PSY1010 Touchstone 31- Personality Development


Touchstone 3.1: Personality Development

SCENARIO: Monica is a single mom who has a 16-year-old son named Jordan. Monica and Jordan were close at one point. As of late, Monica has been noticing that Jordan spends a lot of time focusing on what his friends think about him. Without his mother’s permission, Jordan recently crawled out of his bedroom window and went to a party when he was supposed to be studying for an exam. Upon his return home, Jordan reeked of alcohol and marijuana and was caught by his mother. Shocked and appalled by her son’s recent behavior, she grounded him for two weeks.

What advice would you give Monica about her son’s recent behavior?

ASSIGNMENT: Using what you learned about the adolescent brain and social development, you will answer questions related to this case study assignment below. Your goals are to help Monica understand why her son makes the choices he does and recommend some strategies that may help solve the problem.

Assignment (use the touchstone response template to answer the questions)

DIRECTIONS: To complete the assignment, you will answer the following four questions in 5-7 sentences each:

  1. What happens inside the brain of a teenager that makes it difficult for Jordan to weigh the risks and rewards of his behavior? Describe how the adolescent brain weighs risk and reward.
  2. Why does it appear that Jordan values the opinion of his peers more than the opinion of his mother? Explain the psychological concepts that may account for why Jordan places value on his peers’ opinions.
  3. What advice would you give Jordan’s mother, Monica, that would teach him how to make better choices and decisions? Discuss a specific strategy that Monica may implement to help her son make better decisions. 
  4. If you were in Monica’s shoes, how would you feel? Explain why a better understanding of Monica’s perspective could result in more constructive advice.

CT M9 MGT 510


Scope of the Modern Company 

In this module, we looked at technology-based industries and the management of innovation. For this week’s assignment, review Case 12: Tesla: Eni SpA: The Corporate Strategy of an International Energy Major, p. 503 (in your textbook). Remember: A case study is a puzzle to be solved, so before reading and answering the specific case study questions, develop your proposed solution by following these five steps:

Read the case study to identify the key issues and underlying issues. These issues are the principles and concepts of the course module, which apply to the situation described in the case study.

Record the facts from the case study which are relevant to the principles and concepts of the module. The case may have extraneous information not relevant to the current course module. Your ability to differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information is an important aspect of case analysis, as it will inform the focus of your answers.

Describe in some detail the actions that would address or correct the situation.

Consider how you would support your solution with examples from experience or current real-life examples or cases from textbooks.

Complete this initial analysis and then read the discussion questions. Typically, you will already have the answers to the questions but with a broader consideration. At this point, you can add the details and/or analytical tools required to solve the case.

Case Study Questions:

How has Eni SpA leveraged innovation to gain a competitive advantage in the global energy market?

What are the determinants of the profitability of Eni SpA’s innovation strategy?

How has Tesla’s innovation strategy contributed to its competitive advantage in the auto industry?

  1. How can Tesla exploit its innovation in electric vehicle technology to expand into new markets?
  2. What key success factors have changed in the auto industry due to the rapid evolution of technology, and how has Tesla adapted to these changes?

Week 4 Assignmment


Mr. Lee operates a green grocery in a building he owns in one of the outer boroughs of New York City. Recently, a large chemical firm offered him a position as a senior engineer designing plants for its Asian operations. (Mr. Lee has a master’s degree in chemical engineering.) His salary plus benefits would be $95,000 per year. A recent annual financial statement of his store’s operations indicates the following:

Revenue $625,000

Cost of goods sold 325,000

Wages of workers 75,000

Taxes, insurance, maintenance, 


?and depreciation on building 

Interest on business loan (10%) 5,000

Other miscellaneous expenses 15,000

Profit before taxes $175,000

If Mr. Lee decides to take the job, he knows that he can sell the store for $350,000 because of the goodwill built with a steady clientele of neighborhood customers and the excellent location of the building. He would still hold on to the building, however, and he knows he could earn a rent of $50,000 on this asset. If he did sell the business, assume he would use some of the proceeds from the sale to pay off his business loan of $50,000. He could then invest the difference of $300,000 (i.e., $350,000 ? $50,000) and expect to receive an annual return of 9 percent. Should Mr. Lee sell his business and go to work for the chemical company?

In answering this question, also consider the following information:

In his own business, Mr. Lee works between 16 and 18 hours a day, 6 days a week. He can expect to work between 10 and 12 hours a day, 5 days a week, in the chemical company.

Currently, Mr. Lee is assisted by his wife and his brother, both of whom receive no salary but share in the profits of the business.

Mr. Lee expects his salary and the profits of his business to increase at roughly the same rate over the next 5 years. 

Clinical psychology Capella University locate and summarize



Note: Synthesizing the evaluation of test technical quality requires specific steps that must be carried out in a certain order. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.

Professionals in the field must be able to administer and interpret tests to establish a diagnosis and determine a treatment plan. Before a test is selected, test users must be knowledgeable of the technical quality (reliability and validity) of the tests they use. Test users should only use instruments with adequate reliability and validity.

In this assessment, you will complete a deeper analysis of the technical quality of your three selected tests from Assessment 1 by focusing on reliability and validity evidence. To complete this assessment, you will draw upon your knowledge about psychometrics in general and reliability and validity in particular.


Download the Assessment 2 Template: Evaluation of Technical Quality [DOCX] and use it as the basis of your assessment. The template contains instructions to guide you through each element of the assessment.

For this assessment, you will conduct a deeper analysis of the technical quality of the three tests you selected for Assessment 1.


For Assessment 1, you selected three standardized tests from one category that have relevance to your specialization or a related profession. Assessment 1 focused on the purpose, contents and constructs assessed, norms, and required training of psychological tests. For this assessment, you will complete a deeper analysis of the technical quality of your three selected tests by focusing on reliability and validity evidence. To complete this assessment, you will draw upon your knowledge about psychometrics in general and reliability and validity in particular. You are encouraged to use the PSY-FP7610 Tests and Measurements Library Guide to assist your search.

Week 8 case study 2


Students should choose one to complete from the following case studies. Note: All case studies are provided as a learning tool for students who wish to have them.

Case 1

A 35-year-old, healthy White male is complaining of right-sided, low back pain for 1 day. The pain began suddenly after lifting a box weighting 35 lbs. at work. The pain radiates down the back of his leg to his right ankle. He has tried ibuprofen and ice without relief. His pain is an 8 out of 10 (with 0 being no pain and 10 being the worst pain). He denies bowel or bladder dysfunction, paresthesia, motor weakness, or fever.

    • Past medical/surgical history: no major medical illnesses; no surgical history; no previous hospitalizations.
    • Social history: has smoked 1 pack of cigarettes a day for 15 years.
    • Medications: none.
    • Allergies: no known drug allergies.
    • Vital signs: temperature 98.7°F; pulse 90 beats per minute; respirations 18 per minute; blood pressure 126/78 mmHg; pulse oximeter 100%.

Physical examination revealed a well-nourished adult male without any acute distress. Significant right paraspinal tenderness at L4–L5 was present with no midline tenderness. Straight leg raise was positive at 30° to the right lower extremity. Straight leg raise was negative to the left lower extremity. The remainder of musculoskeletal examination was unremarkable (e.g., deep tendon reflexes, strength, and sensation). Other systems examinations were unremarkable (e.g., heart, lungs, etc.).

Answer the following questions based on the Case 1.

  1. What are your differential diagnoses? What are subjective and objective findings consistent with the various differentials for low back pain?
  2. Would you consider imaging for this patient? If so, what imaging would be recommended and why?
  3. What are the red flags of low back pain?
  4. What are treatment strategies for this patient? What education would be provided to the patient?
  5. When should you refer this patient to a specialist?

FINC 330 6981 Business Finance (2242)



Step 1: Read the articles. These articles contain examples of evaluating P/E ratio. You will be using these examples to answer the questions listed at the bottom of the topic QUESTION.

P/E10 October Update: Is The Stock Market Expensive? by Jennifer Nash, November 1, 2023

Will the real P/E ratio please stand up? by Mark Hulbert, October 23, 2023

Step 2:

You must use the company assigned for you for the project.

Your assignment:

Please also note that your answers should be written in your own words. Don’t use quotes from the articles. 

  1. You are expected to make your own contribution in a main topic as well as respond with value added comments to at least two of your classmates as well as to your instructor.

For this question we will be using P/E ratio.

1. Use Morningstar or Marketwatch, enter the desired stock symbol to get to the company’s front page.  Find P/E ratio is listed on the company’s page or calculate it.

  1. Compare the P/E ratio of your company with the industry average or with major competitors. Is there a difference between these numbers? Is the stock overvalued, undervalued, or properly valued? Why?  In accordance with your findings, is it reasonable to buy the stock? Please explain your answers.

2. Reflection the students also should include a paragraph in the initial response in their own words reflecting on specifically what they learned from the assignment and how they think they could apply what they learned in the workplace.

In your responses to other students, please look through the postings of your classmates. Compare your conclusion based on your market ratio analysis with the P/E ratio analysis results of other students. Does it change your decision to buy the stock of the company assigned to you for the project?

Answer the question form the reading


The reading :

Authoritarian Regimes •Types of Authoritarian Regimes & The Logic of Authoritarianism

o Milan W. Svolik, The Politics of Authoritarian Rule (New York: Cambridge University Press,
2012), Chapters 1 and 2, pgs. 1-45.

o Steven Levitsky and Lucan A. Way, “Elections Without Democracy: The Rise of
Competitive Authoritarianism,” Journal of Democracy. 2002, Vol. 13, No. 2, pgs. 51-65.

o Barbara Geddes, Erica Frantz, & Joseph G. Wright, “Military Rule,” Annual Review of
Political Science. 2014, Vol. 17, pgs. 147-62.

• Studying Authoritarian Regimes

o Yuhua Wang, “Institutions and Bribery in an Authoritarian State,” Studies in Comparative
International Development. 2014, Vol. 49, No. 2, pgs. 217-241.

o Sebastian Hellmeier and Nils B. Weidmann, “Pulling the Strings? The Strategic Use of Pro-
Government Mobilization in Authoritarian Regimes,” Comparative Political Studies. 2020,
Vol. 53, No. 1, pgs. 71-108.

and here is the questions that you should answer 

1. What is an authoritarian regime? What are the different types of authoritarian regimes we have read this week?
2. Is an authoritarian regime different from a competitive authoritarian regime? If yes, how does it differ?
3. What are the two entrenched problems of authoritarian rule regarding the regime stability discussed by Svolik (2012) in his book?
4. How do the inherent dilemmas make a regime crisis in a competitive authoritarian rule?
5. How will you define military rule as one of the forms of authoritarian governance? Do military dictatorships act differently than civilian-led dictatorships?
6. Do the military strongmen behave differently than the military regimes to tackle the crisis in governing the states?
7. Please explain which institutional factors we have read in Wang’s (2013) article influence bribery between firms and public officials in an authoritarian state? Can we generalize the findings of Wang’s (2013) study to other parts of the world?
8. How do the pro-government rallies in authoritarian rule maintain the regime stability? What are the costs and risks of pro-government mobilization faced by the authoritarian rulers?

BCC planning discussion


In my previous field placement, I had the privilege of working with a fantastic field instructor who had a unique hands on approach to teaching. One of the essential elements that contributed to my learning the most was her willingness to go out into the field with us and take on new tasks without any hesitation. For example, when we were tasked with contacting clients’ family members to provide them with free glasses, my instructor would demonstrate the right way to reach out to clients on the phone, providing us with valuable guidance. Then, as a student, I had the opportunity to practice reaching out to clients myself, putting my newly acquired skills to the test.

Another approach my instructor took was to provide us with a PowerPoint presentation on the demographics of the clients we served. This was incredibly beneficial as it prepared us for how to communicate with our clients effectively. Lastly, I found that participating in professional development days and site visits was an invaluable experience. It gave me an opportunity to learn more about the operation of domestic violence shelters, for example, and how they are run. Overall, my field instructor’s hands-on approach to teaching and willingness to take us out into the field greatly contributed to my learning experience.

During my time in the field, I was fortunate enough to not encounter any negative experiences. However, there was one emotional moment that caught me off guard. While I was on a field placement, one of my clients unexpectedly passed away. This was a situation that had not been discussed in my classes yet, so I felt unprepared to deal with it. It was a difficult time, but it taught me how to navigate life situations like this. Looking back, I wish I had been better prepared for such an event.(Tiffany)

R program questions


Problem #1. (15 pts)

Use the “College” data set from the package “ISLR”, do the following:

  1. Get familiar with the data set. How many variables the data set has? What is the class of the variable “Private”? (3 pt)
  2. Add a new column “Enroll.rate” which is the ratio of Enroll v.s. Accept, to the data set. (4 pts)
  3. What are the top 10 Universities in terms of “Enroll.rate” (highest student enrollment ratio)? (4 pts)
  4. Get a new data frame “Mysubset” with all rows with an “Outstate” fee between 8000-9000 USD. (4 pts)

Problem #2. (12 pts)

Download and import the csv file “R_Data_Hack_Problem2” from Canvas under Module R Data Hack and rename it as “testdata”. Can you reject the hypothesis that the mean of “Fertility Rate” in 2013 is greater than in 1960 based on 99% confidence interval? Explain your rationale. (6 pts) Is it appropriate to use t test for this problem and why? (2 pts) Can you assume equal variance for the two groups? (2 pts) Clearly state your H0 and H1. (2 pt)

Problem #3. (18 pts)

Use set.seed(194) to generate the data set mydata = rep(sin(seq(0,10,length.out = 25)),4) + rnorm(25*4), and do the following:

1. Create ‘myts’ which is a monthly time series of ‘mydata’, starting from June of 2014. (3 pts)
2. Plot the data, and explain the statistical characters of the data. (2 pts)
3. Use 80% of the data as the training set and the rest as the test set. (3 pts)
4. Set up two forecasting models using the Average method and the Drift method with the training set. (2 pts)
5. Get a plot with the two forecasts of the models, and add a legend. (2 pts)

6. Get the error measures of the two forecast methods and compare them in terms of the training set and test set; Which method looks more promising? Explain your rationale. (6 pts)

Medicine Wheel


What have we learned from each direction about this issue?

What changes will we make as a result of this discussion?

What inner qualities must be cultivated as we make these changes?

How can we stay true to our commitments?

Option 2: Introspection/imaginary group setting

Set  up a quiet space and create an optimal environment for introspection.  Choose a time to hold each question in mind, sitting quietly for at  least five minutes and allowing responses to come to you. If it helps,  you can visualize asking the questions of a group from the community.  Write down your impressions afterward on a separate paper or document.  You may complete all four directions at once or break them up. For the  center, hold the questions above in mind as you visualize yourself  standing in the center of the Medicine Wheel.

To complete the  written assignment, include a title page in APA format, a QUESTION of  the issue you chose to focus on, the Medicine Wheel on a separate age,  all of the questions and responses to those questions from your group  meeting or your introspection. Conclude with your comments on what you  found valuable and challenging as you went through this process, and how  you might see yourself using this method in social work practice with a  colonized community.

Grading Criteria

Your assignment will be graded based on following criteria:

CriteriaPointsQUESTIONMedicine Wheel/Questions15Medicine Wheel is clearly designed with appropriate labels, colors, and questions for each direction.Four Directions: Insights/Actions50

Insights express understanding of conditions of oppression and liberation.

Actions fit with the goals of the group and with decolonization praxis.

Center: Integration of Four Directions25Responses to the three questions are meaningful and integrate insights and actions from the four directions.Process Commentary and Application25QUESTION  of introspective process or group process meaningfully captures  complexity of the issue and reflects thoughtfully on application of  process to colonized communities.Clarity of Writing/APA format10