

2.2 Action Required: (Knowledge Application-Apply)

This activity is important because as a manager, you should understand the factors that affect a firm’s profitability and long-term survival. According to the resource-based view, a company can gain competitive advantage from resources that are inimitable and rare.

The goal of this exercise is to demonstrate your understanding of the resource-based view by writing a conclusion in your words after reading a case study.

Case Analysis (The Resource-Based View in Sports)

Strategy and sports met in the movie Moneyball. The Oakland Athletics applied statistical analysis to the evaluation of players and surged in performance. The team’s analysis method, called sabermatics, was unique in how it applied objective data to predict future player performance. The Athletics were able to recruit players at a lower cost due to their proprietary knowledge. Even after competitors started using statistical analysis, the Athletics benefited from their early knowledge, capable staff, and history of decision making. All of this, of course, translated into profit for the team owners.

Competitive advantage comes from unlikely places in other sports as well. Researchers found that NCAA football programs benefit from staff diversity. Racial diversity among coaches and varied past experiences predict success. NBA basketball teams are more successful as they gain shared experiences. After years together on a team, just like after years together in a workplace, players/coworkers have a shared understanding of how work is done.

Financial resources are of huge benefit to the few universities with successful sports programs. Paying top coaches, building impressive athletic facilities, and fan support, all contribute to intangible gains such as reputation, stronger shared feelings of winning history, and motivation.

But what happens with a team suddenly loses its competitive advantages? In 1986, Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, was dealt what is called the “death penalty” in college sports. After years of paying players and their families, among other serious violations of NCAA rules, the team was punished with the cancelling its entire 1987 season. This damaged recruiting efforts, fundraising, reputation, and shared experiences among staff and coaches to that point. It was 20 years before SMU was in another bowl game.

2.3 Test your knowledge:(Question)

Read the case about the resource-based view in sports and write the conclusion of this case in your words. Create a discussion board thread and upload your answers. (Min words recommended 100-150)

2.4 Instructions:

Read the case about The Resource-Based View in Sports & demonstrate your understanding.

BCC Chronic Stress and Diffusion of Responsibility Discussion


Dolores Jones had been described by former social workers as a disgusting hunk of humanity. Everyone agreed there was little that could be accomplished and that her prospects were poor for keeping her children given the conditions they were living in and her neglect of herself and them.

Dolores is a mixed race 22 year old woman who had dropped out of school in the sixth grade. She had become pregnant twice by men old enough to be her father and was receiving public assistance for her two children; Angela, aged 5 and Johnny, aged 3. Dolores lives in a small apartment adjacent to her aunt’s home, in Addamsville, an urban center 5 miles south of the center of the city.Upon arriving at Dolores’s apartment, a partially converted garage, you notice that the windows are shut tight, the shades drawn, the immediate grounds are strewn with garbage, the grass overgrown, and the paint was peeling around the doorframe. You knock several times as there is no doorbell, but she does not answer. You are getting ready to leave when you notice an older woman coming towards the apartment and you ask if she knows if the tenant is home. She responds angrily, “She’s in there. Just keep pounding loudly.”Dolores eventually comes to the door; she is unkempt, obese, in a dirty bathrobe and looks much older than 22 years. You immediately notice she is covered with unsightly sores and she seems barely awake, even though it is past noon. She warmly invites you into her home as the older woman leaves with a snide comment. The main room of the apartment is both a living room and a bedroom for Dolores; small, dirty, and dark, even though it is over 80 degrees outside and the sun is shining, the heat is going full blast.You introduce yourself to Dolores as the new social worker and she smiles sweetly at you, pleased to see you and delighted to introduce you to her children, who were currently being watched by her aunt, the older woman you encountered.Dolores goes to retrieve the children and explains that she had been sleeping, and that her aunt frequently helps out when she cannot be available. The children are quite lovely; Angela is a sweet little girl, very alert, yet shy and Johnny is warm and outgoing, but does not appear to be fully engaged.

Psychiatric Discharge Summary Note


You must use an actual patient from your clinical experience but remove all identifying information (names, places, etc.) to be Health Insurance Portability and Accountability (HIPPA) compliant.

A Discharge Summary is created when a patient is discharged from an inpatient setting or outpatient program, and the patient’s case is closed. The note is, therefore, a communication between the treating clinician and the next provider or agency involved. Discharge summaries are also written when the patient is deceased.

You may use the format below for your note or the format you use at your clinical site.


REASON FOR TRANSFER SUMMARY:  This is a transfer summary on XX as the patient will be leaving the x today and will be transitioned to X  



DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES:  Medical and Psychiatric 


The patient was admitted with a chief complaint of ____________. The patient was brought to the hospital after his guidance counselor found a note the patient wrote, which detailed to who he was giving away his possessions if he died. The patient told the counselor that he hears voices telling him to hurt himself and others. The patient reports over the last month, these symptoms have exacerbated. The patient had a fight in school recently, which the patient blames on the voices. Three weeks ago, he got pushed into a corner at school and threatened to shoot himself and others with a gun. The patient was suspended for that remark.  


Keep it brief but significant   


1. Individual and group psychotherapy. BE SPECIFIC  

2. Psychopharmacologic management. BE SPECIFIC  

3. The social work department conducted family therapy with the patient and the patient’s family for education and discharge planning.  


Brief discussion of hospitalization how things went. The patient responded well to individual and group psychotherapy, milieu therapy, and medication management. As stated, family therapy was conducted. HOW DID THESE ALL GO? Discuss all actions taken on behalf of the patient, results (medication trials; responses/ diagnostics, treatments)  


At discharge, the patient is alert and fully oriented. Mood euthymic. Affect a broad range. He denies any suicidal or homicidal ideation. IQ is at baseline. Memory is intact—insight and judgment are good.  


This is strengths/weaknesses/support system/Maslow. 


Determined by staff with patient input, address each goal and progress toward that goal  

Literature Question



The final assignment for this course pulls together the work you have done on the other three assignments. You will incorporate feedback you’ve received and prepare a preliminary concept paper for your dissertation or doctoral project, carrying this work forward into your subsequent residency courses as you develop your topic and project plan. Your concept paper presents the topic and should include discussion of the following:

  • Topic.
  • Problem.
  • Supporting Evidence. (Evidence is based on the literature you have reviewed.)
  • Preliminary Project Framework. (The methods that you have identified for your project.)

Remember, as you deepen your understanding and add detail to your project, you should expect to make several revisions beyond this course as your work is viewed through multiple lenses, including those of instructors, peers, the existing literature, and other sources. You should seek opportunities to improve and refine your work after this course. Doctoral project planning is an iterative process, with each revision often inspiring further revisions until all elements are aligned. These iterations are a necessary and customary part of the doctoral journey.


This assignment has been identified as a signature assignment. Completing signature assignments serves a dual purpose: to meet the competencies in the course where the signature assignment appears and to acquire skills needed to demonstrate competencies specific to the completion of the doctoral project. You must meet the established criteria for demonstrating competence in this assignment to successfully complete the course per University Policy 3.04.07: Grading [PDF]. Completion of this course is a program-specific requirement. Consequently, you must pass this course to remain in good academic standing as stated in University Policy 3.01.04: Academic Standing [PDF].


Using 10 additional articles on your potential topic and a summary that provides additional evidence to support your work, include the following in your MS Word document:

  • Discuss identified gaps in the literature or potential organizational needs.
  • Identify a topic consistent with the acceptable topics for the discipline.
  • Define the problem for the proposed topic.
  • Analyze the alignment of problem, questions, and methods.
  • Describe ethical issues or concerns related to the topic and/or theory.
  • Present a preliminary project framework that aligns with the topic and problem and is consistent with the acceptable topics and methods for the discipline.
  • As a scholar-practitioner, apply conventions of voice, academic tone, and discipline-specific language.

Public Art


One of the traditional functions of sculpture is giving culture a voice that can speak through the passing ages. Public monuments and artworks become an emblem of a people and a time by expressing communal sentiments, distilling the shared aesthetic, and commemorating important individuals and events. Oftentimes, public sculpture is there to convey very specific content, content deemed somehow important to the community.

First, find a work of public sculpture. You might go to a local park, or a nearby government building, or even your high school or local bank. Research the piece to discover its basic details, such as its title, the name of the sculptor. Once you have learned about it, then think about it, but do not write your essay as a “report” on the sculpture.  And DO NOT copy and paste information from another source.  That is plagiarism.

Second, take photos of the sculpture and include one or two of these with your response. Yes, you have to see it in person. Do not upload photos from the internet. (I’ve seen more copies of the Fire Dance sculpture from the City of Fort Myers website than I can shake a stick at–that is not in the spirit of the assignment and will result in a grade of no higher than 70 for the assignment.) If you don’t have transportation, that’s ok, just let me know via Canvas Message and we’ll work something out.

Also, if you have your own photo from a sculpture you have visited personally in another city or country, you can use that. Just talk about why it was important to you and what it made you think about when you were there or after you concluded your visit.

Finally, write your essay. Focus on what it made you think about. What is the subject of the sculpture? How does the sculpture capture and express its purpose? Is it a memorial statue? Does it have a message of some kind?  What does it say about the values of the community socially, aesthetically? Is the sculpture full round? Relief?  Most importantly, though, write about your thoughts as you contemplated the sculpture. What did it make you think about? Did you have any memories come to mind as you looked at it? You don’t have to answer all these questions–they are there to give you an idea of the kinds of things to write about.




Writing your final report outline 

Final report outline 

At the start of the course, it was mentioned that all of your weekly assignments, reading materials, and discussions will be included in your final report. Additionally, your final report should include any additional research that you have conducted based on the feedback you received from your peers, myself, or areas that you will further explore. 

  • Your outline submission should demonstrate your ability to present a clear narrative, showcase critical thinking skills, and provide evidence to support your final solution recommendation.

Remember to discuss:

Challenge secondary research

Problem statement & evidence from research

SWOT analysis

Ideation summary

Final solution selection

Innovation criteria

  • Possible further qualitative research
  • Final solution recommendation
  • Here is an example of a section outline.
  • Please note that this is just one example of all the sections. Your research papers are extensive & will require detail. It is best practice to have a strong outline that you can write towards and then trim/iterate once you’ve got a substantial amount of writing to edit. 
  • Section I – Challenge secondary research
  • Rationale for choosing business challenge 
  • Research evidence & summaries 
  • Note for professor: Will build upon feedback from 1st assignment & expand evidence

Key challenges within problem area

Key opportunities within problem area 

Note for professor: Will find 1+ additional opportunity area to explore 

Key stakeholders within problem area  

Note for professor: Will research in-depth specific stakeholder group & build upon feedback from 1st assignment 

Assignment Due:

  • As the consultant for your selected business challenge, your clients now expect to hear your recommendation.

You will submit a full 30-page report on your selected business challenge and why you’ve landed on the most impactful final solution after using the innovation framework. You will discuss your challenge research, your problem statement, which solution options you explored and why, and deliver an argument for why your final solution using the innovation criteria. Please note: you’ve spent the last 9-10 weeks compiling this report’s different aspects. Please ensure all elements build upon one another into one cohesive story.

All submissions must be .pdfs, in size 12 font, with APA-7 guidelines. 

  • Please ensure to include footnotes and appendices, your research references (minimum of 9) will be checked.
    Advised to have the writing center review all papers for grammar and spelling corrections before submission.
  • Page count includes title and reference pages. However, full-page graphics are not advised given that this is a writing assignment to tell a cohesive story. Graphics may take up 1/3 or 1/4 of the page.

Help with memo


Overview: Russia is among the NSC’s most difficult and complex policy challenges, so it will likely require a series of Principals’ Committee (PC) meetings to forge policy recommendations to the President.  Nonetheless, the first PC on Russia may be the most important, since it sets the stage for consideration of subsequent issues and challenges.

Remember, DoD is responsible for the country’s defense, but it’s also interested in broader policy issues that might affect its potential adversaries’ capabilities and constraints.

For this assignment, your role is the the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy. 

Review the module three materials and your notes on them, with particular emphasis on the Graham ‘Foreign Affairs’ article (Nov/Dec 2019), the Topol NYT article (25 June 2019), and the Vershbow/Fried paper (23 November 2020).

Write a Briefing Memorandum to prepare the Secretary of Defense for these discussions.  You will need to be succinct he’s a busy guy but make sure that critical elements are included.


Select three policy elements, e.g., sanctions on Russian oil companies, that the SecDef should push and at least one that he should oppose.

Outline the views of other PC members who will be policy adversaries or supporters.  

Finally, assess NATO Allies’ likely reaction to at least two of the policy issues you are asking the SecDef to pursue.

This memo should be in the format of the example briefing memorandum provided but without any talking points.  In this case, you should drop the State Department header and, instead, use ‘Office of the Secretary of Defense, Pentagon, Washington, D.C.  20301.’  The ‘To’ line on the memo should read:  ‘The Secretary of Defense.’  The ‘from’ line should read:  ‘USD/P –‘ followed by your first name, middle initial, and last name.

There is no need to include a clearance page.  For an internal briefing memorandum for the Secretary of Defense from his staff, all of the clearances would be from the Department of Defense, but both ‘OSD,’ the Office of the Secretary of Defense and ‘JCS’ the staff of the Chairman that’s known as the Joint Staff.  Clearances might also come from the relevant ‘Combatant Command,’ in this case EUCOM as well as a Unified Command such as STRATCOM.  As with clearances at State, the objective is to make sure the SecDef is well-prepared for the meeting and that relevant members of his staff have been given the opportunity to express themselves in preparing the Secretary.

Group Interaction


Project Overview

For this project, you will analyze artifacts—physical objects made by societies for use by the people who live in them—and describe how the artifacts relate to your workplace culture. Then, you will present your findings in a report.


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

Analyze the relationship between cultural artifacts and societal norms


In this project, you will be choosing objects used in a workplace and looking at them as cultural artifacts. These objects can be from your actual workplace, one you are familiar with, or a one where you might like to work in the future. You will analyze how well these artifacts reflect the culture of the workplace they come from and write a report on your findings.


  • Your task is to describe and analyze workplace artifacts to show the importance of aligning them to company culture. Artifacts are real, physical objects made by people that embody the ideas of the creators, users, and the culture in which they were made.

Choose two objects that fit the QUESTION of artifacts above. Examples of artifacts include training materials, a piece of equipment, a decoration, a business card, a newsletter, or something else.

Analyze the artifacts. Use the questions in the Artifact Analysis Guide to help you do this.

Write a report. In your report:

Identify the type of organization or workplace you used.

Briefly explain why artifact analysis is relevant to workplace culture.

Explain the importance of analyzing artifacts for understanding culture. 

Provide specific examples of ways your workplace could improve its culture based on the results of the analysis.

  1. Describe your chosen artifacts in detail. 

If possible, include a picture of them.

Be sure to identify who created them and who uses them.

  1. Explain the purpose of your chosen artifacts. 

State whether you think the creator(s) succeeded in achieving that purpose.

How do different people interact with the artifacts?

Discuss how the artifacts reflect the norms, beliefs, and values of the organizational culture. 

To do this, compare your artifacts with specific workplace culture statements. These might include a mission statement, motto, vision document, slogan, and so on. Do the artifacts reflect the workplace culture in which they are found?

Your report can be in the format you consider most appropriate. You could create a visual presentation (slides) or a written report. If you choose to create a presentation, you should provide comprehensive speaker notes. Remember to cite any sources you use.

Ethics and prof conduct week 10


Read the ethical vignette attached carefully. Once you have read and analyzed the vignette, state how you would solve the ethical dilemma and which ethics codes were used in your decision-making process. Write the complete answer in one, typewritten paragraph, double spaced, 12-point font. Remember to base your answers on the ethical guidelines and try to be concise, but complete when answering

Ethical Vignette:

Directions: Read the ethical vignette below carefully. Once you have read and analyzed the vignette, state how you would solve the ethical dilemma and which ethics codes were used in your decision-making process. 

Kelly Anne is a licensed marriage and family counselor. In her practice, many of her clients come from the church to which Kelly Anne belongs. (However, she does not accept referrals from church members whom she knows well or with whom she has worked closely in church activities.) Personally, she believes strongly in traditional family values and in the primary role of the mother in raising young children. India and Paul make an appointment to see Kelly Anne to help them cope with the stress of having two chronically ill children. India is a physician who is employed full-time by the local hospital. Paul is a full-time parent with no outside employment. They have a good marriage and are emotionally stable people, but the pain of watching their children endure uncomfortable medical procedures has seemed overwhelming lately. Paul acts as primary caregiver for all five of their children. In the course of family sessions, Kelly Anne keeps returning to the theme of Paul’s degree of satisfaction with his life, even though he has repeatedly indicated that he is content with his role and current occupation. In one session Kelly Anne suggests that Paul is probably clinically depressed, even though he does not recognize it. When questioned about her rationale for such a diagnosis, Kelly Anne asserts that he has cried over his children’s illnesses, has not been able to function in a satisfactory work role, and has not asserted his feelings of resentment towards India for working so much. Kelly Anne suggests that Paul should get a job and India should reduce her hours at the hospital. Her assessment at this point is that Paul as a father is not equipped to handle the emotional demands of a mother’s role, and should not be attempting to meet those demands. 

Adapting Lesson Plans Discussion & Article Critique



QUESTION 1: Students – and teachers – come to the classroom with a variety of  learning styles. Consider ways in which you could adapt a lesson plan to  reach students with varying learning styles. Consider your own learning style and how their plans would work for you. Visit this site for further background on this subject.



Articles are written to inform, misinform, influence, or misdirect,  among other reasons. Sometimes they serve as nothing more than a vehicle  for an author to achieve fame, notoriety, and wealth. You should never  take at face value the elements of any article you read, but you should  be able to:

Differentiate between fact and opinion

Recognize and evaluate author bias and rhetoric

Determine cause-and-effect relationships

Determine accuracy and completeness of information presented

Recognize logical fallacies and faulty reasoning

Compare and contrast information and points of view

Develop inferential skills

  • Make judgments and draw logical conclusions

When writing an article critique, you will need to summarize,  evaluate, and offer critical comment on the ideas and information that  the author(s) presents in the article.

  • Starting in Module Two,  you are assigned two articles to read, which are located in Module  Resources for that specific module. You have to select one of the two  articles and write a critique of it. In your paper, cite any and all  information taken from the article or any other references used. Your  goal should be to read and understand the article, analyze the findings  or arguments, and evaluate and comment on the article.

Reading the Article

  • Allow enough time to understand it.

Read the article without taking notes to gain an overall picture of its main idea.

  • Read the article again analytically highlighting important ideas and making brief notes of the main ideas and main topic.

Main Elements

  • Be sure to address the following within your article critique:

What is the issue that the article is specifically addressing? Is  this a significant problem or issue related to the concepts and theory  in this course? Why or why not?

  • What references did the author use in this article?

Did the article contain research? What data was used? What instruments, if any, were used to collect data?

  • What were some of the conclusions, if any, to the research in this article?

Was the article reliable and valid? Explain.

  • Was this article well written? Thoughtful and reflective?

What were the limitations in this article? Any variables?

Any other thoughts, comments?