Project Two Milestone Guidelines and Rubric


MBA 500 Project Two Milestone Guidelines and Rubric


As you get ready to review and analyze the financial performance of the company you work for in Project Two, it would be helpful to analyze another company and learn from their business model, especially related to corporate social responsibility (CSR), sustainability, and activism.

Therefore, you will review Patagonia’s activism and corporate social responsibility initiatives and identify potential key financial performance indicators (KPIs).

Because Patagonia is a privately held company, its financial records are not available in the public domain. So, you are required to analyze the mission, vision, values, CSR initiatives, and financial records of the health and beauty company as well as the company you chose in Module One. You will then deduce which financial key performance indicators likely align with a company’s mission, vision, values, and CSR initiatives.


To complete this assignment:

Review the resources you will be using in Project Two: Assessing Financial Performance.

Marketing and sales executive summary

  1. Vision, mission, and values of your company

Consolidated balance sheet of your company

Consolidated income statement of your company

Balance sheet of your chosen company

  • Cash flow statement of your chosen company

Income statement of your chosen company

Review information related to Patagonia’s corporate social responsibility and activism, as well as their mission, vision, and values. Use the following resources to help guide your research:

  • WileyPlus: Patagonia Case Analysis

Patagonia’s Corporate Social Responsibility and Activism

Patagonia—Our Footprint

Based on your review of the financial records of the health and beauty company as well as the company you chose in Module One, identify common financial KPIs and explain how these could also align with Patagonia’s CSR initiatives and its mission, vision, and values.

Based on your review of Patagonia’s information, describe how CSR activism can lead to a better brand image and financial results.

  • Explain what the health and beauty company could do to incorporate CSR activism strategies to meet its own KPIs.



Assignment Question(s):           (Marks 15)

Q1. Explain the role of accounting information in strategic management. How does accounting information assist in the formulation and implementation of organizational strategies? Support your answer by providing an example of one Saudi Company in this regard.                                                                                                                                     (2 Marks)

Note: Your answer must include a suitable example showing the role of accounting information in strategic management of an organization.                                                            (Chapter 1, Week 1)                                                                      


Q2. What do you mean by cost function and for what purpose does it serve for? What are the various methods used to estimate cost functions? Explain each method with suitable numerical examples.                                                                                              (3 Marks) (Chapter 2, Week 2)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   


Q3. TTL Corporation is in the manufacturer of several plastic products. TTL sells its one of the plastic product for SAR 500. The variable costs per unit are SAR 200, and the total fixed costs are SAR 510,000. Based on cost-volume profit analysis, calculate:                                     (4 Marks)                                                

a) Contribution margin per unit and contribution margin ratio.

b) Break-even point in units and sales SAR.

c) Pretax profit if the company sells 2,200 units.

d) Profit/loss if the company sells 1,500 units.

e) Units needed to reach target pretax profit of SAR 180,000.

f) Sales SAR needed to reach the target pretax profit of SAR 180,000.  (Chapter 3, Week 3)                                                                                                                                              


Q4. “Job costing is a method of cost accounting used by companies to find out the cost of specific jobs or projects.” Comment on this statement and examine how actual allocation rates and estimated allocation rates are analyzed by the companies? Support your answer with an example of one Saudi company that use job costing.                                 (2 Marks) (Chapter 5, week 4 )


Q5. A company uses a process costing system for its sole processing department. There were 4,000 units in beginning WIP inventory for June and 36,000 units were started in June. The beginning WIP units were 60% complete and the 3,250 units in ending WIP were 40% complete. All materials are added at the start of processing.               (4 Marks) (Chapter 6 Part 1, Week 5)




The nurse leader must have strong interpersonal communication skills, be able to effectively manage conflict, and be able to build and develop high functioning teams. The purpose of this paper is for you to discuss a highly effective leader in your organization following the criteria in items 1-5.

Describe the characteristics of a highly effective leader. Which of these characteristics does the leader exhibit?

Describe the leader’s communication skills with staff, physicians, other members of the interdisciplinary team, peers, and executives. What techniques do they use to address sensitive topics and conflict? Is it effective? Be specific?

Discuss the types of interpersonal power they use to accomplish work and overcome resistance to change.

Describe the leader’s team(s).  Are they high-performing? If so, please explain why the team is high performing. If not, why does the team not perform well?

  1. Discuss the leadership skills the leader uses to building and manage groups and teams.
  2. Points: 40
  3. References
  4. Minimum of four (4) total references: two (2) references from required course materials and two (2) peer-reviewed references. All references must be no older than five years (unless making a specific point using a seminal piece of information)
  5. Peer-reviewed references include references from professional data bases such as PubMed or CINHAL applicable to population and practice area, along with evidence based clinical practice guidelines. Examples of unacceptable references are Wikipedia, UpToDate, Epocrates, Medscape, WebMD, hospital organizations, insurance recommendations, & secondary clinical databases.


Unless otherwise specified, all the written assignment must follow APA 7th edition formatting, citations and references. Review or download the Microsoft Word APA template . Review this annotated student sample paper guide which draws attention to relevant content and formatting in 7th edition APA style. Make sure you cross-reference the APA 7th edition book as well before submitting the assignment. Refer to the ‘LEARNER SUPPORT’ tab for more information regarding APA 7th edition with comparisons to 6th edition.

Number of Pages/Words

Unless otherwise specified all papers should have a minimum of 600 words (approximately 2.5 pages) excluding the title and reference pages.



Assignment Question(s):(Marks 15)

Q1. What is the process of identifying activities in an organisation and assigning costs under the Activity Based Costing (ABC) system? Elucidate. You will need to include the right numerical examples to support your answer.(2 Marks) (Chapter 7, Week 7)


Q2. PPLC Company has two support departments, SD1 and SD2, and two operating departments, OD1 and OD2. The company decided to use the direct method and allocate variable SD1 dept. costs based on the number of transactions and fixed SD1 dept. costs based on the number of employees. SD2 dept. variable costs will be allocated based on the number of service requests, and fixed costs will be allocated based on the number of computers.The following information is provided: (4 Marks) (Chapter 8, Week 10)


Support   Departments

Operating   Departments







Total Department   variable costs






Total department   fixed costs






Number of transactions






Number of   employees






Number of   service requests






Number of   computers





You are required to allocate variable and fixed costs using direct method.


Q3. What are an organization’s “outsourcing decisions” and “constrained resource decisions?” Provide a suitable numerical example of these decisions and explain how quantitative and qualitative considerations support a company’s decision-making process.

(2 Marks) (Chapter 4, Week 9)

Note: Your answer must include suitable numerical examples. You are required to assume values of your own, and they should not be copied from any sources.


Q4.VBN plastic industry makes three plastic toys: T1, T2, and T3. The joint costs of the three products in 2017 were SAR 120,000. The total number of units for each product and the selling price per unit is given below:(3 Marks) (Chapter 9, Week 11)




Selling Price per unit




SAR 15




SAR 14




SAR 10

You are required to allocate the joint costs to each product using the physical volume method and sales value at the split-off method.


Q5. MN&M Corporation is preparing a budget for 2018. The company provides you with the following details which will help you to prepare the budget:

(4 Marks) (Chapter 10, Week 12)

Budgeted selling price per unit = SAR 500 per unit

Total fixed costs = SAR 150,000

Variable costs = SAR 100 per unit

The report to the supervisor


  1. You have just been hired as Manager for Customer Service at All Washed Up. Please write a one-sentence summary of the problems you see in the company, according to the scenario.
  2. In UMGC’s OneSearch interface, find one article on the concept of cross-training for employees in an organization. Keep in mind that some articles might spell the term with a hyphen (cross-training) and some might spell it without a hyphen (cross training). Provide the author(s) and title of the article.
  3. For your search from task #2, select Peer Reviewed. Select one article in your search list and provide the author(s) and title of the article. If you do not see any hits, reword your search terms in order to find a scholarly article on separation of duties.
  4. Select one of the other concepts mentioned in the writing assignment instructions (mandatory vacations, job rotation policies, handling of credit cards, or any other concept). Then, in UMGC’s OneSearch interface Home – Library Homepage – UMGC Library at University of Maryland Global Campus, find one article on this concept. Provide the author(s) and title of the article.
  5. This question involves listening to a part of the podcast, “Cyberbit Podcast Episode 1: The Unspoken Skill-Gap in the Cybersecurity Market,” which features Mr. Adam Bricker, former co-founder of Carolina Cyber Center and Mr. Sharon Rosenman, Chief Marketing Officer at Cyberbit.

    The segment of the podcast we will listen to is from the 48:00 mark to the 50:30 mark. In that segment, a participant asks a question about writing in the cybersecurity field. The following link takes you directly to that question and Mr. Bricker’s response:

    The Unspoken Skill-Gap in the Cybersecurity Market, 48:00 mark

    Mr. Bricker describes what type of technical communication that individuals in the cybersecurity field need to be able to produce.

    How does his Question fit the scenario with Maria Carman and All Washed Up? In other words, who is the audience for writing assignment #4, and how does Mr. Bricker’s explanation align with the scenario?



Discussion #4 – Professor Rogers’s Trial

Read: Critical Thinking “Professor Rogers’s Trial”

That group from Professor Rogers’s class sounds like the team from hell.  This is an example of a group that no one ever wants to be placed in when it comes to college group assignments.  I get it; I’ve been there.  There is a lesson and purpose here though – interdependence, or lack thereof. 

For this discussion, I want you to write about a time when you had to act interdependently.  This means, you had to work in concert with someone else.  This could be in a group project, like Professor Rogers’s class, or at your job or maybe even at home when it comes to family responsibilities.  Some of you may be married or not.  Regardless, we are all expected to work interdependently in some capacity, right?  Discuss it here with the class.

400-word initial response; respond to ONE peer, 300 words in order to get full credit

Writing Assignment #8 – Team Meaningfulness

Read: “Team Interdependence as a Substitute for Empowering Leadership Contribution to Team Meaningfulness and Performance”

It is important for all of us to have some level of meaningfulness in our lives for excellent mental health.  We need that in our personal lives as well as in our professional lives, especially when we are expected to work with others.

For this writing assignment, make sure you read the above-mentioned study (long title, don’t feel like typing it again here).  Just get through it; I know reading studies and looking over the results can be a pain in the behind, but just glaze over the stats.  Make sure, however, you read the literature review parts of the study because you will need that background information for this assignment. 

Argue why team meaningfulness is very important to an individual.  You can use yourself, obviously, as an example.  Pick out why this concept is so important, especially when it comes to our jobs, and then use examples from the reading to back up your claims. 




The Better Chair Company is a large furniture designer, manufacturer, and retailer headquartered in Country X. The company has just started manufacturing a new premium lounge chair at its new production division in Country X. The company also plans to internally sell the chair to its overseas retail division in Country Y. Additionally, the company is considering another new product, an ottoman. You have been hired as a consultant to help the new divisional management team make some decisions affecting these products by using managerial accounting information. You have also been asked to explain to them how this information can be utilized to make good managerial decisions. You are to provide your findings and recommendations in a series of three business reports, to be submitted during the next 3 weeks.

In addition to the requirements that follow, be sure to incorporate references to appropriate academic sources, such as those found in this week’s Learning Resources or those in the Walden Library.

 business report that addresses the following:


After your initial meeting with the management team members and assessing their level of experience with managerial accounting, you have decided to provide some starting information on the various types of costs utilized in managerial accounting. Your purpose for providing this information is to give the necessary context to the new management team to enable them to fully understand the accounting information and recommendations you will provide in your final report. Be sure to address the following:

Explain sunk cost, opportunity cost, and accounting cost, and provide three examples of each.

  • Explain how each of these costs relates to developing managerial accounting information required for decision making.

Summarize why a manager should understand these concepts, providing an example to support your rationale.

Explain the differences between fixed and variable costs and provide three examples of each type of cost.

Summarize the importance for managers to classify these costs correctly, including how the correct classification can inform decision making.

Create your story


Module 05 Content

OverviewLet’s get to the heart of the matter – what is YOUR story? What is your background, knowledge, and experience? What brings you joy and passion? What are the next steps in your career? Understanding yourself better will help you advocate and lobby for issues close to your heart and your career. Your personal story will help influence stakeholders and legislators. Directions
You will write a personal story following the steps below.

Head, Hands, and Heart Model: Using the included graphic (or another graphic of your choice), explore the following questions. Write down or draw your answers on the model. You will use the information on your model for your written work. Be as creative and you want. You will submit a photo of your model with your final work.

Head: What do you know about? What is your data background experience? What knowledge, data, and information do you know about? What knowledge do you draw upon?

Hands: What action will you do or take? How will you use your hands to make change? What skills and tactics will you use?

  1. Heart: What motivates you? What are your passions? What brings you joy? What inspires and empowers you?

Feet: Whose shoes do you need to walk in to learn more about others? What grounds your practice – in terms of values, standards, ethics, etc.?

Module 05 Model.pdf 

YOUR Story:

Share your story! Use your Head, Hands, and Heart Model to write your two-page story. Incorporate content from this module and outside research (as necessary) as you share your story with the lens of advocacy. Write as you would speak. Unlike your course essays, this writing is all about YOU. Let your personality shine through!

Make sure to include the following items in your story:

Your background, experience, and knowledge

Your passion areas

Who/what you need to learn more about in order to understand other people

Next steps in your career

  • If you include citations, please include a reference page in APA format.

All work should be formatted professionally and use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.



Please respond to one question for each reading:

Q1. Save the Crabs. The authors discuss ways to assure quality and quality control when designing effective health messages. For the “Save the Crabs” campaign, what are some ways that the planners either addressed one to two of the quality components they would need to do to assure these components?

Q2. Save the Crabs. How does this campaign apply either product, price, place or promotion (the social marketing mix) for one of their several specific audience segments? How did they determine it was the right approach? Do not repeat the segment and component of the marketing mix already discussed by other students.

Q3. Thackeray et al. Integrating Social Media and Social Marketing.

Thackeray describes social marketing concepts that can be applied to social media, then lays out 4 steps to accomplish your social marketing goals. The first step is understanding your audience segment. Then the next steps are based on that segment. So first, let’s consider the target of your PSA’s. What would you need to learn about them in order to design the most appropriate social media campaign? Then how might the social media choices differ for that group and service or retail providers serving that population? (OR, how would these 4 steps need to be carried out in the Save the Crabs case example?)

Q4. Thackeray et al. Integrating Social Media and Social Marketing.

One of those steps is deciding what your purpose will be for using social media, and 5 possible purposes are outlined. Pick one and explain how you would apply it to engage your intended PSA audience (or apply to the Save the Crabs campaign, or the First Five examples in the lecture). How does this article help in refining the purpose and uses of social media, based on the 5 purposes? How does the purpose defined in step 2 point us in the right direction for planning strategy and the right social media platform?…

MKT500 Strayer University Week 7 discussion – How Businesses Use Podcasts in Marketing missing


In your assignment this week, you will be asked to create a “mini” podcast to promote your product or service. For this discussion, you will explore how businesses use podcasts as part of their marketing strategy.

You may think of podcasts as being only for entertainment, current events, or news. In fact, businesses often use podcasts to reach their target audience in various ways. For example, the meal delivery company Blue Apron produced an educational podcast titled: “Why We Eat What We EatLinks to an external site.” where they could connect with their target audience through the common topic of food. Zip Recruiter sponsored a podcast titled: “Rise and Grind,Links to an external site.” where host Daymond John would interview high-profile achievers to ask about their approach to work success, which are topics relevant to their ideal customers. In addition to these two strategies, many businesses also reach new customers by making guest appearances on podcasts relevant to their industry or using podcasts to update customers about their product development. The exposure businesses receive from podcasts often drives sales rather than direct advertising or marketing.

  • Find a podcast published in the last two years that fits one of these strategies. (Note: There are many free podcasts on platforms such as Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and on your smartphone through apps like Stitcher or Podcasts.)
  • Answer the following questions:
    • What is the overall content/message of the podcast?
    • What is the tone of the podcast?
    • Is the podcast engaging? How so? If not, how could it be improved?
    • Based on the podcast title and topics, who would you say is the business’s target audience?
    • What do you consider to be the main advantages of podcast marketing? (Note: Consider where and when most people listen to podcasts.)

Read and respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.


Steve Olsher. 2019. Four Ways Companies Use Podcasts in Their Marketing.…