ECPI Creating Grouping Labelling and Placing your Shopping List in Order Questions



Step 1: Begin by making a “shopping list”.  Use a word or two to describe each point that is covered in the scenario until you have a list of all the ideas covered. (Upscale apartment, assault call, bloody nose, red marks, etc.). 

NOTE 1: Names, addresses, and other such facts should be written out completely.

NOTE 2: The facts that you gathered and are now making a list out of will not be in the order that you will use them in your report.

NOTE 3: By making your shopping list, you have started to put the information from your notes into a manageable form.

Step 2: Now that you have created your shopping list, the next step will be to group by similar ideas, facts, or information that logically fits together.

Note: Statements made by a particular person should almost always be placed in a group by themselves.

NOTE 2: Give yourself plenty of room in which to work. Using a pencil and eraser can make the task easier, but do not worry about neatness.

NOTE 3: This is for your use only in planning your report.

Step 3: Your next task is to name or label each of the groups that you have established. (At a minimum, you should have the following labels: Responding officers; victim’s information, suspect’s information, apartment crime scene).

NOTE: Use from one to five words to describe the major topic of the group

Step 4: You are now ready for the final phase of the planning process: placing the labeled groups in a logical order.

NOTE 1: The groups should be put in an order that makes the most sense, assists your reader in understanding the report, or puts emphasis on the message that you are trying to impart.

NOTE 2: Often, the groups are arranged in chronological order. Keep in mind that every report needs three things: an introduction, a body of information, and a conclusion (Much like that of a research paper). 

NOTE 3: The body of your report comes from your labeled groups.

Once all the steps are completed, students will submit a Word document outlining their labeled shopping lists grouped together in a logical flow. 

AMU Public Education Campaigns Discussion


This week’s discussion will help you prepare for the week 4 assignment, which will have you creating a public education visual or video.

More than likely, you have come across public health or public safety campaigns without even realizing it. You may have seen anti-smoking campaigns, campaigns encouraging exercise, or proper nutrition. There have been multiple public health campaigns aimed at food safety and safe food handling over the years.

Typically, September is National Food Safety Education Month, when the CDC focuses concerted efforts on educating the public about food safety and foodborne illnesses.

Do you recall ever seeing public education campaigns in the past, such as the one featured here?

Or maybe you saw this on a billboard or saw a tweet from @USDAFoodSafety.

Maybe this ad popped up while you were scrolling through social media…

There are many different sources of public safety education tools, including infographics, fact sheets, videos, and even games aimed at educating the public about food safety and how to handle food safely.

You can find a wide variety of food safety educational materials on the CDC’s webpage here:

You can find videos aimed at educating the public about food safety on the USDA’s YouTube Channel:

You can also find educational resources for different ages at various other websites, including Fight Bac – Partnership for Food Safety Education:

As you explore these sites, you will see a variety of media used to attempt to educate the public and share information about food safety. Focus on the infographics and videos, as you will choose one of those for your week 4 assignment.

For this discussion, find and post a link to a food safety education asset, such as an infographic, fact sheet, video, or social media post. Comment on the content of the media piece and discuss its message and effectiveness.




“Positive or Normative Perspective” is a Discussion assessment that encourages students to describe a chapter section from a positive (“what is”) or normative (“what should be”) perspective.

Estimated Time

An estimated 2 hours is needed to complete this activity.


There are two perspectives we can use to examine any object, such as a chapter section: positive and normative.

Positive Perspective

A positive perspective seeks to answer the question: “what is?” While a normative perspective seeks to answer the question: “what should be?”

The positive perspective is more closely associated with an “objective” or “matter-of-fact” view. For example, if we see a red tomato growing in a garden, a positive perspective would state: “There is a red tomato growing in the garden”.

Normative Perspective

A normative perspective is more closely associated with a “subjective” or “opinionated” view. For example, if we see a red tomato growing in a garden, a normative perspective would state: “There is a red tomato growing in the garden, but I think there should be a green zucchini growing instead.”


In 5 sentences, evaluate a chapter or chapter section from either a normative or positive perspective.

You can choose any chapter or chapter section from the textbook to evaluate.

Recall that a normative perspective is asking “What should be?” while a positive perspective is asking “What is?”

Step 1: Post

Please state the perspective you will use to evaluate a chapter/chapter section/topic: either normative perspective OR a positive perspective.

From your chosen perspective, explain in 5 or more sentences a chapter/chapter section/topic.

You can choose any chapter/chapter section/topic from the textbook/textbook equivalent to evaluate.

Step 2: Submit 1st Reply

Please reply, in 5 or more sentences, to a peer:

restating the perspective your peer is evaluating from.

validating your peers’ selection of perspective.

expanding on their perspective with your own thoughts.

Step 3: Submit 2nd Reply

Please reply, in 5 or more sentences, to a 2nd peer:

restating the perspective your peer is evaluating from.

validating your peers’ selection of perspective.

expanding on their perspective with your own thoughts.

Step 4: Double Check that you Replied


Visit Canvas Tutorial for Discussions OverviewLinks to an external site. for an explanation of how to complete a Discussion assignment in Canvas.

Kathleen O’Connor “Jeremiah, Pain and Promise”


critical review of Kathleen O’Connor’s book, Jeremiah:

Pain and Promise

Your review should evaluate O’Connor’s approach to reading the book of Jeremiah and express your critique of it

based on what you learn in this course about reading the Bible through the lens of trauma. A hard-copy of this

assignment is due in-person during Week 11 for Peer Review (Thurs Mar 21). After making edits and revisions based

on your peer reviewer’s comments, you will submit your paper for a grade (Tues Mar 26).

This book is approximately 190 pages, so please plan accordingly to complete this assignment. I will be assigning

chapters over the next few modules so that you complete the book before the due date, but you can also read ahead

as you are able.

Reviewing critically means thinking carefully about the strengths AND weakness of the author’s argument.

  • Make sure you clearly and concisely explain the methods that O’Connor uses to interpret Jeremiah, her
  • definitions of trauma, and how her approach to Jeremiah is applicable or relevant to modern-day readers.

Provide some specific examples but remember that this is NOT a book summary assignment. Explain how the

  • example(s) you use demonstrate the strength or weakness of her approach to understanding Jeremiah. If you

need to summarize some of O’Connor’s main points, make sure you explain why you think these points are

important (helpful/unhelpful) to the reader.

Some questions to consider in your critique:

What kind of approach(es) does O’Connor use in her biblical interpretation? How is her approach unique?

  • How do modern concepts of trauma apply when interpreting ancient biblical passages?
  • What aspects of O’Connor’s biblical interpretation are helpful to you as a reader/student? What aspects are
  • not as helpful? Do you think her approach limits understandings of the book of Jeremiah?

See ‘Critical Review – Questions to Keep in Mind’ in the Assignment Guidelines module for more questions to

consider as you write your critical review. Demonstrates a clear

understanding of the

important points of the book,

includes critical and balanced

evaluation of the strengths

AND weaknesses of author’s

points. Provides specific examples

(cites page numbers) to

support claims of strengths

AND weaknesses. Makes a strong case for how

the author’s approach applies

to modern readers. Well-written, organized,

concise, strong topic

sentences and transition

sentences, length of paper

within assignment parameters

DQ8 Watson’s theory


Watson’s theory of caring has has played a major role in helping professional nurses honor their unique and distinct values. However, the theory does not conform to the biomedical, bureaucratic, health care system and sometimes presents practical difficulties for nurses’ work. A model of caring includes a call for both art and science; it offers a framework that embraces and intersects with art, science, humanities, spirituality, and new dimensions of mind body spirit medicine and nursing evolving openly as central to human phenomena of nursing practice.

Our contract with society is our Code of Ethics. In order for the public to feel safe within our care and grow from the provision of the care we need to have the care viewed and feel like we are truly engaged in their care. One of our former ANA president Rebecca M. Patton discusses the importance of the Big and Little P.

Here is the Link:

Dr. Patton’s message to the Nursing staff and leaders at the Cleveland Clinic focused on the importane all nurses understanding that they are capable of being change agents at all levels of nursing. Please note, you are being asked to first share Watson’s Theory and the metapadigm of her theory with your classmates. You are next asked to choose one of the 10 Caritas in Watson’s theory for your discusion. Once you have viewed the attached video, think about your “little p” in your clinical practice. What can you do in your current role with your immediate leaders/supervisors to implement change at the point of care. Dr. Pstton wants nurses to know that they have the power to make change within their sphere of influence. Look forward to a great discussion this week.

Week 3 Discussion global terr


Part 1

Answer one of the following:

  1. In the introduction to his book Man and Aggression, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1968), Ashley Montagu writes that “In the case of man it is possible to say that in spite of attempts to saddle him with instincts, all such attempts have thus far failed. The most notable thing about human behavior is that it is learned.”  Further “it is within the dimension of culture, the learned, the man-made part of the environment that man grows, develops, and has his being as a behaving organism.”  The argument about “nature” v. “nurture,” and whether we are born aggressive or learn it from our social environment, continues to vex scholars. What do you think? Are terrorists (think of the attackers on 9/11, the Taliban, or the January 6 rioters, for example) born or made so by the environment?
  2. In our reading for this week, Karl Mannheim’s Ideology and Utopia, the author describes the general camps, the modes of thought, within which we are raised and through which our historical and political thinking coalesce. On Page 118 he lists and then describes the most important representative categories constituting the political and social determinants of knowledge of the 19th and 20th century. These “ideal types” are five (here he is thinking of Europe, I believe):  Bureaucratic conservativism; Conservative historicism; Liberal-democratic bourgeois thought; the Socialist-communist conception; and Fascism. If he is correct, and adjusting for the present day, within which such category do most terrorists abroad fall, in your opinion? Most terrorists here in the United States? The majority of Americans?
  3. Emile Durkheim developed the idea of anomie, normlessness. When changes occur, traditional norms may weaken or even disappear. These breaks may bring on a lack of order and civility. In ancient and Medieval times, many cultures had periods or bursts of carnival, wild behavior, ecstasy, drunken revelry, Dionysian revels and orgies. Do we need norms to live a civilized life? Is violence a deviation from settled patterns? Can terrorists be brought into civility, do you think? Or are some of these global terrorists simply ignorant, violence-prone and close-minded.

CCC Womens Health Discussion


  • Relate to another journal reading
  • Women’s Health
  • In this case, the patient reports the absence of a menstrual cycle for the past 6months and her pregnancy test result is negative. The FNP ordered lab work to assess for a physiological cause for the amenorrhea. It is the patient’s desire to avoid hormone therapy based her beliefs. The FNP should attempt to contact the patient to discuss the lab work specifically as it relates to arriving at a diagnosis for the amenorrhea. The patient’s confusion regarding therapy even before the labs are drawn may have resulted from a communication failure between the FNP and the patient. Therapies should be discussed after the results are obtained in a shared decision-making forum. Shared decision making is based on collaboration between the provider and the patient and involves the patient’s preferences, values, and beliefs (Hoffmann et al., 2022). 

To help the patient, the FNP can contact her to discuss the case, address her concerns,  and educate her regarding the many possible causes of secondary amenorrhea. Some of the causes to discuss include psychosocial stressors, diet, strenuous exercise, weight loss, endocrine gland disorders, primary ovarian insufficiency, hypothalamic or pituitary disorders, and sequela of chronic disease (Klein et al., 2019). It is important for the FNP to listen to the patient’s concerns and to provide treatment options that align with the patient’s beliefs, preferences, and values. If the patient is amenable with having lab work, the FNP can facilitate the start of a shared decision treatment plan. The FNP should educate the patient regarding the labs and their significance. The following labs are considered to determine causation of the amenorrhea FSH, LH, thyroid panel, HCG, and prolactin (Klein et al., 2019). It is equally important to obtain a thorough personal and family health history, psychosocial history, and sexual/reproductive history to determine a possible cause of hypothalamic amenorrhea. 

This FNP will need to cultivate a trusting relationship with the patient to formulate a treatment plan the patient finds comfortable. Follow up is important to ensure the patient can access appropriate support mechanisms for her concerns regarding possible therapies.  

Read the question(s) below and respond to both peer posts answering the question(s)



In response to your peers, identify some of the strategies or tools that could be used to help remediate the issues your peers identified in their initial posts.


Some of the biggest issues a company will face when it comes to data protection are related to how the data is maintained. For example, a company could have inside threats that could misuses or mishandle the information.  “Poor data stewardship practices are either already bad actors or could become bad actors in the right situation” (Alan E. Earls, 2021). 

Other concerns relate to privacy and regulation. For example, if a US company does business in the UK and they are processing UK customer data, they would need to comply with GDPR in the UK and with CCPA in the US (Alan E. Earls, 2021).

Not only customer data can be exposed, but also the companies sensitive information such as records and employee personal information.

This is why it’s important for companies to protect their data as leaks and mishandling could cause irreparable damage to the company, its employees, and the consumers.
When companies choose to not practice proper data protection or just have lack of preventive step to prevent data protection the company can be variable to data breaches and privacy incidents that can tarnish a company’s reputation and have customer trust issue. Leaving itself to various risks making the company rely on incident response teams. With that in mind what if the company is just starting out and don’t fully understand what proper data protection is need for their company, or maybe they have groups of employees that don’t know what procedures to follow due to lack of training that provide for employees I know I work a few jobs where I was never really given a single paper about any protective steps need to protect customer data and these were billion dollar companies. But fixing poor data practices with a company will require the company to take a comprehensive or even a systematic approach to help itself and its employees change as an organization.

5CO03 Professional behaviours & valuing people



Your evidence must consist of:

§Written responses to each of the 6 instructions above.

§(Approximately 2250 words in total, refer to CIPD word count policy)

§Please Follow the word count for each question.

Task one Questions

Appraise what it means to be a people professional. (AC 1.1) Word count: Approximately 400 words

Type here…

Recognise how personal and ethical values can be applied in the context of people practice. (AC 1.2)

Word count: Approximately 300 words

Type here…

Consider the importance of people professionals contributing to discussions in an informed, clear and confident way to influence others. (AC 1.3) Word count: Approximately 350 words

Type here…

Recognise when and how you would raise matters which conflict with ethical values or legislation. (AC1.4)

a) where you consider something to be unethical (whether or not it is illegal), 

b) where you believe something contravenes legislation

Word count: Approximately 350 words

Type here…

Argue the human and business benefits of people feeling included, valued, and fairly treated at work linking to (two) related theory. (AC2.1)  Word count: Approximately 400 words

Type here…

Discuss (two) strategies for designing and ensuring inclusive people practices. (AC 2.2)

. Word count: Approximately 450 words

Type here…


Please provide your full long reference list here. The Harvard method is preferable. Please refer to the guidance on the Learner HUB.


Your evidence must consist of:

§Written responses to questions 1-4,

(Approximately 1000 words in total, refer to CIPD word count policy)


-An own-format CPD record, edited to include just the three selected activities, or

-a report (or reports) covering the three selected activities, from the CIPD My CPD Reflections tool.

(Not included in word count.)

Task Two Professional Review Questions

Reflect on your own approach to working inclusively and building positive working relationships with others. (AC2.3) Word count: Approximately 200 words

Type here…

Explore how the role of a people professional is evolving and the implications this has for continuing professional development. (AC 3.1) Word count: Approximately 250 words

Type here…

Assess your strengths, weaknesses and development areas based on self-assessment and feedback from others. (AC 3.2) Word count: Approximately 250 words

Type here…

Formulate a range of formal and/or informal continuing professional development (CPD) activities to support your learning journey. (AC 3.3). Word count: Approximately 300 words

Type here…

Terroris, and homeland security


Assignment 1: Our readings this week identify some strategies and challenges for using intelligence-led policing (ILP) to fight crime.  At the federal level, nearly every agency with federal law enforcement officers has some type of intelligence support.  However, the ILP we discuss this week is focused on city & state law enforcement organizations.

Choose a city or state in the United States and select a position (do you believe it would be effective or not) and write a policy paper providing recommendations to implement ILP, or not to implement it ( or remove it), and explain why.  Whichever choice you make, you will need to analyze both sides of the issue. Some people see great benefits in information sharing, and some people see huge problems with civil rights and civil liberties abuse.  You are writing this for the Chief of Police in the town of your choosing. This is not a history paper. The Chief knows the history.  Explain WHY you recommend or do not recommend using ILP.

Name:  Jane Smith

Subject (One sentence):  Keep it short and to the point.  (e.g. Development of Intelligence-Led Policing in Alaska)

Goal Statement (one paragraph):  Identify exactly what the goal is. 

Issues & Analysis (1/2 -3/4 page): Identify TWO issues which must be addressed if ILP were to be implemented or not implemented and write 1-2 paragraphs on each.

Insert a small title in front of each paragraph (e.g. Need to Hire Intelligence Analysts; Cross-train injured Police Officers; Cross-Train Crime Analysts; Leaking of Privacy Data; Security Clearances).  Analyze whether it could or could not work. 

Consider the decision-maker’s point of view. Is cost an option?  Training?  Civil rights and civil liberties? Legal challenges?  Will the workforce push back?  Do you need more people or funding?  Can workers be cross-trained?  

Recommendation (1/2-3/4 page): Based on the issues above, explain how to make ILP work, or the benefit of not using it.  The above section is much more in the weeds about the two issues you select.  In this section, you want to be more macro-level, or strategic, about your recommendation and the impact on the city.