Software project decision


Title: Project Management


ISBN: 978-1-77420-013-1

Authors: Adrienne Watt

Publisher: BCcampus

Publication Date: August 14, 2014

Edition: 2nd Edition

Minimum of 7 outside references plus the book refernce 

Software project decision point.

You need to determine an interest rate to use—select an interest rate and explain why you think this number should be used. Use it in your calculations in item 1.2.

Given the information below on options 1 and 2, carry out three forms of analysis: breakeven, ROI, and NPV.

Make a recommendation on which way to proceed, based on the TCO for each option.

Option 1: Purchase the FunSoft package: Cost $200,000 for software and $85,000 for hardware in year one; with $50,000 to customize it and a $40,000 annual licensing fee for the life of the contract. There will be an annual saving of $61,000 due to the layoff of a clerk.

Option 2: Purchase the SoftComm package, which will operate on the vendor’s hardware: Cost $250,000 for a five-year license, payable half up front and half during the first year of implementation. The maintenance contract, at $75,000 a year, includes all currently identified modifications to the software for the first three years. The clerk’s hours will be cut by half, for a saving of $25,000 a year.

In both cases, sales are expected to increase from the current $1 million a year, by 10% per year each year (over each year’s previous year’s sales) after full implementation.

Assume a five-year life for the software.

For a Good work,

Use the integration of content and external material on Project Initiation, Overview of Project Planning, for the calculations of Returns on Investment, Net Present Value, and Total Cost of Ownership to compare projects.

Assignment Requirements

1. Good Main heading

2. Good introduction paragraph

3. Good Subheadings

4. State the formula distinctively.

5. Calculate for Option 1-FunnSoft Venture and The annual saving of $61,000 to Year 5

6. Calculate for Option 2-SoftComm Venture and The annual saving of $25,000 to Year 5

7. Define all acronyms from the onset

8. Label all Tables and Diagrams

9. Explain all Tables/diagrams in the text.

10. Good Conclusion

11. Fair in-text citations and References

social work mar


Objective: This assignment is designed to help you articulate the challenges associated with providing social work to students in schools. 

*Reflect on the below event involving a student, as a school social worker what may prompt you to respond in a manner that is different from what other staff such as the school teachers, administrators, or nurses might expect?

*Consider the Code of Ethics: “Best interest of the child(ren)” who may be experiencing challenges based on race, ethnicity, disability, gender identity, or sexual orientation. 

Example Event:

This is only an example.  

A first grade student comes to school wearing oversized clothing and smells of cat urine.  The child’s siblings are older and all appear to be dressed in size appropriate attire; however, they, too, smell of cat urine. The class teacher complains of the smell and appearance of the child and complains to you and the vice-principal that the student’s condition is both heartbreaking and a cause of disruption to other students in the class.  Both the teacher and the vice-principal believe you should immediately report this to Child Welfare Services (CWS).  You believe you should speak with the child and perhaps the siblings and parents to get a clearer picture of what may be occurring as this does not sound as if it a suspicion of abuse or neglect yet. In addition, you know by law that teachers are not allowed to defer their duty to report and, if a report should be made, it should be from the teacher who has first hand knowledge of the concern. 


How would you address this? Remember the sociological imagination and taking on a broader perspective than “judging” the individual.

Provide feedback to at least two of your group members using correct grammar and sentence structure.  Responses must demonstrate insight and foster continued learning.  Responses that are short and  do not demonstrate effort, such as simply stating “Good idea. I agree,” will not receive full points. 

While this activity is graded as complete/incomplete it is part of the course learning experience and counts towards this week active engagement. 



Most everyone has seen criminal trials (both fictitious and real) on TV. You know, then, that the trial starts with opening statements and ends with closing arguments by the prosecution and defense, respectively.

For this Discussion, you will examine the advantages and disadvantages of schemas.


  • Review the Learning Resources for this week and consider the advantages and disadvantages of schema.
  • Imagine you are a juror. Exactly how do opening statements and closing arguments function as schemas? In particular, what impact would opening statements have on how you, as a juror, would interpret evidence proffered at trial?


Post how your preconceptions (i.e., your schema) might supersede the schema (i.e., theory) of the case as presented by attorneys for the state and for the defendant during opening statements. How might the strength of your preconceptions cause you to reject the attorneys’ attempt to provide a schema for the case?

Required Media

WU The Impact of Sunk and Opportunity Costs Discussion



Two types of costs that can easily be overlooked when making decisions are sunk costs and opportunity costs. A sunk cost is a cost that was incurred in the past. It cannot be recovered or changed regardless of any management decisions. An opportunity cost is the cost associated with not choosing one alternative over another, and it can be measured in monetary and nonmonetary means. For example, imagine that an organization hosted a 3-day retreat to promote team building, but it was unappreciated by the employees and caused more harm than good. Once the retreat was paid for and attended, it was a sunk cost, since the managers can never return to the past and change the fact the retreat happened. The opportunity costs in this situation could be that employees could have spent those 3 days more productively by completing a project, the funds for the retreat could have been utilized elsewhere (e.g., bonuses), or a more effective retreat or team-building exercise could have been booked instead. In this Discussion, you will consider an example of a sunk or opportunity cost and its impact on an organization.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.


To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Consider an example from your professional career of either a sunk cost or an opportunity cost.


Post an analysis of the impact of costs for an organization, to include the following:

  • Describe an example of a sunk cost or opportunity cost from your current or past professional career, including why it would be either defined as a sunk cost or an opportunity cost.
  • Analyze the impact that this cost had on the organization, including how the main stakeholder(s) were affected by this situation.
  • With an understanding of sunk or opportunity costs, propose how you, as the manager, might address this scenario differently.

include references.

Anatomy Question


Instructions: A&P Topic: Endocrine system

Your final project will be a 5-7 page paper, focusing on one major system (Endocrine system) we have studied this semester. You will use this system as the starting point, and then relate it to the other systems we have studied (Integumentary System, skeleton system, muscular system, nervous system, central nervous system, Peripheral Nervous System, and Autonomic Nervous System).

For example, if you choose the skeletal system, you would not only describe in your own words the major anatomy (structure) and physiology (function) of the system, but you would also talk about how the muscular system is attached and how the nervous system enervation effects skeletal movement and health, how the endocrine system regulates growth and cellular turn over, by using the special sense of sight you can direct how the skeletal system moves in space, how the circulatory system and digestive system work to bring in nutrients and remove wastes, etc.

The goal of this paper is to get you thinking about how no system is operating in isolation, rather everything works together to support the underlying principles we talked about in module one in detail and the core of this course:

  • The complementarity of structure and function.
  • The hierarchy of the structural organization.
  • Maintaining homeostasis.

You may use drawings of your own making (they can be uploaded as photos) to help with your paper (they do not count in terms of pages, however!). They do not have to be professional using colored pencils/pens and sketching is fine.

This is a project where you really can demonstrate all that you have learned with your hard work this semester!

Remember to use citations throughout the text. I am not looking for more sources than your textbook and perhaps the lab manual (WE CAN WORK AROUND THIS- I WILL USED MY TEXTBOOK BY MATCHING THE INFORMATION YOU PROVIDE). Thank you.

Reference (textbook): Marieb, I.N. & Hoehn, K.N. (2019). Human anatomy & physiology (11th ed.). Pearson.

Logic Model Development Micro-View



To complete this assignment, you will adopt a micro-view utilizing the same public health problem you identified in your Week 3 Goals and Outcomes in Context discussion post. Use the Logic Model Template in the Resources for this assignment to further identify goals, objectives, and approaches.


The numbered assignment instructions outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the assignment rubric, so be sure to address each point. You may also want to review the performance level-Questions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

The micro-view for one specific public health problem should be organized into the following section, using the Logic Model Template provided. Use the second page of the template to write a brief, 1–2 paragraph summary of your logic model.

Recommend ways to cultivate fiscal or other resources required to achieve a strategic goal in the community, based on the identified public health problem. (For example, health improvement for adults in the community who smoke cigarettes and have increased risk of lung cancer). For further background, use the Week 4 readings on traditional and innovative ways to develop resources.

Identify fiscal or other resources required to achieve a strategic goal.

  1. What are the inputs? What resources will support the success of the strategic goal?

What personnel are required to successfully execute and support the strategic goal?

  • What are the revenue source(s) and cost(s) associated with executing the strategic goal?
  • How will you solicit or encourage people or organizations to support your initiative?
  • Develop distinct goals for the public health problem, which will be addressed in the strategic plan in the community.
  • What are the aims relating to the identified public health problem?
  • Develop supporting objectives aligned to the distinct goals for the public health problem in the community.
  1. What are the supporting objectives (aligned to the goals)?

Recommend appropriate interventions or approaches to meet the distinct goals for the public health program in the community.

  • What actions (interventions, approaches, methods, programs, and projects) will take place?
  1. Identity the short-term and long-term outcomes for the population in the community impacted by the identified public health problem.

Accouting Related


Juan and Ross have successfully started their server business. They have developed their product and
have shown customers that it works. They have also successfully marketed their business and products
resulting in sales of 29 servers. This means that they have successfully been able to eliminate two of the
three major risks associated with any start-up business: technology risk (Does the product work?), and
marketing risk (Can the product be sold?). The remaining risk is that of scale, can the sales be grown.
Juan and Ross are aware that most Angel and Venture Capital investors are willing to take this risk. They
initially decide to go out and access Angel funding. The problem is that they have no idea as to what
their company is worth, how much money they can raise, and what percentage of the company will the
investor(s) own?
Since Juan and Ross are based in San Diego they agree that they will use the standard value for
companies in San Diego as their base value.
Juan and Ross have no idea as to how to rate their management talents. They are very familiar with the
market, their competition, how to position their product versus their competition, the technology of
their product, etc. The feedback they have received to date regarding their presentations has been very
The size of the opportunity is very large with the market for servers expected to reach $45 billion in
The technology that Juan and Ross have developed is unique and solves many of the problems data
center providers encounter including heat, weight, and power.
Juan and Ross do not know of any direct competition for their product although several large companies
sell servers.
The two entrepreneurs believe that they know how to position and sell their products and have had
some success to date. They now believe it is time to ramp up their sales and marketing efforts.
Given the size of the market, they will certainly need additional investment if they are to achieve their
1) Value Ross and Juan’s company.
2) How much money should they look to raise?
3) What percentage of the overall ownership will the investors own?

theory disscuson maria rodrigues


Human Needs Theory: “The human-needs nursing theories were among the earliest of the nursing theories. In general, these theories followed the philosophical school of thought of the time by considering the person to be a biopsychosocial being and focusing on meeting the individual’s needs.” (McEwen & Wills, 2023, p.160) The concept of the human needs theory was that patients should be cared for until they are able to care for themselves. The assumptions are that human, environment, health, and nursing are an important part of healing patients.A healthy environment, nutritious food, and accurate observations are a must for patients to heal. The implication is that if you are around an unhealthy environment, you will not heal.  This was tested as when Florence Nightingale provided a clean and healthy environment during the Crimean War. Casualties went down to 2 percent. This is a most basic theory that cleanliness will decrease infection, healthy food will nourish the body to help it heal, and that educating the patients will increase compliance.

Interactive Nursing Theory: This theory has a belief that humans are holistic beings who interact with, and adapt to, situations in which they find themselves. The concept is that people have biologic, psychosocial, and spiritual subsystems that needs to be addressed holistically. The assumption is that “The nurse focuses on all aspects of the total person, systematically noting the interrelations of the systems and the relationships of the systems to time and environment.” (McEwen & Wills, 2023, p.166) The implication of interactive nurse theory is that you must care for all aspect of patients not only the disease process. In interactive nursing theory we can see that the relationship between the nurse and patient is important. “A transpersonal caring relationship connotes a spirit-to-spirit unitary connection within a caring moment, honoring the embodied spirit of both practitioner and patient within a unitary field of consciousness.” (McEwen & Wills, 2023, p.186) This type of theory takes into account the spirit when it comes to end-of-life care since we are treating patient holistically.

history 111


Discussion Board Goal:

–to give examples about the experiences of Asian Americans

Discussion purpose:

–to express your thoughts and feelings about what you’re “witnessing”

–to participate in “collective witnessing” where we share our thoughts and feelings but also as a group recognize the power dynamics present and start to see the historical trajectory of the treatment of the “other”

–to participate in community building (which aids in retention, engagement/interest)

read the pieces on Asian Americans

Choose 3 things in the texts that resonate with you. You do not need to speak about each of the materials but choose 3 things from what you read/watched. By resonate I mean what surprises you, what stands out to you, what affects you in some way, what did you learn that you didn’t know before, and/or what did you already know that was enhanced by something you read here. Be very specific about the 3 things and share the quotations that resonates with you and tells us why each of them resonates. Please post this by Monday, March 11th at 1159pm.

  1. Group A (ETHN 107) respond to 2 different people’s posts. Respond to as whether you agree or disagree with something resonating with someone else (i.e. “this resonates with me too because” or “this doesn’t resonate with me because”) or you can talk about how a quotation that someone pointed out resonates with you in a different way. Group A’s responses are due Tuesday, March 12th at 1159pm.
  2. Submission
  3. –Initial posts to the discussion board are due by Monday, March 11th at 11:59pm on Canvas here.

–Group A posts 2 responses to posts are due Tuesday, March 12th, at 11:59pm.

Grading Expectations

Please see rubric for complete/incomplete grading instructions. A complete submission will:

-follow all directions

-choose specific quotations and cite them (i.e. Takaki, 2012, p.____) with p. ___ being page number so for example (Takaki, 2012, p. 14). If it doesn’t have a page number just put author and year.

-explain how each quotation resonates/why you are drawn to it

-for Group A include 2 posts to two different people responding to what resonates with the post

DD 1.


You will read and prepare a brief presentation summarizing the relevant points of information contained in a Diving Deeper article. In this submission you will be graded based upon the quality of your slides. In your Diving Deeper Presentation you will be graded based upon the quality of your presentation. 

Learning Objectives

The student will demonstrate their ability to read, understand and identify key points in a reading. 

The student will write a presentation that demonstrates their ability to communicate and reteach key points that they have learned in an article. 

  • First

Sign up for your Diving Deeper topic.

  • Second

Go to the module you selected and review the Diving Deeper readings.

Select a reading that interests you. 


  • Return to your Diving Deeper sign up page above. Click on the dots on the right hand side for your group.

Select the option for your Group Homepage.

On the Group Homepage write your name and the title of the article you have selected. 

Each article may only be selected one time by one student.

If someone has already selected the article you wanted, you must choose a different article. 

  • Article preference will be honored on a first-come, first-served basis. If you create slides for an article that someone else has “dibs” on first, you will not receive full points for your assignment, so be sure to sign up early, and double check that your article is available. 


  • Read your article and take notes, identifying the most important points in the article. 

Write your Powerpoint presentation about your article (12 slide minimum) (reference page is on the 12th page). Follow the format below:

Introduction to the article

What is the title? 

  • Who is/are the authors? 

Who published the article? 

  • Briefly tell us what the article is about in 1-2 sentences. 

Important information in the article

  • 5 points

Synthesize the article with other class material

  • Consider other concepts that you have learned either in this module or in past modules. 

Discuss how this article relates to that learning and increases our understanding of the past and present learning


Summarize what you have told us in the introduction and body of your presentation

Summarize your synthesis