write a response


write a reply of what you agree with of what the person wrote.

 There are numerous connections between the Enlightenment and critical  thinking. To give you some history, the Enlightenment was a period of  time between the seventeenth and eighteenth century when people were  able to change the way they thought and adopt new beliefs about how to  live. the capacity to reconsider long-standing customs and either  improve or abandon them in favor of better ones. Humans started to gain  the ability to think rationally instead of based on emotion, which  allowed them to apply reason to solve issues and advance as a species. A  prime example of the Enlightenment is Sor Juana, who more than anyone  else cleared the path for women to accomplish numerous accomplishments  and significantly influenced the “Civil Rights” movement by realizing  that the antiquated notion that women should stay at home and lack  education was absurd. This was the start of the time when women started  to respond, create novels, and accomplish a lot of other amazing things.  Given that she believed that an educated woman is equal to an educated  man, Sor Juana proposed that “women are to teach and learn”. In the  text, there was a passage that caught my attention since it stated, “If  God had given all human beings reason, then women were just as entitles  to develop and exercise their minds as their male counterparts.” It  caught my attention because, in my opinion, everything about it—from the  words to the philosophy it presents—is absolutely correct. It was quite  wonderful how the ladies started to grasp this and take action after  being given the same capacity but being kept back. In conclusion, I  think Sor Juana used rhetorical devices in her writing because she  didn’t obey the rules or the conventions of the time and instead wrote  what she wanted to say. Her ability to articulate oneself and write well  enables her to put her ideas on paper and influence readers’  perceptions.

Milestone Project


Organization: BayPath Elder Services Marlborough MA. 

Legislation :The Older Americans Act of 1965.

Your Position. In this section, you will lay out your organization’s position on the specific legislation being considered. It should be evident from your analysis that you have reviewed a full copy of the legislation and have researched the related issues and debate. Specifically, you should address the following points:

Is your organization for or against the legislation? Why? Your answer should analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the legislation in terms of potential effectiveness, cost, public acceptance, and political feasibility. In other words, how might economic, social, or political factors (including other legislation) help or hinder the policy’s implementation and effectiveness? What specific concerns does your organization have?

  1. How might cultural, socioeconomic, and other diversity issues impact the quality and equity of services provided under the selected legislation? What concerns does your organization have? Provide examples to support your position.

What legal or ethical matters related to the legislation is your organization concerned about, if any? Explain your answer and provide examples, if appropriate.

Based on your analysis, how could the legislation in question be redesigned to better address the needs of intended beneficiaries? Be sure to address the following points and provide evidence to support your recommendations.

  1. How could the legislation better address diversity in meeting the needs of intended beneficiaries?

How could it better address legal or ethical concerns in meeting beneficiaries’ needs? If there are no concerns specific to this legislation, make suggestions for how the legislation might help prevent legal or ethical concerns in future policies. Support your suggestions with evidence.

  1. What other changes to the legislation would make it more effective in serving intended beneficiaries? Consider the cost, public acceptance, and political feasibility issues you identified above in making your suggestions.

Be sure to use language and communication strategies appropriate for political or organizational leaders in explaining your organization’s position and recommendations. Remember the goal is to convince your audience that your analysis is credible without burdening them with undue detail.

Reading then disscusion and response


Read Branding in the Age of Social Media.

1. Describe 5 key learnings from your readings in this Discussion area.

2. Respond at least once to two cohorts about what you:
-Agree on and why

-Area you wish to amplify on and provide opinion and insights

– Areas you disagree on and why

classmates 1. Traditional branding strategies that focused on differentiating products by attributes have become less effective in the social media era. Instead, successful brands now leverage cultural branding, which involves aligning with or shaping cultural movements to build deep connections with consumers. This approach requires understanding and engaging with the cultural currents that resonate with the brand’s audience.

2. Social media has given rise to “crowdculture,” a phenomenon where groups of people unite around shared interests, ideologies, or hobbies, creating fertile grounds for cultural innovation. Brands that want to thrive in this environment need to tap into crowdcultures by contributing to or facilitating these cultural conversations, rather than just broadcasting commercial messages.

3. While content creation is crucial, the context—being culturally relevant and engaging—is equally important. Brands must create content that not only entertains but also resonates with the cultural narratives and values of their target audiences. It’s not enough to produce high-quality content; it must strike a chord with the issues and topics that matter to the community.

4. Brands need to participate in social media in an authentic way that aligns with their identity and values. This might involve collaborating with influencers who are genuine advocates of the brand or directly engaging with users in meaningful conversations. Authentic participation helps build trust and loyalty, which are critical in a landscape where users are increasingly skeptical of overt marketing tactics.

5. The pace at which cultural trends and conversations evolve on social media requires brands to be agile in their storytelling approaches. Brands must be ready to adapt their narratives, engage with emerging trends, and respond to the cultural zeitgeist in real-time to remain relevant and resonant with their audiences.

Final Scenes


You will again assume the role of the film company educational psychologist consultant. Remember that they are producing “The Other One,” a coming of age film about the early years of fraternal (non-identical) twin sisters. One is gifted, while the other is not. As the gifted twin struggles to fit in while thinking years ahead of her friends and sister, the parents struggle to provide what each daughter needs. The director, the actress playing the gifted twin, the sister, and the parents are 2 months into shooting the film but have recognized several missing elements that require your expertise as they reach the twins’ teen years. Specifically, they have identified the following issues:

What struggle or conflict might there be in the relationship of Emma (gifted twin) with her gifted African-American neighbor, Crisna, who goes to a public school where she has not been identified as gifted?

As the parents try to learn about providing support and opportunities to Emma, how might they handle Emma’s perfectionism that appears to be an overwhelming burden that threatens her ability to have a “normal childhood?”

  • Though Emma’s passionate school teacher is untrained for working with gifted students, what advice might he obtain from a famous educational psychologist who helps him identify plans and strategies he can implement with Emma to meet her need for achievement, to guide her in honing her abilities, to differentiate her learning, and in teaching her to be a self-regulated learner?
  • As Emma (age 13) begins having anxiety (panic) attacks that cause increased heart rate, shortness of breath, and feelings of intense fear and dread that seem to appear “out of nowhere,” what issues should be considered and what actions should be taken to help her?
  • In a scene where Bekah, now a 14-year-old basketball star, begins to fully realize the giftedness of her twin, what understanding and advice might she offer Emma from her experiences leading her team to a state title while playing on the varsity squad under an unrelenting coach?

Charma Peer Response


Relate to another journal reading

  • Peer response to Charma 
  • The current facility where I am completing my clinical rotation treats a lot of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) patients from childhood to adulthood. When a child (6-12 y/o) comes to the clinic with concerns of ADHD symptoms, parents and teacher accomplish a form, namely the Vanderbilt ADHD Diagnostic Parent Rating Scale (VADPRS) and the Vanderbilt Assessment Scale Teacher informant. It is a rating scale that is developed to assist a clinician in determining potential ADHD symptoms by having the parent recall the child’s behavior in the past 6 months. It also screens other neurodevelopmental disorders such as Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), Conduct Disorder (CD), anxiety, and depression (Anderson et al., 2022).Basically, The VADPRS is a 55-item parent-report assessment for ADHD (18 items), ODD (8 items), CD (14 items), and anxiety/depression (7 items). It also includes an eight-item school performance and social functioning subscale. Answers are rated using a 4-point Likert scale (never to very often) while performance is graded based on a 5-point Likert scale (problematic to above average). It also identifies the type of ADHD (Inattentive, hyperactive/impulsive, and combines) based on the score.Another resource that is being utilized is the Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 and 2 (GAD-7 & GAD-2) that is used in assisting clinicians in the diagnosis of anxiety disorders encountered in primary care settings (Sapra et al., 2020). The GAD-7 tool is a validated 7-item tool while the GAD-2 covers the first two questions in the GAD-7 which are critical component of any anxiety disorders. It is easy to administer and yields a good sensitivity and specificity in diagnosing common anxiety disorder.References:Anderson, N., Feldman, J., Kolko, D., Pilkonis, P., Lindhiem, O. (2022). National norms for the vanderbilt ADHD diagnostic parent rating scale in children. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 47(6), 652-661. doi: 10.1093/jpepsy/jsab132.Sapra, A., Bhandari, P., Sharma, S., Chanpura, T., Lopp, L. (2020). Using generalized anxiety disorder-2 (GAD-2) and GAD-7 in a primary care setting. Cureus, 12(5). doi: 10.7759/cureus.8224.less

Sb nutr155



Your Tasks


Please discuss the following in your original post:

  1. Provide a brief explanation on how supplements are currently regulated in the United States. (5 points)
  2. Discuss whether or not you believe the supplement industry requires more or less regulation. (10 points)
  3. The post must be at least 250 words. (2 points)
  4. Include at least 1 outside reference, cited in APA format. This reference needs to be cited both in-text and at the end of the post in a reference list. (3 points)



This week, I want you to think about what nutrition is, and to then assess your current nutritional habits. This will provide insight and guidance as we move forward in the class in tracking our nutrition.

Your Task

Please answer the following questions in complete sentences:

  1. Create a list of foods that you generally eat (this doesn’t need to be in sentence form). What are the reasons for gravitating toward some of these foods (stress, family tradition, cheap cost, etc)?
  2. In regard to the list you just created, do you think that these foods align with principles of a healthy diet? Do you believe that these foods will either help or hinder your current and/or future health…why?
  3. Do you believe that you are getting too much, too little, or the right amount of the following? Explain:
    1. Calories
    2. Fat
    3. Carbohydrates
    4. Protein
    5. Water
    6. Vitamins and Minerals (you can be general or specific for this one)
  4. How often do you eat out vs. eat meals at home during the week? What would you say the primary reason for eating out is? (Examples: lack of time, it’s cheaper for me to eat out, socialization with family/friends, I don’t know how to cook, etc.)
  5. How often do you (or a family member) cook your own food versus eating frozen or packaged foods?
  6. What are your thoughts on dieting? Have you ever tried dieting and if so what was your experience like?
  7. What is one insight that you are hoping to get about your personal health and nutrition from these assignments?

Applying International Finance Principles


Throughout the course, you have learned about various concepts in international finance. This assignment provides an opportunity for you to apply those concepts and reflect on important topics in international finance. For your final paper, you will analyze The Philippines and its monetary system. You will also research the Philippines’ monetary system using at least five credible sources, including a minimum of three from the UAGC Library. Your analysis should be an eight to 10 pages and formatted according to APA Style guidelines.

Prior to beginning work on this assignment,

Compare your selected country’s balance of payments against the United States’ balance of payments using the International Monetary Fund (IMF) eLibrary Data’s webpage Balance of Payments and International Investments Position Statistics (BOP/IIP): By Economy: BOP Analytic Pres.Links to an external site.

For help navigating this webpage, review this handout: Navigating the IMF eLibrary Data WebpageLinks to an external site..

Select S. Dollars as the base currency.

Select your country’s currency as the target currency.

Select Last 365 days [1 year] as the time horizon.

Select PNG image or JPEG image as your output format.

Select Make Chart.

Save an image of your chart. To do this,

take a screenshot of your chart, or

  • right-click the chart, select “Save Image As,” and save to your computer.

In your paper,

Discuss the evolution of your selected country’s monetary system, including the impact of any fiscal, monetary, and trade policies.

Describe the major components of your selected country’s monetary system, including organizations and financial institutions in your country.

Compare your selected country’s balance of payments against the United States’ balance of payments.

Report the country’s exchange rate against the U.S. dollar.

Include the image of the chart you created in your analysis.

  • Analyze the issues around economic exposure, transaction exposure, and translation exposure that a multinational company doing business in your country would face.

1.2 Write a Research Question, Thesis, and Outline


ASSIGNMENT: Following the Topic Selection Guidelines below, choose an argumentative topic to research. This will be your topic throughout the entire course (excluding Touchstone 3.1), so the activities required for this assignment will provide the foundation for your future Touchstones. The topic for an argumentative research paper must be an arguable topic, meaning that it involves a stance that advocates for a concrete course of action and at least three supporting reasons which are defensible with credible sources. Additionally, it must take a stance that someone could hypothetically disagree with. You will need to take a firm position on the topic and use evidence and logic to support the position. Touchstone 1.2 includes a research question, a working thesis, a detailed outline, and a reflection on this pre-writing process.

A. Topic Selection Guidelines

DIRECTIONS: You may choose any topic you wish as long as the stance is arguable and the supporting reasons are defensible with evidence. Your topic should be current, appropriate for an academic context and should have a focus suitable for a 6-8 page essay.

In order to foster learning and growth, all essays you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any recycled work will be sent back with a 0, and you will be given one attempt to redo the Touchstone.


1. Rather than ending at age eighteen, compulsory education in the United States should be lifelong in order to improve civic engagement, teach new skills, and stave off cognitive decline, thus extending life expectancies.

2. Local governments, businesses, and property owners should replace conventional grass lawns with clover lawns in order to create habitat for pollinators, save water, and reduce maintenance, which will also lower carbon emissions.

3. Colleges and universities should prioritize academic freedom for students because sensitive discussions on difficult topics are necessary for students to learn, confidence in their own expertise is essential to teachers being effective, and students should be prepared to be exposed to many different opinions.



just has to answer number 6:

Determining the Statute of Limitations: While the statute of limitations for examination is generally three years from the date a return is filed, the statue can be automatically extended, can be voluntarily extended, or tolled under various provisions provided in the code, regulations, rulings and court cases. Your job is to advise your clients as to the applicable statute of limitations based on the fact pattern to be provided to you below. Remember: the date a return is deemed filed is a question of both fact and law.

It is October 1, 2021. The clients have not filed their joint current year’s tax return. No extension has been filed. Your clients have filed timely in the past and there is no reason to suspect that there is unreported income (once the return is filed). They live in Florida and have been unaffected by a hurricane or other severe weather event. Your team must write a memorandum to the client explaining when a tax return filing will be deemed sufficient to start the statute of limitations for both examination and assessment purposes. In addition, the clients have asked if they should file a joint tax return under the facts above. You should cite, as appropriate, the code, regulations, rulings, court cases… etc. Make sure that the memo addresses all the following questions for both types of returns:

  1. What are the elements of a complete return?
  2. What is the general limitation on assessment?
  3. What are the exceptions to the general statute of limitations on Assessment?
  4. When is a return deemed sufficient to start the statute of limitations?
  5. What happens if IRS files a return on behalf of taxpayer?
  6. Under what circumstances will a statute not start? (Maria Alejandra Garcia)
  7. If the statute is not deemed to start, because of not being deemed to be a complete return, what curative actions may be necessary in order to start the statute of limitations?
  8. When is the statutes of limitations tolled from running? For how long?

Economics Question


Assignment: Fortune 500 Companies

In this assignment, you will broaden the scope at how the firm functions in different parts of the world and what it can do to maximize its effectiveness as a global organization. A strategic audit will be performed and forecasts will be made for the next two years.

For this assignment, use the same Fortune 500 Company that you have already researched in

Unit 4. The focus here is on both domestic (American) and global operations. The assignment incorporates how the firm functions in different parts of the world and what it can do to maximize its effectiveness as a global organization.

Course Outcomes practiced and assessed in this assignment:

GB540-4: Integrate concepts of regional, national, and global economic behavior with macroeconomic theory.

PC-4.1: Assess the value of multiculturalism and diversity in a global environment.


Begin by reviewing the following websites as resources for your assignment:

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

S. Department of Commerce

S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Select 6–10 macroeconomic indicators that are of particular relevance to your firm and explain how they affect the performance of the company. You need to include relevant data for the macroeconomic indicators you selected in the form of tables and graphs for a few years.

Outline strategies on how the firm should respond to the changes in the economic indicators with the goal of maximizing revenues in the years ahead.

How have they done in the past? What is their current state?

What kinds of plans and possibilities do they have for the future? Is there room for improving what they do?

  • Should new ventures be added or old ones subtracted?

Then, discuss the firm’s global operations, and their influences on the regional and national levels. You also need to assess the value of multiculturalism and diversity in operating (managing) a company in a global environment.

  • As you can see, the field is wide open for you to construct your paper in the most relevant way you see fit.