Concept Map 2



Concept maps are visual representations of information. They can be charts, graphic organizers, tables, flowcharts, Venn Diagrams, timelines, or T-charts. Concept maps are handy for students who learn better visually, although they can benefit any learner. Using the DSM5-TR and evidence-based journals, construct a concept map for each case study. Follow these simple directions.

Identify a concept (Use the DSM5 and Identify the main diagnosis)

From memory, try creating a graphic organizer related to this concept. Starting from memory is an excellent way to assess what you already understand and what you need to review.

  • Review lecture notes, readings, and other resources to fill in the gaps.
  • Focus on how concepts relate and how the treatment refers to the symptoms. 
  • Review your classmate’s concept maps and make significant observations. 
  • Concept Map 2
  • Gary is a 19-year-old who withdrew from college after experiencing a manic episode during which he was brought to the attention of the Campus Police (“I took the responsibility to pull multiple fire alarms in my dorm to ensure that they worked, given the life or death nature of fires”). He had changed his major from engineering to philosophy and increasingly had reduced his sleep, spending long hours engaging his friends in conversations about the nature of reality. He had been convinced about the importance of his ideas, stating frequently that he was more learned and advanced than all his professors. He told others that he was on the verge of revolutionizing his new field, and he grew increasingly irritable and intolerant of any who disagreed with him. He also increased a number of high-risk behaviors drinking and engaging in sexual relations in a way that was unlike his previous history. At the present time, he has returned home and his been placed on a mood stabilizer (after a period of time on an antipsychotic). The patient’s parents are somewhat shocked by the diagnosis, but they acknowledge that Gary had early problems with anxiety during pre-adolescence, followed by some periods of withdrawal and depression during his adolescence. His parents are eager to be involved in treatment, if appropriate.

Concept Map Information

What is the Main diagnosis for Gary? 

What are the Key symptoms?

What differential diagnoses did you consider and why? 

  1. What is your treatment recommendation and why? 

What is the Prognosis?

psy 355-0500


Assessment QUESTION

Directions: Create an infographic, pamphlet, or poster addressing the below aspects of development surrounding childbirth. You can use templates in Canva, Word, or PowerPoint to develop an infographic, pamphlet, or poster. Please make sure the document type can be uploaded to the digital classroom.

Online Students: Create a free Loom account for video recording. Refer to the “How to Create a Video Using Loom” resource in the Topic Resources for additional information on how to use Loom. You will record between a 3-5-minute video presenting their infographic, pamphlet, or poster. Please place the link for your video on your assignment. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure reliable access to the video. Please note that Loom only allows up to 5 minutes of recording time for a free account, so you will want to ensure you stay within the timeframe as noted above.

Ground Students: Check your instructor’s announcements for how you will present your work (in-person vs. video).

Identify the stages of the childbirth process.

Address the methods or options for childbirth (e.g., hospital vs. home birth, midwife or doula).

  1. Select two measures for neonatal health and responsiveness and describe how they are used (e.g., APGAR).
  2. Describe what it means when an infant receives a low APGAR score. What strategies can be used to support these infants during development?
  3. Discuss the physical, emotional, and psychological adjustments that need to be made to infant caregiving for bonding (e.g., temperature regulation, premature infants, and infants born addicted to drugs).
  4. A minimum of two to three scholarly sources is required (the textbook may count as one of these). When using credible websites, please limit use to .org, .edu, .mil, or .gov. Websites may be used as secondary supportive sources only. They may not be used as primary sources of information to support this assignment.
  5. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Premature Birth on the Rise – Video – Films 


Premature Birth on the Rise – Video – Films On Demand

Please upload a well written Thesis Statement and Introduction


Please upload a well written Thesis Statement and Introduction for your character review and comparison for Toni Cade Bambara’s “The Lesson”.

Writing Prompt:

Which character do you most identify with in the story? Why? Please give specific examples from the story.  

Your Thesis Statement should contain the key words from the writing prompt and clearly identify the character that you will discuss and compare yourself to in “The Lesson”.

Sample Student Thesis Statements and Introductions

Sample # 1

In the short story “The Lesson” by Toni Cade Bambara, the audience is introduced to a specific setting in America. The characters in this short story reflect the ignorance of children as well as their perspective.  I identify with one of the adults discussed in the story. Her name is Ms. Moore. She is a college graduate, and she uses her accomplishments to give back to the community.  She dresses properly to serve as a role model for the children in her community. She is respected and plays a heavy role in guiding the neighborhood children to noticing how the world works. As someone who has made the best of her education, I believe that she helps others because she feels that other people deserve the same opportunities that she has received. Therefore, I relate to Ms. Moore because of the way she interacts with her community and because we both think about the world and how we affect others.-thesis statement

Sample # 2

Sugar and Sylvia are two of the main characters in Toni Cade Bambara’s “The Lesson”.  They are mischievous young girls who like to get into trouble and have fun doing so.  The relationship between the two girls reminds me of one of my friendship that I shared with someone who I attended college with last year.   Like my friend and me, Sugar and Sylvia are very much child like with some of their antics, but they both have a level of intelligence and awareness that demonstrate their maturity in certain situations.  At the end of the story, however, the fork in the road that Sugar and Sylvia take is the clearest sign to me that I am very much like Sugar.  Therefore, the character that I most identify with in “The Lesson” is Sugar.  -thesis statement

ENG-112 Writing /Research in the Disc


Read and watch the materials on the Plagiarism tab of the LibGuide. A list of the LibGuide readings and videos is below along with an estimate of the amount of time each video or reading should take:

Plagiarism Definition = 2 minutes to read

Forsyth Tech Student Code of Conduct, especially the Definition of Academic Dishonesty section = 5 minutes

  • Plagiarism Overview from the Owl at Purdue  = 5 minutes
  • How to Avoid Plagiarism activity from Rutgers = 15 minutes
  • What Is Plagiarism video from Scribbr = 4 minutes
  • Plagiarism 2.0 video = 22 minutes
  • Estimated time to read and watch all resources = 51 minutes
  • These readings and videos meet the following course outcome: 

Course Level Outcome 3: Located, critically examined, and evaluated sources

Click here to access your LibGuide: forum has been created for me to gauge your current understanding of what constitutes plagiarism. Post a summary of the information that you learned from the assigned web sites this week. In doing this, be careful that you do not plagiarize! Make sure that you do not just post what the web sites say. Instead, explain the information and then note what impact it has had (or will have) on you. You may give an example if that helps prove your point, but it needs to be one that you create, not one that you take from another location. Your initial posting should be a minimum of 200 words.

When you have finished making your post, read through your peers’ posts and reply to two of your peers.  Your replies should be a minimum of three meaningful sentences each.  “Meaningful” means your replies move the conversation forward as if you were talking to your peer in class. In other words, comments like “great job” and “I agree” are nice comments to make, but they will not count toward the three sentence minimum.
Estimated time to complete this discussion board = 45 minutes
This discussion board meets the following course outcomes:
Course Level Outcome 1: Used a recursive writing process to produce documents for audiences in various disciplines, including business, science, and the humanities.
Course Level Outcome 3: Located, critically examined, and evaluated sources.
Course Level Outcome 5: Produced documents using Standard Edited English.
Course Level Outcome 6: Collaborated actively in a writing community.

5444 project part 3,lab9,


Project Part 3: SQL Injection Response


Aim Higher College just learned that sensitive information has been stolen from a student information system and posted on the Web. After reviewing web server and database logs, the Aim Higher IT security team believes that the source of the problem is a SQL injection vulnerability. The vulnerability appears to exist in a web application used by students to register for courses. As part of the incident response report to be submitted to Aim Higher College’s management staff, your supervisor asks you to provide details about this type of vulnerability, how an attacker might exploit it, and methods of detection and removal.

Required Resources

Access to the Internet

Course textbook


Research SQL injection attacks on the Internet to supplement your existing knowledge. Using the information you discovered during this research, in conjunction with what you learned in class, write an incident response report for Aim Higher College’s management detailing the following information:

A non-technical QUESTION of SQL injection vulnerabilities intended for a college management audience.

The threat that SQL injection poses to the college’s data. Include three possible scenarios that describe how an attacker might conduct this type of attack, the information that they may be able to obtain, and how they might use it maliciously.

An implementation plan to fortify the college’s web applications against SQL injection attacks

A monitoring plan that will provide:

Early warning to developers and security administrators that a SQL injection vulnerability exists in a web application

Detection of successful and unsuccessful attempts to conduct SQL injection attacks against college systems

Lab #9)

  1. When you are notified that a user’s work station or system is acting strangely and log files indicate system compromise, what is the first thing you should do to the workstation or system and why?
  2. When an anti virus program identifies a virus and quarantines this file, has the malware been eradicated?
  3. What is the SANS Institute’s six-step incident handling process?
  4. What is the risk of starting to contain an incident prior to completing the identification process?
  5. Why is it a good idea to have a security policy that defines the incident response process in your organization?
  6. The post-mortem, lessons learned step is the last in the incident response process. Why is this the most important step in the process?

Quantitative Finance HW #1


Question 1: [Cash Flow Analysis]

Pat is the type to plan everything in advance, and she is already starting to plan for retire-
ment. She plans to work for 40 years, and then retire for the following 30 years. She expects
to spend $120,000 in your first year of retirement, with a 4% growth rate. She will increase
her working-years savings rate by 7.5% per year. While working, she expects her account
will have a 6.75% return, and during retirement it will have a 4.75% return. After the 30th
year of retirement, she wants to have $600,000 in her account for safety net and bequest
reasons (It is fine if the amount is not exactly $600,000 due to rounding error). To solve the
problem, determine how much Pat needs to save in year 1 to accomplish her retirement goals.

Question 2: [Regression Exercise]

Use monthly total returns (File: return data.xlsx) for the S&P 500 index, Xcel Energy
(XEL), NVIDIA (NVDA), Bank of America (BAC), and Tesco PLC (TSCO) from July 2012
through June 2017.

A) Create an XY (Scatter) plot to show the relationship between the returns on each
individual stock and the S&P 500 (SPY). Estimate the slope of a regression equation
of this data.

B) How to interprete the coefficients you produced? What is the economic intuition
behind those numbers?

C) Add a linear trend line to each chart, and place the equation and R2 on each chart.
How much of the variability in each stock’s returns can be explained by variability in
the S&P 500?

D) Repeat part a) and c) with an equally weighted portfolio that includes all of these
stocks. Use the arithmetic average of the monthly returns of each stock as the expected
return in your portfolio. Do you see any improvements in the R-square?

E) Change the sample period to 2020.1.2 – 2020.12.31 (which is under the impact of COVID pandemic). Produce the time series plot of daily stock return of each individual stock above and your equally weighted portfolio.

F) Re-estimate your portfolio beta, ?p, using daily data for the new sample period of2020.1.2 – 2020.12.31 (Let’s assume the risk free rate Rf is 0.1%)†.

(I encourage you to use Excel to work on this exercise. We will work on this type of
problem using Python later. If you prefer using languages or softwares, turn in the code and

PowerPoint Presentation


I need you to transfer the slide notes to the attached PowerPoint slide deck.  Attached  images if possible that coordinate with the slide information provide should be able to accomplish with 45minutes or less.

###Terminal Learning Objective 1: Understanding the Role of Armed Contracted Security Officers (ACSO) also known as

Protective Security Officers (PSO)

**Objective:** Participants will comprehend the primary responsibilities and importance of Armed

Contracted Security Officers as the first line of security in federal buildings.

**Example Slide:**

Understanding the Role of ACSOs](image1.jpg),o[,

* Bullet Points:

 – ACSOs serve as the initial point of contact for individuals entering federal buildings.

 – Vigilance and support provided by ACSOs are highly valued by the Environmental Protection Agency


 – ACSOs answer to their respective companies but are monitored by government representatives to

ensure contractual compliance.

### TLO 2: Functions and Tasks of an ACSO

**Objective:** Participants will learn the six basic functions and tasks performed by ACSOs to enhance

security measures.

**Example Slide:**

[Functions and Tasks of an ACSO](image2.jpg)

* Bullet Points:

 – Access Control

 – Screening

 – Visitor Processing

 – Patrol and Response

 – Control Center Operations

 – Other Duties and Responsibilities

### TLO 3: Security Posts and their Roles

**Objective:** Participants will understand the different types of security posts and their specific duties.

**Example Slide:**

[Security Posts and their Roles](image3.jpg)

* Bullet Points:

 – Access Control Post

 – Control Center Operations Post

 – Patrol and Response Post

 – Screening Post

 – Visitor Processing Post

### TLO 4: Access and Egress Control

**Objective:** Participants will grasp the importance of controlling access and egress to federal

facilities and the procedures involved.

**Example Slide:**

[Access and Egress Control](image4.jpg)

* Bullet Points:

 – Authorization, restriction, or denial of entrance/exit.

 – Adherence to established security procedures.

### TLO 5: Patrol and Response

**Objective:** Participants will understand the significance of ACSO patrols and their role in identifying

and reporting security issues.

**Example Slide:**

[Patrol and Response](image5.jpg)

* Bullet Points:

 -Interior Rover 

Exterior Rover

Mobile Rover

    Identifying security violations and hazardous situations.

 – Reporting criminal activity, suspicious persons, and circumstances.

### TLO 6: Traffic Control

**Objective:** Participants will learn the responsibilities associated with regulating vehicular and

pedestrian traffic on federally controlled property.

**Example Slide:**

[Traffic Control](image6.jpg)

* Bullet Points:

 – Regulation of entering and exiting vehicular traffic.

 – Possible involvement in regulating pedestrian traffic.

### TLO 7: Monitoring Security and Fire Alarms

**Objective:** Participants will understand the role of ACSOs in monitoring security and fire alarm


**Example Slide:**

[Monitoring Security and Fire Alarms](image7.jpg)

* Bullet Points:

 – Monitoring alarm systems.

 – Responding or dispatching ACSOs based on notifications.

 – Notifying relevant authorities of alarm activations.

SOCI: Moral Panics hw


I would appreciate it if you could refer to the reading files I attaached or search; for the meaning and explanation of the *materials and *thing to consider below. 

1. Panics of the Past (moral panics before moral panic studies)

           Four Faces of Moral Panic (very basic)

                       Movie Panics (Nickelodeons)

                       Comic Book Panics

                       Music Panics

                       Pin Ball Panics

                       (Plus the Momo Challenge)

2.  Roots of Moral Panic Studies (where did moral panic studies come from?)

Radical Criminology and the Skeptical Movement

Social Construction of Social Problems (subjective/objective approaches)

Constructionist Approaches to Deviance

Labeling Theory/Hierarchy of Credibility/Howard Becker

Moral Crusaders and Moral Entrepreneurs (are they different?)

3.  Satanic Ritual Abuse Panics

                       McMartin Daycare 1983

                       Master Symbols

                                   Vulnerable Children, Menacing Devil, Trauma

Processual Stages (inventory, innovation, diffusion)

Signification Spirals

Moral Entrepreneurs/Motivations? (interest group, elite engineered, grassroots)

           Role of (Tabloid) Media

Some limitations of Conventional Moral Panic Theory (that emerged from the Satanic panics—“innovations” in moral panic theory)

4. Video Nasties (depending on how far we get in class on January 24)

                       Conditions of Emergence

Processual Stages

Signification Spirals

           Expanding range of folk devils

Moral Entrepreneurs/Motivations? (interest group, elite engineered, grassroots)

           Role of Newspaper Media

           Nested Panics

                       Two Episodes (possible 3): 1981-2, 1982-4, and possibly even 1981-4

Things to Consider

1.         Identify and differentiate three conventional motivations behind moral panic episodes. Offer classical examples of each motivation. Do you think that they are discrete or mutually exclusive motivations?

2.         What is conventional moral panic theory? What is the purpose of conventional moral panic theory?

3.         What is labeling theory and radical/skeptical criminology (or radical approaches to deviance)? What influence did they have on the rise of moral panic studies? How did the social constructionist approach to social problems influence moral panic studies? What is the main difference between labeling and moral panic theory?

5.         Explain how Simon Watney’s work on male homosexuality influenced moral panic research. What kind of moral panic theory did Watney help to popularize?

6.         Explain the video nasties and/or Satanic ritual abuse panic(s) using Cohen’s processual/stage model of deviance amplification.

7.         A friend asks you why people in the 1980s believed that Satanic ritual abuse was taking place in and around daycares. How would you explain this to your friend by drawing on the master symbols of the period?

8.         What is a signification spiral? Drawing on material covered in the module, identify and and explain two different significant spirals we have encountered in our case studies.

Changing the Organizational Structure for Effectiveness


This is a class discussion. These are two different student posts. Please respond to each of the statements whether you agree or disagree. Explain why. 50 words for each response.

1)Consider a hypothetical software development company called Sprint. Currently, Tech Sprint follows a traditional functional organizational structure, where employees are grouped based on their specialized functions such as engineering, design, marketing, and sales. However, considering the dynamic nature of the technology industry and the need for rapid innovation, Tech Sprint might benefit from adopting a more agile organizational structure, such as a product team structure. In a product team structure, employees from different functional areas collaborate within cross-functional teams dedicated to specific products or projects. Each team is responsible for end-to-end delivery, from ideation to deployment, thereby fostering quicker decision-making and adaptability. This structure encourages innovation and customer-centricity, as teams have a deeper understanding of user needs and can iterate rapidly based on feedback. By transitioning to a product team structure, Tech Sprint could enhance its responsiveness to market demands, streamline communication and decision-making processes, and foster a culture of collaboration and accountability across functional boundaries. This could ultimately lead to greater efficiency and effectiveness in delivering high-quality products to customers.


What kind of organizational structure does the organization use?

The Department of Corrections uses a hierarchical organizational structure. This is a well-designed system that ensures smooth and efficient functioning. It is headed by the Executive Director, who is responsible for overseeing the entire department. The department is divided into several divisions, such as the Division of Adult Parole, Community Corrections, and Youthful Offender System. Each division is headed by a Director who reports directly to the Executive Director. The Director is responsible for overseeing the operations of their respective division, including budgeting, staffing, and program development. This results in efficient decision-making processes, which are essential for the department’s success. The hierarchical organizational structure of the Department of Corrections is a well-thought-out system that allows for efficient management and accountability at all levels.

What other organizational structures discussed in this week’s textbook readings might allow the organization to operate more effectively? For example, would moving to a product team structure lead to greater efficiency or effectiveness? Why or why not?




The collection of evidence is an activity that occurs with an endgame in mind. For example, law enforcement professionals collect evidence to support a decision to charge those accused of criminal activity. Similarly, evidence-based healthcare practitioners collect evidence to support decisions in pursuit of specific healthcare outcomes.

In this Assignment, you will identify an issue or opportunity for change within your healthcare organization and propose an idea for a change in practice supported by an EBP approach.

To Prepare:

Reflect on the four peer-reviewed articles you critically appraised in Module 4, related to your clinical topic of interest and PICOT.

Reflect on your current healthcare organization and think about potential opportunities for evidence-based change, using your topic of interest and PICOT as the basis for your reflection.

  • Consider the best method of disseminating the results of your presentation to an audience.
  • The Assignment: (Evidence-Based Project)
  • Part 4: Recommending an Evidence-Based Practice Change

Create an 8- to 9-slide narrated PowerPoint presentation in which you do the following:

Briefly describe your healthcare organization, including its culture and readiness for change. (You may opt to keep various elements of this anonymous, such as your company name.)

Describe the current problem or opportunity for change. Include in this Question the circumstances surrounding the need for change, the scope of the issue, the stakeholders involved, and the risks associated with change implementation in general.

Propose an evidence-based idea for a change in practice using an EBP approach to decision making. Note that you may find further research needs to be conducted if sufficient evidence is not discovered.

Describe your plan for knowledge transfer of this change, including knowledge creation, dissemination, and organizational adoption and implementation.

  • Explain how you would disseminate the results of your project to an audience. Provide a rationale for why you selected this dissemination strategy.
  • Describe the measurable outcomes you hope to achieve with the implementation of this evidence-based change.
  • Be sure to provide APA citations of the supporting evidence-based peer reviewed articles you selected to support your thinking.
  • Add a lessons learned section that includes the following:
  • A summary of the critical appraisal of the peer-reviewed articles you previously submitted
  • An explanation about what you learned from completing the Evaluation Table within the Critical Appraisal Tool Worksheet Template (1-3 slides)