WU The Transformative Impact of The Treat and Reduce Obesity Act Discussion


Pain management programs have become an essential aspect of modern healthcare, aiming to reduce the prevalence and impact of chronic pain conditions.

Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation

One example of a pain management program evaluation is the assessment of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CJR) Model (CMS, 2023). This model was implemented in 2016 to improve the quality of care for Medicare beneficiaries undergoing lower extremity joint replacement surgery. The evaluation criteria for the CJR Model include Quality of Care, Efficiency, and Patient Outcomes. Quality of care measures the overall quality of patient care, including patient satisfaction, readmission rates, and adherence to evidence-based clinical guidelines. Efficiency assesses the program’s cost-effectiveness, including reducing unnecessary utilization of resources and promoting value-based care. Patient Outcomes evaluates the program’s impact on patient outcomes, such as pain reduction, improved function, and overall quality of life.

Social Determinants Impacting Pain Management

Social determinants of health (SDOH) play a significant role in pain management and the effectiveness of pain management programs. It takes a social determinants approach in promoting research and action on economic and commercial determinants as structural drivers of health inequities (WHO, n.d.). These determinants include socioeconomic status, education, housing, and access to healthcare. For example, individuals with lower socioeconomic status are more likely to experience chronic pain due to occupational hazards and limited access to healthcare resources. Additionally, Structural discrimination — macro-level conditions such as residential segregation — limits the conditions and well-being of less privileged groups (including the disabled, poor, women, LGBTQIA+, the elderly, and racial and ethnic minorities), which keeps these groups from reaching their full health potential (NCBI, 2022).

Furthermore, SDOH can impact the effectiveness of pain management programs. Patients with limited access to healthcare may struggle to adhere to treatment plans or attend follow-up appointments, ultimately affecting their pain management outcomes. Individuals with lower education levels may need help understanding and implementing pain management strategies, leading to better outcomes. Additionally, cultural beliefs about pain and its treatment may impact an individual’s willingness to participate in specific interventions or adhere to treatment recommendations.

Nutrition discussion & Art Disuccion & English Discussion


In 200 words or more:

Briefly describe your reaction to this video. 

Why is this type of diet not recommended?  Use specific information from our textbook to support your answer.

The eBook and/or lesson 4 lecture is a required reference.

Be sure to include the health effects of a diet high in saturated fat and refined grains and the pro-inflammatory nature of this type of diet in your post:

  1. See Smith section 5.6 on saturated fat and cholesterol,

section 5.7 on “the development of cardiovascular disease” and

  1. section 10.1 for clarification on the inflammatory response.

Would you eat at this facility? Why or why not? 

  • Would you let your children eat there? Why or why not?
  • Why do you think this type of restaurant is popular in the U.S. now?

Do you think most Americans relate their food decisions to their risk for disease?   What evidence is there for your thinking on this?

  • Do you have experiences where it seems evident that people you know have decided to eat unhealthily despite the possible consequences?  How do we all “pay” for this? 
  • Answer all 7 questions fully with insight,
  • Back up your ideas with reliable evidence, with references (our textbook is a great reference, include section or page numbers).
  1. Please read and reply to at least 2 other posts, at least 50 words each.
  2. End each reply with a thoughtful and relevant questio
  3. Standard MLA style format 
  4. 1,000 words plus works cited page. 
  5. Works Cited page with one source citations must be included for a passing grade 
  6. the assigned source that was annotated and discussed in Unit 1
  7. Assignment – Structure and Development should reflect the QUESTIONs below.

Essay #1 involves research on the assigned humanities topic. Refer back to Lesson 2.5 for the topic of the essay and the required reading.

  1. In Corridor’s video “New Robot Makes Soldiers Obsolete,” Corridor video illustrates the combat skills of a robot through various tests and combat situations. Corridor. “New Robot Makes Soldiers Obsolete (Corridor Digital).” Youtube. 
  2. In your essay, analyze the details of the following,
  3. the humans’ actions and behaviors
  4. the robot’s actions and behaviors
  5. the text captions 

Mass and Energy Units (Climate Resilient Futures)


Hypothetical Home 

A single-family, detached home has the following characteristics: 

Dimensions (40’x20’10’, as shown in the figure above)

  • 6 single-glazed, wood-framed glass windows that are each 2′ x 4′
  • The walls, ceiling and door have an R value of 4 (ft2 °F hr)/Btu
  • The ceiling has an additional 1-inch polystyrene insulation layer
  • The temperature in the home is maintained at 68°F by a natural gas-fueled heater, which runs at
  • 80% efficiency

For the problems in this assignment, we’ll work with the following assumptions:

There is no heat loss through the floor/foundation to the ground

  • The house is well-sealed and there are no leaks
  • The temperature outdoors is a constant 10°F
  • Heating costs 

1. If natural gas costs $16.28 per thousand cubic feet, how much would it cost to heat this home over your hypothetical month? 


2. How much heat would be lost through the windows, ceiling and walls if the home described above was retrofit so that: 

The walls and ceiling now have an R value of 19 (the original 1-inch polystyrene insulationlayer on the ceiling was replaced so the total value for both the walls and ceiling is now 19).

  • The windows are replaced with argon-filled, triple-glazed windows with low E coating
  • (see Table 4.2 on Page 2 of this assignment).

3. How much natural gas (in cubic feet) would be needed to heat the now-weatherized home

for a month?

4. With a natural gas cost of $16.28 per thousand cubic feet, what would be the cost to heat

the weatherized home for a month?

Heat Pumps

5. Assume that the natural gas heater in the hypothetical home is replaced by an air-source

heat pump with 300% efficiency. With 300% efficiency, the heat pump puts out 3 times as

much heat as it uses in electricity. Using the conversion factor of 3412.14 Btu = 1kwh, How

many kWh of electricity would be needed to heat the unweatherized home (described on

Page 1) over the same month? How much would this cost if electricity is $0.23 per kwh?

6. How many kWh of electricity would be needed to heat the retrofitted, weatherized home

(described in Question 2) over the same month? How much would this cost if electricity is

$0.23 per kwh?

Current Event #1 Topic


Current Event Assignment 

The world around us is changing every day, and the decisions we make significantly affect our lives and the lives of those around us. We need to be aware of the events that are going on around us locally, nationally, and globally. This semester you are responsible for completing four current event assignments that will be submitted in class. The professor will select current event submissions for students to summarize in class to engage in class discussions. 

The article you choose must have been published in the last three months and be a minimum of five paragraphs (25 + sentences). You may choose your article from newspapers, magazines, or professional news sources from a hard copy source or located on the internet (no blog posts or YouTube videos). Acceptable news sources include, but are not limited to: 

ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, CNN, Fox News, Atlanta-Journal Constitution, LA Times, NY Times, USA Today, Marietta Journal, National Geographic News, Associated Press, and Wall Street Journal. 

Current Event #1 Topic “Regulatory Issues” Chapter 3

For the article you choose, type your summary in the following format: 

1) Proper Titles (5 points):

a. APA title page

b. No abstract

c. What is the name of the article? The exact wording in bold type is centered on the page. 

2) Subject-matter topic is clearly identified (5 points).  Each current event assignment must have a different focus. 

3) Article source (5 points)

a. Using the APA style of citation (reference page and in-text citations), where did you get this article? Cite reference at the end of the paper on a separate Reference page 

4) Summary (10 points)

a. In YOUR words, briefly summarize the content of the article. 

b. Minimum 4 sentences 

5) Analysis (10 points):

           a. What are the positions held by the people mentioned in the article?

           b. How do you feel about this event/issue?

c. How does the content in this article relate to the corresponding subject-matter topic?

           d. Minimum 4 sentences 

6) Impact (15 points)

           a. Why is this event significant? (Why should you or I care?)

           b. Could this event be part of a larger issue? Explain how. 

           c. Minimum 4 sentences. 

Japans history discussion


Hello for this assignment I need to engage in a discussion about Chapter 3 of my book. Here are the instructions

Teamaster must evaluate the week’s reading, movie, and documentary . Your team should select features that you found particularly interesting and engaging to talk about. Do not try to cover the whole reading, information on all documents, film or documentary in one thread. Choosing a clear focus will help you host an effective Tea Meeting because you must do more than merely describe what you saw and read about; you must get your classmates to engage analytically with the content, bringing the discussion to a deeper level.

Research: Please make sure to lookup any related information that is worth
adding, whether it reinforces or contests the readings’ position what matters is
your justification for its inclusion.
Add background history of the documents you are analyzing, the director of the
films and authors of readings background, and any other information that will
enhance the discussions.Hello for this assignment I need to engage in a discussion about Chapter 3 of my book. Here are the instructions

Readings and Links


Analyze documents: from Modern Japan: A History in Documents

Chapter 3: Confronting the Modern World: 1868-89



After doing the readings and when assigned movies and documents, please join the conversation with the TeaMasters!
Remember we are all learning from one another, expand on the conversation, provide facts and links 🙂
Do not summarize readings here, the idea is to analyze them by discussing them.

More than just thinking about the plot, you need to look at every detail so that you can compare how characters dress, do elders and youth dress alike?
Consider the architecture, how are spaces designed, what spaces are occupied by whom?
Is there a difference between genders, authorities, young/elders or do they all occupy the same place? Who gets up first at the table, who serves?
Are characters taking turns to speak, which lines does each say, who has the last word, etc?
& finally… what does it all mean?
How do your observations relate to the content of the course

Response to peer 2


In the book, we learned that a corporate-level strategy, specifies actions a firm takes to gain a competitive advantage by selecting and managing a group of different businesses competing in different product markets (Hitt et al, 2020).

In my opinion, there are four main strategies that  I believe can be the most effective for achieving a sustainable competitive advantage globally 

For a company, it is essential to have a strong focus on the customer’s needs.  When a brand focuses on the customer experience, customers become more engaged and build loyalty toward the brand (Wooden, 2023)..

Companies can also differentiate themselves from their competitors by constantly creating, innovating, and updating their products and services.

  1. New and continuous growth in advanced technologies can also attract new customers or retain them.
  2. For a well-established company, entering new markets, growing and expanding globally can bring great benefits such as brand recognition and economic growth.
  3. An example of a company that has achieved a sustainable competitive advantage is Amazon.  Amazon strongly focuses on the user experience and uses a customer-centric approach that differentiates it from its competitors. It also provides an easy and personalized online shopping experience, fast shipping times, and great deals for its users.
  4. To stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in a global industry/market it is important to invest in research and development and regularly conduct market research to identify the latest trends in the industry. According to the Expert panel of Forbes Magazine (2022), a few strategies that can be used are understanding where customers are and what they need, following up with customers, monitoring industry trends, networking, leveraging social media, taking a multichannel approach and attending industry events are great ways to stay up to date with the latest trends. If companies use these strategies and they adapt to market changes and continue to learn about the market and current and future trends, the company will stay ahead of the competition.  Amazon is a great example since it went from an online bookstore to one of the biggest and most popular e-commerce websites today.



Objective: This assignment is designed to help you articulate the challenges associated with providing social work to students in schools. 

*Reflect on the below event involving a student, as a school social worker what may prompt you to respond in a manner that is different from what other staff such as the school teachers, administrators, or nurses might expect?

*Consider the Code of Ethics: “Best interest of the child(ren)” who may be experiencing challenges based on race, ethnicity, disability, gender identity, or sexual orientation. 

Example Event:

This is only an example.  

A first grade student comes to school wearing oversized clothing and smells of cat urine.  The child’s siblings are older and all appear to be dressed in size appropriate attire; however, they, too, smell of cat urine. The class teacher complains of the smell and appearance of the child and complains to you and the vice-principal that the student’s condition is both heartbreaking and a cause of disruption to other students in the class.  Both the teacher and the vice-principal believe you should immediately report this to Child Welfare Services (CWS).  You believe you should speak with the child and perhaps the siblings and parents to get a clearer picture of what may be occurring as this does not sound as if it a suspicion of abuse or neglect yet. In addition, you know by law that teachers are not allowed to defer their duty to report and, if a report should be made, it should be from the teacher who has first hand knowledge of the concern. 


How would you address this? Remember the sociological imagination and taking on a broader perspective than “judging” the individual.

Provide feedback to at least two of your group members using correct grammar and sentence structure.  Responses must demonstrate insight and foster continued learning.  Responses that are short and  do not demonstrate effort, such as simply stating “Good idea. I agree,” will not receive full points. 

While this activity is graded as complete/incomplete it is part of the course learning experience and counts towards this week active engagement. 



Objective: This assignment is designed to help you articulate the challenges associated with providing social work to students in schools. 

*Reflect on the below event involving a student, as a school social worker what may prompt you to respond in a manner that is different from what other staff such as the school teachers, administrators, or nurses might expect?

*Consider the Code of Ethics: “Best interest of the child(ren)” who may be experiencing challenges based on race, ethnicity, disability, gender identity, or sexual orientation. 

Example Event:

This is only an example.  

A first grade student comes to school wearing oversized clothing and smells of cat urine.  The child’s siblings are older and all appear to be dressed in size appropriate attire; however, they, too, smell of cat urine. The class teacher complains of the smell and appearance of the child and complains to you and the vice-principal that the student’s condition is both heartbreaking and a cause of disruption to other students in the class.  Both the teacher and the vice-principal believe you should immediately report this to Child Welfare Services (CWS).  You believe you should speak with the child and perhaps the siblings and parents to get a clearer picture of what may be occurring as this does not sound as if it a suspicion of abuse or neglect yet. In addition, you know by law that teachers are not allowed to defer their duty to report and, if a report should be made, it should be from the teacher who has first hand knowledge of the concern. 


How would you address this? Remember the sociological imagination and taking on a broader perspective than “judging” the individual.

Provide feedback to at least two of your group members using correct grammar and sentence structure.  Responses must demonstrate insight and foster continued learning.  Responses that are short and  do not demonstrate effort, such as simply stating “Good idea. I agree,” will not receive full points. 

While this activity is graded as complete/incomplete it is part of the course learning experience and counts towards this week active engagement. 

sw fa


Objective: This assignment is designed to help you articulate the challenges associated with providing social work to students in schools. 

*Reflect on the below event involving a student, as a school social worker what may prompt you to respond in a manner that is different from what other staff such as the school teachers, administrators, or nurses might expect?

*Consider the Code of Ethics: “Best interest of the child(ren)” who may be experiencing challenges based on race, ethnicity, disability, gender identity, or sexual orientation. 

Example Event:

This is only an example.  

A first grade student comes to school wearing oversized clothing and smells of cat urine.  The child’s siblings are older and all appear to be dressed in size appropriate attire; however, they, too, smell of cat urine. The class teacher complains of the smell and appearance of the child and complains to you and the vice-principal that the student’s condition is both heartbreaking and a cause of disruption to other students in the class.  Both the teacher and the vice-principal believe you should immediately report this to Child Welfare Services (CWS).  You believe you should speak with the child and perhaps the siblings and parents to get a clearer picture of what may be occurring as this does not sound as if it a suspicion of abuse or neglect yet. In addition, you know by law that teachers are not allowed to defer their duty to report and, if a report should be made, it should be from the teacher who has first hand knowledge of the concern. 


How would you address this? Remember the sociological imagination and taking on a broader perspective than “judging” the individual.

Provide feedback to at least two of your group members using correct grammar and sentence structure.  Responses must demonstrate insight and foster continued learning.  Responses that are short and  do not demonstrate effort, such as simply stating “Good idea. I agree,” will not receive full points. 

While this activity is graded as complete/incomplete it is part of the course learning experience and counts towards this week active engagement. 



Objective: This assignment is designed to help you articulate the challenges associated with providing social work to students in schools. 

*Reflect on the below event involving a student, as a school social worker what may prompt you to respond in a manner that is different from what other staff such as the school teachers, administrators, or nurses might expect?

*Consider the Code of Ethics: “Best interest of the child(ren)” who may be experiencing challenges based on race, ethnicity, disability, gender identity, or sexual orientation. 

Example Event:

This is only an example.  

A first grade student comes to school wearing oversized clothing and smells of cat urine.  The child’s siblings are older and all appear to be dressed in size appropriate attire; however, they, too, smell of cat urine. The class teacher complains of the smell and appearance of the child and complains to you and the vice-principal that the student’s condition is both heartbreaking and a cause of disruption to other students in the class.  Both the teacher and the vice-principal believe you should immediately report this to Child Welfare Services (CWS).  You believe you should speak with the child and perhaps the siblings and parents to get a clearer picture of what may be occurring as this does not sound as if it a suspicion of abuse or neglect yet. In addition, you know by law that teachers are not allowed to defer their duty to report and, if a report should be made, it should be from the teacher who has first hand knowledge of the concern. 


How would you address this? Remember the sociological imagination and taking on a broader perspective than “judging” the individual.

Provide feedback to at least two of your group members using correct grammar and sentence structure.  Responses must demonstrate insight and foster continued learning.  Responses that are short and  do not demonstrate effort, such as simply stating “Good idea. I agree,” will not receive full points. 

While this activity is graded as complete/incomplete it is part of the course learning experience and counts towards this week active engagement.