A3: Operational Manual


A4: Digital Presentation of Operation Manual 

Submitting a media recording

  • For this assignment, you will take the content from your operation manual and present it in a digital Mp4 format — a movie or video presntation. 

You will use slides, moving videos, graphic elements, pictures, and illustrations in your video. Use the design principles you learned in this unit as you make your presentation. Use white space to your advantage. 

Remember, all digital elements (pictures, graphics, etc.) and written elements must be original to you. If you are using an image of Houston, you must take it yourself. No stock pictures. Use of unoriginal materials is considered plagiarism and will result in a zero. 

For this project, I recommend you use WeVideo, but you may use whatever software you desire as long as your final submission is an Mp4.  Your video should be at least four minutes and no more than five and contain a variety of visual elements (see above), as well as a voice-over explaining what your audience is seeing. DO NOT READ TO YOUR AUDIENCE.

The manual you wrote may help you to organize your thoughts, and you may even use whole sentence from it, DO NOT READ YOUR PAPER TO YOUR AUDIENCE. You will have to revise and edit your writing so that your voice over is appropriate to the images that your reader is seeing while listening. A written version and an oral version are not the same. DO NOT READ YOUR PAPER TO YOUR AUDIENCE. Students who read their papers to the audience will receive a 50/100. 

If you would like a WeVideo account, please send me a Canvas Message and I will send you the link to get one through HCC. 

You may not use TikTok to make this project. Use of TikTok and TikTok files on state networks is a violation of state law. 


  • Use the link below to record your submission. Click “Save” when you’re finished and ready to submit. Record / Upload Media



An 82-year-old man recently returned to the long-term care facility after hospitalization for open reduction internal fixation of the right hip. He has been divorced for over 50 years and has two adult children who visit him frequently in the nursing home. He has a 5-year history of mild to moderate dementia and known urinary tract infections. His last recorded mini mental state examination (MMSE) registered 18, which was 3 months ago. While in the hospital, he did have an indwelling catheter for 4 days. He has been incontinent since his return to the hospital but the staff their attributes this to the catheter and his deconditioned state following hospitalization. His medications include donepezil, memantine, and acetaminophen for pain and fever as needed. He has no other known medical problems except a history of multiple urinary tract infections throughout his lifetime that, according to his son, have required extensive antibiotic treatment. He enjoys drinking regular coffee throughout the day, says it is a habit he has had since his days in the service years ago. His family members and the nursing staff report that he has been very restless and has been unable to use the urinal on time the past couple of days.

Vital signs: T 99°F, HR 80, RR 18, BP 128/78, BMI 22. 

Chief Complaint: Foul smelling urine, incontinence, restless

Discuss the following:

1) What additional subjective data are you seeking to include past medical history, social, and relevant family history?
2) What additional objective data will you be assessing for?
3) What are the differential diagnoses that you are considering?
4) What laboratory tests will help you rule out some of the differential diagnoses?
5) What radiological examinations or additional diagnostic studies would you order?
6) What treatment and specific information about the prescription that you will give this patient?
7) What are the potential complications from the treatment ordered?
8) What additional laboratory tests might you consider ordering?
9) What additional patient teaching may be needed?
10) Will you be looking for a consult?

bus 120



Points are reduced for typos, grammar errors, not answer each question completely.  Be careful, each discussion question is a multi-part question. Proof read your work before you submit it. Points will be reduced if there are less than three sources. No points will be awarded if your sources are not cited.


Please read carefully:

1. You must use at least 3 different sources and cite each of them separately at the end of your writing.

2. AI/Chat GPT cannot be used for this assignment. This needs to be your original work. Do not share or borrow from anyone else. Please see the syllabus and Grossmont Catalog for plagiarism rules.

3. The questions are multi-part and will take some thought and research. The prompts provided below cannot be adequately answered in less than at least one paragraph per prompt. It make take more than a paragraph per prompt to answer completely.

5. You do not need to attach anything

7. Please write at least 1 paragraph per prompt, a minimum of 3 paragraphs in total to answer all prompts. (A paragraph is typically 5-8 sentence minimum.) to answer the following prompts:

Prompt 1:

You are an entrepreneur and have decided to open your own company. Describe the business that you would like to open. What is your product or service? Who is your target customer? Where is your business located?

Prompt 2:

Describe the type of organization you would have and why that form of business would be the best for your new company. Explain the pros and cons of your choice.

Prompt 3:

Describe the financial statements you would use and the key components/information that is on those statements that you would rely on for making your management and planning decisions. What indicators would you use to decide to grow or expand your company? What indicators would you use to decide if you should stay the course, no or few changes?  Which indicators would you use to decide if you need to reduce the size of your company?

Managerial Economics


Before answering the following questions, review the checklist. Then, in a separate Word document, compose a paper consisting of a 450- to 500-word expository research essay answering the following questions, including computations, based on the rule for minimizing costs of production in regard to a small business plan to minimize costs in order to increase productivity and maximize profits.

The owner of Chloe’s Restaurant incurs various economic costs of production. Explain whether each of the following is an explicit cost or an implicit cost. Which of the two types of costs (explicit or implicit) should Chloe’s Restaurant minimize in order to maximize the account profit? 

Payments for rented manufacturing equipment.

A firm’s use of a warehouse that it owns and could rent to another firm.

  1. Wages paid to the firm’s workers.

The wages the firm’s owner, Chloe, could earn if she worked for another company.

  1. Consider the following information in the table for Chloe’s Restaurant and answer the questions below by using the cost minimization rule that takes into account the marginal product per dollar of inputs of production.
  2. Item
  3. Cost
  4. Marginal Product of Capital


  1. Marginal Product of Labor


Wage Rate


Rental Price of Pizza Ovens


Is the owner of Chloe’s Restaurant minimizing costs? Explain by computing marginal productivity per dollar using the data in the table.

To increase productivity and lower costs of production, should Chloe rent more ovens and hire fewer workers, or rent fewer ovens and hire more workers? Explain.

Your answer must consist expository research essay.

Consider Chloe’s Restaurant’s production decision in both the short run and long run. Chloe wants to improve the productivity of the firm in the long run. Explain the types of input costs that might be fixed in the short run and types of costs that may be variable in the long run. Provide examples for fixed inputs and variable inputs, as well as fixed costs and variable costs for the restaurant in the short run. What long-run economic decisions should Chloe make to increase productivity, minimize costs, and maximize profit?

Grand Round presentation


I need the powerpoint presentation. I will make the part of the video that includes me. CHF could be the topic for the case 


Students will present a patient they have cared for during this clinical rotation?by?observing the following guidelines:??? 

Patients must have an acute disease focus; for example, CHF, MI, DKA, or COPD.?? 

You will need to complete your presentation using a PowerPoint presentation with a video.? 

Your PowerPoint presentation or link to the video must be uploaded to Moodle under Assignments. 

The time allowed is 10-15 minutes. One?point will be deducted for every minute or fraction of a minute beyond the 15 minutes allowed.? 

The presenting student will be evaluated on knowledge of the topic,?speaking ability, clarity, overall organization, quality of references, and overall professionalism of the presentation.? 

Grand Rounds will contain the following?information:? 

Subjective Data (10 points)

  • Precise presentation of potential subjective date to include:

Demographics (Pt’s initial, age, sex, race)

Chief Complaint

History of Present Illness (HPI)

Review of Systems (ROS)

Past Medical History (PMH)

  • Past Social History (PSH)

Social History

  • Objective Data (10 points)

Precise presentation of findings on Physical Examination (PE):

  • Include relevant negatives (minimum of 5)

Include relevant positive (minimum of 5)

  • Diagnostics (10 points)

Laboratory/diagnostic tests ordered (include rationale/guidelines).

Minimum of 3 studies with rationale for each

In the absence of diagnostic testing, which tests are recommended

Diagnosis / Differential Diagnosis (20 points)

Include and list primary diagnosis

List a minimum of 3 Differential Diagnoses.

Must include data used to rule in or rule out every one of the differential diagnosis

Include national guidelines that support each diagnosis 

Etiology Epidemiology (5 points)

  • Give an inclusive definition/describe the etiology of the disorder.  Include:


  • Age 


  • Gender 


  • Health Economics

Pathophysiology / Genetics (10 points)

  • Question of pathophysiology and genetics involved in the disorder

Physical Exam (PE) Findings (10 points)

  • Complete and concise presentation of signs and important PE findings of the disorder.

Assessment / Treatment / Evidence-Based Guidelines (20 points)

  • Provide patient diagnoses 

Describe guideline treatment plan to include:

Pharmaceuticals with correct dosages,

Patient education,

Prevention/health promotion strategies,

Follow-up visits (if any).


Provide evidence-based guidelines to support treatment plan

  • Presentation (5 points)

Presentation is professional

  • Professional attire

Knowledge of subject and fluidly of presentation

Adheres to time criteria

Computer Architecture – Discussion


Discussion 1 Instructions

Please choose one of the following options and answer following the guidelines for discussions. The last two are possible interview questions for digital design jobs.

Ben and Alyssa are having an argument. Ben says, “All integers greater than zero and exactly divisible by six have exactly two 1’s in their binary representation.” Alyssa disagrees. She says, “No, but all such numbers have an even number of 1’s in their representation.” Do you agree with Ben or Alyssa or both or neither? Explain.

Ben and Alyssa are having an argument. Ben says, “I can get the two’s complement of a number by subtracting 1, then inverting all the bits of the result.” Alyssa says, “No, I can do it by examining each bit of the number, starting with the least significant bit. When the first 1 is found, invert each subsequent bit.” Do you agree with Ben or Alyssa or both or neither? Explain.

The king receives 64 gold coins in taxes but has reason to believe that one is counterfeit. He summons you to identify the fake coin. You have a balance that can hold coins on each side. How many times do you need to use the balance to find the lighter, fake coin?

The professor, the teaching assistant, the digital design student, and the freshman track star need to cross a rickety bridge on a dark night. The bridge is so shaky that only two people can cross at a time. They have only one flashlight among them and the span is too long to throw the flashlight, so somebody must carry it back to the other people. The freshman track star can cross the bridge in 1 minute. The digital design student can cross the bridge in 2 minutes. The teaching assistant can cross the bridge in 5 minutes. The professor always gets distracted and takes 10 minutes to cross the bridge. What is the fastest time to get everyone across the bridge?

MBA 530 Module 2



The organization that you are a director of leadership and learning  for has been conducting engagement surveys among its employees every two  years to gain a deeper understanding of employees’ views on areas such  as customer service, the organization’s overall strategy, job  satisfaction, rewards and recognition, and training and development. The  most recent survey was conducted this year, and the organization wants  to carry out another survey in two years.


Your task is to evaluate the employee survey results using a GROW Model Template and  identify several survey questions that will target leadership skill and  behavior improvement for the next two years. You will also represent  the trends you’ve identified with bar or line graphs. For this  assignment, you will complete the first five sections of the GROW model  template:

Identified Trends

Employee Survey Results Data

Focus Areas

Reality—Current State

Desired Future State—Where Would You Like to Be?

  • Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

In the Identified Trends section, identify any noticeable trends in the Employee Satisfaction Survey Results data and address the following in your response. 

  • Are there certain focus areas that have seen significant changes compared to others?

How might one focus area impact another?

  • In the Employee Survey Results Data section, create  bar or line graphs from the employee survey results data that best  represent the trends you’ve identified above.

In the Focus Areas section, identify three focus areas to improve the organization based on your evaluation, and provide rationale.

  • In the Reality—Current State section, explain the  current state for each focus area you’ve identified above according to  the employee survey results. Consider the following in your response: 

The potential impact on survey results over time, the “why.”

  • In the Desired Future State—Where Would You Like to Be?  section, create a goal to address each focus area you’ve identified  within the next two years, and describe the impact to the entire  organization. Consider the following in your response: 

The desired result should be 10% improvement for the next survey.

Arabic Question


Module 9: Capstone Final Essay


This is to demonstrate your ability to use the formal vocabulary and sentence structures you learned under Learning Resources to type 100 words in Arabic about yourself or someone you know.


Review the notes you took Week 1-9

  • Filter the draft sentences you submitted Week 1-9 and choose the ones you want to include in your final Capstone Essay. The essay is either about you or a person of your choice.  Feel free to include as many sentences as you can using ONLY the material explained in this course. This is to guarantee equity and to make sure you don’t make mistakes, I can only grade you for topics I only covered in class. You might have learned a word on your own, but I can’t guarantee that you will use it correctly in a sentence. Keep it simple, in ARAB 122, you will have time to build more complex and compound sentences

I recommend you type your essay (100 words) using any word processing software, then cut and past the text in the textbox to this assignment, in case Canvas decided to refresh as you are typing. I would hate for you to lose your work. Make sure your work is visible in the textbox as Arabic not as symbols. Note: I can tell that a text has been created using Google Translate. Canvas allows me this feature.


Check the rubric at the end of the assignment for the grading criteria


  • ??? ???? ????? ?????? this is considered a sentence made of 4 words.

Quick Check

Were you able to express all the ideas you wanted using the new vocabulary?


Amazing! You are good to proceed to ARAB 122. It was a pleasure having you in class!


Reflect on what made the task difficult.

ARAB 122 starts with a review of all the concepts studied in ARAB 121 so don’t worry! You are in safe hands. You did your best, it was a pleasure having you in class.

video and question activity


Founded in 1887 in Nottingham, England, Raleigh Wheels became known as the original all-steel bicycle manufacturer. Eventually, ownership of a Raleigh bike became a status symbol. Raleigh’s product development has been significantly influenced by trends in the European market where biking had long been a lifestyle choice. Then, in the past 10 to 15 years, technological advances have fueled bikers’ desires for equipment that is lighter, faster, and better. All companies in the industry, including Raleigh, began incorporating these technological advances into their products. Sensing that it was getting lost as a company, Raleigh returned to what customers really expected. It returned to its roots as a steel bike producer for customers who are committed to bikes and biking as a lifestyle choice. Part of this impetus for returning to the all-steel bike came from the desire for messenger-style bikes by customers of Raleigh America. Customers who pursue biking as a lifestyle choice want durable equipment and a quality ride, both of which are provided by the all-steel bike. To ensure that Raleigh continues to satisfy its customers’ wants and needs, Raleigh America’s marketing manager constantly uses various venues to gather input from bike enthusiasts.

VIDEO DISCUSSION QUESTIONS you can login in my school thing to watch the video

How can market segmentation be useful for producers of bicycles?

On what factors does Raleigh Wheels base its market segmentation?

How can Raleigh Wheels benefit from the market segment that it pursues?

  1. Activities:

Activity I: Choose a product that you would like to introduce in the market. Create a profile of your target market and to discuss the reasons for choosing this market.

This activity/assignment will help students understand concept of positioning and its importance

Activity II: Find a company that is struggling. Where is it in the positioning matrix? Could the company be more successful if it changed any of its Ps (e.g., to head to the lo-lo-lo-lo or hi-hi-hi-hi cells)? Kohl’s, Game Stop, or JC Penney should not be used.

Hb ( NUTR 155)



Your Tasks

Task 1- Original Post

Please discuss the following in your original post:

Provide a brief explanation on how supplements are currently regulated in the United States. (5 points)

Discuss whether or not you believe the supplement industry requires more or less regulation. (10 points)

The post must be at least 250 words. (2 points)

Include at least 1 outside reference, cited in APA format. This reference needs to be cited both in-text and at the end of the post in a reference list. (3 points)

  1. PART 2– 


  1. This week, I want you to think about what nutrition is, and to then assess your current nutritional habits. This will provide insight and guidance as we move forward in the class in tracking our nutrition. 

Your Task

  1. Please answer the following questions in complete sentences: 

Create a list of foods that you generally eat (this doesn’t need to be in sentence form). What are the reasons for gravitating toward some of these foods (stress, family tradition, cheap cost, etc)? 

  1. In regard to the list you just created, do you think that these foods align with principles of a healthy diet? Do you believe that these foods will either help or hinder your current and/or future health…why? 

Do you believe that you are getting too much, too little, or the right amount of the following? Explain:






Vitamins and Minerals (you can be general or specific for this one)

How often do you eat out vs. eat meals at home during the week? What would you say the primary reason for eating out is? (Examples: lack of time, it’s cheaper for me to eat out, socialization with family/friends, I don’t know how to cook, etc.)

How often do you (or a family member) cook your own food versus eating frozen or packaged foods?

What are your thoughts on dieting? Have you ever tried dieting and if so what was your experience like?

  1. What is one insight that you are hoping to get about your personal health and nutrition from these assignments?