Black Radicalism (XCOR-3010-02) – Reading review 4 & 5


Reading review 4: please answer the following questions in a separate word document. Your answers must be in your own words. Any quotations taken from the source must be cited in parentheses. The purpose of the reading review is not to have every question answered correctly — this is a learning exercise. The purpose is to demonstrate that (1) you have completed the reading assignment, (2) you have thought about the assignment critically, and (3) you have answered the questions to the best of your ability.

Readings for this assignment:

  • Week 4 
  1. Based on your reading of chapter 4 of Slavery’s Exiles, describe some of the living quarters that borderland maroons found or made for themselves. 
  2. Based on chapter 4 of Slavery’s Exiles, how did borderland maroons obtain food? How did they obtain other supplies that they needed to survive? 
  3. What surprised you the most from chapter 4? 
  4. What similarities do you see between the maroons that Diouf is describing and those who followed Queen Nanny?S

The only source to use to answer this assignment-


Reading review 5: please answer the following questions in a separate word document. Your answers must be in your own words.Any quotations taken from the source must be cited in parentheses. The purpose of the reading review is not to have every question answered correctly — this is a learning exercise. The purpose is to demonstrate that (1) you have completed the reading assignment, (2) you have thought about the assignment critically, and (3) you have answered the questions to the best of your ability.
Readings for this assignment:
Week 5
What are some of the primary sources that Diouf used in chapter 5 of Slavery’s Exiles? Are these reliable sources? Why or why not?
What differences do you see between the borderland maroons and hinterland maroons. Do you think the distinction is significant or minor? Explain.
What is the evidence that hinterland maroons grew their own food?
What most surprised you from the story of St. Malo (chapter 6)?
Based on what you’ve learned so far from the Slavery’s Exiles book, would you describe marronage as an example of black radicalism? Why or why not?

The only sources to use to answer this assignment-

Advertising and Public Relations: MKTG320


Assignment Details

There is a difference between public relations, known today as earned media, and advertising, also known as paid media. Both disciplines are important in the overall marketing campaign of a brand, whether it is a product, business, company, service, person, idea, or place. Social media has also become an important way to advertise and publicize anything.

Key Concept Snapshot: Advertising is paid media, meaning the marketer crafts and pays for the message that they want to present to the audience. The marketer controls the published or presented message.

Key Concept Snapshot: Public relations is earned media, meaning the information being marketed through persuasive messaging is earned and the public develops its own opinions about the product, service, idea, and business and beyond. The marketer does not control the published or presented message.

There are several advantages to using both disciplines in crafting and marketing a message to sell products and services. To prepare for this assignment, do the following:

Create your assignment.


Suppose you want to start an online business part-time. Include the following 3 main ideas in your 3–5-page assignment:

  • What’s the difference between public relations and advertising? First, write about the differences between advertising (paid media) and public relations (earned media). Provide examples.
  • How would you advertise and publicize the business? Write about how you might approach advertising and public relations for a product of your choice. Explain your interpretation of the differences.
  • Market, message, and media: Now that you have considered, reviewed, and analyzed public relations and advertising, think about your market, message and media. Explain your different ideas about messages to advertise and publicize a product or business.


Media Maven. (2019, May 23). What is public relations (and why is it important) [Video]. YouTube.

Meylan, C. [Chris Meylan]. (2018, January 24). Owned – Paid – Earned (OPE) media [Video]. YouTube.

Platten, J. [Jordan Platten]. (2020, January 5). How to start a social media marketing agency (SMMA 2022) – Digital marketing tutorial for beginners [Video]. YouTube.

sh a he’d 251


Time Management Assignment

  1. Watch the Time Management Video by clicking on the link below. When watching the video, to see the subtitles, click on the closed captions CC button on the lower right of the video screen. To change the subtitles to another language: 1. Click on the Settings button (to the right of the CC button). 2. Click on Subtitles. 3. Click on Auto-translate. 4. Click on the language of your choice.

How to Manage TimeLinks to an external site.

  1. Answer the following questions.

How will you make time for exercise? 

How will you make time to successfully complete this course? 


















.part two

For this assignment, you will create your own behavior change goal. By using the information from Discussion 2 and SMART Goals, and after you have submitted this assignment and received my feedback, you will try to make progress towards or reach your goal during this semester. You will tell me about your experience at the end of the semester when you are completing your Behavior Change Reflections Final.

Complete Discussion 2 before starting this assignment.

Read the Reaching Your Goals the SMART Way pdf by clicking on the link below. You can also find this pdf in Module 2.

Consider all your behaviors, from eating, smoking, and exercise habits, to how well you manage your emotional health, protect yourself from disease, injury, and abuse, to stress and sleep management. 

Create Your Specific Behavior Change Goal

  1. Create your specific behavior change goal. (5 points) 

For example, I will reduce the amount of soda I drink to 3 cans per week.

  1. Is your goal measurable? How will you measure your progress? Describe your measurement tool and what you will be tracking each week. (10 points)

For example, I will keep a count of how many cans of soda I drink a day and reduce by one can a week until I reach my goal. I will track my behavior by writing down how many cans I drink each day. 

  1. Is your goal relevant and why? Why is this goal important to you? (10 points)

For example, This is important because I want to lose weight and have fewer cavities. I want to reduce my sugar intake to improve my health and avoid Diabetes Type II. 

few questions related to R


The Prostate Dataset

The prostate dataset comes from a study on 97 men with prostate cancer who were due to receive radical prostatectomy.

The data contain the following variables:

lcavol: log(cancer volume in cm3)

lweight: log(prostate weight in gm)

age: age in years

  • lbph: log(benign prostatic hyperplasia amount)

svi: seminal vesicle invasion

lcp: log(capsular penetration)

Gleason: Gleason score

  • pgg45: percentage Gleason scores 4 or 5

lpsa: log(prostate specific antigen in ng/mL)

Question 1

  • Validate that the prostate data frame contains 97 observations.
    Hint: First install the faraway package (if you haven’t already) as instructed on Lesson 1, Slide 49. The following R statement will load the prostate data frame:

data(“prostate”, package = “faraway”).

Use the nrow() function to see how many overvaluations (rows) the data frame has. For example: the following statement prints the number of observations in the car data frame: nrow(cars).

  • Question 2

Calculate descriptive statistics of each of the variables.
Hint: Use the summary() function. For example: summary(cars).

Question 3

  • Create a new data frame that includes the following variables: lcavol, lweight, age and lpsa.
    Use this new data frame for all questions below.

Hint: In the following example, we select two variables (agegp and alcgp) from the esoph data frame and name the new data frame esophSubDf

esophSubDf <- esoph[c(“agegp”, “alcgp”)]

  • Question 4

Calculate descriptive statistics of each of the variables using the new data frame.

Question 5

  • Create a scatter plot matrix for all the variables using the new data frame.

Hint: Use the pairs() function (see Lesson 2, Slide 50).

Question 6

  • Create a (Pearson) correlation matrix for all the variables.
    Hint: Use the cor() function (see Lesson 2, Slide 48).

Question 7

Show the same matrix again, but round the correlations (use two decimal places).

  • Hint: Use the round() function. The following example calculates the correlation matrix for the cars data frame and rounds the numbers:

Question 8

Create a regression model:
The predictor variable (X) should be lpsa.
The outcome variable (Y) should be lcavol.
Show the summary of the model.

Hint: Use the lm() and summary() functions (see Lesson 2, Slide 51).

Question 9

Visualize the two variables and the model you just created by doing the following:

Create a scatter plot. Put lcavol in the y-axis and lpsa in the x-axis. Include the regression line and label the axis.

Hint: See Lesson 2, Slide 52.

Question 10

Update the regression model by adding a second predictor: age
Show the regression model summary

week 3 assign 1


Off-label prescribing is when a physician gives you a drug that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved to treat a condition different than your condition. This practice is legal and common. In fact, one in five prescriptions written today are for off-label use.

—Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Psychotropic drugs are commonly used for children and adolescents to treat mental health disorders, yet many of these drugs are not FDA approved for use in these populations. Thus, their use is considered “off-label,” and it is often up to the best judgment of the prescribing clinician. As a PMHNP, you will need to apply the best available information and research on pharmacological treatments for children in order to safely and effectively treat child and adolescent patients. Sometimes this will come in the form of formal studies and approvals for drugs in children. Other times you may need to extrapolate from research or treatment guidelines on drugs in adults. Each individual patient case will need to be considered independently and each treatment considered from a risk assessment standpoint. What psychotherapeutic approach might be indicated as an initial treatment? What are the potential side effects of a particular drug?

For this Assignment, you consider these questions and others as you explore FDA-approved (“on label”) pharmacological treatments, non-FDA-approved (“off-label”) pharmacological treatments, and nonpharmacological treatments for disorders in children and adolescents.

Your Instructor will assign a specific disorder for you to research for this Assignment. (  Autism Spectrum Disorder )

Use the Walden library to research evidence-based treatments for your assigned disorder in children and adolescents. You will need to recommend one FDA-approved drug, one off-label drug, and one nonpharmacological intervention for treating this disorder in children and adolescents.

  • Recommend one FDA-approved drug, one off-label drug, and one nonpharmacological intervention for treating your assigned disorder in children and adolescents.

Explain the risk assessment you would use to inform your treatment decision making. What are the risks and benefits of the FDA-approved medicine? What are the risks and benefits of the off-label drug?

Explain whether clinical practice guidelines exist for this disorder and, if so, use them to justify your recommendations. If not, explain what information you would need to take into consideration.

ADA Disability Accommodations List for complex combined medical issues


I would love assistance (preferably from an attorney /disabilities advocate) to assist with listing the accommodations needed below in a proper legal manner by letter. I will list the general accommodations needed below and will need you to write them to be more formal in an adadisability accommodations letter request to provide to my doctor to sign and utilized so forth Specifically currently to help in graduate school program (I’m in my final internship in a full time online program…however internship typically is combined in person so I just need to turn in accommodations do the school and field supervisor can support me fully virtually.Issues/disability request- 1. Due to this students Ada dysability medical this student is (individual ) required to be fully supported and provided a virtual at home internship and school option permanently. 2. Due to this students Ada medical disability this student is (individual ) required to be fully supported and provided individual support and and schoolwork option permanently.3. Due to this students Ada medical disability this student is (individual ) required to be fully supported and provided an audio option and verbal method of providing schoolwork /tevera and any internship needs option permanently to accommodate the medical symptoms and Ada disability needs she has. 4. Due to this students Ada medical disability this student is (individual ) required to be fully supported and provided an option for all learning to be video, audio or in checklist format. 5. Due to this students Ada medical disability this student is (individual ) required to be fully supported and provided an option to complete school work anytime as she is medically able to permanently as each day. 6. Due to this students Ada medical disability this student is (individual ) required to be fully supported and provided a permanent option for all meetings virtually to be without the camera on at times due to medical disabilitu symptoms. If the student cannot be present please accommodate her permanently for meetings as she is medically able to even if this means extending the semester to provide additional time /months /year until she is able to medically attend and provide an alternate virtual home option. 

Authoritarianism Writing


Please answer this question: 

“Life under autocracy is nasty, brutish, and short.” Do you agree with this statement? Does life under autocracy differ fundamentally from life under democracy? If so, in what ways? Be sure to consider political life (and not only social life) when answering this question.

·Write a response to the question of 6-8 pages in length using 12-point font. 

·Grading will be based on the clarity of the thesis statement, reasoned support of the argument, and inclusion of material from the course. 

·The use of non-class material is allowed but discouraged. 

·You may use your notes, course readings, and lecture slides.

·Do not include a bibliography, but cite sources using the Harvard citation system—e.g., “The sky is blue (Nellis 2023, p. 45).” 

·Rewards for being ambitious: think creatively across classes (don’t focus on material from a single class, or even only two classes) 

·Objective: make sense of much of the class material through the lens of this question 

·Readings: show that you have actually read them! this is what will get you points, and there’s no shortcut here 

·Examples: Show that you know some actual details about the cases; just mentioning the word “Afghanistan” isn’t enough to get more than a low B 

·Show that you understand theories and concepts: spell out the logics 




Excels by responding to the assignment with a clear argumentative thesis in the first paragraph that continues to be the focus of the paper 




one main idea per paragraph, good use of transitions, clear topic sentences, smooth connections between paragraphs, if an order is set in the introduction, it is followed 


Development: Support 


Uses specific, concrete, relevant details, examples, evidence and numerous references to source material to substantiate and explain thesis 


Development: Analysis 


explains the connections between evidence and main ideas thoughtfully and thoroughly, makes connections explicit, discusses implications, relevance or significance. 


Sentence Craft & Style 


Demonstrates excellent use of language; precisely chosen words, complex and varied sentence structure; appropriate academic tone and style 


Mechanics: (Grammar and spelling) 


is almost entirely free of spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors (one per page or less) 


Mechanics: Citations 


Has smoothly used signal phrases and uses single citation style throughout the entire text; has a citation for every fact or quote; has correctly formatted Works Cited/Bibliography page with few or no errors 

NURS-4015-01 Population and Community Health Nursing


One mechanism of beginning to gain familiarity with determinants of health within a community is to perform a windshield survey.  This can be accomplished by either driving or walking through your community of interest (My community of interest for practicum setting is People with developmental disability that lives in a group home. They also attend day program), optionally spending some time in public spaces in observation, and assessing services related to health, economics, and social structure of the environment. 

Rector and Stanley (2022) provide guidelines for a Community Familiarization (Windshield) Survey (Figure 15-3, p. 433) that should be used as the outline for your assessment.  Please become acquainted with the survey categories prior to conducting the assessment. You will notice that the guidelines also asks at several points for information that you may need to research outside of your observation ( e.g. rates of unemployment).


Compose a scholarly paper to summarize your windshield survey.  Write the paper in APA style, using the windshield survey guidelines on p 433 of our textbook and the following guidelines for structure of the paper. Note that there a specific points that should be addressed in the analysis/conclusion. Include a properly formatted title page and reference page, in addition to 4-6 pages of content. Support your content with at least five scholarly references. Primary sources of community data ( e.g., US Census) will be considered as scholarly references for this assignment. 

Components of the Paper:

Title Page –      create a page header with the page number in the upper right corner; omit      the running head

Body of the      paper

Use       the Title of the Paper as a level 1 heading for your       introductory paragraph. This heading is centered, in title case,       with a bold font.

Physical       Environment (Level       1 heading)

Economic       Considerations (Level       1 heading)

Services (Level 1 heading)

Social       Structure (Level       1 heading)

Analysis       and Conclusion (Level       1 heading)

From your        observations: what community level determinants stand out to you as        potential contributors to population health, community and /or public        health. How so? (please choose 3) Do these determinants have the        potential to affect health equity? How so? Do these determinants have        the ability to affect preparation or impact for disaster or public        health emergency*? How so?

Exhibition Review #1


If you have not read the PDF of the Sylvan Barnet chapter on writing an exhibition review on the previous page, go back and read that now.

The arts are all forms of communication, so they need audiences. The conventional way visual artists have shared their work is to collect it and put it on display in one or more rooms, using walls, pedestals, the floor, or any manner of framing device. Once a member of the public becomes familiar with the conventions of museum or gallery display, they can begin to evaluate the way particular collections of artworks have been put together for their gaze. In this first Exhibition Review assignment you will take your new knowledge and analytic skills to a local gallery or museum exhibition, and compose an informed review.


Select one of the free local exhibitions listed below to attend, then follow these steps:

Take a selfie at the exhibition in front of the title wall to prove you’ve attended. 

Take careful notes while walking through. How has the curator organized the space for your gaze and movement? Is there information about the concept of the show or the individual works? Too much information or too little? Note where the curator seems to have put works in conversation with each other. What works stand out or play supporting roles? Consider the lighting, the color of the walls or other staging elements, and the physical relationship you have with the works of art, which has been carefully created for you to experience.

Draft an exhibition review that has the following elements:

  1. A title that engages the reader
  2. An opening paragraph that informs the reader on the premise of the show
  3. A thesis that consists of your argument about the value of the exhibition as a whole (not whether it was good or bad)

Body paragraphs explaining the significance of what is on display (What stands out and why? Are the objects telling a story? Are they rarely seen by the public? etc); QUESTION of the installation, The setting; High points in the exhibition and weaker choices (if there are any); 

  • A conclusion that summarizes your evaluation

Jenna Peer Response


Relate to another journal article

  • Peer response to Jenna
  • The most plausible diagnosis presented in this case appears to be benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). While the HPI and PE lead directly to BPH, there are other diagnoses to consider to properly diagnose and treat this 65-year-old gentleman. The following diagnoses should be considered: cystitis, bladder calculi, and neurogenic bladder (Cash et al., 2021). The patient does not appear to be exhibiting signs of infection; however, it would be prudent to order a urinalysis to definitively rule out infection as the cause of the patient’s symptoms. Cystitis can be ruled out due to the patient not having any pain with urination, bladder discomfort, or ejaculatory pain (Clemens et al., 2022). The diagnosis of bladder calculi is also easily ruled out without the presence of hematuria, cramping or abdominal pain, nausea, fever, chills, and malaise (Ferreria Fontenelle & Dias Sarti, 2019). Lastly, neurogenic bladder can also be ruled out due any concern for a neurological condition causing neurogenic bladder. While the prompt does not provide a full detailed history of the patient, it can be assumed the patient is not experiencing these symptoms because of an associated neurological condition. Based off the frequent urination without burning, pain, hematuria, or difficulty voiding, there is high suspicion for an enlarged prostate obstructing or occluding the urethra in the case of benign prostatic hypertrophy.

           Multiple treatment modalities exist for BPH; however, a practitioner should always evaluate the severity of the condition and start modestly. The patient has already tried to initiate lifestyle modifications to improve his symptoms. The literature recommends limiting fluids through restriction, avoiding diuretics, and reducing trigger substances (Sandhu et al., 2024). In this case, lifestyle modifications have failed to improve symptoms. Treatment should progress to the inclusion of an alpha blocker such as terazosin, dozazosin, silodosin, Tamsulosin, or alfuzosin (Sandhu et al., 2024). The most common medication is Tamsulosin. The prescription would be Tamsulosin 0.4 mg orally once a day, a quantity total of 30 with 3 refills. The patient should follow up in two to three weeks to assess the improvement of symptoms and any need for medication adjustment (Cash et al., 2021).