4-2 SPT 350



In preparation for any pitch or proposal, sports sponsorship sales professionals conduct thorough research on their prospective partner and how the sports organization might deliver value to the partner. In this milestone assignment, you will create an overview of your sports organization, including its current market position, sales, audience, and areas for improvement. You will also research your prospective partner and its market position, key stakeholders, and business objectives. This assignment, combined with your SWOT analysis, will help inform your final project proposal.

  1. Organizational Overview: In this section, you will research your chosen sport organization and its current standing in the market. This information will be used to determine potential sponsors and inform your pitch deck.
    1. Briefly describe the sport organization that you have selected for your pitch deck.
    2. Explain the organization’s current position in the market. Support your response with research.
    3. Describe the current state of the sport organization’s sales. Sales can include ticket sales, examples of existing sponsors, and viewership for broadcast media if applicable. Support your response with research.
    4. Identify an area within the sport organization that needs improvement and may prevent a prospective sponsor from being interested in your pitch. Examples could be weaknesses or threats from your SWOT analysis. Support your response with research.
    5. Describe the organization’s audience, including demographics like age, gender, geography, household income, and race. Support your response with research.
  2. Potential Sponsor: In this section, you will expand upon the prospective sponsorship partner you identified in Module One.
    1. Identify a potential sponsor that you will make a pitch to, and explain why this sponsor is a good fit for your sport organization. Support your response with specific examples, including but not limited to analyzing how the organization’s audience aligns with the prospective sponsor’s target consumer.
    2. Describe what your prospective sponsorship partner’s business objectives are. Support your response with research. Examples could be increasing brand awareness, promoting a new product, or entering into a new market.
    3. Determine how this partnership will strengthen your sport organization’s position in the market.
    4. Determine the key stakeholders who will be involved in this sponsorship and describe the role of each. Utilize your sports organization’s website and prospective sponsors’ website or LinkedIn to identify the titles and names if available of these stakeholders. Titles will typically include “corporate sponsorships,” “corporate partnerships,” or “brand marketing.”

4-1 Activity: WordPress on Cloud Server


IT 423 Module Four Activity Guidelines and Rubric


Many organizations and IT professionals use cloud services to launch a site because of the cost-benefit and time savings. Not only does it usually take only one professional to set up, but it can be easily preconfigured and deployed. For this activity, you will launch a site on an EC2 instance.

By applying this knowledge, you can launch a website on a virtual machine. To prepare for this activity, log on to your AWS Academy Learner Lab course and access the AWS Console.

As a friendly reminder, you should strive to use the free-tier services in the console whenever possible (even if you have remaining credits on your account).

For the purposes of this activity, imagine that your project manager has tasked you with setting up a test environment for the new company blog, where the rest of the development team can create a demo for review. Instead of providing a hardware server, they wish to use the cloud. Since you have no prior experience with setting up a WordPress site on an EC2 instance in AWS, they have provided a tutorial (the tutorial is attached below) for you to complete this task. WordPress is a commonly used content management system.


For this activity, you will:

Set up an EC2 instance and install all the proper components by following the tutorial. Take screenshots to show your work.

Answer the following questions in a typed reflection:

Comparison: How does this process differ from traditional in-house server creation? Consider costs, speed, and security.

Advantages: Given the quick turnaround in technology, how can the company take advantage of EC2 instances in its testing environments?

  • Improvement: Was the tutorial easy to follow? What issues did you run into? What are some possible improvements you would give for the EC2 setup process?
  • After installing WordPress on your EC2 instance and working through the setup, take screenshots to show your work, and answer the following:

Admin Tools: What are three of the included admin tools (listed on the left side menu in the admin panel) in a base setup, and how can they be used to manage content on your site?

  • Plug-Ins: How are plug-ins used within WordPress and, other than phpMyAdmin, what plug-in is useful for data management? How is it useful?

Knowledge-Based Economy Transition Questions


“You have been appointed as an economic analyst for a region that is experiencing a significant economic transformation. The region, previously dependent on traditional industries such as manufacturing and agriculture, is now undergoing a rapid shift towards a knowledge-based economy. However, this transition presents a range of economic, social, and policy challenges:

Knowledge-Based Economy Transition: Outline a strategy for managing the transition from traditional industries to a knowledge-based economy. What policies and investments should be prioritized to support innovation, technology adoption, and entrepreneurship?

Labor Market Dynamics: Analyze the changing labor market dynamics resulting from this economic shift. How would you address potential unemployment or underemployment in traditional sectors while ensuring a skilled workforce for the emerging knowledge-based industries?

Education and Skill Development: Develop a plan to revamp the education system and vocational training to equip the workforce with the necessary skills for the knowledge economy. How would you bridge the skills gap and promote lifelong learning?

Start-up Ecosystem: Foster the growth of a vibrant start-up ecosystem to encourage entrepreneurship and innovation. What initiatives would you propose to attract investment, support incubators, and create a favorable environment for tech start-ups?

Infrastructure and Connectivity: Ensure the region has the necessary digital infrastructure and connectivity to compete in the knowledge-based economy. What investments and policies would be needed to provide widespread access to high-speed internet and digital services?

International Trade: Develop a trade strategy that leverages the region’s newfound strengths in knowledge-based industries. How would you position the region in the global market, including considerations for export promotion and international partnerships?

Sustainability and Inclusivity: Integrate sustainability principles and inclusivity into the economic transformation. How would you ensure that the benefits of the knowledge-based economy are shared equitably and that environmental considerations are addressed?

Data and Privacy: Address data protection and privacy concerns in the digital economy. What regulatory frameworks and measures would you recommend to safeguard individual privacy while fostering innovation?

Measuring Progress: Define key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor and measure the progress of the region’s economic transformation. How would you evaluate the success of your proposed policies and initiatives over time?

Provide a comprehensive economic transformation plan that accounts for the multifaceted challenges and opportunities presented by the shift to a knowledge-based economy. Consider potential trade-offs, risks, and the long-term socioeconomic impact of your strategies.”

Week 3 career development


Week 3

Discuss Documenting Your Skills and Accomplishments

The following scenario is based on real-life current events.

Tara was frustrated, angry, and scared. She had just been notified via Zoom that she had been laid off.

Two years earlier, after graduating at the top of her class and earning a degree in software programming, she was hired by one of the largest social media technology companies in the world as a product developer. Tara was so excited to be starting her dream career in an organization with virtually endless opportunities for growth. In addition, her starting salary was in the six-figure range (over $100,000), and she had even gotten a signing bonus due to pandemic-related growth in the use of social media as people stayed home more.

But now as the pandemic was finally drawing to an end, her company’s growth had slowed considerably. People were going back to work and spending more time outdoors. As a result, they were spending less time on their devices, and this meant trouble for Tara’s company. Her company had hired far more people than it needed, and that meant layoffs.

When Tara got the message that she needed to attend an important meeting, she thought it might be a company-wide announcement of future layoffs or possibly a voluntary early retirement plan. Instead, it was a one-on-one meeting with a representative from human resources telling her that her employment had been terminated. She would be provided only a few weeks of severance pay because she’d been with the company for only a short time, and she was required to return her company-issued laptop and smartphone. Furthermore, her company email address and access to the company’s networks had already been disabled.

Unfortunately, Tara had been keeping all the evidence of her accomplishments, including the many projects she had worked on, on the company’s internal servers. Now, she no longer had access to any of it.

How will Tara be able to show her skills to potential employers without access to these important documents?

In your initial post, please answer the following questions.

  • What should Tara have done differently?
  • Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation to Tara? If so, what did you do?
  • How do you document your skills and accomplishments? How do you store them for safe keeping?

Two philosophy questions


General instructions: Please answer two of the following questions. Label your essays withthe number of the questions you are answering. Do not re-write prompts in your essays. You may hand in up to 1500 words total of writing (excluding cover page, bibliography, etc.) for this assignment. Will attach needed documents for context but familiarity is preferred. Gross grammatical, spelling and typographical errors will be penalized. You may use any sources you wish, but all sources must be properly acknowledged. Feedback may be given that may required edits. Tips for this assignment available!!!! No use of ChatGBT or any AI tools.


1. Stroud uses the passage on dreaming in Descartes’ First Meditation to construct a skeptical
argument against knowledge of ordinary propositions like “There is a piece of paper in my
hand”. (a) How does the argument go? (b) What might Wolgast say about this argument?
Explain how she might object to it.

2. At the beginning of Meditation II Descartes doesn’t hesitate to ask himself questions about his

own existence and thinking. And he doesn’t hesitate to think about–reason about—thinking and
existing. He says, e.g., “if I convinced myself of something then I certainly existed. But there is a
supremely powerful and cunning deceiver who deliberately deceives me all the time! Even then,
if he is deceiving me I undoubtedly exist: let him deceive me all he can, he will never bring it
about that I am nothing while I think I am something.” [M2, p. 4] And, in Reply to an Objector
who complains that Descartes can be certain that he exists only if he knows what thinking and
existing are, Descartes replies that he does know these things, and that his knowledge of these
things “precedes” knowledge from reflection or demonstration. [Objections and Replies, p. 147]
What does this show us about how Descartes conceives of skeptical questions or doubts?
Does, e.g., feeling hesitant (or resistant) to some claim constitute skeptical doubt? (b) Is
Descartes right to concede that raising questions—in that sense, doubts–requires knowledge?
(c) Supposing Descartes is right, what does that teach us about the scope or extent of skeptical
questions and doubts? Can we, e.g., raise skeptical questions and doubts about everything

re write the text below in complete APA format- Part A and Part B has the instructions


Part A: In the paragraph below there are 3 direct quotes and/or paraphrases, 

The day has come for the patient to see the nurse practitioner prior to his trip abroad. By having a “pretravel assessment at least 6 weeks before departure, the provider may assess the timing, duration, and circumstances of travel. Michelle Zappas Candice Whitely and Sarah Carter p. 548 2019.” When the patient is traveling abroad it depends on what country or countries the patient is visiting as to what if any vaccinations are required. It is necessary for the nurse practitioner to remain current with regards to the latest recommendation from the CDC and WHO for travel advisories. (JNP, 2019, p. 548). Primary care NP’s are uniquely positioned to protect the health and well-being of the patient and local community Zappas, Whitely, & Carter.

Part B: Write the following references 

Hosein Karimi and Negin Masoudi Alavi Nurse Midwifery Study June 2015 volume 4 issue 2 Doi: 10.17795/nmsjournal29475 Florence Nightingale: The Mother of Nursing

Jean Watson: Theory of Human Caring. Angelo Gonzalo, BSN, RN updated September 12, 2019. Retrieved March 20, 2020 from https://nurseslabs.com/jean-watsons-philosophy-the…

Michael B. A. Oldstone. Viruses, Plagues, & History. Published 11/2/2009. Oxford University Press. revised and updated edition 2010. New York, New York. ISBN 978-0-19-532731-1

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. January 1, 2020. Volume 201 number 1. Clinical fingerprinting: a way to address the complexity and heterogeneity of bronchiectasis in practice. Miguel Angel Martinez-Garcia, Timothy R. Aksamit, and Alvar Agusti. Pages 14-19.

Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary. Edition 17. F.A. Davis company. Philadelphia, PA. copyright 1993. Page 679.

  1. Nurses and the use of computer technology. RNAO. No date. Retrieved November 19, 2019 from https://rnao.ca/sites/rnao-ca/files/Nurses_and_the…
  2. Arabi. F. Rafii. M. A. Cheraghi and Ghiyasvandian, S. (2014). Nurses’ policy influence: A concept analysis. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research, (issue 3) volume 19, pp 315–322.

Burke, S. (2016). Influence through policy: Nurses have a unique role. Reflections on Nursing Leadership. Retrieved from https://www.reflectionsonnursingleadership.org/commentary/more-commentary/Vol42_2_nurses-have-a-unique-role.

  1. Davoodvand, S., Abbaszadeh, A., & Ahmadi, F. 2016 Journal of medical ethics and history of medicine Patient advocacy from the clinical nurses’ viewpoint: a qualitative study volume 5 number 9
  2. Volume 6 issue3. Pages 1124-1132. Nsiah, C., Siakwa, M., & Ninnoni, J. P. 2019. Registered Nurses’ QUESTION of patient advocacy in the clinical setting. Nursing Open

psych hw#4



Answer the following short-answer questions. All answers should be in complete sentences and free from proofreading errors. You should not need more than a paragraph to answer each question. Remember that more isn’t necessarily better. Do not include the homework questions in your submission. Just give the question number and your answer. All sentences and ideas are assumed to be your own unless you cite your source. Using someone else’s work without attribution is plagiarism and will
result in an F in the course. Please note that artificial intelligence is not permitted for this assignment. See the “Artificial Intelligence” section for more details.

Dr. Martinez is a social psychologist interested in a hypothesized link between playing violent virtual reality (VR) video games and aggressive decision-making. She recruits 50 college students who identify as regular gamers to participate in her study. The participants are randomly assigned to one of two conditions: In the “violent VR” condition, participants play a violent VR game for two hours a day for two weeks. In the “nonviolent VR condition, participants play a nonviolent VR game for two hours a day for two weeks. After the two weeks, all participants are administered a questionnaire
that measures aggressive decision-making. On this questionnaire, higher scores indicate higher levels of aggressive decision-making. She finds
that participants in the violent-VR condition scored significantly higher on the questionnaire than participants in the nonviolent-VR condition.

1. Explain the principle of respect for persons. Does Dr. Martinez’s study achieve or violate this principle? Explain.
2. Explain the principle of beneficence. Does Dr. Martinez’s study achieve or violate this principle? Explain.
3. Explain the principle of justice. Does Dr. Martinez’s study achieve or violate this principle? Explain.
4. Consider Dr. Martinez’s design. Based on this design, can Dr. Martinez conclude that violent-VR games caused the increase in aggressive decision-making? Be sure to explain with reference to the criteria for causation. Answers that do not address the criteria for causation will receive a grade of 0.



The purpose of the critique assignment is to give the students an opportunity to critically appraise (critique) a nursing research article. This assignment will examine how you identify and appraise components of a research study. This assignment is NOT a critique of the topic- it is a critique of the research process used. Your job is to critique or evaluate the quality of the research study itself- like you have been doing all semester!

For example, is there enough evidence or what evidence do the researchers give to allow you to determine if sound research was conducted? For example, if a question asks “were the instruments reliable and valid for this population?” It is not sufficient to state only “yes” or “no”. You must support your opinion with information you learned in class (such as citing Cronbach alpha levels and/or construct validity or other measure / techniques that allowed you to determine if the instruments were reliable and/or valid). Think about everything we have talked about in class when you are formulating your answers to this assignment. By the end of this assignment, I need to see evidence that you understand the components of research and how they fit, or do not fit, together in your article. Dazzle me with your knowledge! You will be graded on how well you describe the components of research and how well you critique how the authors have conducted their study and presented it to the reader. Remember, not all research is good research. YOUR ARTICLE MUST BE QUANTITATIVE

Students should select an article from their area of interest that is QUANTITATIVE and discusses one single study.  Articles that look at multiple studies (meta-analysis, metasynthesis, etc.) are wonderful resources, but are not appropriate for this assignment, as we are learning to critique single studies.  Articles that are qualitative are also wonderful resources, but they do not align with the critique guidelines for this assignment and are not appropriate here.  What is the research design and method of my study?

Appropriate:  Randomized-controlled trial; descriptive survey; contains statistical analysis

Not appropriate:  Qualitative, Interview, mixed-method, case report/study; expert opinion; multiple article review (meta-synthesis or meta-analysis

1 Read all instructions on this page, including rubric.  

2.  Select a quantitative article.

3.  Make sure it is QUANTITATIVE!

Phil discussions


Question 1

For this forum, choose one of the following topics to respond to for your initial post. When you respond to your peers please respond, if possible, to a learner who has posted a contrary view on the topic you selected and then, at a minimum respond to at least one learner who has posted on the topic you did not select.

Topic A: Physician Assisted Suicide

Some people promote the idea that humans should have the right to die with dignity (see https://www.deathwithdignity.org/ ). Several states have legalized physician-assisted suicide (PAS). However, others may argue that a doctor prescribing a deadly prescription violates that doctor’s Hippocratic Oath or claim that suicide by any means is immoral. Doing research and taking into consideration the actual laws concerning when and how a confirmed terminal patient would be able to request PAS, make an argument that it is or is not a moral action. Also see if you can find Kant’s famous argument on the immorality of suicide. Does he have a point or are there just some times when the morally right thing to do is to allow a person to end his or her suffering? 


For this forum, choose one of the following topics to respond to for your initial post. When you respond to your peers please respond, if possible, to a learner who has posted a contrary view on the topic you selected and then, at a minimum respond to at least one learner who has posted on the topic you did not select.

Topic A: Female thinking?

Doing some research (nothing more than 5 years old) and present an argument that women think differently than men (or that they do not) and that they process morality matters differently (or they do not).  

Topic B: Transgender athletes and gendered sports competitions

Do some research and present an argument as to whether or not transgender athletes should or should not be banned from competing against other, non-trans athletes of the gender with which they identify.

Topic C: Abortion

Abortion is always a sticky subject. Taking the notions of care ethics and relationships in moral matters into consideration, present a researched argument that there are times when having an abortion is the morally right thing to do.

CTA – Transactional, Charismatic, and Transformational Approaches to Leadership


Critical Thinking Assignment

Module 05: Transactional, Charismatic, and Transformational Approaches to Leadership

In this module, you will examine the transactional, charismatic, and transformational approaches to leadership. These three leadership theories are influential and popular with both academics and practitioners. The module interactive lecture builds on the foundations of these theories by the original researchers and explains how the approaches are still in use today. You will also learn about the Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) theory. LMX addresses the leader regarding in-group and out-group relationships. The in-group are people with whom the leader has a positive relationship, while the out-group refers to those with whom the leader only consults about the specific jobs and tasks required. . 

Question Requirements:

Leadership Style

Dr. Wassmiah is a leader in a local hospital and works well in the environment. The hospital’s environment is characterized by well-defined individual roles where each employee knows what is expected of him or her. Employee conflicts are minimized as everyone understands his or her responsibility, and the coordination of all activities leads to goal attainment. There is no duplication of work. Dr. Wassmiah encourages people to perform well and rewards positive behavior to boost productivity. Most goals Dr. Wassmiah sets are short-term, making them easier to fulfill, less intimidating to achieve, and as a result, employees are interested in obtaining the various rewards. When a problem arises, Dr. Wassmiah directs the employees in what to do and is quick to point out if the employee does not deliver results. However, Dr. Wassmiah suspects that employees are not working when there is no supervision.

What style of leadership is most likely described in this case and why have you reached that conclusion? What are the advantages of this type of leadership and what examples from the case support your position? What are the disadvantages of this type of leadership and what examples from the case support your position? What are the implications for employee motivation with this type of leadership? What other styles of leadership might be complementary to that described in the case and why?


Write an essay that includes an introduction paragraph, the essay’s body, and a conclusion paragraph to address the assignment’s guide questions. Do not address the questions using a question-and-answer format.