airizona college of nursing question


question 1.Instructions

Please provide a 250-500 word reflective response to the following questions: 

Reflect on the role of spirituality in your life past and present. Define what being spiritual is to you. How would you define your worldview? Reflect on how your spirituality (whatever you define that) informs your worldview. How will it inform your professional life? What “rituals” have been handed down, will you continue, and pass on

question 2. Instructions

Please provide a reflective response to the following question: 

What rules can be followed by someone dedicated to the truth?

This activity is designed to assist students in the process of developing personal and professional ethics as they become more adept and competent at communicating with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. Evaluate the following arbitrary rules of interaction: 

First, never speak about a falsehood. 

Second, bear in mind that the act of withholding the truth is always potentially a lie; and that in each instance in which the truth is withheld, a significant moral decision is required.  

Third, the decision to withhold the truth should never be based on personal needs, such as a need for power, a need to be liked, or a need for protection from challenge.

Fourth, and conversely, the decision to withhold the truth must always be based entirely upon the needs of the person or people from whom the truth is being withheld.

Fifth, the assessment of another’s needs is an act of responsibility, which is so complex that it can only be executed wisely when one operates with genuine love for the other.

Sixth, the primary factor in the assessment of another’s needs is the assessment of that person’s capacity to utilize the truth for his or her own spiritual growth.  

Finally, in assessing the capacity of another to utilize the truth for spiritual growth, it should be borne in mind that our tendency is to underestimate rather than overestimate this capacity.

Analysis and discussion


Answer the following questions based on the review and practice guide:

Discuss the concepts that were most challenging for you in the readings and review material. How did the practice exercises help clarify these?

What did you learn that will help you analyze LGI’s cost structure to increase its productivity and put the company on a path to a sustainable future?

  1. This one is the excel workbook
  2. Your team has provided you with an Excel workbook containing LGI’s financials. You will use the workbook to

Determine how LGI can strengthen EBITDA

Discover ways for LGI to increase productivity

Perform cost calculations in the worksheets 

  • Complete the analysis calculation for the project:
  • Download the Project 3 Excel Workbook, click the Instructions tab, and read the instructions.
  • Calculate and evaluate costs using the worksheets.

If you would like instructor feedback on this step, follow the instructions in the box below to submit your Excel file to the Assignments folder as a milestone by the end of Week 5. This is optional. If you choose to submit the milestone, you will receive instructor feedback you may use to make corrections before submitting your final Project 3. To distinguish the milestone submission from the file you will submit in Step 5, label your file as follows: P3_milestone_lastname_Calculation_date

You have developed an in-depth understanding of LGI’s operating efficiency related to costing and the impact on EBITDA. You feel confident that your target revenue combined with a better mix of fixed and variable costs will positively boost LGI’s productivity, providing the company with a competitive edge. LGI will finally be on a path toward a sustainable future. Answer the questions in the Project 3 Questions Report Template document. Prepare your analysis report including recommendations for how the company can improve its financial situation.

  • Complete the analysis report for the project:

Download the Project 3 Questions Report Template

  • Read the instructions.
  • Answer all the questions.

Include your recommendations.

NURS 6630C: Psychopharm


Select a vulnerable patient from the list provided.

Consider age, birth-assigned sex, FDA approvals, and risk and side-effect consideration.

  • Select the most appropriate medication for your selected patient based upon the information provided
  • Conduct research through the FDA website
  • Patient selected: 16-year-old male with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder, severe. He has seen a therapist weekly for the past 6 months and has had minimal change in symptoms. He has expressed thoughts of wanting to die
  • *Create a Medication Guide for a patient. In your guide, you should provide the following specific instructions for the patient:

Describe the chosen classification of medications, from the classification category, for your chosen vulnerable patient. Explain your rationale for your choice.

  • Explain what dose you would start the chosen medication with and the frequency.

Discuss how the medication works to treat their symptoms.

  • Explain how long they should take the medication.

Discuss the typical or common side effects of the medication.

Explain the urgent or emergent considerations for the patient taking the medication.

The Medication Guide should also include:

  • Directions you would provide the patient on how to take the prescribed medication
  • Instructions on what the patient should do if a medication dose is missed
  • List of any other medications, over-the-counter medications, and/or supplements/herbals the patient should avoid while taking the prescribed medication
  • List of foods the patient should avoid when taking this medication
  • Date when the patient should return for follow-up visit with you
  • Discussion about the legal and ethical considerations for the medication being prescribed
  • Answers in consideration of Social Determinants of Health on how you would:

Assist the patient who cannot not afford to pay financially for the medication you are recommending/prescribing; and/or

  • Has difficulty with transportation that impacts their ability to present for regular appointments with you
  • Discuss how financial hardship and lack of transportation could relate to Social Determinants of Health, as well as why they are important considerations for you as a prescriber.. 

strategy planing CT3


Critical Thinking Assignment (100 points):           Scope of the Modern CompanyIn this module,

we looked at technology-based industries and the management of innovation. For this week’s assignment, review Case 12: Tesla: Eni SpA: The Corporate Strategy of an International Energy Major, p. 503 (in your textbook). Remember: A case study is a puzzle to be solved, so before reading and answering the specific case study questions, develop your proposed solution by following these five steps:

  1. Read the case study to identify the key issues and underlying issues. These issues are the principles and concepts of the course module, which apply to the situation described in the case study.

Record the facts from the case study which are relevant to the principles and concepts of the module. The case may have extraneous information not relevant to the current course module. Your ability to differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information is an important aspect of case analysis, as it will inform the focus of your answers.

  1. Describe in some detail the actions that would address or correct the situation.

Consider how you would support your solution with examples from experience or current real-lifeexamples or cases from textbooks.

Complete this initial analysis and then read the discussion questions. Typically, you will already have theanswers to the questions but with a broader consideration. At this point, you can add the details and/or analytical tools required to solve the case.

Case Study Questions:

How has Eni SpA leveraged innovation to gain a competitive advantage in the global energy market?

What are the determinants of the profitability of Eni SpA’s innovation strategy?

How has Tesla’s innovation strategy contributed to its competitive advantage in the auto industry?

How can Tesla exploit its innovation in electric vehicle technology to expand into new markets?

  1. What key success factors have changed in the auto industry due to the rapid evolution of technology, and how has Tesla adapted to these changes?

Procedures and Evidence



Step 1: Read the following case study:

A nurse has an order to complete a procedure on a patient. After reading the procedure, the nurse notices that it is not best practice and it has not been updated for 6 years. The nurse takes this issue to the nurse leader (charge nurse) and the nurse manager (unit manager).

Step 2: Your first post is based on the first letter of your last name. For example, if your last name is Smith, you would answer the nurse manager question. Please review the differences in these roles before posting.

The First Letter of your NameQuestion to AnswerA – M

What would you do as a nurse leader if your policy or procedure conflicts with the most recent evidence? Describe your response to this nurse. 

Why is it important to update policies and procedures? What are the risks if they are outdated?

What is your role as a nurse leader in assuring policies or procedures are up to date? 

N – Z

What would you do as a nurse manager if your policy or procedure conflicts with the most recent evidence? Describe your response to this nurse. 

Why is it important to update policies and procedures? What are the risks if they are outdated?

What is your role as a nurse manager in assuring policies or procedures are up to date? 

Your discussion post should look like:

Paragraph one: What would you do as a nurse leader or nurse manager (depending on your last name) if your policy or procedure conflicts with the most recent evidence? Describe your response to this nurse. 

Paragraph two: Why is it important to update policies and procedures? What are the risks if they are outdated?

Paragraph three: What is your role as a nurse leader or nurse manager (depending on your last name) in assuring policies or procedures are up to date? 

Resources: Where did you find your data?

ENG 190 module two



The research process is an important part of writing a persuasive essay. As you begin your independent research and gather sources to support your topic, part of the research process is assessing your sources for bias and considering how bias in your sources will impact your persuasive essay argument. As you consider bias in your sources, remember that bias is a prejudice for or against something, and bias can be positive or negative.


In this journal assignment, you will start by reiterating your topic and research question and identifying your audience. Then, you will share two sources from your independent research and examine them for bias.

Specifically, you must address the following:

List credible and relevant sources you found in the Shapiro Library during your independent research. 

Include two sources that you find from your independent research.

  1. Include the link to both sources. Alternatively, you can practice using attribution conventions to cite sources by writing a citation for each source using APA or MLA conventions. While you will not be graded on the accuracy of this citation, this is a great opportunity to practice citing sources using the citation format you chose to use in this course. Remember, you will need to use the format you chose in Module One for the duration of the course, including all assignments and the project.

Evaluate your sources

Describe how each source supports your topic and how it can help answer your research question.

Discuss why you trust the credibility of your sources and/or what questions or doubts you have about the information presented in your sources.

  1. Discuss how you think your audience will view the credibility of your sources for your argument.
  2. Explain the bias found in each source. 
  3. Explain how the bias or lack of bias in each source impacts your argument.

Explain how you think your audience will respond to the bias or lack of bias in each source.

2 question



Please provide a 250-500 word reflective response to the following questions:

Reflect on the role of spirituality in your life past and present. Define what being spiritual is to you. How would you define your worldview? Reflect on how your spirituality (whatever you define that) informs your worldview. How will it inform your professional life? What “rituals” have been handed down, will you continue, and pass on

question 2. Instructions

Please provide a reflective response to the following question:

What rules can be followed by someone dedicated to the truth?

This activity is designed to assist students in the process of developing personal and professional ethics as they become more adept and competent at communicating with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. Evaluate the following arbitrary rules of interaction:

  • First, never speak about a falsehood.
  • Second, bear in mind that the act of withholding the truth is always potentially a lie; and that in each instance in which the truth is withheld, a significant moral decision is required.
  • Third, the decision to withhold the truth should never be based on personal needs, such as a need for power, a need to be liked, or a need for protection from challenge.
  • Fourth, and conversely, the decision to withhold the truth must always be based entirely upon the needs of the person or people from whom the truth is being withheld.
  • Fifth, the assessment of another’s needs is an act of responsibility, which is so complex that it can only be executed wisely when one operates with genuine love for the other.
  • Sixth, the primary factor in the assessment of another’s needs is the assessment of that person’s capacity to utilize the truth for his or her own spiritual growth.
  • Finally, in assessing the capacity of another to utilize the truth for spiritual growth, it should be borne in mind that our tendency is to underestimate rather than overestimate this capacity.

Wilkes University discussion response


The Center for Disease Control shows death rates for various races and ethnicities (2022). They report that heart disease is the number one killer across all races and ethnicities, except for non-Hispanic Asians. Their number one killer is cancer. Hispanics follow the norm when all races and origins are considered. The top three being heart disease, cancer, and unintentional injuries.

The data can be extrapolated further when accounting for ethnicity, economic status and whether they live in an urban or rural environment. Probst et al, found that mortality is higher for all rural residents across all racial/ethnic categories, including Hispanics (2020).

Because of the increased risk for cardiac death in Hispanics, Melton et al. (2018) encourage nurse practitioners to increase their cultural knowledge and competency when working with this specific population. Rapid expansion of the Hispanic population puts them as the fastest growing population growth, but culturally they experience several obstacles to care. Some of these include the patient’s lack of insurance, forgo of care due to cost, and low health literacy due to limited English proficiency. Understanding these barriers could lead to better care for the population. Other cultural influences that advanced practice nurses should be aware of are “familismo”, specific gender roles, and alternative medications and therapies. In order to treat these patients suitably the nurse should be aware and understand that medical decisions often includes family and extended family, with many individuals giving advice and opinions. Machismo leads to very specific gender roles and even declination of care by males for fear of appearing weak and being accompanied by female family members. Alternative medicine can be a common occurrence in the Hispanic community. A nurse should become accustomed to inquiring about usage of herbs, special diets and hot/cold therapy. Some Hispanics use a traditional healer and their interventions should also be considered and discussed.

Leadership Formatio


Pastoral or Designated Leadership Interview and Report
In this assignment, you will have an opportunity to talk about spiritual authority with a church leade


Step 2: Once the interview has been conducted, discuss your findings in a written 3-4 page report (not counting the title page). Use the Interview Report Template. Include the following sections. (Each section should be a ½ page in length.)

1. Introduction: Introduce the person you interviewed. Share basic background information regarding their role as a leader in your local church body.

2. Body: Incorporate information from the interview responses.
a. Paragraph 1: Leadership Styles
i. Which type of the four following leadership styles do you feel that you primarily operate in (spiritual, visionary, intrapreneurial, or servant)? Why?
ii. Which leadership style do you feel is most effective in supporting spiritual authority in the setting of a church body?
b. Paragraph 2: Church Governance
i. What are some of the responsibilities of a Spirit-Led leader?
ii. How do these responsibilities correlate to church governance?
iii. What are some of the delegated authorities in your local church body?
c. Paragraph 3: Rebellion and Obedience
i. Have you ever had an experience where blatant rebellion affected your local congregation? If so, what were some of the repercussions of that situation?
ii. How can those who are followers avoid the pitfalls of rebellion against spiritual authority?
iii. What is the value of an obedient “follower” or saint to a man of God or church leadership?
d. Paragraph 4: Practical Application of Spiritual Authority
i. In his book, Spiritual Authority, Watchman Nee makes the statement: “The church suffers from many who do not know how to obey, but she is likewise damaged through some who have not learned how to be in authority.” What are your thoughts on this?
ii. What are some ways that I can be a blessing to my local assembly in support of the spiritual authority of this church body?

Keller Précis



Keller Précis

A précis is a concise, accurate exposition of the author’s view(s) in a particular essay (such as a chapter, or a key portion of a text). For the purposes of this assignment you will synthesize and summarize the content of each chapter in “The Reason for God”, and then interact with the argument(s) made in ONE chapter of your choice on the subsequent page. This is to be your work, not the work of the collective powers of the internet. Read it, think about it, summarize it  The first three pages are to be limited to exposition, and page four is to be limited to your interaction with, and assessment of, the author’s views in ONE chapter of your choice. In the first three pages, use the title of each chapter as a heading to introduce the chapter as a new section on the page. In the fourth/fith page, be careful not to merely give another summary of what the author is saying. Your interacWon with the content should include a brief statement of why you chose that particular topic/chapter with which to interact. Four total pages is sufficient, but five is permited.

The purpose of this assignment is to help you with argumentative writing. It will (1) help you concisely, yet accurately, represent an author’s views, and (2) help you assess them. Being both concise and precise are more challenging than it seems, and is an important skill. You do not need to use footnotes, but if you quote some material (this takes up a lot of space, so do only on a limited basis), give an in-text page reference in parentheses; e.g., (95). A simple heading is fine: just your name, then “Précis” followed by the author’s name and the book’s title. Use just 2 lines to do that. You will need the space.