Objective: This assignment is designed to help you articulate the challenges associated with providing social work to students in schools. 

*Reflect on the below event involving a student, as a school social worker what may prompt you to respond in a manner that is different from what other staff such as the school teachers, administrators, or nurses might expect?

*Consider the Code of Ethics: “Best interest of the child(ren)” who may be experiencing challenges based on race, ethnicity, disability, gender identity, or sexual orientation. 

Example Event:

This is only an example.  

A first grade student comes to school wearing oversized clothing and smells of cat urine.  The child’s siblings are older and all appear to be dressed in size appropriate attire; however, they, too, smell of cat urine. The class teacher complains of the smell and appearance of the child and complains to you and the vice-principal that the student’s condition is both heartbreaking and a cause of disruption to other students in the class.  Both the teacher and the vice-principal believe you should immediately report this to Child Welfare Services (CWS).  You believe you should speak with the child and perhaps the siblings and parents to get a clearer picture of what may be occurring as this does not sound as if it a suspicion of abuse or neglect yet. In addition, you know by law that teachers are not allowed to defer their duty to report and, if a report should be made, it should be from the teacher who has first hand knowledge of the concern. 


How would you address this? Remember the sociological imagination and taking on a broader perspective than “judging” the individual.

Provide feedback to at least two of your group members using correct grammar and sentence structure.  Responses must demonstrate insight and foster continued learning.  Responses that are short and  do not demonstrate effort, such as simply stating “Good idea. I agree,” will not receive full points. 

Develop a solution to a specific ethical dilemma faced by a health care professional by applying ethical principles.


Assessment 03 Applying Ethical Principles
For this assessment, you will develop a solution to a specific ethical dilemma faced by a health
care professional. Before you complete the instructions detailed in the courseroom, first select
one of the ethical dilemmas below to be the focus of your assessment.
After you have selected one of the ethical dilemmas from below, return to the detailed
instructions in the courseroom to complete your assessment.

Case Study: End-of-Life Care for a Minor
Timothy Collins, a vibrant 16-year-old high school junior known for his passion for music and
soccer, has been battling an aggressive form of leukemia for two years. Despite the initial hope
and a brief period of remission, recent tests have shown that the leukemia cells have multiplied
aggressively. The prognosis is grim.
After enduring multiple rounds of chemotherapy, bone marrow transplants, and countless
hospital stays, Timothy, weary from the side effects and the emotional toll of the disease,
expresses a wish to his primary oncologist, Dr. Angela Foster, to discontinue his treatments. He
has been researching and wishes to enter hospice care, hoping to spend his remaining time in
the comfort of his home, surrounded by his loved ones.
His parents, Mr. Robert Collins, a bank manager, and Mrs. Lydia Collins, a schoolteacher, are
devastated by Timothy’s decision. They have been tirelessly researching and believe that a new
experimental treatment overseas might offer a glimmer of hope. They cannot fathom giving up
and want to explore every possible avenue to save their only child.
Dr. Angela Foster, a seasoned oncologist with over 20 years of experience, finds herself in one
of the most challenging situations of her career. She deeply respects Timothy’s maturity and his
right to have a say in his care. However, she also understands the desperation and pain of the
Collins family. The principles of beneficence and autonomy are at odds in this situation. While
she wants to act in the best interest of Timothy, she also recognizes the rights of the parents
and their wishes for their minor son.

M3: Healthcare Data Based Management and Workflow Design PT 2


Introduction to the Assignment

This is a continuation from the Module 3 Database Management assignment. 

A workflow design is a diagram illustration of the actions and steps in a prescribed sequence. Workflow design is used to show the steps of a process. 

In this portion of the project, we will use the scenario and data from Module 3. We will analyze the data, make recommendations based on the findings, create a workflow design based on 1 of the recommendations, and reflect on lessons learned. The information will be added to the slide presentation from Module 3.

Skill Building Resources

Review and use the information provided in the Skill-Building and Practice section located after the Getting Started Module.

Scenario: (My Program is MSN in Nursing Leadership)

MSN Administration Students

  • MSN Students Other Programs

As a nurse leader, you received information that there is an increasing number of adverse drug events in the organization, and the President of the organization requested a report showing the current data. Before developing a quality improvement initiative, you must first determine the reasons for the adverse drug events. You will need to compile and analyze the data for the report.


1. Please read the instructions and the rubric carefully! Use the feedback from the module 3 assignment to incorporate into the module 4 assignment. 

2. Using the slide presentation from Module 3 and add slides at the end for the following topics:

Analysis of Findings

Review the data in the graph and tables

Identify 3 or more observations/findings based on the data


Review the observations/findings that you identified

Identify are 3 or more recommendations to address the findings you observed

Review the literature and include 2 or more journals supporting your recommendations. 

Workflow Design  

Create a workflow design based on at least 1 recommendation you identified

Use a variety of basic shapes, lines, and connectors 

Show the points/locations (using color or symbols) in the workflow indicating the use of technology in the process

Provide a key/legend to show the colors, shapes, identify the technology



Background: Computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems enable businesses to design and manufacture unique products to differentiate themselves in the marketplace. Supply chain management (SCM) systems can improve efficiency and reduce costs if a business has many suppliers and products. Customer relationship management (CRM) systems enable businesses to manage customer information better to develop deeper relationships. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems help to manage resources (e.g., finance, inventory, human resources) to improve the efficiency of business operations.

Assignment: This assignment aims to demonstrate how upgrading a system can contribute to the value chain and influence the business strategy.

Given your company and its generic business strategy from Week 1, if that organization can afford only one major system upgrade at this time, describe how one of the following types of systems could contribute to the value chain of your company and influence its business strategy—choose either: a computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) system, a supply chain management (SCM) system, a customer relationship management (CRM) system, or an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. Even though your company may use many types of systems, focus on the one (CAD/CAM, SCM, CRM, or ERP) that is most important for its business strategy.

Create a professional PowerPoint presentation for the business team in your company recommending a system upgrade. Make sure you remind your business team of the generic strategy and how the proposed system will enhance that strategy.

Describe how the new type of system will work.

Use the Porter value chain model to identify the areas impacted. 

Present what business improvements your company could make with the new system.

  1. Identify the types of people in the company who would use or be impacted by the software you are proposing.
  2. Use the Porter five forces model to show how the new system could impact your company’s competitive advantage. Although a cost/benefit analysis would typically be included in this type of presentation, that is not required for this assignment.

Special Education Research and Demographics


For this assignment, you complete a demographic review of the diverse learners within your district including the percentage of students with IEPs by race, the percentage of students with various special education eligibility categories and the percentage of students with IEPS in the least restrictive environment by examining your School Report Card and IStar data (ask your Special Education District Administration) for more detailed data from ISTAR). Now that you have collected all of this data, analyze it, and answer the following questions with appropriate APA in-cite citations and reference list as appropriate. 

1. From a district perspective, what demographic trends did you notice? Be specific. What generalizations can be made in regard to the data? (Table 1)

2. Discuss specifically the data trends you observe for each IEP student demographic (table 1),  by each specific special education eligibility category (table 2), and general education environment percentage (table 3). After analyzing the data, what generalizations can be made in regard to your IEP student population and disability category subgroups? What strengths might you infer based on this data? What weaknesses might you infer based on this data? Be sure to include strengths and weaknesses for each of the three tables.

3. As a future Superintendent, what would be some areas you would want to address to improve services for students with disabilities?  What possible recommendations would you make to the Board of Education?  How do these recommendations align with the Strategic Plan of the District? 

4. Prepare a Board Presentation using Google Presentation to include a summary of District’s strengths and weaknesses, plan to address weaknesses, recommendations to improve, and potential impact on the budget.                                                                     I uploaded what I have written so far. Please help me complete this assignment. I also uploaded a model paper that was given to the class by the professor.                                                                                  Resources:  https://www.mdek12.org/sites/default/files/Offices… https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/docum… https://msrc.mdek12.org/entity?EntityID=2500-000&S… https://data.census.gov/profile/Hinds_County,_Miss…         https://www.usnews.com/education/k12/mississippi/districts/hinds-co-school-dist-110704#:~:text=Students%20at%20Hinds%20County%20School,Hawaiian%20or%20other%20Pacific%20Islander.                   https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/hinds… https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/districtsearch/district_de… 

Recruitment and Selection Plan


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Recruitment & Selection Plan

In this assignment you will prepare a recruitment plan for a project associate position at State University.  You will use the attached job QUESTION – QUESTION and recruitment plan template as a guide.


You are a Consulting Recruiter with XYZ Recruitment, Inc. You have been contracted by “State University” to assist them with the recruitment and selection of a Project Associate for the university. A job QUESTION – QUESTION for this position is attached to assist you with the development of your recruitment plan. 

For this assignment, create a recruitment grid (see attached template) and a PowerPoint presentation for the HR team of the university that details your recruitment strategy, QUESTION – QUESTION, and tactics. Your presentation must be a minimum of 12 slides, and no more than 15 substantive slides.

Review the article below for examples of information you may wish to include in your grid or presentation:

Maurer, R. (2015). Assessing Your Recruiting Function for Compliance and Best Practices.

Submission Instructions: Submit your work in the attached template, including a recruitment grid and a separate PPT presentation of the plan (include supporting references and at least one citation for each reference). Use the Notes section of the presentation.

Use the attached excel sheet as a guide for the recruitment grid portion of your assignment.  You should submit something similar detailing a tool that could be used in the selection of an employee to fill the role of the job QUESTION – QUESTION attached.  You will need to fill in the highlighted areas (essential and desirable qualifications of the job).  You can include more that 4 requirements in each area if you like.  You can adjust the tool to best fit the role to be filled.

Include instructions in the matrix on how to use the tool (revise instruction on the sample template).

Learning Needs: Adult Learning and the Collaborative Culture Part III


Learning Needs: Adult Learning and the Collaborative Culture Part III

Performance Task: Narrative Overview 

In Task 1, you are required to demonstrate you will be focusing on a group of colleagues (minimum of three) with whom you worked on a specific task or project and who reflect different stages of career development, different backgrounds, and different perspectives. Consider how you will be/were able to apply strategies of adult learning across your teacher leadership activities with this group in order to promote collegiality and improve instruction and student learning.  

Depending on where you are in the planning vs implementation stage in terms of this requirement, your narrative may come from a variety of perspectives: 1) projecting/forecasting 2) current process or 3) full review of completed project. Even if you have not officially started this process, you are expected to be able to articulate your understanding of the requirements by predicting how you will successfully meet the prompt response. 

Use the Assignment Title Page Template (Module 0), make appropriate changes to the title page and be sure to change the header on page 2. Then begin your assignment on page 2. Start w/ title page as page #1. This will begin page #2. Your paper will begin with the title above. Add a reference page to cite any sources used to inform elements of your work. Intext citations are not required.

Narrative Essay Part II:

Paragraph #1

What was the overall impact of applying adult-learning strategies with the individuals within the group? How did the process differ across the individuals? Was the impact similar or different across the team members?

Paragraph #2

How did you build an environment of trust and a sense of ownership among your colleagues? (hint: what research/evidenced-based strategies did you employ)  Did you encounter any obstacles or resistance to the process? If so, how was this addressed? 

Paragraph #3

What impact did your work with your colleagues have on student learning? Be specific, provide examples. 

Submitting WP1 and the Reflection


The reflection

please reflect on your essay by revisiting the list below, which comes from the WP1 assignment(Which is atttached).  Evaluate how effectively you did each of the following, while using examples from your essay to demonstrate and explain the points you make:

summarize a current discussion, such as debate, concern, or question within your major that is of interest to a lay audience who wants to understand more about the debate, concern, or question.

we should have a good understanding of the discussion, which includes the different views held by those engaged in the discussion, what those views might have in common and where they diverge, and why the discussion should be of interest to your readers: a lay audience. By a lay audience, think of other college students who are not in the BSPA online degree program or other business degree programs.

Use three sources, with at least one being popular and one being scholarly. (You may decide whether your third source is scholarly or popular.)

  • Cite all sources you use in your WP1 (As you know, you must cite all ideas that are not your own and use in-text citations when paraphrasing, summarizing, and quoting.  We need to use signal phrases with quotations.). Be sure to include in-text citations and a reference page at the end of your essay with all the sources you used.
  • Please explain what you learned about your own writing when you reviewed your classmate’s essay or your own essay.
  • Please explain what you learned about the effectiveness of your WP1 during our conference.
  • In a final paragraph, please select one of the following QUESTIONs that best describes these components of your essay when considered collectively: your introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion, overall essay organization, your explanation of the debate you selected, your explanation of jargon if you used it, your transitions between paragraphs, and your in-text citations, while being sure to explain and support your choice*:
  • Exemplary
  • Proficient


Novice (beginner)

Media10 Media Consumption Reflection


Write three or more paragraphs for a news item you have recently consumed.

Choose a news item you have recently consumed

1. 1 st Paragraph: Tell us about the item you’re discussing. Describe it. (ie: name, title, what it is, etc.)

a. If it’s an image or a video, embed the item into your QUESTION.Working Link to artifact (or related) included

b. Describe the circumstances under which you consumed the media artifact. In a movie theater with friends? Alone at home on television?While driving, or reading your class homework? Etc.

2. 2 nd, 3rd and more Paragraphs: Write at least two paragraphs (beyond the QUESTION) discussing your media item.

a. Use at least two of the terms, ideas, and concepts we are exploring inclass (one term per paragraph) and underline them when you mention them. see the concepts from the vocabulary full list below.

i. Underline one class vocab term per paragraph and discuss it fully.

ii. The underlined terms must be within your analysis/reflection paragraphs, not within your QUESTION paragraph.

iii. You must discuss each term you underline. So you may NOT simply say something like: “This is clearly an example of racism and objectification,” and then leave it at that. You have to say why you feel that way. What about that piece of media specifically makes you draw those conclusions?

b. Critically analyze how your term applies, and comment upon what is being communicated about race, gender, sexuality, social class, etc. Your analysis must relate to the class themes of race, gender, sex, class, etc.

c. Let me know why you chose this particular item to write about, how it relates to our class discussion or readings, and what you personally think/feel about it. d. I will be looking for personal experiences, insights, and critical thinking as

you share your experiences.

e. If you’re analyzing an advertisement ,be sure to use the 4 step MEF method learned in class (and described below) for analyzing an ad.

policy response 2-2 to hugo pina


In Diana J. Mason and Deborah B.’s “Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care,” the nurse emerges as a pivotal player in the policy development model, wielding influence in shaping healthcare landscapes. Nurses, as emphasized in the text, act as advocates, educators, and catalysts for change within the complex web of healthcare policy.

The nurse’s advocacy role is paramount, representing the interests of patients and communities. By leveraging their frontline experiences, nurses can articulate the real-world implications of policy decisions and advocate for measures that prioritize patient well-being. As educators, nurses bridge the gap between policy intricacies and practical application, ensuring healthcare professionals comprehend the implications of policy changes on patient care.

Furthermore, nurses serve as catalysts for change by actively participating in policy discussions and decision-making forums. Their firsthand insights into healthcare challenges equip them to propose and advocate for innovative solutions. Overall, Mason and B.’s work underscores the nurse’s multifaceted role, positioning them not just as caregivers but as integral contributors to the development and implementation of policies that shape the trajectory of nursing and healthcare at large.

The policy meeting video I chose discusses Artificial Intelligences’s (AI) developing role in the healthcare field to include its ability to diagnose,  exam key lab values, and predict patient outcomes. Some of the key points I believe need to be discussed are how we plan to integrate our providers role in verifying diagnoses made by AI systems such as AI systems being used to analyze radiology reports. I believe a larger conversation must be had regarding the ethical implications of having these systems take the role of human beings who need employment. There appears to be a needed balance between using these systems for better patient outcomes without sacrificing the needed human to human interaction and connection that happens at bedside when the provider and healthcare team feel an investment in the well being of the patient.