of codes. In addition, the report form requires you to provide a narrative report, so be sure to follow the rules for a narrative report as discussed previously to complete this part of the assignment.

Do not enter any information in the grayed-out areas of the form. The other areas will either allow you to type text or there will be a drop-down menu where you will select the correct answer based on the materials provided.

Important Note

  1. Use correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Police reports become part of the public record and may be used in court. You want to make a good impression to be considered knowledgeable and reliable.
  2. Consider your audience. Use Standard English (not slang, police codes, or abbreviations) so that anyone reading the report understands the meaning clearly.

Massachusetts Comprehensive Focused SOAP Psychiatric Evaluation Template Reflection question


Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding their chief complaint and symptomology to derive your differential diagnosis? What is the duration and severity of their symptoms? How are their symptoms impacting their functioning in life?

Objective: What observations did you make during the psychiatric assessment?

Assessment: Discuss their mental status examination results. What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a minimum of three possible diagnoses and why you chose them. List them from highest priority to lowest priority. What was your primary diagnosis and why? Describe how your primary diagnosis aligns with DSM-5 diagnostic criteria and supported by the patient’s symptoms.

Plan: In your video, describe your treatment plan using clinical practice guidelines supported by evidence-based practice. Include a discussion on your chosen FDA-approved psychopharmacologic agents and include alternative treatments available and supported by valid research. All treatment choices must have a discussion of your rationale for the choice supported by valid research. What were your follow-up plan and parameters? What referrals would you make or recommend as a result of this treatment session?

In your written plan include all the above as well as include one social determinant of health according to the HealthyPeople 2030 (you will need to research) as applied to this case in the realm of psychiatry and mental health. As a future advanced provider, what are one health promotion activity and one patient education consideration for this patient for improving health disparities and inequities in the realm of psychiatry and mental health? Demonstrate your critical thinking.

Reflection notes: What would you do differently with this patient if you could conduct the session again? If you are able to follow up with your patient, explain whether these interventions were successful and why or why not. If you were not able to conduct a follow up, discuss what your next intervention would be.

DB – Strategic Planning Process


Strategic Planning Process

In this module, you will explore the relationship between strategic planning and the components of the organization’s internal and external environments. You will learn that strategic planning involves the organization’s present and future and also that it provides a guide for organizational activities. In order to analyze a strategic plan, you will need to examine the components of the internal and external environments. You will also explore the importance of developing an organization’s mission and vision statements, and then you will learn how both are utilized to develop the strategic plan and goals.

Discussion Question

Question Requirements:

For this discussion forum, consider a circumstance where poor employee performance was observed in the workplace (or you are familiar, via research, where this occurred in an organization). An example could be the poor performance of a co-worker, excessive absenteeism in the workplace, or disrespect exhibited between/among employees.. 

Briefly discuss the situation you experienced above and present 2 strategies a manager should use to address the poor performance of the employee.

Discuss how you would specifically evaluate the success and/or failure of these recommendations. What tools or models to determine the success/failure of these strategies.


Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate. 

Your initial post should address all components of the question with a 600-word limit.

Learning Outcomes

Evaluate the key elements of internal and external environments affecting strategic planning.

Analyze the components of the strategic planning process in the development of the mission, vision, and the strategic plan and goals.



Chapter 3 in Performance Management: Performance Management and Strategic Planning p. 71-83

Emmanuel, N., & Nwuzor, J. (2021). Employee and organizational performance: Employees perception of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards system. Applied Journal of Economics, Management and Social Sciences, 2(1), 26–32.

leadership DB V



Workplace violence against nurses is a major challenge for healthcare leaders. Common types of violence such as physical harm, sexual abuse, aggression, mobbing and bullying can occur from patients, family and co-workers.

For this discussion, you will use information from your assigned readings, the self-paced tutorial and the literature to discuss the following in a discussion board post.

What impact does workplace violence have on nurses, other clinical staff and the organization as a whole? Be specific and provide rationale.

How is workplace violence addressed in your organization, i.e. policies, protocols, training. Be specific. Is it sufficient? What else could be done?

  • What are the legal and ethical implications for the nurse leader if workplace violence occurs on their unit(s)?
  • Your initial post must be posted before you can view and respond to colleagues, must contain minimum of two (2) references, in addition to examples from your personal experiences to augment the topic. The goal is to make your post interesting and engaging so others will want to read/respond to it. Synthesize and summarize from your resources in order to avoid the use of direct quotes, which can often be dry and boring. No direct quotes are allowed in the discussion board posts.
  • Post a thoughtful response to at least two (2) other colleagues’ initial postings. Responses to colleagues should be supportive and helpful (examples of an acceptable comment are: “This is interesting – in my practice, we treated or resolved (diagnosis or issue) with (x, y, z meds, theory, management principle) and according to the literature…” and add supportive reference. Avoid comments such as “I agree” or “good comment.”

Points: 30


Initial Post: Minimum of two (2) total references: one (1) from required course materials and one (1) from peer-reviewed references.

Response posts: Minimum of one (1) total reference: one (1) from peer-reviewed or course materials reference per response.

ITMG221: Project Planning & Estimating and Scheduling.


Project Planning & Estimating and Scheduling

Project plan is produced during the planning phase. Although planning starts much earlier – even during the concept phase and requirements definition, the plan cannot be finalized until reasonable estimates of schedule and costs are made. The project plan is the formal document that guides execution of a project. Planning occurs through a project, that is, the planning process is dynamic and ongoing and many planning processes will be repeated during the design and execution phases as changes are made in the project.

Many problems can occur in a project if insufficient time is spent planning; the purpose of planning is to prevent those problems from occurring. causes of poor planning may include estimates that are poorly done, exception handling that is grossly misunderstood; requirements that are incomplete, changing or not understood; technical complexity that is misunderstood; old code content that is not known; new requirements that are added or sneaked into the plan; dictated constraints; and inadequate time to do a project job.

Estimating is the bridge from the work break down structure to planning schedules, costs and resources. The basic process of estimating applies to the wide variety of estimates needed in projects, including time estimates for scheduling, cost estimates for budgeting and personnel and equipment estimates for planning resources.

Scheduling a project requires both a scientific and an artistic touch. It requires a scientific touch because the schedule has to reflect the work breakdown structure tasks in a logical and interrelated way to optimize resources across the organization. Scheduling requires an artistic touch because tasks not only are technically dependent ot interrelated but are often politically driven, thus requiring finesse and interpersonal skill.

Discussion Points:

  • What are are some key steps in developing a project schedule?
  • Why is project plan important in a project?
  • Discuss two types of Estimation techniques.

Discussion English


Understanding Visual Rhetoric: A simple beginning definition of visual rhetoric and its applications are as follows:

Use of images as argument

Arrangement of elements on a page

Use of typography (fonts, etc.)

  • Analysis of existing images and visuals
  • Assignment Instructions:
    1. Conduct an online search for relevant/controversial visuals (static or dynamic). Select at least 3.
    2. Reflect on the visuals you have selected and revised, then conduct a rhetorical analysis.
  • Apply the following strategies: 
  • 1. Describe/Observe

First, describe what you see in the visual quite literally. Begin by focusing on colors, shading, shapes, and font if you’re analyzing an advertisement. As you describe them, observe the texture, shape, contour, etc., of each element. For this initial stage, you are simply describing what you observe. Do not look deeper at this point.

2. Respond/Reflect

Next, respond to the ways in which the things you described have impacted you as a viewer. What emotions are evoked from the various shadings and colors in the image? If there are words present, what does the artist’s font selection do for the image? At this stage, you are questioning the elements used so that you may move to the final stage of analysis.

3. Analyze/Question

After you’ve described and reflected upon the various elements of the visual, question what you have noted and decide if there is an argument presented by the visual. This assessment should be made based on what you’ve observed and reflected upon in terms of the image’s content alone. Ask yourself if the arrangement of each item in the visual impacts the message. Could there be something more the creator wants you to gather from this visual besides the obvious? Question the criteria you established in your thesis and introduction to see if it holds up throughout your analysis. Now, you are ready to begin writing a visual rhetorical analysis of your selected image.

Business Accounting/Workplace Conflict


(Original Content Only) (3-page paper) (APA citations) (APA in-text citations only)

Create a 3-page paper that discusses what workplace conflict looks like and how it differs from interpersonal or family conflict. What contribution do the players, leadership, or executive board play in the development of conflict? How might the workplace’s goals play a role in organizational tensions?  Provide one example of conflict in an organization. 

(Original Content Only) (650 Word Post) (APA citations) (In-text citations are a must) (Use the sources listed for citations) (Must include Biblical integration of scripture relating to accounting topic) (Opinion is worth little unless it is supported by quotes and/or paraphrases from the textbooks and professional journals)

Select a well-known company with which you have some familiarity (specify the type of industry). Then, select 1 of the contemporary management techniques listed in Chapter 1 of the Blocher, Juras, & Smith textbook. Why and how do you feel that the contemporary management technique selected would be a positive force in helping the company achieve its critical success factors?

Contemporary management technique: Benchmarking

Sources to be cited: Blocher, E. J., Juras, P. E., & Smith, S. D. (2021). Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis, (9th edition). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill. 

Use to find journal articles

Submit a thread of 650 words directly addressing the discussion prompt. You MUST upload a proper APA Word document as an attachment. 

In your threads synthesize course material and demonstrate critical thinking, graduate-level writing skills, and reflection.

*Cite the textbooks and scholarly articles from professional accounting and business


*Use at least 3 journal articles for the Discussion: Cost Management, Strategy,

Technique, and at least 2 for the Discussion: Cost Estimation and Profit Planning.

* In your presentation, place the primary focus on the management accounting technique

with a secondary emphasis on the chosen company.

*Include Biblical integration in response to each question posed and within your peer